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Program Information
State Of The City reports
Prince Harry speaks out on Diana Crash, Afghanistan and Hallucinogenic Drugs
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
Jan. 14, 2023, 12:02 a.m.
Prince Harry speaks out on Diana Crash, Afghanistan and Hallucinogenic Drugs Prince Harry spoke on American television for the first time about his upcoming memoir, “Spare,”
– Caller Sonia, a former teacher from London, ‘Desperate’ teachers set to strike as many are ‘leaving in droves’
– Mick Lynch, from RMT, explains the process of democracy that an MP didn’t seem to understand
– Betrayer of Bristol renters and council tenants, who hasn’t attended a SINGLE Housing Management Board Meeting, Tom Renhard, Bristol Cabinet Member for Housing
– Scott Ritter on it being a constitutional right in Russia to have a home. The Only Absolute Right To A Home In Europe
– A Bridgen Too Far; How The British Establishment Contains Dissent.
– Tony interviews a Bristol paramedic who explains collapsing pay and conditions mean staff are leaving
– Dr. Angus Dalgleish, Oncologist, on how he has noticed relapses of cancer in his patients post a mRNA Covid vaccine booster
– A curmugenly Martin Summers believes the deaths from Covid jabs, boosters etc., are just a diversion
– YouTube censor Devon organic farmer! Mark Purdey and his research on organophosphates causing to Mad Cows Disease (BSE) and CJD.
– Joe Banks joins Martin and Tony to discuss the Hotwells and Harbourside by-election fought between greens and libdems
– The Westminster Accounts – new searchable online database put together by Sky and Tortoise,
– Joe Banks, historian, joins Tony and Martin. Hotwells and Harbourside by election, and who’s in the running.
– Steam Engines, Mining, Poetry & Drugs, Enlightenment Bristol Powerhouse of the Industrial Revolution The Masons, the Enlightenment, and the French Revolution. Freemasonry and the French Revolution
– Vivienne Westwood R.I.P. being interviewed by Victoria Derbyshire about Julian Assange.
– 1970s and early 1980s Punk culture and music. ‘Let me out of the cage!’:
– Is Biden Being Blackmailed to Send US Combat Troops to Ukraine? Government documents found in Biden’s Corvette –
– Western tanks beinng sent to Ukraine. Scott Ritter …… German Vice Chancellor Says Poland Can Send Leopard Tanks to Ukraine
– Zack Shelton, FBI, who said check James Files out, as the paid assassin of JFK.
– Because Shamima Begum was recruited by NATO Intelligence agency the Canadian CSIS her return to the UK might prove embarrassing
– South Korea wants nuclear weapons Yoon Threatens That South Korea Could Acquire Its Own Nuclear Weapons
– WEF meet in Davos this weekend – their global risks report looking into the future. Piers Corbyn on WEF risk report.
– On Friday 13th David Livingstone, author, gives his view on history of The Knights Templar and their links to a historical thread of Satamism dating back to ancient Babylon in the sixth century BC
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports

Prince Harry spoke on American television for the first time about his upcoming memoir, “Spare,” in a 60 Minutes Interview with Anderson Cooper: Prince Harry on CBS ‘60 Minutes’ – Highlights from Prince Harry’s interview with 60 Minutes – Harry writes in “Spare” about how he responded in the days and years following the death of his mother, Princess Diana, in 1997. He told Cooper about how he didn’t believe Diana was dead. “For a long time, I just refused to accept that she was­ she was gone,” Harry said. “Part of, you know, she would never do this to us, but also part of, maybe this is all part of a plan.” “You really believed,” Cooper asked, “that maybe she had just decided to disappear for a time?” “For a time, and then that she would call us and that we would go and join her, yeah,” said Harry, who was 12 when his mother died. Harry says he’s used psychedelics to help cope with grief Harry says he sought out help from a therapist seven years ago and reveals he’s also tried more experimental treatments to try to cope with grief he still feels from his mother’s death. “You write in the book about psychedelics,” Cooper said. “Ayahuasca, psilocybin, mushrooms. They were actually important to you.” “I would never recommend people to do this recreationally,” Harry said. “But doing it with the right people, if you are suffering from a huge amount of loss, grief or trauma, then these things have a way of working as a medicine.” Harry says his family didn’t include him in travel plans before Queen Elizabeth died

Caller Sonia, a former teacher from London, on Mike Graham’s show on Talk TV – how hard teachers have to work – ‘Desperate’ teachers set to strike as many are ‘leaving in droves’ risking school closures – Teachers hit by 5% real terms fall in wages – on top of decade of Tory cuts Three major education unions – the NEU, NASUWT and the NAHT – are balloting their members over whether to take strike action over pay, with the results expected to be announced in the coming days Teachers are being balloted for strike action Most teachers will suffer pay cuts of 5% in real terms this year on top of more than a decade of squeezed wages, analysis shows. As thousands of teachers are balloted for strikes, the respected Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) laid bare the extent to which teachers’ pay has been slashed since 2010. Its analysis found salaries in England will increase by 5% in 2022/23 – but double-digit inflation means teachers are actually being hit by a 5% real terms pay cut. Experienced and senior teachers – which covers most staff – have seen their salaries plummet by 13% in real terms since 2010/11. Teachers in the middle of the salary scale have suffered 9-10% cuts to pay since 2010–11, with starting salaries falling by 5% in real-terms. In contrast, average earnings across the whole economy is likely to have grown in total by about 2% in real-terms between 2010–11 and 2022–23.

Mick Lynch, from RMT, explains the process of democracy that an MP didn’t seem to understand. Excessive profits by TOCs & ROSCOs (Train Operating Companies and Rolling Stock Companies) who still make profits even when they don’t run any trains. This Week’s Full Transport Select Committee hearing. Mick Lynch slams ministers for ‘Stalinist obsession with control’ as strike row escalates. Giving evidence to the Transport Select Committee, the union boss accused the Department for Transport of “provocations in language”. RMT’s Mick Lynch discusses a possible resolution to rail strikes. Mick Lynch has hit out at ministers for having an “almost Stalinist obsession with central control”, as strike action continues to plague numerous critical sectors in the UK. Giving evidence to the Transport Select Committee, the union boss accused the Department for Transport of “provocations in language”. He added: “You can also see in the way they run the railway, when there is a Network Rail strike they shut Scotland and they shut large parts of Wales, and they choose to run the parts that connect to England – it’s quite cynical, in my view.” The General Secretary of the Rail, Maritime and Transport Union (RMT) also warned that talks to stop the strikes have been a “challenge”, claiming that ministers “didn’t lift the telephone or lift a finger” to stop December strikes. Speaking at the Transport Select Committee this morning, the union boss told MPs: “There’s loads of money in the railway – it’s been made by private sector operators”. He accused ministers of deciding to “provoke and attack the workforce”, adding: “That is a deliberate policy of the Government of this country, to lower the wages of working people right across the spectrum.” Asked by Tory MP Greg Smith if he accepted strikes were driving people away from the railways he replied: “No, you are. Your government.”

Betrayer of Bristol renters and council tenants, who hasn’t attended a SINGLE Housing Management Board Meeting, Tom Renhard, Bristol Cabinet Member for Housing, on voting for a rent cap in Bristol, that can’t be initiated. Renters ‘banished’ from council rent control debate Renters and landlords were told they should not speak in a Bristol City Council debate on rent controls. Council lawyers said they would have a financial interest in a key vote on whether Bristol should introduce controls on how much landlords can charge for rents. Around 16 councillors were “banished” from the chamber in City Hall on January 10. The move was criticised as “concerning and bizarre”. Despite the exodus, a majority of councillors backed calls for new rent controls in Bristol, although the council does not currently have the legal power to introduce them. Several other new measures were also agreed, which the council does have the power to bring in. An annual “living rent index” will be published, showing what affordable rents would look like in Bristol. A publicly accessible list will also show all enforcement notices issued to landlords in the city ­ but only if a long-delayed new law does not do that first on a national level. At the start of the council meeting, councillors were asked to raise their hands if they were a renter or landlord, before being told by the lord mayor Paula O’Rourke they should leave the chamber during the debate on rent controls. She later said they had been “banished”. She said: “I understand that there are a number of declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests in respect of the golden motion, because members are either a landlord or a tenant in the private rental sector. “Please note those council members will be leaving the council chamber for the duration of that item.” Her announcement was met with protests from Labour councillor Kye Dudd, cabinet member for climate change, who insisted he would stay and vote despite having an interest. He said: “I’m not leaving. I’ve got an interest and I intend to vote. Why do I have to leave? I’ve been elected to vote by the people of my ward, so I’m intending to vote. I’m planning to stay and vote.” However, councillor Dudd did later leave the chamber and did not vote in the debate. Others said the move to exclude renters and landlords from the debate was “frustrating” and called for a change in the rules. Liberal Democrat councillor Tim Kent said: “Like a lot of councillors I’m concerned that so many of our colleagues have been excluded from today. “Clearly when you bring forth major items of importance, you shouldn’t be excluding people’s representatives, especially those with actual life experience of what they’re talking about. It seems bizarre to me.” 

Scott Ritter on it being a constitutional right in Russia to have a home. The Only Absolute Right To A Home In Europe: The Russian Constitution Chapter 2, Article 40 Article 40 of the Russian Constitution states that everyone has the right to housing and nobody may be deprived of such housing arbitrarily Russian Constitution (2014) Article 40 1. Everyone shall have the right to a home. No one may be arbitrarily deprived of his or her home. 2. The bodies of state authority and local self-government shall encourage housing construction and create conditions for exercising the right to a home. 3. Low-income people and other persons mentioned in law and in need of a home shall receive it gratis or for reasonable payment from the state, municipal and other housing stocks according to the norms fixed by law. The Battle For Soledar (Jan23) With Scott Ritter – Former UN Weapons Inspector and Marine Corps Intelligence Officer Scott Ritter concludes his analysis with comment on California shanty towns and Article 40 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

A Bridgen Too Far; How The British Establishment Contains Dissent. Tony interviews a Bristol paramedic who explains collapsing pay and conditions mean staff are leaving and so when they come on shift there are hundreds of emergency jobs still waiting to for an ambulance. on the Ambulance strike picket line. Andrew Bridgen, suspended Tory MP, with his side of the story on how mRNA Covid vaccine injury is being ignored. ‘Wilful blindness’. Andrew Bridgen: What has suspended MP said about vaccines? The Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen has been suspended by his party after comparing the side effects of Covid vaccines to the Holocaust. In a tweet – which he has since deleted – he claimed that an unnamed cardiologist told him it was “the biggest crime since the Holocaust”. The North West Leicestershire MP began the pandemic raising concerns about lockdowns and later opposing the idea of mandatory vaccination, but he praised the UK’s vaccine roll-out and tweeted encouraging others to get the jab after his first dose. In September last year, I wrote an article speculating on the ways in which the establishment, both in Britain and elsewhere, was going to handle public discourse around excess deaths and alleged links to the vaccine roll-out. To be clear, my interest here is not to speculate on the cause of the excess deaths, but to focus on how Power deals with the situation and widespread public distrust. As a subject of discussion, vaccines and their supposed efficacy divide opinion in all circles interested in the zeitgeist and its trends and general direction. The partisan nature of the discourse has meant that few people view the situation through a value-free analysis of Power and how Power deals with problems. Such problems can be rooted in facts, or they may well be simple fictions of the public imagination, a baseless ‘‘conspiracy’’ but in each case, Power has to offer some degree of response or strategize to absorb the blows. In my September article, I posited 6 courses of action that the system of power could utilize in the face of growing distrust and outright hostility to everything that Power was telling them, or not telling them, in relation to excess deaths and vaccine safety. The scenario which prevailed was number 6 which amounted to doubling down and doing nothing: The most likely scenario in the short term is that nothing at all happens. The narrative grip is tightened and the reasons for the excess deaths are not fully investigated or honestly addressed. While this certainly seems to be the logical short-term play from the establishment, it does carry a number of ‘‘side effects’’ over the long-term. Public distrust and a feeling of having been lied to is already spreading like wildfire among the populace. This is then compounded by the fact the public is expected to go along with a multitude of other dubious schemes and capers such as the climate change agenda, inflation, potential food shortages and soaring energy bills. The situation as it stands now has public bodies hemorrhaging all of the social capital gained through their propaganda campaigns and applied psychology techniques. Ironically, public distrust is spreading like a virus and the system is still trying to find ways to ‘‘stop the spread’’. Perhaps lacking in my original analysis was that the ‘‘Spread’’ of discontent was also manifesting in pressure being placed on individual politicians by the restless public. This, combined with the online and offline ecosystems of scepticism around vaccines and excess deaths, meant that the stage was being set for a politician to bring the issue into the center of power itself. 

Dr. Angus Dalgleish, Oncologist, on how he has noticed relapses of cancer in his patients post a mRNA Covid vaccine booster – Trial for mRNA cancer vaccine starts — Ukraine bio labs — Dr Vladimir Zelenko RIP discussing with Dr. Mercola on how mRNA vaccines effect fertility. Profiteering pharmaceuticals. COVID Boosters Trigger Metastasis. Top Cancer Expert: Aggressive Cancers Appearing After Vaccine Boosters “Not a Coincidence” I’m Angus Dalgleish. I’m a Professor of Oncology at St. George’s, a Consultant Medical Oncologist, and I have started to notice that several of my patients have melanoma who’ve been stable with stage 4 disease, they’ve had very good immunotherapy or other treatment and I’ve been reviewing them from five to 20 years. I’ve noticed that I have now over six, possibly seven, even an eighth yesterday, who’ve clearly relapsed following the booster vaccine. At first we didn’t put the two together, but when a patient said, “I felt awful since the vaccine, I’ve just been drained”, they’ve described symptoms like a Long Covid, and the next thing we know, two, three weeks, couple of months later they’ve got clear evidence of relapse. And these relapses are quite aggressive. They’re not a gentle relapse. They’re relapses that are requiring systemic therapy as opposed to a little nodule that requires surgical incision. But it’s not just this. I’m now very much aware in my own circle of many people, they haven’t got a melanoma – they’ve never had anything before – but they’ve got lumps and bumps and they’re not felling well. And two people I’ve interviewed at great length, they all put it down to feeling awful after their booster. They were fine with the first two vaccines, they just had shivers, flu etc. But they’ve described being very tired, very fatigued, wanting to stay in bed, and this has dragged on to the point were they’ve gone to the doctor and they’ve had blood counts and investigations and I now know seven of them, two of them have leukemias, and others have lymphomas, and one of them has a very bad melanoma, which he is absolutely sure was instigated by the booster as he developed dreadful symptoms. So really I want to bring to everybody’s attention that I think that this does not look like a coincidence to me and we need to join forces and see if this is a real effect and if it is we must stop all the boosters immediately. Thank you.

Martin Summers believes the Covid jabs, boosters etc., have had little or no effect and that the real problem is that Covid was a Bioweapon. That’s true of course but the two positions are by no means mutually exclusive as Martin suggests: Martin cites this bizarre hatchet job ‘discussion’ between two resident authors on the UNZ review website as representing his position. Rod Unz is saying that claims by anti-vaxxers have been exaggerated, but in classic propaganda style, only cites the most extreme claims. Ergo. Vaccine Smackdown: Editor Ron Unz vs Anti-Vaxx Crackpot Mike Whitney and Ron Unz Ron Unz: Sure, I started my article by deliberately emphasizing that many of the fundamental concerns of the anti-vaxxers seemed perfectly reasonable to me, namely that a radical new medical technology rushed into widespread release without extensive testing might be a very dangerous thing. That’s why I wouldn’t really say that I necessarily “disparage” all the anti-vaxxers in my article. However, I do think that the evidence that has come out over the last couple of years indicates that they were probably wrong and that their fears proved to be greatly exaggerated. Meanwhile, some of the more extreme anti-vaxxers are still claiming that millions or even many hundreds of millions of people will soon be dead from vaxxing. There doesn’t seem to be any evidence for such wild claims and I think that the apparent refusal of more moderate anti-vaxxers to publicly criticize such doubtful “allies” seriously damages their own credibility.

Mark Purdey and his research on organophosphates causing to Mad Cows Disease (BSE) and CJD. Mark Purdey and Organophosphate Film/Video, i-Contact, April 2000) Organic livestock farmer Mark Purdey was ordered in the 1980’s, along with all cattle and dairy farmers in the UK, to treat his cows with an organophosphate pesticide ‘Phosmet’ manufactured by I.C.I.. Organophosphates are derived from military nerve gas and a systemic treatment (the chemical enters the entire internal system of the cow) would undermine his organic principles so Mark refused to treat. “If Phosmet is proven to have caused BSE, the worldwide use of organophosphates (OPs) could be put into jeopardy, costing the chemical industry billions. The government know more than they’re letting on. They’ve stuck to the scrapie theory to placate people and give the impression they’ve got it under control.” Mark Purdey, Organic Dairy Farmer, Exmoor. “If the government are found liable for BSE – by enforcing organophosphate treatment – the payout could break the economy.” om King (Purdey’s MP) Whoever the monkeys have been at the top of the tree, the Party line has stayed the same. Mad Cow Disease came about by feeding scrapie infected meat and bone meal to cows. But one West Country farmer has a different theory. One that the authorities and the pesticide producers have gone to great to lengths to silence. Between the late 70’s and 1982 British farmers were forced by law to treat their cows for warble fly with a pour on organophosphate called phosmet – organophosphates are derived from nerve gas formulated by nazi chemists during World War II. Big business soon realised its profit potential and, post war, it was exclusively marketed as an agricultural pesticide by ICI, and later their cunningly renamed subdivision Zeneca. Seeing how his own organically reared cows never developed BSE, but phosmet-treated cattle brought onto the farm did, Somerset dairy farmer Mark Purdey refused to treat his herd. In 1984 MAFF took him to the High Court, but lost. “Before 1982 farmers could treat warbles with an organic ground-up root compound called Derris. This was outlawed, so they could sell more organophosphates,” said Purdey. Organophosphates, used to treat headlice in school children, have been implicated as a potential cause of Gulf War Syndrome. Purdey managed to alleviate symptoms in a BSE infected cow by injecting oxime, an antidote to pesticide poisoning. The cure was never completed as MAFF turned up and destroyed the cow. Unconvinced by the accepted cause of BSE and CJD, Purdey set about studying how disease clusters reflected OP usage. He found Britain, the only country enforcing phosmet use, to have the highest rate of disease. Ireland had some BSE, but OP use was voluntary, and given at a lower dose. Brittany (France) began to develop BSE following an enforced phosmet trial, and human new variant CJD was clustered in Kent’s Wield Valley, where hop and top fruit growth gets saturated with organophosphates….

Joe Banks joins Martin and Tony to discuss the Hotwells and Harbourside by-election fought between greens and libdems in Bristol on 2nd Feb 2023. Caused by surprise resignation of LibDem councillor Alex Hartley who tabled the successful anti-mayor motion and has worryingly been forced to resign due to stress and mental health! – Hotwells & Harbourside Ward Councillor By-election Hustings A chance to meet the candidates and ask them questions to help you decide how to vote By Hotwells & Cliftonwood Community Association When and where Date and time Tue, 17 January 2023, 19:30 – 21:30 GMT Location Hotwells Primary School Hope Chapel Hill Hotwells BS8 4ND You are warmly invited to attend hustings for the Hotwells and Harbourside By-election. There will be a by-election for Hotwells and Harbourside Ward on 2 February 2023. At H&CCA we believe it is important to give people a chance to meet with candidates and ask them questions, so we are organising these Hustings on Tuesday 17 January 7.30-9.30pm at Hotwells Primary School, Hope Chapel Hill. You can submit questions in advance via email to Please write “HUSTINGS QUESTION” in the subject line of the email We will then sort questions into topic areas and ask as many as possible at the Hustings. This event will be recorded and we will share it publicly before 2 February. H&CCA Management Committee

The Westminster Accounts – new searchable online database put together by Sky and Tortoise, on moneys paid to MPs and Political Parties Westminster Accounts: 14 MPs given over £250,000 each in campaign donations since the last election -0 Search for your MP using the Westminster Accounts tool MP donations leaderboard – Sky News and Tortoise have collated data on all the donations declared by MPs this parliament, and where they come from. Fourteen MPs have been given more than £250,000 each towards their campaigns and causes, analysis for the Westminster Accounts has revealed. The senior politicians – from Labour, the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats – were all given between £258,000 and £752,800 from various companies and individuals during this parliament, which started in December 2019. In a tumultuous few years for British political parties, most of the top 20 MPs to receive donations ran for their party’s leadership campaigns, including Sir Keir Starmer, Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss – the three highest recipients. All the information on donations is available through parliament’s register of interests, but Sky News and Tortoise Media have collated all the figures for the first time in one database, with total sums and details of which MPs are receiving how much money and from whom. Sir Keir Starmer is top of the leaderboard for campaign donations, with £752,809 given to him by 67 companies and individuals. His biggest equal donor is north London barrister Robert Latham, who gave his leadership campaign £100,000 to pull Labour “back from the brink” after the Corbyn years. Media entrepreneur and Blairite Lord Waheed Alli also gave him £100,000 for his campaign. In November, it was revealed Lord Alli will head up Labour’s fundraising efforts for the next election. Rishi Sunak comes in behind Sir Keir with £546,043 in donations for his leadership campaign this summer, when he lost to Liz Truss before becoming prime minister when she stepped down.

Joe Banks, historian, joins Tony and Martin. Hotwells and Harbourside by election, and who’s in the running. The Bristolian – Humphrey Davy invented the Davy Lamp for miners in 1815 – a history of his connections with Dowry Square, Hotwells, Bristol. intellectuals and scientists, including Joseph Priestly and poet Coleridge. The history of Hotwells spring water. Joseph Priestly condemned for his support of the French Revolution. The small square with a large number of famous former residents The grand squares and crescents of Clifton may get most of the attention these days, but it was Hotwells that first attracted the great and good of Georgian society due to the quality of its spa waters, which once rivalled Bath as a destination. Dowry Square – laid out from 1721 as one of the first significant development associated with the spa – is one of the few remaining example of Hotwells’ heyday. Much of this corner of Bristol was demolished to make way for the new Cumberland Basin road network but the square, which played a crucially important role in the history of public health in the city, remains. Above what is now number 13 can still be seen written on the roof level, ‘Clifton Dispensary’. Dispensaries were created mostly in the nineteenth century as an alternative to hospitals or doctors, whose remedies often made things worse. They provided medical care mostly for the poor, with Thomas Beddoes’ Dispensary (later incorporated into the Clifton Dispensary) founded on Dowry Square in 1799. His one-time assistant was Peter Roget, author of the famous thesaurus. The fact that Dowry Square today looks much like it did 300 years ago is largely due to the efforts of former resident and architect Peter Ware (1929-1999), with a plaque recognising his works which also included projects at Bristol Zoo and nearby Hope Chapel. Among the other plaques dotted around the square is one to Sir Humphry Davy (1778-1829), who carried out research into the use of nitrous oxide gas as an anaesthetic and invented the eponymous Davy Lamp, saving many miners’ lives. 

The Masons, the Enlightenment, and the French Revolution. Freemasonry and the French Revolution During the eighteenth century, whenever there was a revolution, Freemasons were not far away. The American Revolution had many masons leading the cause and with the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789, Freemasons were again leading various factions, with Louis Philippe II, Duke of Orleans, Grand Master of the Grand Orient, being prominent. But Freemasons were divided, their differing views and loyalties challenging not only the course of the Revolution, but the perception of Freemasonry in France and around the globe. Masonic symbolism featured prominently in revolutionary propaganda; in official pamphlets symbols like the All-Seeing Eye and the Plumb-Rule were used to portray the supposed enlightenment and justice brought about by the French Revolution. The Enlightenment itself, brought to prominence by writers like the Freemason Voltaire, influenced the origins of the Revolution with works with masonic links, such as Thomas Paine’s The Rights of Man, being written in its support. The Revolution however, descended into violence and political turmoil, the enlightened road of liberty being a long and blood stained one, with an estimated 15,000-40,000 people being guillotined – the guillotine being named after Dr Joseph-Ignace Guillotine, physician, Assembly Member and Freemason. Louis Philippe, Duke of Orleans the Grand Master of the Grand Orient de France Louis Philippe, Duke of Orleans, visited England frequently. He was friends with the Prince of Wales, who had also served as grand master of the English ‘Moderns’ Grand Lodge. Louis Philippe held liberal views and was despised by Marie Antoinette, the royal court being suspicious he was after the throne. French politics was in desperate need of reform, the Estates-General, the representative assembly, consisted of the First Estate (the clergy), the Second Estate (the nobility) and the larger Third Estate (the common people, landowners, merchants and professionals). Agitation within the Third Estate mounted in 1789 when a group of liberals demanded change. At this time Louis Philippe led the liberal minority in the Second Estate. He subsequently led a small group of noblemen to join the Third Estate, which declared itself the National Assembly in June 1789. Louis Philippe became known as Philippe Egalite and medallions were minted with his image showing the title Pere du Peuple (father of the people). He became an obvious choice to replace the King, but his position was weak. The King’s attempt to escape in June 1791 changed the position for constitutional monarchists and Louis Philippe voted to execute Louis XVI, perhaps in an effort to distance himself from the King and to save his own life. But Louis Philippe became implicated in a plot involving his son who planned to overthrow the revolutionary government and was guillotined November 1793. The Marquis de Lafayette The Marquis de Lafayette was a nobleman who also left the Second Estate to join the Third, securing his place as a leader of the Revolution. Despite the fact that they were both Freemasons, Lafayette and Louis Philippe were far from close. Lafayette, previously involved in the American Revolution, subsequently embraced the French Revolution, supporting liberal reforms whilst remaining aware of the need of constitutional monarchy. He was elected vice-president of the National Assembly and head of the Paris Militia (later the National Guard) after pacifying the mob who had stormed the Bastille on 14 July 1789. Lafayette supported religious tolerance, freedom of the press and the gradual emancipation of slaves – his passion for the reforms being shown in his promotion of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen which was adopted by the National Constituent Assembly in August 1789. Lafayette’s devotion to reform and the Revolution did not stop him from gaining critics, one being Freemason Jean-Paul Marat. As a nobleman and a monarchist, Lafayette was open to criticism and his actions in ordering the National Guard to open fire on a mob in Paris in July 1791 escalated feelings against him. He was declared a traitor by the Assembly in August 1792 after rumours of his planning to march on Paris to overthrow the revolutionary government. Lafayette, who had been in command of armed forces preparing to attack Austria, took refuge in Liège where he was subsequently imprisoned for five years despite the call of the United States for his release. He was freed in 1797 but Napoleon blocked his return to France until 1799. Despite his hardships, Lafayette always remained a liberal and a supporter of the rights of man.

Vivienne Westwood R.I.P. being interviewed by Victoria Derbyshire about Julian Assange. 1970s and early 1980s Punk culture and music. ‘Let me out of the cage!’: Moment Vivienne Westwood had a run in with Victoria Derbyshire during a heated interview about the extradition of Julian Assange Dame Vivienne Westwood died this week at her South London home aged 81 Known as the ‘undisputed Queen of British fashion’ she was also an activist A passionate supporter of Julian Assange, she protested against his extradition During interview on the topic she had run in with the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire Dame Vivienne Westwood, the godmother of punk who changed the fashion world forever, died this week at the age of 81. While many tributes have poured in for the influential designer thanks to her status as the ‘undisputed Queen of British fashion’, Dame Vivienne was also a committed activist. And the designer, who died peacefully surrounded by her family in Clapham, South London, was known for advocating for a range of issues including the environment. Another cause Dame Vivienne was deeply passionate about was WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, with one of her most memorable interviews taking place in July 2020, a day after she protested his extradition to the US – with the veteran designer clashing with BBC reporter Victoria Derbyshire. To protest against the extradition, the designer dressed as a canary and suspended herself in a giant birdcage outside The Old Bailey in central London. She explained that she had chosen that set-up as Julian Assange was ‘really the canary in the cage’. Speaking to Ms Derbyshire during the explosive interview, Dame Vivienne said: ‘He has got to be let out of his cage and he cannot be extradited to America for his own sake because he will be embedded in a concrete jail for the rest of his life.’ However as the cameras drew away from Westwood at the end of the interview, and cut back to Ms Derbyshire, the designer again shouted ‘get me out of the cage’ as the deadpan BBC presenter continued: ‘Get me out of the cage I think were her last words.’

Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Round-Up With End Times Prophecy Reports

Is Biden Being Blackmailed to Send US Combat Troops to Ukraine? Government documents found in Biden’s Corvette – should he face the Espionage Act as Julian Assange is? ‘Stop the War’ won’t include Iranian or Russian views. Billionaire elites are using their power over the media, the political class and public opinion to coerce Joe Biden into sending US troops to Ukraine to prevent a Russian victory. Idiot conservatives think the media is actually doing their job for once by accurately reporting Biden’s alleged transgressions. But, the fact is, the media is simply showing that it can switch sides at any time in order to pursue the elitist agenda. No one should be surprised that Joe Biden’s ‘classified documents problem’ has emerged at the same time a key city in Ukraine (Soledar) has been liberated by Russian troops. All of the recent reports from the frontlines indicate that the Russian army is steadily seizing more territory in the eastern part of the country while inflicting heavy casualties on the over-matched Ukrainian forces. In short, the Ukrainian army is being beaten badly forcing US war planners to rethink their approach. What the US needs to do to prevail in its proxy-war with Russia, is to enlist a coalition of nations (US, Poland, Romania, and UK) that are willing to commit combat troops to the conflict with the tacit understanding that NATO will not directly participate in any ground war with Russia. Biden previously rejected the idea of sending troops to Ukraine acknowledging that it would be tantamount to launching a Third World War. But as the ‘classified documents’ scandal gains momentum, the malleable president will likely fall-in-line and do whatever the hawkish foreign policy establishment demands of him. In short, the documents flap is being used by behind-the-scenes powerbrokers who are blackmailing the president to pursue their own narrow interests. They have Brandon over-a-barrel.

Western tanks beinng sent to Ukraine. Scott Ritter …… German Vice Chancellor Says Poland Can Send Leopard Tanks to Ukraine British PM Sunak’s office confirmed London is preparing to send its Challenger 2 tank to Ukraine by Dave DeCamp – Germany’s vice chancellor said Thursday that Berlin won’t stand in the way of Poland sending German-made Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, a move that would significantly escalate Western military aid for Kyiv and risk provoking Moscow. “There is a difference between making a decision for oneself and preventing the decision of others,” Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck said. “And accordingly, Germany should not stand in the way when other countries make decisions to support Ukraine, regardless of what decision Germany makes.” Habeck’s comments come after Polish President Andrzej Duda said his government decided to send about 14 Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine, a move that needs Berlin’s approval. It’s still not clear if Warsaw has formally made the request of Germany. Poland could be waiting for other countries to send tanks as Duda said he wants to transfer them as part of an “international coalition.” The UK is also preparing to provide Ukraine with its main battle tank, the Challenger 2. Financial Times reported Thursday that British officials said Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has ordered his Defense Secretary Ben Wallace to “work with partners” in the coming weeks to go “further and faster with our support for Ukraine, including the provision of tanks.” Whether it’s the Challenger 2 to the Leopard 2, whichever makes it to Ukraine first would be the first Western-made tank provided to Kyiv. Ukrainian officials are looking for a lot and say they need at least 300 if they want a chance of pushing Russia out of the territory it has captured.

Zack Shelton, FBI, who said check James Files out, as the paid assassin of JFK. Bob Dylan song on JFK Retired FBI agent Zack Shelton spoke at today’s (Friday’s) Lifetime Learning Luncheon at Blinn College. Shelton reviewed the details of the numerous interviews he has done investigating the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He has interviewed the two FBI agents who were present at the President’s autopsy, as well as “James Files,” a man who claims to have fired a shot on the grassy knoll and worked for both the Mafia and the CIA. Shelton has been investigating the JFK assassination since his retirement from the FBI in 1998. A large group listened as he spoke for close to an hour and a half and took questions from the crowd after his talk. Shelton said there were several possible leads in the questions he took from the audience. The luncheon was sponsored by Washington County Lifetime Learning. The next event will be a two part lecture on how the universe began and the origin of life. Philosopher and artist Fernando Casas will lead the lecture on February 28th and March 6th.

Because Shamima Begum was recruited by NATO Intelligence agency the Canadian CSIS her return to the UK might prove embarrassing in that she can explain how OUR people groomed her and her three friends online while still at school and – according to the Turkish police – hundreds of others, many of them children too. Marin and Tony ‘broke’ this story back in 2015 by doing a bit of dot-joining the mainstream press are slowly catching up. Shamima Begum recruited by a Canadian Intelligence Officer to join ISIS in Syria – see Facebook database. ‘I’m Not a Monster’ BBC documentary on Shamima Begum. Shamima Begum, I’m Not a Monster – I’m Not a Monster The Shamima Begum Story Three London schoolgirls disappear, heading for war zone. Four years later only one emerges from the ashes of ISIS. Nobody knows what really happened to her. Josh Baker meets Shamima Begum in Syria to begin unpicking her story. Almost eight years earlier, he was filming in Shamima’s local mosque when news broke that she and her friends had gone missing, it made global headlines. He was there when their families came asking for help, but it was all too late; they’d already made it into the hands of the Islamic State group. But how did it all begin?

South Korea wants nuclear weapons Yoon Threatens That South Korea Could Acquire Its Own Nuclear Weapons The comments marked the first time a South Korean leader mentioned the idea of Seoul obtaining its own nukes in decades by Dave DeCamp Posted on January 12, 2023Categories NewsTags South Korea South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol on Wednesday threatened that South Korea could obtain its own nuclear weapons if threats from the North grow, marking the first such comments from a South Korean leader in decades. “It’s possible that the problem gets worse and our country will introduce tactical nuclear weapons or build them on our own,” Yoon said at a policy briefing with his foreign and defense ministers. “If that’s the case, we can have our own nuclear weapons pretty quickly, given our scientific and technological capabilities.” Yoon’s warning comes as tensions are soaring on the Korean Peninsula, and the prospect of the South obtaining nukes will inflame tensions even more. According to The New York Times, Yoon’s comments were the first time a South Korean leader officially mentioned arming the country with nuclear weapons since the US withdrew its nukes from the Korean Peninsula in 1991. Yoon added that he could ask the US to redeploy those weapons and said increasing military cooperation with Washington was another way he could deal with the growing threats from Pyongyang. He also said that acquiring nuclear weapons was not yet an official government policy, but his office did not walk back his comments when asked to clarify them the following day. “The most important part of his comments yesterday was that, as a realistic measure at the moment, it’s important to effectively strengthen extended deterrence within the security alliance between South Korea and the United States,” Yoon’s office said Thursday.

WEF meet in Davos this weekend – their global risks report looking into the future. Piers Corbyn on WEF risk report. Race for the Arctic resources as it melts. WEF Global Risks Report Flags Crypto Asset Bubble as ‘Polycrisis’ Looms The World Economic Forum’s annual Global Risks Report flagged the bursting of “asset bubbles” including cryptocurrency as one of the top risks likely to affect countries as a “polycrisis” looms. The report included the results of the 2022 Executive Opinion Survey (EOS), in which the WEF asked a group of 12,000 respondents to rank a list of 35 different risks that they see as posing “the biggest threat” to their respective countries in the next two years. “Asset bubble burst,” which includes cryptocurrency, stocks, energy, and housing, was identified in the top five risks in 12 out of the 121 countries surveyed­most notably in China, South Korea, Canada, and the United Kingdom. Asset bubbles and the “polycrisis” Released ahead of the WEF’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, the report argues that connections between emerging risks could evolve into a “polycrisis” centered around natural resource shortages by the end of the decade. It highlights emerging risks across five categories­economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal and technological­including geoeconomic confrontation and cybercrime. Other risks flagged by the report include “stubborn inflationary pressures over the next two years,” liquidity shocks, and stagflation that could coincide with “historically high levels of public debt.” The metaverse and privacy The report goes on to suggest that the emergence of the metaverse and its related technology could exacerbate a future in which our privacy is further commercialized. In the report’s “Tomorrow’s Catastrophes” chapter, the authors warn that the metaverse poses a significant threat to user privacy. As data collection and technology become more advanced, argued the report, individuals are at risk of being targeted and monitored by both the public and private sectors on an unprecedented scale. “This pattern will only be enhanced by the metaverse, which could collect and track even more sensitive data, including facial expressions, gait, vital signs, brainwave patterns and vocal inflections,” the report read 

On Friday 13th David Livingstone, author, gives his view on history of The Knights Templar and their links to a historical thread of Satamism dating back to ancient Babylon in the sixth century BC. The Knights Templar – and their secret god, Baphomet – In 1307, Clement, under strong pressure from Philip, ordered the arrest of the Templars in every country. The order went out to England, Iberia, Germany, Italy and Cyprus. Jacques de Molay, and Hughes de Pairaud, a Templar who was the collector of all of the royal revenues of France owed to the Order, were both arrested to answer charges of heresy, as were many other Templars in France.[5] At the first and one of the larger trials was held in Paris, a total of 138 Templars gave a full testimony and almost all admitted guilt to one or more charges.[6] A considerable number of defendants confessed to one or more of the charge at another important trial that was held at Poitiers in 1308, where at least 54 Templars testified before the pope and his commission of cardinals. As detailed by Michael Barber in The Trial of the Templars, though some Templars were in fact tortured, some were not, but “all stressed that their confessions had been freely made and were not a consequence of this ill treatment.”[7] In 1308, Amalric received letters from the Pope directing him to arrest all the Templars in Cyprus. Clement declined to move to Rome, remaining in France, and in 1309, he would move his court to the papal enclave at Avignon, where it remained for the next 67 years, ushering in the period known as the Avignon Papacy. Upon Amalric’s murder in 1310, Oshin released Henry II, who returned to Cyprus and resumed his throne with the aid of the Hospitallers in 1310, imprisoning many of Amalric’s co-conspirators. In 1312, after the Council of Vienne, and under pressure from Philip, Clement issued an edict officially dissolving the Order. In 1313, Henry II oversaw the dissolution of the Templars in Cyprus and the transfer of their property to the Hospitallers, who would eventually become known as the Knights of Malta. In 1314, although Philip’s Inquisitors eventually succeeded in making de Molay confess to the charges, de Molay and de Charney recanted his confessions. He was immediately found guilty of relapsing into heresy and was burned at the stake. The Templars’ French estates were granted to the Hospitallers, but Philip held them until his death and expropriated the Templar’s bank outright.[8]

#1 Complete 3hr 45m show NTBCFMPS Fri13Jan23 03:45:00
#2 Prince Harry 'Spare' CBS 60 Minutes January 2023 interview ITV 00:22:00
#3 Prof Angus Dalgliesh Oncology St Georges Hospital Richard Tice 10:15:00
#4 Mick Lynch RMT Rail Strike runs rings around Tory MPs at select committee 00:10:00
#5 Sonia in London retired teacher onTalk TV 00:08:00
#6 Piers Corbyn Davos23 15 Minute Cities ULEZ 00:30:00
#7 BBC R4 Shamima Begum Im Not A Monster 00:03:00
#8 Scott RItter The Battle For Soledar and US Homeless Shanty Towns with Garland Nixon 01:00:00
#9 David Livingstone on Knights Templar Satanism Transhumanism today 01:00:00

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