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State Of The City reports
'Turkey Earthquake Geoengineered By US' says Romanian Senator Diana Ivanovici Sosoaca citing evidence
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
Feb. 17, 2023, 10:04 p.m.
– Cancelled Bristol University Sociology professor David Miller joins Tony and Martin who will speak next Saturday in London at the No2Nato meeting
– Cancelled Labour MP Chris Williamson on the strikes and…. Jeremy Corbyn will not be allowed to stand as a Labour MP but he does not react to the decision by announcing his intentions at next year’s General Election
– UCU strikes and failed Neoliberal model of Universities. Do lecturers have any ‘industrial muscle’? James Cussans UCU
– Big REACH PLC pay settlement for journalists … to Mesmerise the public?
– Pre-Pay meters criminal scandal and Chris O’Shea’s 3.3bn Centrica profits – Sonia Mortimer.
– NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is in Turkey but is it about NATO expansion or the earthquake? COULD BOTH BE RELATED (see below)?
– War-hungry West’s ‘Security Conference’ kicks off in Munich, 1920s Nazi party HQ
– Admiral John Kirby cannot admit that NATO has expanded Eastwards threatening Russia.
– Charlie Skelton on how all the main conspirators behind the 26 Sep 2022 Nord Stream sabotage BALTOPS exercise to plant the mines began the day Bilderberg 2022 ended in Washington.
– Nord Stream was an attack on Germany, a supposed ally,all stories about weather balloons and airships are just a distraction from this US government act of war against Germany and Russia.
– Russian Airborne officer Andre Konsevich on Scott Ritter Show says Russia is dealing with military corporations and the Western banking system, not individual governmnets.
– David Miller: European arms and other industries are being ‘killed off’ by US empire policies.
– 350-500k Russian soldiers ready to go on FM Lavrov’s warning for anniversary of Russian invasion of Ukraine.
– Retired US Colonel Douglas McGregor says Ukraine is about to be annihilated
– Spy balloons and other aerial spy equipment JUST A LONDON MEDIA DIVERSION PSYOP. Colonel Douglas McGregor on anti Russia propaganda.
– Nord Stream sabotage mastermind Jake Sullivan would rather be the permanent government. Now a week to the first anniversary of beginning of Ukraine war.
– Turkey Earthquake Geoengineered By US says Romanian Senator Diana Ivanovici Sosoaca citing evidence
– Voltaire Network – could Turkish/Syrian earthquake be US underground nuke?
– 01Feb23 (5 days before ‘earthquake’) Turkey’s Erdogan to Sweden: ‘Don’t even bother’ with NATO bid if Quran-burning is allowed
– 03Feb23 [3 days before ‘earthquake’] US/NATO Threatened Turkey Three Days Before Earthquake – ‘Take your dirty hands off of Turkey’,
– 03Feb23 [3 days before ‘earthquake’] Turkey is still holding up Sweden, Finland’s NATO membership
– US stockpile of chemical weapons in WWII kills THOUSANDS of ALLIED servicemen and civilians – World War II:
– Ban using geo- engineering. Evidence 2010 Haiti earthquake was caused by an underground bomb.
– Lat week’s glorious ‘media whores megaphone man’ Chris Burns cured his lifelong asthma hay-fever illness just by cutting out dairy products in the summer months. For his asthma, pharmaceuticals didn’t work at all
– Mark Purdey – NAZIS INVENTED ORGANOPHOSPHATES? – organo-phosphates causing mad cows disease
– Neil Oliver with Sandi AdamsONE WEEK LEFT TO STOP DIGITAL ID CARDS Proposed benefits from the data sharing for individuals and households include.... slavery
– Aaron Russo: Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) correctly predicted by Aaron Russo in Reflections and Warnings (2009)
– Banking world government and chips in people. Kees van der Pijl, author of ‘States of Emergency’, on gaining control over an unruly world population.
– Irish Mail – Ireland must cut livestock by 1/3 ‘Worse than Cromwell’ – Ireland must cut livestock numbers by a third
– Charlie Skelton Lisbon Bilderberg 2023 & Bilderberg 2022 Nord Stream War Criminals
– Bilderberg Conference coming up Lisbon 17 May 2023 . Other important groups such as Le Circle.WEF, Schwab, Goldman Sachs, Kissinger, security, big media groups.
– Palantir's MetaConstellation - Bilderberger Alex Karp A defence source told The Times: “A digital army is fighting an analogue army. “
– Lavrov, speaking on Thursday 2nd Febrary, says stage 2 of war begins Russia threatens it ‘will gain world’s attention’ on Ukraine invasion anniversary
– Ross Patterson, a colleague of Jonathan Grey, on surprising discoveries in the Holy Land:The Lost Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, Noah's Ark, The Arc of the Covenant, Red Sea Crossing
– Shocking! Inside REAL Hell Fire Club Secret Temple (R$E) – Filmed on location at Hell Fire Caves in West Wycombe
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
#1 - Complete 14th February 2023 NOT The BCfm Politics Show 03:40:00
#2 - Charlie Skelton Bilderberg 2023 Nord Stream 00:40:00
#3 - Col Douglas MacGregor, Ukraine is About to be ANNIHILATED 00:35:00
#4 - Alex Karp CEO Palantir AI in the military domain at REAIM 2023 00:33:00
#5 - Chris Williamson No 2 Nato Corbyn cant stand as Labour MP 00:28:00
#6 - Scott Ritter Show Andrey Konsevich Russian offensive Wed08Feb23 00:3500
#7 - Jake Sullivan (NSC) David Rubenstein show Bloomberg 22Sep22 week he blew up nordstream pipeline 00:23:00
#8 - Sonia Mortimer Pre Pay Gas Meter Scandal 00:25:00
#9 - James Cussans Bristol UCU 00:13:00
#10 - Chris Burns Megaphone Man Natural Remedies Media Whores 00:27:00
#11 - Marcus Blackett Stroud lockdown court victory 00:25:00
#12 - CONSPIRACY CLASSICS Alex Jones Interviews Aaron Russo (2009) 01:10:00
#13 - Ross Patterson on Jonathan Gray and Ron Wyatt 1970s Bible Archeology Noahs Ark and the Ark of the Covenant 01:00:00
#14 - RSEonline Shocking Inside REAL Hell Fire Secret Temple 00:11:00
#15 - States of Emergency Keeping the global population in check Prof Kees van der Pijl 00:36:00

Cancelled Bristol University Sociology professor David Miller joins Tony and Martin who will speak next Saturday in London at the No2Nato meeting, the third public event from which he has been banned after being sacked as professor of political sociology at Bristol University

Cancelled Labour MP Chris Williamson on the strikes and…. Jeremy Corbyn will not be allowed to stand as a Labour MP but he does not react to the decision by announcing his intentions at next year’s General Election

UCU strikes and failed Neoliberal model of Universities. Do lecturers have any ‘industrial muscle’? James Cussans is Engineering faculty rep at Bristol University – University and College Union (UCU) University strikes ON this week, union confirms 14 February 2023 The University and College Union (UCU) confirmed three consecutive days of strike action will go ahead from Tuesday 14 February at 150 universities whilst talks with the employers over pay and working conditions continue. Over 70,000 staff are striking at 150 universities on Tuesday 14, Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 February. The disputes are over pay and conditions, and also pensions. UCU entered Acas negotiations with the employer representative on Monday 13 and Tuesday 14 February. The union is calling for employers to make a well-rounded offer, including commitments on casualisation and workload, as well as pay, which it can put to members. The full list of institutions that will face strike action is available here. All pickets start at 9am on each strike day unless otherwise stated. Picket locations are available here. there are 1,865,000 undergraduate students and 685,000 postgraduate students studying at the universities facing strike action in the pay and working conditions dispute, UCU is in dispute with 145 institutions. The union’s demands include a meaningful pay rise to help staff deal with the cost of living crisis, an agreed framework to eliminate insecure employment practices such as temporary and zero-hours contracts, and action to address dangerously high workloads. Since 2009/10 staff pay has declined in value by 25% relative to RPI, due to a series of below-inflation pay awards

Big REACH PLC pay settlement for journalists … to Mesmerise the public? ‘More than 700 journalists benefit’ as publisher and union agree fresh pay deal. A deal benefiting more than 700 journalists has been struck between a regional publisher and union bosses following strike action. The National Union of Journalists has announced it has accepted a revised pay offer from Reach plc, which it says will lead to salary increases of between 14% and 44% for “many” editorial staff at the group. Union members at Reach completed the first 24 hours of what was set to be four days of strike action last month, following the decision to reject a salary increase of 3pc or £750, whichever is more, on the grounds that such a raise would not be enough to help journalists to deal with the cost-of-living crisis. The subsequent three days of strike action were called off in the wake of the death of the Queen, with a revised pay proposal being put to members instead. Michelle Stanistreet, NUJ general secretary, with striking Reach journalists on the picket line at the company’s London headquarters in Canary Wharf The proposal, the exact details of which have not been made public by either side, has now been ratified following a ballot in which over 76 per cent of members cast their vote. In a statement, the NUJ said: “The [NUJ’s Reach] group chapel paid tribute to the collective work and solidarity of members across the group to secure a settlement that delivers significant pay rises to over 700 journalists, many of whom are the lowest paid staff, and improved redundancy terms and conditions for many members in currently in receipt of statutory minimums. “Including increases secured in July, it will see pay rise for these workers in deals ranging from 14 to 44pc across the specified roles and minimum rates.

Pre-Pay meters criminal scandal and Chris O’Shea’s 3.3bn Centrica profits – Sonia Mortimer. As Centrica announces record profits, prepayment meter families are still in the dark over compensation After Centrica’s record £3.3bn profits, one figure remains unknown: the amount of compensation energy firms are willing to pay vulnerable people who have been wrongly forced onto prepayment meters By Dean Kirby Investigations Correspondent A lot of cold winter nights have passed since i published the first story in our investigation into prepayment energy meters on 5 December last year – 73 cold winter nights. Since that front page exclusive showed how courts were processing hundreds of warrants allowing energy firms to force entry into homes in just three minutes and 51 seconds, we have revealed a national scandal in 40 more stories. MPs have submitted more than 160 questions to ministers about how the meters have left vulnerable people sitting at home without heat and light, debates have been held in both Houses of Parliament and Rishi Sunak has twice been asked about the issue at PMQs. More than 100,000 people signed a petition calling for a ban on prepayment meter installations and urgent questions have also been asked in the parliaments of Scotland and Wales. Colleagues at other news organisations also highlighted the issue. Eventually, the Energy Security Secretary Grant Shapps and the regulator Ofgem told energy firms to stop forcing people onto the meters and Lord Justice Edis, the Presiding Judge for England and Wales, said courts should stop processing the warrants “with immediate effect”. Today, with energy companies warning that everyone’s bills could have to increase to pay for the cost of stopping the forced installations, we report two even bigger numbers. With many families still struggling to pay costly bills, Centrica, the parent company of British Gas, has reported record operating profits of £3.3bn. And there are growing calls for Centrica’s chief executive Chris O’Shea to forego a reported annual potential bonus of up to £1.6m. But one figure remains as yet unknown: the amount of compensation that firms are willing to pay to vulnerable people who have been unfairly forced onto prepayment. 

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is in Turkey but is it about NATO expansion or the earthquake? COULD BOTH BE RELATED (see below)?

Munich Security Conference convenes in the Bavarian 1920s Nazi Party Headquarters (se below)

Admiral John Kirby cannot admit that NATO has expanded Eastwards threatening Russia.

Charlie Skelton on how all the main conspirators behind the 26 Sep 2022 Nord Stream sabotage: James Sullivan, Matthew Burns, James Baker and Ukrainian gas CEO and ambassador, BALTOPS exercise to plant the mines began the day Bilderberg 2022 ended in Washington.

Nord Stream was an attack on Germany, a supposed ally,all stories about weather balloons and airships are just a distraction from this US government act of war against Germany and Russia.

Russian Airborne officer Andre Konsevich on Scott Ritter Show says Russia is dealing with military corporations and the Western banking system, not individual governmnets. European arms and other industries are being ‘killed off’ by US empire policies.

350-500k Russian soldiers ready to go on FM Lavrov’s warning for anniversary of Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Retired US Colonel Douglas McGregor says Ukraine is about to be annihilated

Israeli Russian group accused of hacking over 30 elections

David Miller – and book – a century of spin

Spy balloons and other aerial spy equipment JUST A LONDON MEDIA DIVERSION PSYOP. Colonel Douglas McGregor on anti Russia propaganda.

Jorge selling hacking services

Former Labour MP Chris Williamson couldn’t get a venue for No to NATO meeting. American guy clip on Ukraine war.NEXT WEEKEND’S ANTI_WAR RAVE…! It seems as though every man and his dog has been asked to send weapons to Ukraine as the US Nato military machine pressures armed forces around the world to empty out their stock cupboards and parcel off their old munitions (both to fuel the fire in Ukraine and win the lucrative contracts to replace the gear). But not everybody is playing ball. Here’s a roundup of just some countries who this last week send the dogs of war packing and retain their independence and dignity.

Russian spy in British Embassy in Berlin.

Nord Stream sabotage mastermind Jake Sullivan would rather be the permanent government. Now a week to the first anniversary of beginning of Ukraine war.

Voltaire Network – could Turkish/Syrian earthquake be US underground nuke? According to Senator Diana Sosoaca, earthquake in Turkey and Syria was caused by the U.S. | Voltaire Network – 14 February 2023 | Romanian senator Diana, speaking on 8 February before the Romanian Parliament, observed that: One minute before seismographers detected the earthquake, Turkish gas and oil pipelines were shut down (NB. This is the only allegation we were unable to verify). 24 hours before the earthquake, 10 Western countries recalled their ambassadors from Ankara. 5 days before the earthquake, several Western countries, including Romania, issued a travel warning to Turkey without providing a motivation. The earthquake that rocked Turkey and Syria was followed by more than 150 aftershocks, the most violent being the second one, not the first. Atypically, it had no epicenter, but erupted along a fault line over several hundred kilometres. Further tremors are likely to occur, including in Istanbul. Moreover : Some 15 Turkish companies, which import $18.5 million worth of equipment from the United States, have been re-exporting it to a dozen Russian firms, targeted by the coercive measures unilaterally imposed by Washington [1]. Turkey dismissed U.S. Treasury Under Secretary for terrorism and financial intelligence Brian Nelson, who travelled to Ankara to demand an end to Turkish military exports to Russia and to Turkey’s opposition to Sweden’s accession to NATO [2].

Romanian Senator Diana Sosoaca: The sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, on 26 September 2022, was publicly announced by U.S. President Joe Biden, at a joint press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, as an operation that he would envisage in the event of a Russian intervention in Ukraine. Shortly thereafter, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland made a similar statement during a hearing before the United States Congress [3]. During World War II, the United States had successfully experimented with ways of provoking tsunamis, as New Zealand declassified documents have revealed [4]. At the end of the Vietnam War, the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to refrain from any act of war related to the use of the environment and signed the “Convention on the ban on using environmental modification techniques for military purposes or any other hostile purposes” (1976) [5]. This treaty (not signed by France) prohibits “Any technique for changing – through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes – the dynamics, composition or structure of the earth (article II)”, which clearly includes earthquakes. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the United States recruited those scientists associated with the Pamir program which had successfully provoked earthquakes [6]. Voltaire Network had already entertained the possibility, in 2010, when the earthquake that devastated Haiti coincided precisely with the launching of a Pentagon exercise supposedly aimed at coordinating and deploying private aid in disaster areas [7]. In this case, Senator Diana Sosoaca goes further, interpreting these elements to indicate that the earthquake in Turquie and Syria was deliberately caused by the United States.

01Feb23 (5 days before ‘earthquake’) Turkey’s Erdogan to Sweden: ‘Don’t even bother’ with NATO bid if Quran-burning is allowed All NATO members except Turkey and Hungary have signed off on Sweden, Finland joining organization Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told Sweden Wednesday to “don’t even bother” with trying to join NATO as long as the European country allows protests desecrating Islam’s holy book. Erdogan made the remark in a speech to his ruling party’s legislators as Turkey remains infuriated by a series of demonstrations in Stockholm by activists who have burned the Quran outside the Turkish Embassy and hanged an effigy of Erdogan. “Sweden, don’t even bother! As long as you allow my holy book, the Quran, to be burned and torn, and you do so together with your security forces, we will not say ‘yes’ to your entry into NATO,” Erdogan said, according to The Associated Press. In response to the demonstrations, Turkey also has indefinitely postponed a key meeting in Brussels that would have discussed Sweden and Finland’s entry into NATO. Swedish government officials have distanced themselves from the protests, including by a far-right anti-Islam activist who burned copies of the Quran in Stockholm and Copenhagen, Denmark, while also stressing that the demonstrations are protected by freedom of speech.

03Feb23 [3 days before ‘earthquake’] US/NATO Threatened Turkey Three Days Before Earthquake – ‘Take your dirty hands off of Turkey’, Ankara’s interior minister tells US envoy Suleyman Soylu hits out at the US ambassador in Ankara after Washington and eight European countries issued travel warnings over possible terror attacks in Turkey – Suleyman Soylu, an ardent critic of the United States, whom he blames for the 2016 military coup attempt, has been hitting out at Washington since they issued a travel warning to their citizens of increased risk of attacks in Turkey last week. The US, along with eight European countries, have either temporarily closed embassies and consulates in Turkey or issued travel warnings after the Quran-burning protests in Europe. The US consulate in Istanbul, which is located far from the city centre and less vulnerable to attacks, remained open. Turkish officials say the closures and warnings are an attempt to portray Turkey as an unstable state. “Every US ambassador who arrives in Turkey is hurrying to find out how to make a coup possible in Turkey,” said Soylu, referring to US Ambassador Jeffry Flake, during an address made at a ministerial event in Antalya on Friday. “I address the US ambassador from here. I know the journalists you made write articles,” he added. “Take your dirty hands off of Turkey. I’m being very clear. I very well know how you would like to create strife in Turkey. Take your grinning face off from Turkey.” Soylu continued by accusing US embassies in Europe of convening together in an attempt to control the continent. He added that US efforts in Turkey were futile thanks to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Diplomatic tensions – The closure of western diplomatic missions has been met with scorn in Turkey. In response to the initial security alerts issued on Friday, which warned against “possible retaliatory attacks by terrorists against places of worship,” Turkey responded by issuing similar warnings.

03Feb23 [3 days before ‘earthquake’] Turkey is still holding up Sweden, Finland’s NATO membership – Turkey has gone back and forth on its support over Sweden’s NATO membership. – Nine months after their original bid, Sweden and Finland are still awaiting NATO membership after continued pushback from Turkey over Sweden’s membership. This comes after Turkey backpedaled on its decision to drop its veto against Sweden. The news: Turkey is still withholding its support of Sweden’s membership, due to continued allegations over Sweden’s involvement with terrorist groups, per Euronews. Turkey, however, has said it will approve Finland’s membership independently from Sweden, according to Reuters. But the Scandinavian countries said that they will only join the military alliance together. “We embarked on this journey together and we do the journey towards membership together,” said Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, per Reuters. Related It’s official: Sweden and Finland have applied to NATO Opinion: What Finland and Sweden can add to NATO What’s next? Sweden has recently tightened its anti-terror laws in hopes of garnering Turkey’s trust, Euronews reported. The country recently amended its constitution in order to further penalize acts that could be linked to terrorist behavior. Sweden’s new law states that “handling equipment, organising rallies, managing transport for organizing terrorists ­ or even cooking for them ­ would be criminalised,” Euronews stated. Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin told Euronews that she’s confident tensions between Sweden and Turkey will subside in time for the next NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, in July.

Turkish military exports to Russia enraging USA. Attempted coup against Erdogan.

US stockpile of chemical weapons in WWII kills THOUSANDS of ALLIED servicemen and civilians – World War II: German Raid on Bari Dubbed the ‘second Pearl Harbor,’ the 1943 German attack on Bari also revealed an Allied secret–mustard gas….. Mustard gas-laced oil now coated the bodies of Allied seamen as they struggled in the water, and many swallowed the noxious mixture. Even those not in the water inhaled liberal doses of gas, as did hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Italian civilians. A launch dispatched from Pumper rescued Captain Heitmann and the other John Bascom survivors from the east jetty, but their troubles were just beginning. The German raid began at 7:30 p.m. and ended 20 minutes later. German losses were very light, and they had succeeded beyond their most sanguine expectations. Seventeen Allied ships were sunk and another eight were damaged, causing Bari to be dubbed the’second Pearl Harbor.’ The Americans sustained the highest losses, losing the Liberty ships John Bascom, John L. Motley, Joseph Wheeler, Samuel J. Tilden and John Harvey. The British lost four ships, the Italians three, the Norwegians three and the Poles two. The next morning survivors woke to a scene of utter devastation. Large parts of Bari had been reduced to rubble, particularly the medieval old town. Portions of the city and the harbor were still burning, and a thick pall of black smoke hung in the sky. There were more than 1,000 military and merchant marine casualties; about 800 were admitted to local hospitals. The full extent of civilian casualties may never be known. Conservative estimates hover around 1,000, though there were probably more. Fortunately, Bari was the site of several Allied military hospitals and related support facilities. Some were housed at the Bari Polyclinic, built by Mussolini as a showcase of Fascist health care. The Polyclinic was home to the 98th British General Hospital and the 3rd New Zealand Hospital, among others. Those facilities received many of the mustard gas victims that began to appear. Casualties from the raid began pouring in until the hospitals were filled to overflowing. Almost immediately some of the wounded began to complain of ‘gritty’ eyes, and their condition worsened in spite of conventional treatment. Their eyes were swollen, and skin lesions began to appear. Swamped with wounded of all descriptions and still not realizing they were dealing with poison gas, hospital staffers allowed victims to remain in their oil-and-gas-soaked clothes for long periods. Not only were the victims severely burned and blistered from prolonged exposure, but their respiratory systems were also badly irritated. The mustard gas casualties were wracked with coughs and had real difficulty breathing, but the hospital staff seemed helpless in the face of this unknown ailment. Men started to die, and even those who did recover faced a long and painful convalescence. Temporary blindness, the agony of burns and a terrible swelling of the genitals produced both physical and mental anguish. As the victims began to die, the doctors started to suspect that some kind of chemical agent was involved. Some physicians pointed fingers at the Germans, speculating that they had resorted to chemical warfare after all. A message was sent to Allied headquarters in Algiers informing Deputy Surgeon General Fred Blesse that patients were dying of a ‘mysterious malady.’ To solve the mystery, Blesse dispatched Lt. Col. Stewart Francis Alexander, an expert on chemical warfare medicine, to Bari….

Ban using geo- engineering. Evidence 2010 Haiti earthquake was caused by an underground bomb.

Lat week’s glorious ‘media whores megaphone man’ Chris Burns cured his lifelong asthma hay-fever illness just by cutting out dairy products in the summer months. For his asthma, pharmaceuticals didn’t work at all

Mark Purdey – NAZIS INVENTED ORGANOPHOSPHATES? – organo-phosphates causing mad cows disease – Between the late 70’s and 1982 British farmers were forced by law to treat their cows for warble fly with a pour on organophosphate called phosmet – organophosphates are derived from nerve gas formulated by nazi chemists during World War II. Big business soon realised its profit potential and, post war, it was exclusively marketed as an agricultural pesticide by ICI, and later their cunningly renamed subdivision Zeneca. Seeing how his own organically reared cows never developed BSE, but phosmet-treated cattle brought onto the farm did, Somerset dairy farmer Mark Purdey refused to treat his herd. In 1984 MAFF took him to the High Court, but lost. “Before 1982 farmers could treat warbles with an organic ground-up root compound called Derris. This was outlawed, so they could sell more organophosphates,” said Purdey. Organophosphates, used to treat headlice in school children, have been implicated as a potential cause of Gulf War Syndrome. Purdey managed to alleviate symptoms in a BSE infected cow by injecting oxime, an antidote to pesticide poisoning. The cure was never completed as MAFF turned up and destroyed the cow. Unconvinced by the accepted cause of BSE and CJD, Purdey set about studying how disease clusters reflected OP usage. He found Britain, the only country enforcing phosmet use, to have the highest rate of disease. Ireland had some BSE, but OP use was voluntary, and given at a lower dose. Brittany (France) began to develop BSE following an enforced phosmet trial, and human new variant CJD was clustered in Kent’s Wield Valley, where hop and top fruit growth gets saturated with organophosphates. 

Neil Oliver with Sandy Adams on digital ID. Digital ID Coming – Pay Attention to this Consultation The government has planned a consultation on draft legislation to support identity verification. They are trying to slip the plans to create our digital ID through, which they can then tie to social credit system and CBDC’s. We have one week to give our views. Urgent! UK Government’s Digital Identity Survey: Sandi Adams and Neil Oliver on the government’s secret DIGITAL ID consultation – It is indicative of a longer plan of human population control and world domination that has its roots and tentacles spread far and wide through-out all areas of modern life and culture for over 130 years. It dictates what we see, hear, buy, eat, feel, how we behave and how the “status quo” is maintained and how the grand global chess game is played out and perceived by all. It has infiltrated the money supply, politics, corporations, social life, education, religion, law and order, military, health – literally few areas are left untouched. It’s controlled by the mass information establishments, the corporations, with an ever-increasing full-spectrum strangle-hold on a scale never before enabled like it is today. The propaganda machine of the “Deep State” and “Rothschild Banking Dynasty”, entangled with “The Committee of the 300, Bilderbergs, Tri-lateral Commission, the U.N., the CIA, is working 100% overtime, churning out mis-information, obfuscating/distracting from truth speakers, smoke-screens, racism, fascism, FEAR – anything that keeps us running around, attention focused on self-gratification and survival. 

ONE WEEK LEFT TO STOP DIGITAL ID CARDS Proposed benefits from the data sharing for individuals and households include: creating easy and consistent ways to access and sign-in to government services, reducing fragmentation and costs, and replacing clerical methods using documentary evidence; improving user experience when accessing government services; improving inclusion by expanding identity verification services to those citizens currently excluded because they do not have conventional identity documents such as a passport; facilitating simple, faster access to the specific services citizens want to use; and reducing identity fraud and misuse. – The proposed objective is intended to facilitate data sharing for the purposes of identity verification, thereby improving services for individuals and households. It is not intended as a mechanism to take action in a fraud offence, and will not be punitive. However, public authorities have a duty to protect the public purse and must follow best practice guidance on fraud management.

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) correctly predicted by Aaron Russo in Reflections and Warnings (2009) – My book, “Scanned: Why Vaccine Passports Will Mean the End of Privacy and Personal Freedom” Imagine being physically denied access to your office, business, or livelihood. Imagine being refused entry to a grocery store or being told who you can or cannot sit with at a restaurant. Imagine being barred from a hospital room when you or your family member needs critical care. Unthinkable? Today, these scenarios and worse are happening…More Shining a Light on Canada’s Much-Ignored Role in Peru’s Internal Conflict “Canada’s influence on mining is felt in Latin America more than in any other region of the world.” And its second most important market is Peru.More This Was Another Big Week for Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) Another G-7 economy took a big step toward adopting a central bank digital currency (CBDC). At the same time, the first largish economy to have launched a CBDC, Nigeria, descends further into financial chaos.More Brazilian President Lula da Silva Locks Horns with Brazil’s Richest Man, Jorge Paulo Lemann In a rare turn up for the books, the head of state of Latin America’s largest economy just accused the country’s richest billionaire of engaging in blatant accounting fraud.More Companies in UK are Hitting the Wall at Fastest Rate Since Global Financial Crisis As the price of everything, including debt, continues to soar, life is getting harder and harder for the UK’s heavily indebted businesses. More Is the Unstoppable Force of Mexico’s GMO Ban About to Meet the Unmovable Object of US Big Ag Lobbies? Mexico is not only dangerously dependent on US growers for its most important staple crop; it is growing more and more dependent by the year. Mexico’s government wants to reverse this dynamic, but the US has other ideas.More 

Banking world government and chips in people. Kees van der Pijl, author of ‘States of Emergency’, on gaining control over an unruly world population. STATES OF EMERGENCY: Keeping the Global Population in Check – USING FEAR TO GREASE THE WHEELS OF GLOBAL TRANSFORMATION – “Kees van der Pijl, an author of distinction, writes that the global ruling class or oligarchy used Covid-19 to seize power by declaring a state of global emergency. He explains that the Information Technology revolution, by creating a global information and communication system, was ushering in a social transformation inimical to the oligarchy’s hegemony over society. In order to stop this transformation, the global elite used lockdowns, mandates, censorship and controlled narratives to seize control over populations… Van der Pijl makes a cogent argument. He shows that the ‘pandemic’ is a political emergency, not a medical one. Its purpose was to suppress populations and transition to an authoritarian state and social structure…” PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS “This is a work of genuine scholarship of the highest order, and to read it closely and with an open mind one can’t help but be convinced of its essential truth… This book should be read by anyone who cares about our world. It is brilliant and extremely timely.” EDWARD CURTIN, author of Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies “In this urgent new study, veteran international relations scholar Kees van der Pijl shows how the ruling groups exploited the covid-19 virus to impose a worldwide state of emergency and a psychosis of fear that allowed them to extend their power and control at a time when global capitalism is beset by crisis. Brilliantly researched, impeccably sourced, the story is told in an engaging style and with great analytical acuity. Here is a dire warning against the slide into authoritarianism to contain the revolt of restive populations who can take no more deprivation. It must be read by the broadest possible public.” WILLIAM I. ROBINSON, Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Global and International Studies, University of California-Santa Barbara 

Sturgeon resigns. Nigeria riots as cash flow stopped 

Irish Mail – cut livestock by 1/3 ‘Worse than Cromwell’ – Ireland must cut livestock numbers by a third Ireland will need to reduce its livestock numbers by 30%, quadruple its forestry targets, and re-wet 90% of reclaimed land in order to meet its climate targets, new research has found. The stark figures, which are sure to rock the agriculture sector, illustrate the scale of the challenge the Government faces to meet its net-zero climate goals. If all the changes take place as suggested in the Environmental Protection Agency report, 3.1million acres – or one fifth of the State’s total land mass – will change in use. The report will likely spark a major battle within Government, and pit rural TDs against the Greens – with one deputy already stating that the document advocates the ‘ethnic cleansing’ of rural Ireland. While Green TD Brian Leddin concedes the targets represent a ‘huge challenge’, he said the Government must find a way to implement the changes while also maintaining ‘the socio-economic cohesion of rural Ireland’. But in a sign of the battle to come, the chair of the Oireachtas Committee on Agriculture, Fianna Fáil TD Jackie Cahill, said: ‘It’s a fantasy, it’s immoral’ – adding that ‘it won’t happen’. The report, obtained by the Irish Daily Mail under Freedom of Information legislation, found that in order to meet net-zero emission targets by 2050, the land and agriculture sector must: Plant up to 86,500 acres of land for forestry per year, up from the current target of 20,000 acres per annum, bringing the country to a total of 875,000 hectares of land under forestry by 2050; Re-wet 90% – or up to 302,000 hectares – of land that is reclaimed from peat lands for agricultural use; Reduce by 30% the number of livestock such as cows, goats and sheep; Increase by 30% the use of technology in the agricultural sector to reduce methane emissions. The academic research prepared by the EPA concluded that all of the measures must be implemented if targets are to be met. Last summer, the Government agreed the agricultural sector would have to reduce its emissions by 25%. It is the lowest reduction target of any sector and was claimed as a victory by the Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA).

Davos WEF Poem by Patrizia Opulenza –
Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson; Blackrock; Tony on Brexit : Evolution :

Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports

Charlie Skelton Lisbon Bilderberg 2023 & Bilderberg 2022 Nord Stream War Criminals – Bilderberg Conference coming up. Other important groups such as Le Circle. Charlie Skelton on this years Bilderberg – importance of WEF, Schwab, Goldman Sachs, Kissinger, security, big media groups. Nord Stream explosions hard to cover up Award-winning journalist Seymour Hersh has exposed the Biden administration’s role in sabotaging the pipelines The report “How America Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline” by Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Seymour Hersh states beyond any reasonable doubt that US President Joe Biden ordered the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines. Thus if it wasn’t clear before, it is emphatically clear now that the US will impose its proprietary version of “rules-based international order” by any means possible including committing a crime against humanity. The Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines are jointly owned by the Russian energy corporation Gazprom and four European energy companies. Nord Stream 1 had been providing low-cost natural gas from Russia to Germany, which redistributed some of it to other parts of Europe. Nord Stream 2 was in the process of coming on stream and would have doubled the supply to Europe. The explosions that took place on September 26, 2022, stopped the flow of Russian gas, and left hundreds of millions of Europeans facing the prospects of a cold winter. The economic consequences of the Nord Stream sabotage were the quadrupling of energy costs and triggering rampant inflation in Europe the likes of which hadn’t been seen for decades. President Biden wanted to make sure that Germany would strongly support Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. Blowing up the pipelines would ensure that Russia could no longer supply cheap energy to Europe and Germany wouldn’t have natural gas from Russia as a source of distraction from its support for Ukraine. Biden had absolutely no justification for destroying property that did not belong to the US. Doing so would be naked aggression, an act of war, devoid of concern that the people and economies of friendly allies would suffer. He wouldn’t care that to achieve his sense of security for the US required committing a war crime. 

Responsible AI in the Military Domain – REAIM 2023 – Alex Karp – Palantir targetting Ukraine with AI weapons – The Netherlands believes the responsible development, deployment and use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the military domain must be given a higher place on the international agenda. It has therefore decided to host the first summit on Responsible AI in the Military Domain – REAIM 2023. REAIM 2023 will be held at the World Forum, The Hague, on 15 and 16 February 2023. The summit will be a platform for all stakeholders (governments, industry, civil society, academia and think tanks) to forge a common understanding of the opportunities, dilemmas and vulnerabilities associated with military AI.

A defence source told The Times: “A digital army is fighting an analogue army. “What you are seeing is that the digital army, despite being a fraction of the size, is able to massively outperform its analogue adversary.” Palantir’s MetaConstellation software relies on intelligence gathered on enemy troop positions by commercial satellites, heat sensors and reconnaissance drones, as well as spies working behind enemy lines. The software then uses AI to transform the data into a map highlighting the likely positions of Russian artillery, tanks and troops. – Putin scuppered as Ukraine unleashes ‘revolutionary’ new weapon to outgun Russia in battle The Kremlin’s army enjoyed a huge advantage in terms of personnel and equipment over its western neighbour prior to the invasion in February. Putin exits plane after arriving in Belarus Vladimir Putin’s army is being outgunned and outwitted by Ukraine’s much smaller forces thanks to the “revolutionary” application of AI, according to Western military experts. The UK’s Ministry of Defence estimated that Russian commanders had at their disposal as many as 900,000 active military personnel, of which almost 200,000 were committed to the invasion. Furthermore, Russia boasted more than 13,000 tanks, just under 6,000 artillery pieces and close to 20,000 armoured vehicles in its arsenal prior to the unleashing of hostilities.

Ukraine war anniversary – Lavrov, speaking on Thursday 2nd February, says stage 2 of war begins Russia threatens it ‘will gain world’s attention’ on Ukraine invasion anniversary Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has reportedly warned the West that something major is being planned to “gain the world’s attention” on the first anniversary of the Ukraine invasion Sergey Lavrov said Russia will do everything to grab the attention on the anniversary of the invasion Russia is planning something major to “gain the world’s attention” on the first anniversary of the war with Ukraine, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. It is believed that Vladimir Putin is looking to double-down on the invasion by throwing as many as 500,000 new conscripts into the battle. And this coincides with the anniversary of when Russian tanks first rolled into Ukraine on February 24 last year. It appears as though Putin’s plan is to overshadow events in the West to show support for Ukraine a year into the war, with Lavrov saying Russia “will do everything” to grab the attention. At the same time Russia has made veiled nuclear threats to the West over the way it has been providing military armaments for Ukraine.

Munich Security Conference story ‘Now is the moment to double down on Ukraine support’: Rishi Sunak kicks off diplomatic blitz at Munich summit with rallying cry to NATO allies Mr Sunak pledged more artillery, armoured vehicles and air defence support Kamala Harris accused Russia of ‘crimes against humanity’ in Ukraine war Rishi Sunak and US vice president Kamala Harris have reaffirmed their support for Ukraine and the Western alliance at the Munich Security Conference in Germany today. Mr Sunak told the conference it was ‘time to double down’ on support for Ukraine by providing more artillery, armoured vehicles and air defence. The Prime Minister met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz this morning as leaders discussed further support to help the war-torn country battle Vladimir Putin’s invasion. Mr Sunak used the meeting to press home the need for Western allies to think ‘about strengthening Ukraine’s long-term defences’, according to No 10. He also emphasised the need for Ukraine to defeat Russia to bring an end to the conflict and called for a ‘new framework’ to ensure its security in a speech to the conference. The Prime Minister said in his speech: ‘Our collective efforts are making a difference. ‘But with every day that passes, Russian forces inflict yet more pain and suffering. ‘Now the only way to change that is for Ukraine to win. ‘Together we must help Ukraine to shield its cities from Russian bombs and Iranian drones. ‘It’s why we’re working with allies to give Ukraine the most advanced air defence systems and build the air force they need to defend their nation. He also said the United Kingdom would be the first country to provide Ukraine with longer-range weapons.

Palestinian who killed an Israeli – his home demolished.

Belarus will support Russia.

Ross Patterson, a colleague of Jonathan Grey, on surprising discoveries in the Holy Land. Jonathan Gray – Surprising Discoveries The Lost Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah – by Jonathan Gray Red Sea Crossing – by Jonathan Gray Jonathan Gray – Surprising Discoveries – Lost Secrets of the Ancients Jonathan Gray – Surprising Discoveries – The Lamb Of God And The Ark Of The Covenant Jonathan Gray – Surprising Discoveries – Lost Secrets of the Ancients Surprising discoveries- Jonathan Gray The Lost Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah – by Jonathan Gray Red Sea Crossing – by Jonathan Gray Jonathan Gray – Surprising Discoveries 4 – The Truth Behind Star Signs International explorer, archaeologist and author, Jonathan Gray explores the ancient roots of the signs of heaven (Gen 1.14) and … War in Heaven | The Ear of Wheat | Libra | Aries | The Crucifixion | The North Polar Star Surprising Discoveries And The Sea Will Tell Jonathan Gray Full Length 1 The Lost Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah – by Jonathan Gray The Lost Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah – from the ‘Surprising Discoveries’ series by Jonathan Gray. Archaeologist. Jonathan Gray by Robert Gordon. Startling discoveries hidden from public view. Jonathan Gray Surprising Discoveries – The Lamb Of God And The Ark Of The Covenant, Jonathan Gray comments on the Ark of … Jonathan Gray Biblical Archeology Full Documentary Ancient Egypt Imhotep’s Secret Forbidden History International explorer, archaeologist and author Jonathan Gray has traveled the world to gather data on ancient mysteries. Jonathan Gray – Personal Testimony – The REAL Ark of the Covenant & Ron Wyatt Smuggled out of the desert – from the ‘Surprising Discoveries’ series by Jonathan Gray. Into the Forbidden Valley – from the ‘Surprising Discoveries’ series by Jonathan Gray. Surprising Discoveries In a Coffin In Egypt Imhotep’s Secret Jonathan Gray All of the discoveries were made by Ron Wyatt, now dead, a tireless man of God. The discoveries include the Ark of the Covenant, … Jonathan Gray – The Killing of Paradise Planet – Lost History from the pre-flood world Was Antarctica once a tropical paradise? · Did man really know the secret of eternal youth? · Did giant humans really stalk the … Jonathan Gray from and is the author of Dead Men’s Secretswill focus on Ancient Technologies, Suppressed Discoveries, and … Red Sea Crossing – by Jonathan Gray THE KILLING OF PARADISE PLANET – (Evidence for Noah’s flood)Jonathan Gray – Amazing Info! International explorer, archaeologist and author, Jonathan Gray has traveled the world to gather data on ancient mysteries. Are these discoveries fake? International explorer, archaeologist and author Jonathan Gray has traveled the world to gather data … Christian Archaeologist Jonathan Gray Proves 7 Biblical Events Actually Took Place Christian Archaeologist Jonathan Gray Proves 7 Biblical Events Actually Took Place: Noah’s Ark, Sodom and sulphur balls, …

Shocking! Inside REAL Hell Fire Club Secret Temple (R$E) – Filmed on location at Hell Fire Caves in West Wycombe Visit RISE Online at Drone Shots – Chilternfly Technical Asst. – Run2Christ Due to the nature of this location, we wouldn’t advise viewers of this video to visit there. In the making of this video, we have endeavoured to find the best sources of information that are available. Like with anything dealing with specific secretive events from the 1700s this wasn’t the easiest of tasks. Also, since the club records were burned by the steward 3 days prior to his death, this has somewhat frustrated historians. However, we have pieced together the most reliable sources we could find (including information provided by those employed at the estate) and provided our own summary / take on the patterns of events and what the symbolism points toward. We have tried to filter out anything that takes any liberties with the reliable information that is available. However, there is an interview at the end of the video where a visitor describes their own views and opinions on the specific rituals of the Inner Temple. What is clearly indisputable is the blasphemous, anti-Christian nature of the Hell Fire Club, their licentious behaviour and their reverence of pagan gods / goddesses.

Tony’s paperback and eBooks Traitors Of Arnhem, Siege Of Heaven; Siege Of Heaven Reader – all available for donation, or to buy, via
BCfm’s weekly Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling with Irish Republican Labour activist Martin Summers was forced off FM, now online only by station manager Pat Hart, ‘rested due to the pandemic’ on 24 March 2020. Bristol Community FM (BCfm) charity ‘CEO’ Patrick Hart is a longtime personal friend of Bristol’s all-powerful right-wing ‘Labour’ mayor Marvin Rees. Now on Internet only NOT The BCfm Politics Show is available 17:00-c. 21:00 live on Fridays. Pat Hart replaced us with an inane student show repeating MSM stories called The Bristol Agenda. If you’d like to share your views on his deliberate dumbing-down and pro-Covid jab mismanagement you can contact UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom or BCfm board chair and the ‘Don’ himself, here.

February 2019 Ofcom complaint result: UKLFI exposed as creation of Israeli foreign ministry – Bristol Post article: BCfm cleared after being reported to Ofcom for ‘anti-semitic conspiracy theories’

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