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Program Information
State Of The City reports
5 Years For 'Kill The Bill' Bristol Political Prisoner Marielle Gedge-Rogers Resisted Social Cleansing
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
March 17, 2023, 9:58 p.m.
5 Years Jail For 'Kill The Bill' Bristol Political Prisoner Marielle Gedge-Rogers Resisted Social Cleansing
- Bristol's New Invite Only Democracy
- 'you're Not Excluded, You're Just Not Invited', Bristol Labour Mayor Marvin Rees Sees All Council Meeting As His 'Birthday Parties'
- UK Airborne Uranium Doubled From Feb 2022: NATO Giving DU Anti-Tank Weapons To Ukraine?
- NSA Try To Erase Dutroux Scandal From History: Please Download/Save/Share The MP4 Of 2002 BBC Documentary About The Paedophile Murder Ring At The Heart Of NATO And The EU In Brussels
- NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports

Elle Williams, from Creative Youth Network, joins Tony and Martin. Youth services in Bristol having a 45% funding cut. Being part of a Union. Elle going to Asher Craig at Bristol Council to appeal funding cuts. Outcry as Bristol City Council “dismantles” youth services and slashes vital 1-2-1 support – Fears for the most vulnerable young people in north, east and central Bristol as funding redirected to South Bristol Youth Zone Youth services are being “dismantled” and vital 1-2-1 support scrapped for Bristol’s most vulnerable young people, causing “irreversible damage”, a council meeting heard. North, east and central Bristol will suffer most as funds are redirected to the south of the city, youth workers fear. The city council is cutting money and changing the way it funds youth work, from long-term contracts to a grants system, but denies 1-2-1 sessions are being scrapped altogether and insists it remains committed to giving kids the best start in life, while the forthcoming South Bristol Youth Zone will generate more money for the sector. Unison area organiser Steve Mills told Bristol City Council cabinet that the decision would have a serious impact on current main provider Creative Youth Network (CYN), its services, staff who will face redundancy and young people who need the support. He said: “The prospect of the current 1-2-1 provision being cut or disappearing completely in a time where young people need this youth service more than ever is irresponsible and could cause irreversible damage. We have some very experienced and motivated staff who could be lost forever to the service. “It’s good we are going to have a youth hub in South Bristol but services in east, north and central Bristol will be in decline. This is not the time to be cutting youth services.” CYN chief executive Mark Coates told the meeting on Tuesday, March 7, that the city and his organisation had an “outstanding” youth service as officially recognised by the National Youth Agency. “But as a result of tonight’s decisions, that service will be dismantled and replaced by something very different and much smaller scale,” he said. “The new grants will not fund any 1-2-1 support for young people. Funding is of course ridiculously tight, and we fully accept 1-2-1 support has to reduce. “But to discontinue it entirely feels profoundly wrong. Those who need it are the most vulnerable young people in this city, and their service is about to be discontinued. “From our 1-2-1 caseload is a significant number of often very complex safeguarding cases for which CYN is very often the lead agency. There is a real risk of inadequate safeguarding if you do not have adequately focused support for the most vulnerable young people.”

Community services dealing with knife crime to be cut in Bristol, and replaced by CCTV – Green Councillor Mohammed Makawi complains. BRISTOL MAYOR MARVIN REES AND RULING LABOUR GROUP DISMISS NIGHTCLUB GANGS’ LINK TO KNIFE CRIME AND PREVENTATIVE MEASURES, PLEDGE MORE CCTV ELSEWHERE INSTEAD Labour successfully altered the Greens’ original proposals A raft of measures to tackle knife crime has been agreed overwhelmingly by Bristol city councillors. More than £650,000 will be spent installing and improving CCTV on local authority land over the next two years, a serious violence strategy covering the city and wider region will be developed and “blind spots” for attacks will be designed out of future planning developments. The motion was tabled at a meeting of full council on Tuesday (March 14), by Cllr Mohamed Makawi (Green, Cotham) whose friend Adam Ali Ibrahim was fatally stabbed in Castle Park on January 31. Labour made several changes to the proposals which the Greens initially opposed before the chamber voted in favour, with just one Green member against. Speaking afterwards, Cllr Makawi said: “I am delighted my motion passed tonight – the council has sent a clear message that Bristol can, and will, do more to tackle knife crime and, most importantly, its causes. By taking simple steps like providing emergency bleed kits and training to night-time venues, fixing ‘blind spots’ and providing more lighting and CCTV in hotspots, we can save lives. “I really hope we can find more money to support Bristol’s fantastic grassroots and community organisations, who are at the forefront of this in persuading young people to put down blades. Of course, the iron test of this motion will be that it is followed by real action, which I hope it will, given the support from all parties at tonight’s meeting – it is too important to ignore.” He said he was disappointed by Labour’s amendment. “Greens felt it removed some important parts of the motion, like references to the council’s drugs strategy, addressing the stigma of neurodiversity and crucially a commitment to improve lighting in known dark areas,” Cllr Makawi said. “But the amended motion still sends a strong message and commits the council to take action and so despite those changes we were happy to support it.” Labour councillors said their alterations “strengthened” the motion and removed a requirement to “identify licenced premises which fuel anti-social behaviours at the root of knife carrying and review the licence compliance”. They said this implied a link between the night-time economy and knife crime, which was an “unproven and harmful assumption”, and replaced it with a commitment to work with the Bristol Nights Board on preventative measures rather than penalising pubs, bars and clubs. The group backed parts of the original proposals, including increasing the coverage of bleed kits at venues.

Heidi Gedge joins Tony and Martin, the mother of 27 yr old Mariella Gedge-Rogers who has been imprisoned for 5 years six months for ‘rioting’ in the Kill the Bill protest in Bristol. Heidi says her daughter is innocent and was targetted by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) changing her charge to ‘rior’ to ‘make an example of her’, and others have got suspended sentences for similar offences. Mum of woman jailed for Bristol riot describes her sentence as ‘inhumane’ The mother of a woman who was jailed after being caught on camera attacking police and smashing the window of Bridewell Police Station during a Kill The Bill protest has criticised her jail sentence, describing it as “inhumane”. Mariella Gedge-Rogers, 27, of Queens Court, Clifton, was convicted last month following a unanimous decision by a jury following a trial at Bristol Crown Court. Gedge-Rogers was found guilty of being part of a group that used or threatened violence and, together, caused others to fear for their personal safety. She was arrested six days after the riot took place outside the city centre police station on March 21 last year after her image was released as part of a police appeal. During her trial, digital evidence including footage from officers’ body-worn cameras, CCTV and mobile phone footage was played to the jury. Gedge-Rogers could be seen to hit a police officer on the head with a skateboard in the footage and throw missiles at other officers from the roof of the police station. She was also seen to repeatedly strike the front window of the station with her skateboard before handing it to a man for him to do the same and, following a trial, was jailed for five-and-a-half years. However, her mum Heidi Gedge has now defended her daughter. The 61-year-old said her daughter is considering appealing the sentence and that they are seeking legal advice. The NHS worker said: “She is not a regular protester, she went along because a couple of her friends were going on. “She is not part of any anti-fascist or anti-police groups. She went along to exercise her right to protest – a lot of people do not want the police to have more powers.

Protest on the 2 year anniversary of the ‘Kill the Bill’ protest to take place on 21st March 5.30pm beginning at The Bearpit, Bristol. Protest outside police station will mark two years since ‘kill the bill’ riot Protesters are planning to march to Bridewell police station on the second anniversary of the ‘kill the bill’ riot. Organisers of the demonstration say that they are protesting “against the violence of the police and the British state”. The event “will hear from those affected and those involved in organising resistance”. It comes two years after a peaceful protest against the government’s police, crime, sentencing & courts bill turned into an evening of violence. Initial police claims of serious injuries to officers were later retracted. In a statement, protest organisers said: “34 people, mostly young, have been imprisoned for over a total of 100 years for the uprising that took place on this day 2 years ago. “An uprising that was self defence against the brutality of the police towards demonstrators and in response to the rape and murder of Sarah Everard and the PCSC Bill. “In those two years we have seen the police continue to brutalise and murder young black men, refugees have been left to die in the channel, we have seen suicides and murders at the hands of the prisons, the inherent and vile misogyny and racism of the police has been openly exposed and we have seen increasingly repressive legislation against protest and the organisation of working people. “The police and prison system continues to attack and disappear the already most marginalised and oppressed areas of society. “At the same time the state protects and furthers a system of systematic poverty. “It protects the wealthiest and most powerful who live as they please off of our backs whilst one step out of line puts us in prison. “The state punishes those who are the victims of its policies. “We want to come together on this day to show whose side we are on, to show our solidarity with the Kill The Bill prisoners and their families and all people brutalised by the British state and its institutions of repression. The ‘stand against police and state violence’ protest is due to start in the Bearpit on March 21 at 5.30pm, from where a march will take place to Bridewell police station.

Police retract claims that officers suffered broken bones at Bristol protest – Avon and Somerset force said in press release officers had broken bones and one had a punctured lung Avon and Somerset police have retracted widely reported claims that officers suffered broken bones and a punctured lung during attempts to disperse a protest on Sunday night. There was widespread outrage when the force made the claims in a press release on Monday that “a total of 20 officers were assaulted or injured and two of them were taken to hospital after suffering broken bones. One of them also suffered a punctured lung.” But in an updated press release on Wednesday, the force clarified this was not true, saying: “Thankfully, following a full medical assessment of the two officers taken to hospital, neither were found to have suffered confirmed broken bones.” Around the same time, a BBC reporter said on Twitter that Andy Marsh, the head of the force, had admitted in a press conference that no officer had a punctured lung. However, the force has since updated the number of injuries suffered by police officers to 40. The Guardian has contacted Avon and Somerset police for clarification on why these claims were made and to request a list of the injuries sustained by officers policing Sunday night’s protest. The force had not replied by the time of publication. Kevin Blowe, the coordinator of Netpol, which campaigns around the policing of protest, said exaggerated claims of injuries by police were not without precedent. “It’s par for the course,” Blowe said. “People have flagged up the whole business of the injuries at Kingsnorth that were used to crack down on the protest there, which turned out to be insect bites [and] exhaustion.”

BRISTOL’S NEW ‘INVITE ONLY DEMOCRACY’: ‘Bristol One City Gathering’ is switched to ‘invite only’, reservations are cancelled and the meeting is switched to ‘invite only’ the night before the biennial meeting of the city’s mayor’s hand picked, councillors excluded themed policy-making boards met last Friday

YOU’RE NOT EXCLUDED, YOU’RE JUST NOT INVITED’, BRISTOL LABOUR MAYOR MARVIN REES SEES ALL COUNCIL MEETING AS HIS ‘BIRTHDAY PARTIES’ Richard Eddy, Conservative Councillor and chair of Development Control Committee A, which is due to decide on the Bristol Zoo Luxury Flats and two other controversial planning applications, on Mayor Marvin’s new ‘not banned, just not invited’ policy. Marvin Rees denies Bristol City Council ‘intimidates, gaslights and bullies’ SEND children’s parents Marvin Rees has denied that Bristol City Council “intimidates, gaslights and bullies” parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The mayor, responding to ferocious criticism from opposition Green Cllr Christine Townsend at the annual budget-setting full council meeting, said the local authority did not have “some great evil subterfuge plot” against families. Cllr Townsend claimed the Labour administration’s “ongoing contempt” of parents was “beyond measure”. It follows a series of crises in SEND provision in Bristol, including last year’s social media spying scandal, massive delays to education, health and care plans (EHCPs) and an order from the Government last month for the organisation to heal its “fractured relationship” with mums, dads and carers. The row prompted the intervention of lord mayor Green Cllr Paula O’Rourke, who chairs full council meetings, to keep the debate civil. Councillors were debating Lib Dem Cllr Tim Kent’s budget amendment to slash £184,000 from legal defences of SEND tribunals and redirect the cash into employing more caseworkers to resolve disputes earlier and speed up assessments for youngsters. The chamber voted overwhelmingly in favour, including both Labour and Greens. Cllr Townsend said: “Ofsted has told this administration that it needs to mend its fractious relationships with parents of children with SEN. Everyone in this chamber including those on the Labour benches know they’ve failed to do this. “This area of legal spend is the only one the administration wishes to raise – other areas of legal spend are having their budgets cut. The level of ongoing contempt this administration holds families with SEND is beyond measure. “It would rather focus more officer time and more officer resource preparing for and going to court than securing the needed services for the city’s most vulnerable children When local authorities drag their residents through a court process they lose. Councillor at meeting Cllr Christine Townsend at the full council meeting (Image: Bristol City Council/YouTube) “Two out of three times this administration loses when it goes to court, yet it still wants to intimidate, it still wants to gaslight and it still wants to bully individual families and parents in a legal process.” She said the Lib Dem councillor’s amendment was dealing with just £200,000 out of the £450million 2023/24 schools budget, including £86.5million for high needs.

AL JAZEERA PROVE BBC PANORAMA LIED ABOUT ANTISEMITISM CLAIMS TO SMEAR CORBYN ‘The Forde Response’ documentary on Al Jazeera, about Martin Ford’s investigation in to anti-Semitism in the Labour Party, finding the label had been used politically, and that a Panorama documentary had lied. BBC slammed by top lawyer for ‘entirely misleading’ Labour coverage Martin Forde, the lawyer appointed by Sir Keir Starmer to investigate allegations of anti-semitism in the Labour Party, accused the BBC of taking an internal email sent within the Labour party out of context. The BBC has been slammed by Martin Forde KC for its coverage of the Labour party, with the top lawyer describing some of its coverage as being “entirely misleading”. Mr Forde, the lawyer appointed by Sir Keir Starmer to investigate allegations of anti-semitism in the Labour Party, accused the BBC of taking an internal email sent within the Labour party out of context. He said the email – used in a BBC Panorama documentary – had been “filleted”, meaning the “context was lost and a more sinister interpretation could be placed upon that email than was ever intended”. While the lawyer admitted that he “could not go so far as to say it was deliberate”, he told Al Jazeera it seemed to be “objectively entirely misleading”. BBC Panorama was criticised by Mr Forde for its “Is Labour Anti-Semitic?” documentary in his report on the Labour party. He claimed he was under pressure from journalists within the BBC to amend his criticism of the panorama documentary. But speaking about his own report into the Labour party, Mr Forde said: “I felt I had a fuller picture [than the BBC] because I interviewed not only some of the participants in the programme but I also interviewed some people who didn’t participate in the programme.” Gary Lineker and his Match of the Day co-hosts should be sacked and replaced with women “at half the price”, a former BBC governor has said. The suggestion from Lord Young of Norwood Green sparked an outcry from his own Labour benches in the House of Lords today. He said that, having been a barrister for 38 years, he thinks he “would have a degree of forensic skill and an ability to try and assess credibility and consistency, because that’s what lawyers look for.” Mr Forde’s interview with Al Jazeera also saw him criticise Sir Keir Starmer for an “insufficient” response to antisemitism. This comes despite the Labour leader having last month heralded the end of anti-semitism within the party. Mr Forde said he has had almost no communication with anyone from within the Labour party to tackle to issues highlighted by the report in the wake of its publication….

Jeremy Hunt Budget speech. I Newspaper summary of the Budget. How to deal with a coming housing and banking crisis. Budget 2023 summary: Danger points for Jeremy Hunt as Budget details unravel Explained – As the small print of Jeremy Hunt’s first Budget is analysed, cracks are starting to appear in his offerings Some of the changes announced have raised eyebrows, including the move to scrap the lifetime allowance on pensions, giving thousands of high-earners a tax cut. There is also likely to be significant backbench discontent over so-called “stealth taxes” in his Budget, as well as the expected rise in migration. The Chancellor is facing criticism over his surprise decision to remove the lifetime allowance on pensions – the amount that can be saved in a pension scheme before being taxed. Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves told Sky News on Thursday that it was “the wrong priority, at the wrong time, for the wrong people” and described the move as “a £1bn pensions bung for the 1 per cent”. She said Labour would reverse the “gilded giveaway” and urged the Chancellor and the Government to “think again” about scrapping the cap. Concerns have also been raised over the fact that the policy, which will cost £1.1bn a year by 2028, is only expected to help around 15,000 high earners. In his initial response to the Budget, Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) director Paul Johnson said the changes to pensions were “unlikely to have a big effect on overall employment”. “Overall these look like a sensible set of changes which could have the sort of marginal, but positive, impact which is perhaps as much as we can expect from measures in a single Budget,” he said. There has been significant discontent in the Conservative party over so-called “stealth taxes” in the Budget, which reportedly could raise the Treasury up to £29.3bn a year. The increase in the income tax bill is equivalent to raising the basic rate by 4p, according to the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR). By 2028, the Government’s tax take will amount to 37.7 per cent of GDP – almost 5 percentage points higher than its pre-pandemic level. Freezes to tax thresholds, brought in by Rishi Sunak as chancellor and continued by Mr Hunt, mean an extra 3.2 million people will pay income tax who would be exempt if the thresholds rose in line with inflation. And 2.1 million people will also be dragged into the 40p higher rate while another 350,000 will pay the top 45p rate.

US spy working for GCHQ in Cheltenham stabbed. NSA and GCHQ. Man stabbed woman at leisure centre because he thought she was GCHQ agent, court hears – Joshua Bowles, 29, was allegedly armed with two knives during the incident. He is also charged with assaulting a man who tried to intervene – Joshua Bowles, 29, has been charged with attempted murder and assault – A knifeman tried to murder a woman who he thought worked at GCHQ because she represented “the state”, a court has heard. Joshua Bowles, 29, has been charged with attempted murder and assault occasioning actual bodily harm. Bowles allegedly launched the attack on the woman as she left a leisure centre in Cheltenham, three miles from the UK intelligence agency’s base. He is said to have researched the woman before targeting her while armed with two knives as she left the building with a friend at 9.15pm last Thursday. Bowles allegedly punched and stabbed the woman in the car park before continuing the attack inside the building as she tried to escape. The alleged victim, referred to in charges only by the code number “99230” and not named in court, remains in hospital in a stable condition after suffering a number of stab wounds. American spy on secondment to GCHQ was stabbed by alleged terrorist just three miles from its Cheltenham headquarters – American spy working at GCHQ stabbed near the Cheltenham headquarters Mystery as police quiz suspected terrorist over knife attack An American spy on secondment to GCHQ was stabbed by an alleged terrorist just three miles from its headquarters, it can now be revealed. Police believe a woman working for US intelligence was targeted by a knifeman in an alleged terrorist attack outside a leisure centre in Cheltenham. The victim is said to have been sitting in a car when the knifeman lashed out stabbing her in the leisure centre car park, before she managed to stagger out of the vehicle for help. Seriously wounded, she managed to raise staff at the sports centre which was due shortly to close to the public at the time of the attack on Thursday at 9.15pm. Yesterday the victim remained in a stable condition in hospital following surgery.The identity of the woman has not been revealed, but the Mail has learnt that she is an American spy on secondment to the Government Communications Headquarters, which is based just three miles away. The nature of her work has not been revealed, but GCHQ has a strong relationship with its US equivalent, the National Security Agency. Initially, the apparently targeted stabbing was treated as attempted murder, but the suspect was re-arrested on suspicion of preparing and instigating a terrorist act just 24 hours later. Yesterday local residents suggested the victim may have known the suspect and claimed the pair were seen arguing in the car beforehand. ‘They were either parked or had pulled into the car park when she was stabbed and then she managed to get out of the car and get to the leisure centre,’ one neighbour said.

Gary Lineker’s well covered comments on those that want to stop illegal immigration by organised crime gangs across The Channel being like the Nazis which dominated the news this week. BBC licence fee. It’s not about you, Gary, it’s about our country and its place in the world – MICHAEL COLE – Its reputation for resisting pressure of all kinds has now been undermined by Director General Tim Davie’s appalling decision to apologise to Gary Lineker instead of telling him to sit out his contract which would not be renewed. With other broadcasters eager for his services, and now wearing the trappings of a martyr for free speech, Mr. Linker would have continued to smile smugly as he did throughout the crisis caused by his comparison of the government’s the plans to tackle illegal immigration to the language of Nazi Germany in the 1930s, a grotesque exaggeration revealing ignorance of history and a deplorable lack of judgement.

JEREMY CORBYN BACKED GARY LINEKER OVER NAZI TWEET BUT DIDN’T REALISE LINEKER URGED LABOUR TO ‘BIN CORBYN’! ….But this isn’t about that outrageous comment or Linker’s multi-millionaire pundit pals who believe their virtue-signalling is more important than the future of the broadcaster that has served this country and their families for generations. And it’s not about Free Speech. It’s about responsibility. That starts by conducting yourself in an appropriate way when you are the best-paid employee of the BBC, getting £1.35 million of licence payers’ money a year, making you one of its most famous faces. It doesn’t matter that Gary Lineker is a freelance and that his Twitter rant was on his own account. Richard Dimbleby was a freelance. He was the face of the BBC in the 1950s and until his death aged 52 in 1965. He lived out his career on 13-week BBC contracts. The difference is that Dimbleby knew how to behave. He didn’t need “Impartiality Guidelines” to tell him not to make incendiary public comments that would inevitably rebound on the BBC and undermine the bedrock of its foundation, its impartiality. When Dimbleby inadvertently blasphemed, not realising his mic was “open”, saying “Jesus wept!” after repeated technical failures, the uproar continued until he dropped a penny in the swear box at the start of his next programme.

PMQs Migration not helping British economy. Question to the Prime Minister on immigration and skills – 15 March 2023 Wednesday, 15 March, 2023 Today I asked a question to the Prime Minister on immigration and skills. Danny Kruger MP calls on Government agencies to take action for community neglected for three decades – 16 March, 2023 Thursday, 16 March, 2023 Danny Kruger MP has made a public call for local authorities and Government agencies to take action to protect a community which has fallen through the cracks for more than three decades.

PMQs hospital buildings. NHS workers getting a pay deal this week. PMQs hospital buildings needing repairs. Tories don’t want the NHS. PMQs Tube strikes. NHS union members step up campaign to reject ‘paltry’ pay deal Cross-union group sends out leaflets and hold online calls to persuade staff to vote against package agreed by leaders Members of Britain’s biggest health unions are organising a campaign to reject the pay agreement being recommended by union leaders, in a move that threatens to destroy the tentative truce between the government and NHS staff. A cross-union group called NHS Workers Say No has sent out thousands of leaflets, held online calls and started WhatsApp networks in an effort to persuade members to vote against the 5% increase hammered out during months of talks. Many are furious that union chiefs agreed to an increase that is well below the UK’s rate of inflation, and are willing to go back on strike to push for a better one. Campaigners believe the vote is likely to be on a knife-edge, and if they win, nurses could go back out on strike just as the country heads towards a crucial set of local elections. Ministers and union negotiators finally came to an agreement last week after weeks of talks and several months of industrial action. Under the terms of the deal, members of six unions, including the Royal College of Nursing, will receive a one-off 2% salary uplift and 4% Covid recovery bonus for the current year, and then a permanent 5% pay rise from April.

Yannis Varoufakis on energy companies hiking wholesale prices and green energy is pegged to the price of gas. E63: Europe’s electricity market: the scam of the century? Winter Is Coming…and Europe is facing a full-blown energy crisis. Power companies are hiking the price of electricity, making a tough winter even worse. And this time, it’s not just the poorest who are affected. The middle class is also feeling the squeeze. How much of this is due to how our politicians have set up Europe’s energy market, and how much to corporate greed? What other factors are at play? And how can we get out of this mess? Our panel, including Yanis Varoufakis, Julijana Zita and Erik Edman, investigate. Join us live and send us your comments and questions!

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard own everything | Tony on Brexit | Evolution | Armageddonists: George Monbiot | Nick Land

Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports

Ukraine war. Scott Ritter on the US drone over the Black Sea and how the Russian’s dealt with it. Judge Napolitano & Scott Ritter: Drone incident – Biden’s dangerous escalation – Crimea slams approach of American drone to peninsula ‘yet another provocation’ The Russian Defense Ministry reported that the Aerospace Forces’ air space control capabilities spotted a US MQ-9 drone near the Crimean Peninsula on the morning of March 14 SIMFEROPOL, March 15. /TASS/. The approach of the American MQ-9 drone to Crimea with its transponders switched off is yet another evident provocation, such attempts should be harshly suppressed, a member of the Federation Council from Crimea, Olga Kovitidi, said. “The approach of an American MQ-9 drone to our state’s borders, to Crimea, with its transponders switched off, which is a violation of the temporary regime for the airspace, is yet another provocation. I am sure that any attempts to violate Russia’s state borders should be harshly suppressed,” the senator told TASS on Wednesday. The Russian Defense Ministry reported that the Aerospace Forces’ air space control capabilities spotted a US MQ-9 drone near the Crimean Peninsula on the morning of March 14. As the ministry specified, the American drone flew with its transponders switched off “violating the borders of the area covered by the temporary regime for the airspace use established for the purposes of the special military operation.” According to servicemen, Russian fighter jets did not employ their onboard armaments, the drone went into an uncontrolled flight as a result of an abrupt maneuver, lost its altitude and crashed into the water. The MQ-9 Reaper is a modular reconnaissance and strike drone engineered by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems. The drone is outfitted with a turboprop engine enabling it to accelerate to over 400 km/h. It features flight endurance of 24 hours.

Russian Su-27’s Finally Down American Drone Near Crimea Russia has finally downed one of those pesky, extremely expensive American drones buzzing about Crimea in the Black Sea. A Russian Su-27 air interceptor harassed an American MQ-9 Reaper, dumping fuel onto it before ramming its propeller, causing it to fall into the Black Sea. “Our MQ-9 aircraft was conducting routine operations in international airspace when it was intercepted and hit by a Russian aircraft, resulting in a crash and complete loss of the MQ-9,” Air Force Gen. James B. Hecker, commander of US Air Forces Europe and Air Forces Africa, said in the statement. “In fact, this unsafe and unprofessional act by the Russians nearly caused both aircraft to crash.” This is done on purpose of course so as to keep a sense of diplomatic plausible deniability. It allows Russia to maintain an un-aggressive posture with the excuse that ‘we didn’t technically shoot down the drone with missiles/guns’, and it has more the air of an ‘accidental bump’ rather than deliberate shoot down. At the site of the fall of the wreckage of the American drone, the Black Sea Fleet organized their search and recovery on board. A helicopter of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation was also involved in the search for the wreckage. Sounds like Iran is about to get itself a brand new MQ-9 Reaper to reverse engineer. Maybe China too?

Russian Ambassador on Andrew Marr LBC Ambassador Andrei Kelin’s interview to Andrew Marr on LBC News, 22 February, 2023 Main topics: Conflict in Ukraine Special military operation Prospects of peace talks Minsk Agreements New START treaty Weapons supply to Ukraine Nuclear weapons Russia-NATO relations Russia-China relations Ambassador Andrei Kelin’s key statements: NATO countries, with UK among the leaders, are getting deeper and deeper into the Ukraine conflict. This only prolongs it. We really believed that Minsk Agreements could bring peace to Ukraine. Unfortunately, for the West they were just a way to win time to reinforce the regime in Kiev. It is ideologically wrong to oppress one of the nations in your own country. Yet this is exactly what the Kiev regime has been doing since 2014 to the Russian-speaking population in Donbass. This is a Nazi approach. Russia has not withdrawn but suspended participation in New START. Treaty’s main elements, incl info exchange on launches & keeping to warhead limits, remain in force. Reversal is possible but first we need to see reversal of the US anti-Russia policy. The longer will be the reach of weapons received by Ukraine from the West, the further we would need to push back the frontline in order to protect our security and ensure safety of our citizens. There are no circumstances in the current Ukraine conflict in which Russia might use nuclear weapons. At the moment Ukraine totally rejects the idea of peace talks. NATO refused to listen to Russia’s objective security concerns and warnings. This resulted in the current Ukraine crisis. The world should be multipolar. Countries like China, who are friendly towards Russia, understand it much better that UK and the West.

FORMER AUSTRALIAN PM MALCOLM TURNBALL BLASTS UK/US SUBMARINE DEAL Aukus submarine deal being a bad deal, and how China is not a threat to Australia. Malcolm Turnbull joins Paul Keating in smashing AUKUS nuclear subs deal: Ex-PM doubts ‘sick’ United Kingdom can hold up its end of the bargain Turnbull has joined fellow ex-PM in AUKUS criticism He thinks French subs would have been better deal Doubts ‘sick’ UK economy can sustain investment Malcolm Turnbull has become the second former prime minister in as many days to slam the government’s historic AUKUS nuclear submarines deal. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced a $368billion deal with the United States and the United Kingdom on Tuesday, securing eight high-tech submarines over the next 30 years. On Wednesday, ex-Labor PM Paul Keating described AUKUS as ‘the worst deal since World War 1’. Mr Turnbull apologised on ABC Radio for not being able to ‘express his concerns as colourfully as Paul’s’, before going on to also savage the deal. ‘The reality is this will take a lot more time, cost a great deal more money – have a lot more risk and cost a lot more money than if we had proceeded with the submarine project we had with France, that Morrison recklessly cancelled,’ he said. During an appearance at the National Press Club on Wednesday, the famously acid-tongued ex-PM took swipes at Anthony Albanese, Richard Marles, Penny Wong, US President Joe Biden, intelligence agencies and virtually any reporter who dared ask him a question. ‘Because I’ve got a brain. Principally,’ he said. ‘And I can think. And I can read. And I read every day. ‘I mean, why would China want to threaten… What would be the point? They get the iron ore, the coal, the wheat. ‘What would be the point of China wanting to occupy Sydney and Melbourne? Militarily?’ ‘And could they ever do it? Could they ever bring the numbers here? It would be an armada of troop ships to do it.

DOUBLE TROUBLE: DEPLETED URANIUM (DU) FROM UKRAINIAN TANK BATTLES APPEARING IN UK AIR SAMPLES? Uranium Weapons Residues in UK Air Samples Have Been Measured Since the Ukraine War, Why is Google Suppressing the Evidence? Uranium weapons being employed in Ukraine have significantly increased Uranium levels in the air in the UK Chris Busby on how there has been a doubling of Uranium being detected in air filters in UK, since beginning of Ukraine war – Ukraine weapons Uranium found in air filters in the Atomic Weapons Establishment Aldermaston.– Data covering the period November 2017 to November 2022 was obtained from the Atomic Weapons Establishment, Aldermaston to find if there was an increase in Uranium associated with the Ukraine war. Results from 9 High Volume Air Samplers deployed onsite and offsite by AWE showed that there were significantly increased levels of Uranium in all 9 HVAS samplers beginning in February 2022 when the war began. The result has significant public health implications for the UK and Europe – Uranium weapons have been increasingly employed in battle action since their first use by the US and UK forces in the Persian Gulf War in 1991. Since then, they have been used in the Balkans in the late 1990s, then Kosovo in 2000, probably in Afghanistan in 2002 and then also in the 2nd Gulf War (GW2) in March and April 2003. On impact, uranium penetrators burn fiercely to give an aerosol of sub micron diameter oxide particles which are largely insoluble and remain in the environment for many years – 100,000 Ukranians killed in Ukraine war . Turkey approves Finland’s NATO bid, but not Sweden’s Poland gives Ukraine fighter jets. ICC puts out arrest warrant for Putin for war crimes – .Poland to Be First NATO Member to Provide Ukraine With Fighter Jets Warsaw says it will send Soviet-made MiG-29 fighter jets in the coming days by Dave DeCamp Poland will become the first NATO member to supply Ukraine with fighter jets as Polish President Andrzej Duda said Thursday that his country plans to give Kyiv four Soviet-made MiG-29 fighter jets in the coming days. “In the coming days, we are handing over four aircraft to Ukraine in full working order,” Duda said at a press conference. Ukrainian pilots are trained to use the MiG-29, so the Polish planes can be used in battle once they arrive. Duda said Poland will send more MiG-29s after the first four are delivered. Last year, in March 2022, Poland offered to give MiG-29s to the US to transfer them to Ukraine, but the Pentagon declined, citing concerns of escalation. NATO diplomats said at the time that Russia could perceive the move as the alliance directly entering the war. But now, the US and its NATO allies are less concerned about escalation, and Poland’s move could inspire other alliance members to provide Ukraine with aircraft. Poland led the charge to give Kyiv German-made Leopard tanks. According to The Wall Street Journal, Ukraine’s MiG-29s are already armed with NATO equipment, including AGM-88 High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missiles, or HARMs, which have a range of about 50 miles. Ukraine’s MiGs are also firing US-provided Joint Direct Attack Munition-Extended Range (JDAM-ER), precision-guided bombs that can hit targets up to 45 miles away.

GOOGLE/YOUTUBE/NSA TRY TO ERASE DUTROUX SCANDAL FROM HISTORY: PLEASE DOWNLOAD/SAVE/SHARE THE MP4 OF BBC DOCUMENTARY ABOUT THE PAEDOPHILE MURDER RING AT THE HEART OF NATO AND THE EU IN BRUSSELS: YouTube try to remove 2002 BBC Documentary about Dutroux scandal under false pretences by saying a fashion magazine own the copyright rather than the BBC.

David Livingstone on how evil, Satanism and Nihilism are related. – – David Livingstone on Nihilism, Alexander Dugin; Ukrainian Nazis; Nick Land; Process Church; O9A & Pinay Cercle – David Livingstone on Nick Land and Accelerationism. Nick Land has been described as the “father” of accelerationism, a set of ideas which propose that capitalism and technological change should be drastically accelerated to create further radical social change – Accelerationism is the name of a contemporary political heresy: the insistence that the only radical political response to capitalism is to boost it so it collapses spectacularly

GMail ‘error message’ which is blocking all gmail users from receiving my weekly email to which they have attempted to subscribe – The NSA have apparently decided that my weekly email is spam and so do not allow it to pass to their gmail users – they have not saked those individial and are filtering their messages without their knowledge. a very good reason to stop using GMail and all other fascistic Google products andto spread the word.
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#1 Full 3hr 40min show NTBCFMPS17Mar23 03:40:00
#2 David Livingstone Nihilism Alexander Dugin Ukrainian Nazis Nick Land Process Church O9A Pinay Cercle 01:25:00
#3 Scott Ritter on Russians downing US Drone over Crimea Judge Napolitano 00:25:00
#4 Dr Chris Busby Depleted Uranium from Ukraine Nuclear Fraudster George Monbiot and the Fake Greens 00:40:00
#5 Russian Ambassador Andrei Kelins Ukraine War Andrew Marr on LBC22Feb23 00:22:00
#6 Yannis Varoufakis E63 Europe electricity market the scam of the century 1:00:00
#7 The Labour Files, Richard Forde Response, Al Jazeera Investigations 00:12:00

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