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State Of The City reports
Glastonbury's 3-day Aleister Crowley Satanic 'feast' over Easter 2023 Sandi Adams Agenda 2030?
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
April 7, 2023, 10:40 p.m.
– Police Scotland waited until after SNP leadership election which Sturgeon favourite Humza Yusuf won before arresting Nicola Sturgeon’s CEO husband
– Interest rates raised – the recent banking crisis, the economy, and scenarios going ahead. William Endahl, author of ‘Gods of Money:
– Mark Purdey, former organic dairy farmer, on how organophosphates and pesticides effect the health (2000).
– King Charles’ Pagan coronation invitation? Ending 1250 years of Christian Britain and cocking a snook at Jesus Christ just as some Medieval masons did. Pan, and Pantheism:
– NET ZERO WATCH: UK Crops grown to be burnt for energy – UK Net zero plan dedicates more land for biomass crops than new woodland E
– Sandi Adams on how the Communist/Fascists are trying to control us through a fake climate change agenda.
– Tucker Carlson with clips of US Presidents giving inaccurate projections for climate change.
– Maz Saleem on the murder of her grandfather Mohammed Saleem by Ukrainian Nazi imported specially by MI6 and the UK Foreign Office Pavlo Lapshyn.
– Rewild Project ‘Rewilding Humans’ in the Forest of Dean. Scott Bain on how they’re holding onto their rural skills project which Forestry England is trying to shut down a
– BRITAIN’S GLADIO, HIDDEN IN A TINY OXFORDSHIRE VILLAGE – Coleshill Auxillary Research Trust on the British stay behind armies CART
– Female Russian assassin who killed Putin blogger in St. Petersberg café bombing ‘r
– Sick paedophile ‘planned to create UNDERGROUND CITY packed with kidnapped children’ in NATO and EU Headquarters city –
– Mosque Stormed By Israeli Police, Civil War Brewing In Israel As Crime Minister Netanyahu Threatens To Attack Iran Again
– Brighton activist on trial for planning to damage Israeli-linked factory A Brighton activist accused of planning to damage a n Israeli arms factory
– Vaccine Sceptic hero Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to formally announce 2024 run for president in Boston BOSTON – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is running for president
– ‘Israel and the Assassination of the Kennedys’ film. Israel and the Assassination of the Kennedy Brothers – Laurent Guyénot (2020)
– Andrew Wakefield on vaccine manufacturers got immunity from legal prosecution from the Regan government. ‘1986: The Act’ d
– Sandi Adams warns of ‘Avalon Thelema’, Aleister Crowley follower John Crow’s Satanic rituals over Easter 2023 in Glastonbury.
– David Livingstone on WWI James Bond who knew Churchill’s private secretary Maj. Desmond Morton and connived with him to produce the faked Zinoviev letter, Sidney Reilly.
– Good Friday NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Part One - News Review and Investigative Reports

Police waited until after SNP leadership election which Sturgeon favourite Humza Yusuf won before arresting Nicola Sturgeon's CEO husband - Dishonest corrupt Police Scotland: role of Freemasonry...? Nicola Sturgeon..... Craig Murray: I have waited for anger to subside before writing about Humza Yousaf as First Minister. The obvious unfairness of the election created a lot of anger. The SNP party machine did everything to get Humza elected, with the now huge payroll vote swinging into action from the start with coordinated endorsements and messages. Central party staff, the SNP's Westminster spin doctor and even Sturgeon's "fixer" Liz Lloyd were seconded to the Humza campaign. The hundreds of paid staff of MPs and MSPs campaigned relentlessly for Humza, self-describing as "activists". The numerous SNP HQ troll accounts swung into action. High Level Corruption in Scotland Continues April 5, 2023: The threat of imprisonment for contempt of court again looms over me if I tell you (again) too much of the truth about the arrest of Nicola Sturgeon's husband Peter Murrell. But I can make a few observations. As I stated on twitter on March 19 (I am not going to repeat all my tweets here but you can go searching down my twitter thread), Police Scotland delayed their investigation into SNP corruption for the duration of the SNP Leadership election campaign. That campaign was triggered by Sturgeon's sudden resignation, which was itself precipitated by her being told by Police…

Interest rates raised - the recent banking crisis, the economy, and scenarios going ahead. William Endahl, author of 'Gods of Money: F. William Engdahl interviewed by Patrick Henningsen, on the recent bank wobble, and how the Fed decides when the financial system is going down. INTERVIEW – F. William Engdahl: ‘Gods of Money’ & Global Financial Collapse In episode #457 of the SUNDAY WIRE which aired on March 12, 2023, with host Patrick Henningsen and special guest, best-selling author and geopolitical analyst, F. William Engdahl – author of The Gods of Money: Wall Street and the Death of the American Century, to discuss the events surrounding the recent collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, what triggered it, and weigh-up the global the current financial risks, what to expect post-collapse, and how this will continue to effect the global economy.

Mark Purdey, former organic dairy farmer, on how organophosphates and pesticides effect the health. Mark Purdey's life changed one day in 1984 when a Ministry of Agriculture inspector told him he must administer a toxic organophosphate pesticide to his dairy herd. Passionately committed to organic farming and convinced of the harmful effects of chemicals in the environment, he refused to comply. 'It was as if my whole life became focused', he explained later. Before they had a chance to prosecute, Purdey took the Ministry to court and won his case. These experiences led him to challenge the orthodox line on the origins of Mad Cow Disease and its human counterpart variant CJD. Could the insecticide used in the official programme have precipitated the spread of the disease? Purdey's quest to discover the truth was hampered at every turn by government bureaucracies and self-serving scientific cliques who sought to smear and marginalize him. Dogged by dirty tricks and forced to work alone as something of a scientific sleuth, he struggled to reveal hidden interests and dangerous secrets. His supporters included many members of the public, as well as Prince Charles and the poet Ted Hughes. The latter wrote to him expressing 'a million congratulations'.Increasingly sceptical of the official narrative, Purdey was certain that toxic environmental factors would provide answers, and so embarked on a self-funded worldwide odyssey to investigate. "Animal Pharm" follows him on these eco-detective trails to locations as diverse as Iceland, Sardinia, Colorado and Australia. Purdey uncovers contamination from industry, munitions, pesticides, nuclear experiments and natural geology, linking these with the emergence of a range of neurodegenerative diseases. His research is at once compelling and disturbing, helping to create a paradigm shift in our understanding of the relationship of pollutants to disease and health.

King Charles' Pagan coronation invitation? Ending 1250 years of Christian Britain and cocking a snook at Jesus Christ just as some Medieval masons did. Pan, and Pantheism: Unravelling the Nature of the 'Green Man', How a Pre-Christian Icon came to be found in Christian Monuments - One of the most important quandaries to discuss in relation to the Green Man, a representation of a face surrounded by foliage and greenery, is how he came to grace the interiors and exteriors of churches, parishes, and other Christian buildings. A deity proven to have stemmed from before the coming of Christianity, the Green Man's appearance at Christian locations was an interesting puzzle for archaeologists and art historians. Why would the Green Man be depicted on so many Christian locations when his origins were pre-Christian? Wouldn't it thus be considered sacrilegious to present him in a Christian context? To begin to unravel the nature of these questions, it must first be discussed where images of the spirit appear to originate. The most pertinent to discuss is the impact of the gods of the Roman Empire on the nature of the Green Man. While the Green Man is an entity all on his own, there are indications that he was inspired by pre-existing deities, again both before and after the coming of the Roman Empire. Influence from within the Empire stems from both Roman and Greek gods, particularly Pan/Faunus and Dionysus/Bacchus. (For the purposes of this article these gods will be referred to by their Greek names, Dionysus and Pan). Both gods are sexualized nature aficionados, thereby presented as anthropomorphic personifications of the forces of nature and it's cyclical nature­ just like the Green Man. Pan was a satyr, a half man, half goat entity who took great pleasure in having sex with almost anything that moved­a trait of satyrs as a race. Despite this raucous behavior, Pan was more importantly a creature of nature tasked with protecting shepherds, mountains, pastures, and the wild. Similarly, Dionysus was a young god who encouraged sexual and spiritual freedom, whose cults appealed predominately to the repressed of the Greek and Roman cultures: women. His worships often turned into orgies and most often took place outside in open fields in the middle of the night.

NET ZERO WATCH: UK Crops grown to be burnt for energy -  Net zero plan dedicates more land for biomass crops than new woodland Exclusive Government’s strategy for tackling climate change includes proposals for thousands more hectares of plants and trees to be grown to burn in power stations By Daniel Capurro Environment Correspondent The Government’s new climate change plan includes annual targets to plant more crops for burning to make electricity than woodland. Green experts have warned that the focus on biomass risks distracting from proven technologies and increasing inequality in rural areas. The proposals for greater biomass use are part of a major new Government strategy launched last month in an attempt to get the UK on target to hit net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. As part of the plans, ministers are making a major bet on “Beccs”, or bioenergy with carbon capture and storage. The technology, which has never been deployed on a major scale, claims to generate negative emissions. The theory given is that the crops for burning – usually fast-growing grass and trees – would absorb carbon from the atmosphere while growing, which would then be stored underground in perpetuity once they have been burnt. The technology also promises to provide electricity at times when less reliable forms of generation such as wind and solar are subdued. Overall, the energy strategy makes a call to plant an additional 9,600 hectares of perennial energy crops and 8,900 hectares of woodland annually by 2030, increasing to 15,000 extra hectares of energy crops and 10,300 hectares of new woodland a year by 2035. The Climate Change Committee has said that there is a place for Beccs in the UK’s energy mix. However it has warned that the supply of sustainable feedstock is limited and that more of it needs to come from the UK rather than overseas. Currently, biomass burning sites without carbon capture, such as Drax in North Yorkshire, import their wood from overseas. Nevertheless, critics have questioned why ministers are placing so much emphasis on an expensive technology that is yet to be shown to work at the necessary scale. Dr Lydia Collas, a policy analyst at Green Alliance, told i: “The Government appears to be gambling heavily on bioenergy crops, even though these provide few environmental benefits beyond carbon. Planting new woodland, by contrast, is cheaper and better for nature and rural communities.” Critics of the biomass plan say finite subsidy money should be used to plant woodlands, which sequester carbon and also boost biodiversity, while energy efforts should focus on cheaper and proven technologies. “We shouldn’t be overcomplicating things. New technology will play an important role in tackling change, but we need to capitalise on the simple yet potentially transformative things already available to us,” said Dr Collas. Analysis by Green Alliance showed that, even if costs fell significantly, it was still cheaper to remove carbon via woodland planting. As well as potentially distorting the UK’s energy market, Green Alliance said that the emphasis on biomass crops risked channelling taxpayer money towards already wealthy farmers and away from poorer ones. The agricultural land suitable for growing biomass crops tends to be of higher quality than that used for woodlands, which is often upland territory with poor soil, while much of the subsidy money would go to power generators. The Government was approached for comment.

Sandi Adams on how the Communist/Fascists are trying to control us through a fake climate change agenda. Tucker Carlson with clips of US Presidents giving inaccurate projections for climate change.  Why Apocalyptic Claims About Climate Change Are Wrong Climate scientists are speaking out against grossly exaggerated claims about global warming. Environmental journalists and advocates have in recent weeks made a number of apocalyptic predictions about the impact of climate change. Bill McKibben suggested climate-driven fires in Australia had made koalas “functionally extinct.” Extinction Rebellion said “Billions will die” and “Life on Earth is dying.” Vice claimed the “collapse of civilization may have already begun.” Few have underscored the threat more than student climate activist Greta Thunberg and Green New Deal sponsor Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The latter said, “The world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change.” Says Thunberg in her new book, “Around 2030 we will be in a position to set off an irreversible chain reaction beyond human control that will lead to the end of our civilization as we know it.” Sometimes, scientists themselves make apocalyptic claims. “It’s difficult to see how we could accommodate a billion people or even half of that,” if Earth warms four degrees, said one earlier this year. “The potential for multi-breadbasket failure is increasing,” said another. If sea levels rise as much as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts, another scientist said, “It will be an unmanageable problem.” Apocalyptic statements like these have real-world impacts. In September, a group of British psychologists said children are increasingly suffering from anxiety from the frightening discourse around climate change. In October, an activist with Extinction Rebellion (”XR”) ­an environmental group founded in 2018 to commit civil disobedience to draw awareness to the threat its founders and supporters say climate change poses to human existence ­and a videographer, were kicked and beaten in a London Tube station by angry commuters. And last week, an XR co-founder said a genocide like the Holocaust was “happening again, on a far greater scale, and in plain sight” from climate change.

Maz Saleem on the murder of her grandfather Mohammed Saleem by Ukrainian Nazi imported specially by MI6 and the UK Foreign Office Pavlo Lapshyn. A medal at the British embassy for Birmingham's Neo-Nazi terrorist - by Tony Gosling -2013 @ Of all the circumstances surrounding last week's conviction of Britain's Neo-Nazi Ukrainian born terrorist, Pavlo Lapshyn, the London press' failure to join the dots, even to call him a terrorist, is scandal all of its own. When considering state actors' role in aiding domestic terrorism, the London press has a blind spot. They seem to forget that during the 1970s & 1980s Irish troubles, state complicity and 'collusion' was pouring petrol on the flames. Evidence has been around for years that the British Army's Force Research Unit (FRU), Brigadier Gordon Kerr specifically, was an integral part of the anti-IRA, Loyalist terror program. Birmingham's summer of terror - Britain's most recent terrorist, 25 year old Ukrainian, Pavlo Lapshyn, who was convicted last week, was extraordinary in many ways. Despite a racially motivated murder and three bombs including Mosque bombings and a nail bomb, most of the London media used the word 'murderer' rather than 'terrorist' to describe him. The fact that no-one was killed by his bombs, which terrorized Birmingham's Muslim community over the summer months, was described by the city's spiritual leaders, quite rightly, as a miracle. Lapshyn turned up in Britain in the spring, having won a work experience intern competition run by the robotics software company, Delcam. Astonishingly, this competition was run in conjunction with the British Embassy in Kiev, where he received his ticket to the UK from the British ambassador himself. It is the Diplomatic Service and Foreign Office's job to look into the credentials of anyone taking up residence in Britain. Yet not only, it seems, did they miss Lapshyn's fanatical Neo-Nazism but failed to notice that he had been arrested in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, in 2010 for using home-made explosives to virtually destroy the flat he was living in. Despite blowing out his mother's doors and windows, Ukrainian police let him off with a caution because he said he was simply doing a 'science experiment'. Whether MI6 and the Diplomatic Service failed to do their job when vetting Lapshyn or not rather depends what their real job was. Incredible though it will seem to some, Lapshyn might have been identified by MI6 as a useful puppet to fuel sectarian strife in Britain and been conveyed to the UK for that very purpose. This is precisely the covert role the British Secret State has taken on in the past and does regularly abroad, all shrouded under the guise of 'national security'.

Rewild Project 'Rewilding Humans' in the Forest of Dean. Scott Bain on how they're holding onto their rural skills project which Forestry England is trying to shut down and FE also have a covert policy of land banking in the countryside. The Rewild project is based in the forest of dean and aims to reconnect people to nature by reviving traditional, land-based skills to connect people back to ways of living off the land. We run community growing projects and various craft workshops and courses; the Rewild Project promotes the use of Agro-Ecology and Permaculture design to create thriving food growing spaces, a renewed interest in land and food, newly skilled people and improved eco-systems. Our way of life has changed dramatically from where we once began as hunter and gatherers. Ancient knowledge and skills are fast being forgotten and we appear to be seeing the ill effects on people through a disconnection to land and nature. Once thought of as an invaluable resource for food, shelter, medicine, craft and much more land is being stripped to make way for large scale agriculture and monoculture farming. Facing a crisis in people’s health, maintaining wildlife species and soil fertility due to loss of habitat, deforestation and chemical farming we need a new approach to land use and our food systems. Agroecology is a whole systems approach to agriculture and food systems development based on traditional knowledge, alternative agriculture and local food system experiences. Permaculture is the development of agricultural ecosystems intended to be sustainable and self-sufficient. A Forest Garden is designed and maintained specifically, not using the normal tenets of gardening but taking its vision from nature and very much based on a natural ecology of a young forest. The project actively improves environments by using Agro-Forestry growing methods that build soil fertility, are resilient to climatic changes, are low energy inputs and create varied ecosystems for wildlife to thrive and people to enjoy. We use education and awareness to build enthusiasm for growing food and sustainable rural living The Rewild Project works with schools and community groups on fun and engaging project’s; not only giving people the skills to be more resilient and self sufficient but also empowering communities to take control of their food systems and land.

BRITAIN'S GLADIO, HIDDEN IN A TINY OXFORDSHIRE VILLAGE - Coleshill Auxillary Research Trust on the British stay behind armies CART - The Coleshill Auxiliary Research Team (CART) are a group of volunteer researchers and supporters who investigate and record the World War 2 Auxiliary Units. Findings are published on the British Resistance Archive website here at and constantly being updated. Coleshill Auxiliary Research Team (CART) was formed in 2009 when founder Tom Sykes began looking into the Auxiliary Units that were trained at the HQ, Coleshill House, near Highworth, Wiltshire. To date we have all known Auxiliary Unit members recorded including operational Auxiliers, Intelligence Officers, Scout Sections, Headquarters staff along with Special Duties operators, ATS and Royal Signals. In 2019 thanks to sponsorship from the Gerry Holdsworth Special Forces Charitable Trust, and a huge re-build of our website, we are now starting to cover the men and women from the SOE and the SAS.

Bitchute video of complete show - Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit | Evolution | Armageddonists I have known: George Monbiot | Nick Land
Part Two - Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports

Female Russian assassin who killed Putin blogger in St. Petersberg café bombing 'required medical assistance' Daria Trepova became disoriented during nine hours of interrogation by the FSB 'I was set up. I was just being used,' Trepova reportedly told state investigators Trepova was told her first task was to see Vladlen Tatarsky speak at one of his events and become acquainted with the pro-Kremlin blogger and staunch supporter of Russia's war in Ukraine. Fontanka reported that she was given a 'secret item' by a Moscow taxi driver - who also was said to have no knowledge of what they were doing. Reports said the statue laced with explosives was ordered through the Telegram messaging app and was delivered anonymously to an intermediary. Trepova then received her next task which was to meet up with Tatarsky again and give him the package. Reports even said a ticket was purchased from Pulkovo international airport in St Petersburg to Uzbekistan as part of her safe travel to Ukraine. The blast took place when the Kremlin propagandist had been speaking at a political event at the Street Food No. 1 café in St Petersburg when the bomb exploded next to him, killing him and injuring 32 others. Russian authorities described the bombing as an act of terrorism and blamed Ukrainian intelligence agencies for orchestrating it.

YouTube censor AMAZING BBC Correspondent documentary: Dutroux Paedophile Scandal, Belgian X Files Olenka Frenkiel (2002) Sick paedophile ‘planned to create UNDERGROUND CITY packed with kidnapped children' in NATO and EU Headquarters city - NOTORIOUS paedophile Marc Dutroux planned to create a sick “underground city” full of imprisoned children, his former lawyer has claimed. Marc Dutroux has allegedly planning to kidnap as many children as possible The twisted serial killer and child molester, who has been behind bars since 1996, allegedly planned to “kidnap many children as possible”. Julien Pierre, who was Mr Dutroux’s lawyer between 1996 and 2003, has made the shocking claims in a tell-all interview. The abhorrent child torturer, who is from Belgium, is said to have told Mr Pierre all about his terrifying plans. He reportedly said: “Do you realise that no one has ever asked why I chose that house, that region? “My idea was to carry out mass kidnappings of children and then to create, in a mine shaft, a sort of underground city where good, harmony and security would prevail.” Two days after his arrest in August 1996, two missing girls, Laetitia Delhez and Sabine Dardenne, were rescued from a hidden cellar in one of Dutroux’s houses.

Israel/Palestine recent problems with Tony Greenstein. Hundreds of Israelis raid Al-Aqsa as Palestinians blocked from site - Jordan condemns incursions and blames Israel for a potential escalation Hundreds of Israeli settlers and ultranationalists stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem on Sunday, as Palestinians were blocked from accessing the site. Protected by dozens of heavily-armed police officers, large groups of Israelis toured the courtyards of Al-Aqsa starting from 7:30am local time to mark the Jewish holiday of Passover. Meanwhile, Israeli forces assaulted Palestinians trying to reach the site overnight to perform the dawn prayer and denied access to worshippers under the age of 40. They also cleared the Old City, where Al-Aqsa Mosque is located, in preparation for the mass Israeli incursions. Only 30,000 Palestinians managed to attend the Ramadan Taraweeh night prayer on Saturday, a drop from as many as 130,000 who attended previous nights this month, according to local estimates. Hundreds of worshippers locked themselves in the Qibli prayer hall - the building with the silver dome - on Saturday night, to avoid Israeli attempts to remove them from the mosque. It comes after Israeli forces repeatedly assaulted worshippers inside the Qibli mosque last week to remove them from the site, sparking international condemnation. Jordan, the custodian of Islamic and Christian sites in Jerusalem, denounced the raids on Sunday and blamed Israel for the consequences. "We condemn the massive incursions into the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque under the tight protection of the Israeli occupation police, which constitutes a breach of the existing historical and legal status quo agreements in Al-Aqsa and a violation of the sanctity of the holy places," the Jordanian foreign minister said in a statement.

Brighton activist on trial for planning to damage Israeli-linked factory A Brighton activist accused of planning to damage a factory in an anti-Israel protest was caught by police driving a van containing sledgehammers, smoke bombs and fire extinguishers adapted to spray red paint, a court heard today. Tony Greenstein, 69, hired a van at Choices Vehicle Rentals in Brighton and drove it all the way to Walsall in the West Midlands to pick up five other Palestine Action protestors, a jury at Wolverhampton Crown Court was told. They donned boiler suits and the van was loaded up with smoke bombs, ladders, large containers filled with red paint, two sledge hammers, cans of spray paint, superglue, a crowbar and the adapted fire extinguishers. They also brought Palestinian flags and stencils of anti-Israel slogans. But at about 3am the next morning, on March 9, 2021, police stopped the van while it was en route to UAV Engines, a subsidiary of Israeli arms company Elbit Systems which manufactures drones in nearby Shenstone. Prosecuting, Deborah Gould said: “The crown’s case is that the defendants intended to occupy UAV’s factory premises in Shenstone and damage those premises by a number of means including using fire extinguishers which had been adapted to contain red paint, pouring paint over the buildings and climbing onto, and occupying the roofs of those premises and causing damage to any accessible areas like skylights and windows. “The result would that the normal business of the factory would be severely disrupted, staff unable to enter and, for a period of time at least, the operations of the business would be closed down.

Robert F Kennedy Junior will run to be U.S. President - announces bid several days before Biden. RFK is a sound man on vaccine injuries. Robert Kennedy Jr to make 2024 Democratic presidential bid WASHINGTON, April 6 - Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a lawyer and vaccine skeptic, will make a bid for the White House in 2024, becoming the second long-shot Democratic candidate to challenge President Joe Biden in his expected run for re-election. Kennedy, 69, the son of assassinated 1968 presidential candidate U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy, filed papers with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday. Marianne Williamson, the self-help guru who warned of the "dark psychic force" unleashed by Republican President Donald Trump, launched a Democratic presidential bid for 2024 in March, calling for "justice and love." article-prompt-devicesA longtime vaccine skeptic, Kennedy was tapped in 2017 to oversee a presidential panel to review vaccine safety and science at the request of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, a move that drew immediate criticism from scientists and public health experts who feared it would legitimize skeptics of childhood immunizations.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to formally announce 2024 run for president in Boston BOSTON - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is running for president and he's going to make the formal announcement in Boston. Kennedy's campaign team said Thursday he will officially declare his candidacy at an event Wednesday, April 19 at the Boston Park Plaza hotel. Kennedy, a Democrat, is 69 years old. He's the oldest son of Senator Robert F. Kennedy, who was assassinated while campaigning for president in 1968. He is also a nephew of President John F. Kennedy and the late Senator Ted Kennedy, who ran for president in 1980. Kennedy filed a statement of candidacy Wednesday with the Federal Election Commission. His campaign to challenge incumbent President Biden for the Democratic nomination is a long shot. Self-help author Marianne Williamson is also running in the Democratic race. Kennedy was once a bestselling author and environmental lawyer who worked on issues such as clean water. But more than 15 years ago, he became fixated on a belief that vaccines are not safe. He emerged as one of the leading voices in the anti-vaccine movement, and his work has been described by public health experts and even members of his own family as misleading and dangerous.

'Israel and the Assassination of the Kennedys' film. Israel and the Assassination of the Kennedy Brothers - an 85 minute long documentary by French investigative journalist Laurent Guyénot (2020) - In 1968, Robert Kennedy was assassinated just after winning the California primaries, which made him the front-runner in the presidential race. Had he reached the White House, he would have been able to reopen the investigation into his brother’s death five years earlier, and it is known from numerous testimonies that he intended to do so. Neither John’s nor Robert’s death are elucidated; both investigations, conducted under Lyndon Johnson’s watch, are widely regarded as cover-ups. In each case, the official conclusion is rife with contradictions. This film sums them up. But it does more: it shows that the key to solving both cases resides in the link between them. And it solves them beyond a reasonable doubt.

Andrew Wakefield on vaccine manufacturers got immunity from legal prosecution from the Regan government. '1986: The Act' documentary by Andrew Wakefield (2020) In 1986, pharmaceutical companies extorted the US Congress into giving it the best business model in the world: no lawsuits for vaccine products that are mandated by law to be injected into children - products that have never been properly tested for safety. Vaccines that are currently being rushed-to-market for COVID-19 require even less rigorous testing of their capacity to cause harm. Man and microbe, from Polio to COVID19 - A dramatic never more relevant forensic examination of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and its consequences. What happens when an ancient wisdom - a mother's intuition - is pitted against powerful interests in a race against time?

Sandi Adams warns of 'Avalon Thelema', Aleister Crowley follower John Crow's Satanic rituals over Easter 2023 in Glastonbury.  Aleister Crowley: The Grandfather of Satanism and The Do What Thou Wilt Generation - The Grandfather of Modern Satanism, Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) was a British occultist, black magician, author, and secret British spy who is one of the most well-known and controversial figures of the 20th-century. He drew quite a following from the British upper classes, who had a preoccupation with the occult and networked extensively in artistic and literary scenes where he felt perfectly at home in these circles of the elite. Crowley gained much notoriety during his lifetime, being a demon conjurer, recreational drug experimenter, bisexual, and an individualist social critic. Much of the controversy surrounding him came through an association with ritual sex magick and the Enochian magick that had been practiced by the infamous consultant to Queen Elizabeth, John Dee (1527-1608). Dee used a grimoire called the Goetia (or the Lesser Key of Solomon) for conjuring angels and demons. Crowley considered himself to be the reincarnation of Dee’s assistant, necromancer and interpreter of the angelic language, Edward Kelly (1555-1597). It was early in the 20th century when Crowley proudly proclaimed himself The Great Beast 666, who believed or acted as if he was an agent of the devil in order to help bring about humanity’s spiritual evolution. He considered himself to be the prophet of a new age – the Æon of Horus and his religion Thelema, whose law was, “Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the Law.” As he once said, “I was not content to believe in a personal devil and serve him, in the ordinary sense of the word. I wanted to get hold of him personally and become his chief of staff.” And “There are no “standards of Right”. Ethics is balderdash. Each Star must go on its own orbit. To hell with “moral principle”; there is no such thing.” (Aleister Crowley, The Old and New Commentaries to Liber AL) This is why the British press once labeled him “The Wickedest Man In the World,” and a 1915 Vanity Fair profile put it well, “a legend has been built up around his name. He is a myth. No other man has so many strange tales told of him.” In addition to working for the British government, he helped spawn several Satanic organizations and influenced millions of people in the process. I argue that Crowley’s influence and propaganda helped make him the Grandfather of Modern Satanism, and I believe we can also call him the founder of Modern Atheism and Neo-Liberalism. Crowley can be credited with influencing millions of people in the Western world with his brand of individualistic religion in the counter-culture generation from the 1960s to the 1970s up until this very day. This is why some of his critics argue that he is also responsible for spawning a whole generation of witches, warlocks, and degenerates, in addition to being an influence on modern Satanism. When you study his life, you will find that Crowley’s statement about being the Devil’s chief of staff may very well be true. He had worked his whole life to facilitate the removal of obstacles in Western culture, such as morality and Christian values, in order to bring about the end-time.

David Livingstone on WWI James Bond who knew Churchill's private secretary Maj. Desmond Morton and connived with him to produce the faked Zinoviev letter, Sidney Reilly. Also star of Troy Kennedy-Martin's brilliant drama for Thames TV's Euston Films 'Reilly Ace of Spies'. Sir William Wiseman, head of British intelligence and future employee of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.­“decided to ‘guide the storm’ in Russia, using money, secret propaganda and hand-picked agents.”[6] As found in the Sir William Wiseman Papers, Wiseman described one part of his plan as “endeavor[ing] to do in Russia what we have done successfully elsewhere; namely to place Germans who are working for us among the real German agents…,” and use agents who “have special facilities for getting into the confidence of German agents.” Among Wiseman’s concerns were that “the Germans have managed to secure control of the most important secret societies in Russia.” “It is necessary that this German influence should be exposed,” he noted, “and counter-Societies organized, if necessary.”[7] W. Somerset Maugham (1874 - 1965) Working for Wiseman were “Ace of Spies” Sidney Reilly, Somerset Maugham and, according to Spence, likely Aleister Crowley.[8] Maugham was also closely associated with Crowley. Arriving in Paris in November 1902, Crowley befriended the painter Gerald Festus Kelly, and through him became a member of the Parisian arts scene. He authored a series of poems, published as Rodin in Rime, on the work of his acquaintance, the sculptor Auguste Rodin.[9] One of those frequenting this milieu was Maugham, who after briefly meeting Crowley later used him as a model for the character of Oliver Haddo in his novel The Magician.[10] Reilly’s friend, former diplomat and journalist Sir Robert Bruce Lockhart, was a close acquaintance of Ian Fleming, author of the James Bond novels, for many years and recounted to Fleming many of Reilly's espionage exploits.[11] Reilly became a secret agent of the British Secret Service Bureau, the precursor to the modern British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6/SIS). Although Reilly was originally employed by Wiseman, the SIS formally dropped Reilly and supposedly viewed him as untrustworthy and dangerous. Similar doubts applied to Wiseman as well. About this time, a “reform element” in British intelligence, became suspicious of Wiseman’s wartime activities and was secretly investigating him. Wiseman had been brought into Kuhn, Loeb and Co. by Crowley’s friend Otto Khan. 
#1 - Full 3hr 30min show NTBCFMPSGoodFriday07Apr23 03:20:00
#2 - Maz Saleem on murder of her father a decade ago by a Ukrainian Nazi 00:20:00
#3 - Sandi Adams Glastonbury Satanists over Easter 2023 Agenda 2030 01:20:00
#4 - Tony Greenstein Jerusalem Tel aviv latest al aqsa netanyahu shin bet 00:15:00
#5 - Israel and the Assassination of the Kennedy Brothers Laurent Guyenot (2020) 01:20:00
#6 - James Files Chicago Mob Hit Man Who Assassinated President JFK 02:45:00
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