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Program Information
State Of The City reports
New parking charges on The Downs considered in Bristol mayor's plan to drive away travellers
Princess Diana never thought her husband Prince Charles was cut out to be King
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
April 28, 2023, 9:11 p.m.
– New fines for van dwellers in parts of Bristol – New parking charges on the Downs considered in plan to drive away travellers
– School ignores girl who can’t use unisex toilets – Schoolgirl’s life being made a misery by unisex toilets
– Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees Ignores His Remit Making Global Decisions While Public Transport Collapses And Bins Go Unemptied
– OPERATE BEYOND YOUR AUTHORITY, BEYOND THE LAW: Mark Anderson from UK Column on the Global Parliament of Mayors and how Marvin Rees is a key player in this.
– Sam Downie on 2017 show on what Common Purpose teaches and it’s involvement in Happy Cities
– John McDonnell talk at NUJ conference. Goes through the many curent bills which adversely affect journalists and freedom of expression including the National Security bill and online safety bill
– When central banks put interest rates up to ‘bring down inflation’ they are actually INCREASING inflation! – Bank of England warned it will ‘totally crash the economy’ over interest rate decision
– Opponents of the dictatorship Diane Abbot MP, Andrew Bridgen MP and Tucker Carlson CANCELLED
– Diane Abbott MP suspended from Labour Party for letter about prejudice not racism. Tony Greenstein blog The One Thing Diane Abbot Hasn’t Been Suspended For Is Anti-Semitism
– Andrew Bridgen MP expelled from Conservative Party – him discussing the harms of Covid jabs. Dozens of AstraZeneca jab victims are suing the government [see full article below]
– King’s Coronation on Saturday 6th May – Noel Botham’s book on death of Diana – John Morgan on Prince Charles’s Way Ahead Group, Diana’s increasing publicity, and assassination plans for her
– DON’T MENTION DIANA [see Richard Tomlinson affidavit below]:this scenario bore remarkable similarities to the circumstances and witness accounts of the crash that killed the Princess of Wales
‘– The way the Windsors got their millions is a Royal RIP-OFF more in line with Henry VIII than a modern democracy,’
– There’s no escaping that for some loyal monarchists, the shadow of Princess Diana will hang over Saturday’s Coronation service
– The Great UK Energy Debate: National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) vs. Extinction Rebellion (XR)
– David Douglass NUM & author of ‘Climate Change and the Total Destruction of the British Coal Mining Industry’, vs. Shane Collins, Councillor for Green Party - debate XR, Net Zero policies and the demise of coal
– UAE & NATO funding terrorist RSF Militia to destabilise Sudan: Mohammed Makawi, Bristol Councillor for the Green Party, who is Sudanese, on the unfolding war in Sudan
– Global military spending is increasing to record levels- – a new arms race – World military spending reaches all-time high of $2.24 trillion Surge in spending reflects Russia-Ukraine war and ‘increasingly insecure world’,
– Robert F. Kennedy’s launches bid for the Democrat nomination to be US President in 2024 – his speech in Boston last week “My mission…will be to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power"
– Tucker Carlson sacking explained, non-disclosure agreement in Dominion voting machines v. Fox News out-of-court settlement?
– Russia/ Ukraine war story – depleted uranium – British weapons containing depleted uranium already in Ukraine, says UK minister
– FBI arrests black activists as 'Russian Spies'! Black rights activists accused of working with Russians to instil discord in US –
– ‘Never Again is Now Global’ The last generation of Holocaust survivors and their children express their concerns about current events – films by Vera Sharaf from ‘The Alliance for Future Research Protection’
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports

New fines for van dwellers in parts of Bristol – New parking charges on the Downs considered in plan to drive away van dwellers New parking charges on the Downs are being considered in a plan to drive away van dwellers from living on the roads throughout the parkland. The car park north of the old zoo will also see new parking charges introduced soon, to help pay for maintenance of the area. An estimated 60 vans are regularly parked on the roads around the Downs, home to people looking for a cheaper lifestyle amid Bristol’s soaring housing costs. But the councillors and businessmen who oversee the parkland are considering options for how to move them on, due to safety concerns. One plan would see pay-and-display parking charges brought onto all roads on the Downs, with a limit of two hours and a free 30-minute option. The Downs committee will press Bristol City Council to consider introducing the charges. Separately, the Downs committee is also planning to introduce parking charges at the car park north of the old zoo on Clifton Down. This is currently a free car park, but would be made pay-and-display, in a bid to raise money to pay for the maintenance of the parkland. During a Downs committee meeting on Tuesday, April 25, Green councillor Paula O’Rourke, lord mayor and chair of the committee, said she was concerned about the safety of gas canisters used by many van dwellers, as well as pushing them to live elsewhere across Bristol. She said: “There’s an issue with van dwellers there, but equally there’s an issue across the whole city with van dwellers. So a lot of things have to be looked at, like where else would van dwellers go? Should we also perhaps look at meanwhile sites that are available across the city? “I don’t know who’s happy with the fact that we’ve got more and more van dwellers parking up there, being less and less safe. “The last time I was up there, I saw so many gas canisters outside, and that just really did freak me out. There are concerns that there’s going to be a major fire up there one day.” Before charges could be introduced on the roads through the Downs, the council would have to consult the public on a traffic regulation order. This would ultimately be up to the cabinet to decide. Labour councillor Kye Dudd, cabinet member for climate, ecology, waste and energy, said the council needed to make sure there were “enough appropriate places for people to go”. He said: “There is a long-standing policy on van dwellers, some have legal protections, others not. From time to time new pressures crop up where you get a large concentration of van dwellers, and sometimes that includes behaviour that the council has to deal with. “Some of them will be legally parked and correctly taxed, and because of the traffic regulations they’re allowed to park there. Others won’t be, and people are fined from time to time, but they just see it as a cost of living there. “If you strengthen the parking restrictions, obviously those people are going to go somewhere else, aren’t they?

School ignores girl who can’t use unisex toilets – Schoolgirl’s life being made a misery by unisex toilets Coventry Live by Jaspreet Kaur • 20 Apr – A mum has shared her fury after claiming that her daughter fears changing her sanitary products at a secondary school in Coventry. She said unisex toilets have caused a number of problems at Caludon Castle School. She said her teenage daughter was diagnosed with a kidney problem at six months old. It means she definitely has to use the toilet when she knows needs to go, and more frequently. The mum said the needs of her 14-year-old daughter, however, have not been taken into consideration despite repeated pleas to leaders at Caludon Castle School. She said her daughter has been refused to go to the toilet during lessons and also fears changing her sanitary towels inside the unisex toilets at the secondary school in Wyken. Speaking to CoventryLive, the 32-year-old mum, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “When the girls are in there, they are in there with boys, my daughter has had the door kicked in on her by boys when she is changing her sanitary towel. She has had it where it has come all down her leg. “She has sometimes been too scared to change when she comes on her periods monthly and her pads have come through onto her uniform.” She added: “She has come through onto her school uniform, loads of different things have happened. She has been the near experience of actually soiling her trousers and she has had to run otherwise there would have been an accident which she could potentially be bullied for.” She said her young daughter will ‘make excuses’ to go home so she can change her sanitary towels during the school day. “She will make any excuse to try and get out of school when she is on her period to come and change her pad. “I think that sort of affects her education and wellbeing in school. School is supposed to be a safe place,” the mum said. She added: “She should be allowed to change her sanitary products no matter whether she is in a class or not and it should be in a safe space, not where a boy can walk in. She has had boys’ heads coming over the toilet door when she has been on the toilet and that is just embarrassing.” She said her young daughter was granted a week-long pass to use the toilet despite the fact she showed a letter detailing her condition from the GP. She said: “I do not know how many more doctors’ notes I can get to prove to the school that she does have a problem.” She added: “I have told her to walk out because I do not want her wetting herself again.” Although, this causes caused further problems as the schoolgirl then receives detentions for truancy. She said: “I am getting a lot of notifications for truancy and when you ring the school to find out what it is it is like she completed her work and left to go to the toilet.” She said the anxiety of not being able to use the toilet has negatively affected her teenage daughter. “It does affect her and she is on edge all the time because she cannot time when it is going to happen,” she said. It comes after a teenage girl was left with a large cut to her forehead after a boy ‘donkey-kicked’ the toilet cubicle door at Caludon Castle School. Mum Gemma Brennan called on the secondary school to scrap unisex toilets which she previously described as a ‘massive concern.’ Caludon Castle School has been approached for comment by CoventryLive.

OPERATE BEYOND YOUR AUTHORITY, BEYOND THE LAW: Mark Anderson from UK Column on the Global Parliament of Mayors and how Marvin Rees is a key player in this. Sam Downie on 2017 show on what Common Purpose teaches and it’s involvement in Happy Cities. Marvin Rees Globalist Bristol Mayor making decisions beyond his authority The Parliament of Mayors U7 National Association of Cities UK Core Cities Mark Anderson, Mike Robinson UK Column News Mon 24 Apr 2023 Mayors Usurping Nation States in Quest to Fight ‘Climate Change’ by Mark Anderson – The Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy­created by the European Commission in 2008­went mercurial last June when U.S. President Trump gave a cold shoulder to “global warming” by announcing he was distancing America from the 2015 Paris climate agreement. Coincidentally or not, Trump made the announcement in early June of 2017, right when the 65th Bilderberg Meeting was taking place a short distance from Washington in Chantilly, Virginia. A longtime Bilderberg-connected news organ, the Washington Post, trounced Trump for his Paris stance all weekend long, as the elite, secretive Bilderberg gathering concluded. Awash in financial resources due to the leadership of former New York mayor and multi-billionaire Michael Bloomberg, among other deep-pocketed connections­this mayoral vanguard bided its time and held its first-ever North American Climate Summit on 4-6 December at Chicago’s Sheraton Grand Hotel, in collaboration with the city of Chicago. Some 50 mayors from across the world attended, amid lofty claims that 7,500 cities are under the sway of the covenant’s “climate change” worldview. All of the attending mayors have gone on record, without any known dissent, claiming that climate change caused by humanity’s industrial, agricultural and other routine emissions is an unchallengeable fact. Accordingly, they no longer traffic in more precise terminology like “global warming.” They instead, of course, utter the nebulous “climate change” mantra nonstop. That way, seemingly unusual temperature shifts, or highly severe storms, drought etc., all can be attributed to humanity’s routine atmospheric emissions, without regard to other possible causes. While the gathered mayors signed the Chicago Climate Charter­to call for participating cities to undertake projects and policies to meet or exceed the emissions limits spelled out in the Paris Agreement­the very latest is that the covenant met again in Paris on 12 December for the One Planet Summit. There, two major news bulletins were issued, with one of them noting: “The World Bank partners with the Global Covenant of Mayors and will lend $4.5 billion [U.S. dollars] to ensure 150 cities have the funds to implement initiatives to increase sustainability and resilience and fight climate change.”

John McDonnell talk at NUJ conference. Goes through the many curent bills which adversely affect journalists and freedom of expression including the National Security bill and online safety bill. John McDonnell from cross-party media freedom group of MPs: measures to protect media freedom 2021-2013 • February 2020 – Dawn Butler (Labour, Shadow Women and Equalities) and Samira Ahmed re equal pay • March 2020 – Claire Hannah (SDLP) • April 2020 – Covid-19 and the media • May 2020 – Liberal Democrat DCMS team re Media Recovery Plan • June 2020 – Jo Stevens (Labour, Shadow DCMS Secretary) re Media Recovery Plan • September 2020 – Louise Haigh (Shadow NI Secretary) re threats to journalists • November 2020 – Julian Knight (Conservative, Chair DCMS Select Committee) • February 2021 – Lord Prem Sikka re Media Recovery Plan • June 2021 – DCMS officials re Online Harms • February 2022 – Claire Hanna (SDLP) re Lyra film • March 2022 – Lucy Powell (Shadow DCMS Secretary) • August 2022 – Reach strike rally with Chris Stephens, John McDonnell and Liz Saville Roberts • October 2022 – Jason Horton/BBC England re BBC Digital First cuts • October 2022 – Parliamentary event on BBC Digital First cuts • November 2022 – End Impunity with Grahame Morris – The group has tabled early day motions on a range of subjects during this period, including: • EDM 206: Freedom of expression in Somalia – Liz Saville Roberts (16 signatures) • EDM 285: Local News Matters campaign – Liz Saville Roberts (22 signatures) • EDM 716: Media redundancies in Wales – Liz Saville Roberts (9 signatures) • EDM 612: BBC Inside Out and Politics North East and Cumbria – Grahame Morris (9 signatures) • EDM 655: BBC Inside Out and Politics North West – Mick Whitley (11 signatures) • EDM 608: BBC Inside Out and Politics East – Clive Lewis (15 signatures) • EDM 748: Return of journalistic material in relation to No Stone Unturned documentary – Grahame Morris (15 signatures) • EDM 1201: Closure of BBC Sinhala radio service – Grahame Morris (18 signatures) • EDM 1404: Travel rights for workers in the media and creative industries – Grahame Morris (44 signatures) • EDM 55: Attacks on journalists in Gaza – Grahame Morris (52 signatures) • EDM 164: Channel 4’s role as a public service broadcaster – Grahame Morris (44 signatures) • EDM 337: Spyware and state surveillance of journalists – Graham Morris (33 signatures) • EDM 34: Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh – Grahame Morris (66 signatures) • EDM 205: BBC Digital First proposals and impact on journalists – Grahame Morris (25 signatures) • EDM 504: BBC Radio Services to global audiences – Grahame Morris (26 signatures) • EDM 550: BBC Local Radio programming – Karl Turner (55 signatures) • EDM 559: Arrest of journalists at protests – Olivia Blake (25 signatures) • EDM 760: Killing of Palestinian journalists – Grahame Morris (19 signatures)

When central banks put interest rates up to ‘bring down inflation’ they are actually INCREASING inflation! – Bank of England warned it will ‘totally crash the economy’ over interest rate decision EXCLUSIVE: A political economist tells that the Bank of England’s strategy is worsening the cost of living crisis, not fixing it. The Bank of England will “totally crash the economy” if they continue to keep interest rates at their current levels, an economist warns. On Thursday, the Bank announced that it will raise borrowing costs for an eleventh successive time to 4.25 percent from 4 percent. This came after it was reported that inflation in the UK jumped in February to 10.4 percent. Bank of England Governor, Andrew Bailey, said that he feels “a bit more optimistic now” that the UK can avoid recession. He added: “We’ve seen signs of inflation really peaking now. But of course it’s far too high…. We need to see it starting to come down progressively and get back to target.” But Richard Murphy, a political economist, tells that the Bank of England’s strategy is not going to help tackle inflation, and could cause economic catastrophe.

Diane Abbott MP suspended from Labour Party for letter about prejudice not racism. Tony Greenstein blog The One Thing Diane Abbot Hasn’t Been Suspended For Is Anti-Semitism – The organisation which is responsible for combating ‘Anti-Semitism’ is the Community Security Trust, which is a project of Israel’s Mossad (MI6) – Diane Abbott is not antisemitic – Racism is black and white by Diane Abbot, letter to the Guardian 27 April 2023: Tomiwa Owolade claims that Irish, Jewish and Traveller people all suffer from “racism” (“Racism in Britain is not a black and white issue. It’s far more complicated”, Comment). They undoubtedly experience prejudice. This is similar to racism and the two words are often used as if they are interchangeable. It is true that many types of white people with points of difference, such as redheads, can experience this prejudice. But they are not all their lives subject to racism. In pre-civil rights America, Irish people, Jewish people and Travellers were not required to sit at the back of the bus. In apartheid South Africa, these groups were allowed to vote. And at the height of slavery, there were no white-seeming people manacled on the slave ships. Diane Abbott House of Commons, London SW1

Andrew Bridgen MP expelled from Conservative Party – him discussing the harms of Covid jabs. Dozens of AstraZeneca jab victims are suing the government [see full article below]. Andrew Bridgen expelled from Tories for saying jabs one of biggest crimes since Holocaust The MP for North West Leicestershire has been expelled from the party as an ordinary member, as well as having the whip removed. Andrew Bridgen has been expelled from the Conservative Party for good, after comparing Covid vaccines to the Holocaust. He was removed from the party on April 12 it was revealed earlier today. He had already had the Conservative whip removed, meaning he was forced to sit as an independent, but he has now been expelled as an ordinary member. A Tory spokesman told the Sun: “Mr Bridgen was expelled from the Conservative Party on 12th April following the recommendation of a disciplinary panel. He has 28 days from this date to appeal.” This came after the MP for North West Leicestershire tweeted an article about the vaccine with the caption: “As one consultant cardiologist said to me, this is the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust.” But in a statement, Mr Bridgen confirmed his intentions to stand against the Conservatives at the next election. He said: “My expulsion from the Conservative Party under false pretences only confirms the culture of corruption, collusion and cover-ups which plagues our political system. North West Leicestershire MP Andrew Bridgen is expected to join Laurence Fox’s Reclaim Party after being thrown out of the Conservative Party for a Tweet comparing the Covid vaccines programme to the Holocaust. The Conservative Party confirmed today that it expelled Mr Bridgen on April 12, despite him receiving a letter of support from 26 Jewish academics. “I have been a vocal critic of the vaccine rollout and the party have been sure to make an example of me. “I am grateful for my newfound freedom and will continue to fight for justice for all those harmed, injured and bereaved due to governmental incompetence. “I will continue to serve my constituents as I was elected to do and intend to stand again at the next election.” In a rebuttal statement, he added: “This is not the Conservative Party I have served as an elected member for the last 13 years, it’s a sad day for democracy, free speech and the representation of the very real and evergrowing concerns of my constituents and others regarding the safety and efficacy of the novel Covid 19 vaccines. “Given my lack of faith in your procedures and the unrecognisable persona of what has become of the Conservative Party over what should have been a straightforward matter of parliamentary scrutiny regarding a major public health policy position, I will not, in most likelihood, be lodging a formal appeal against expulsion.” A source close to Mr Bridgen pointed out that a precondition of his appeal being allowed to take place was there was no publicity. The source said: “Now somebody else has leaked it, Andrew won’t be allowed to appeal which shows how unfair the process is.”…

King’s Coronation on Saturday 6th May – Noel Botham’s book on death of Diana – John Morgan on Prince Charles’s Way Ahead Group, Diana’s increasing publicity, and assassination plans for her. Princess Diana never believed Charles was a ‘suitable’ King, claims royal expert EXCLUSIVE: King Charles will be crowned at Westminster Abbey next Saturday (May 6), with more than 2,000 guests attending the lavish ceremony. Princess Diana never thought her husband Prince Charles was cut out to be King one day, a royal expert has claimed. But Hilary Fordwich also believes that, despite his former wife’s increasing “bitterness”, she remained steadfastly loyal to Queen Elizabeth II throughout her life – and suggested she had taught the monarchy, especially King Charles himself, valuable lessons about the importance of connecting with his people. With King Charles III’s Coronation at Westminster Abbey, fast approaching, Ms Fordwich, a UK businesswoman who appears regularly on US television where she speaks about royal issues, said the 74-year-old would be reflecting on the past – not least the collapse of his ill-fated first marriage. She said: “The then Princess Diana notoriously made many memorable scathing comments regarding the suitability of the-then Prince Charles to be King. “She was an aristocrat and had more British royal blood even than Charles and in addition via the Spencer side from the Spencer-Churchill line, was related to Winston Churchill. “All this meant she was a monarchist and never spoke badly of Queen Elizabeth II.” Charles and Diana’s turbulent marriage came to an end in 1996, 15 years after they tied the knot – by which time Ms Fordwich said she had become “increasingly embittered and needless to say had her own agenda”. She explained: “She knew that being King was Charles’ definite destiny and not one that she would be along with.

DON’T MENTION DIANA [see Richard Tomlinson affidavit below]: ‘Later in 1992, as the civil war in the former Yugoslavia became increasingly topical, I started to work primarily on operations in Serbia. During this time, I became acquainted with Dr Nicholas Bernard Frank FISHWICK, born 1958, the MI6 officer who at the time was in charge of planning Balkan operations. During one meeting with Dr Fishwick, he casually showed to me a three-page document that on closer inspection turned out to be an outline plan to assassinate the Serbian leader President Slobodan Milosevic. The plan was fully typed, and attached to a yellow “minute board”, signifying that this was a formal and accountable document. It will therefore still be in existence. Fishwick had annotated that the document be circulated to the following senior MI6 officers: Maurice KENDWRICK-PIERCEY, then head of Balkan operations, John RIDDE, then the security officer for Balkan operations, the SAS liaison officer to MI6 (designation MODA/SO, but I have forgotten his name), the head of the Eastern European Controllerate (then Richard FLETCHER) and finally Alan PETTY, the personal secretary to the then Chief of MI6, Colin McCOLL. This plan contained a political justification for the assassination of Milosevic, followed by three outline proposals on how to achieve this objective. I firmly believe that the third of these scenarios contained information that could be useful in establishing the causes of death of Henri Paul, the Princess of Wales, and Dodi Al Fayed. This third scenario suggested that Milosevic could be assassinated by causing his personal limousine to crash. Dr Fishwick proposed to arrange the crash in a tunnel, because the proximity of concrete close to the road would ensure that the crash would be sufficiently violent to cause death or serious injury, and would also reduce the possibility that there might be independent, casual witnesses. Dr Fishwick suggested that one way to cause the crash might be to disorientate the chauffeur using a strobe flash gun, a device which is occasionally deployed by special forces to, for example, disorientate helicopter pilots or terrorists, and about which MI6 officers are briefed about during their training. In short, this scenario bore remarkable similarities to the circumstances and witness accounts of the crash that killed the Princess of Wales, Dodi Al Fayed, and Henri Paul. I firmly believe that this document should be yielded by MI6 to the Judge investigating these deaths, and would provide further leads that he could follow.

‘The way the Windsors got their millions is a Royal RIP-OFF more in line with Henry VIII than a modern democracy,’ writes author and former government minister NORMAN BAKER Author has led the way holding the Royal Family to account over huge wealth But they ‘use the tax system to their advantage’ and ‘evade awkward questions’ Read here: Charles can’t hide behind aides. His fingerprints are all over this After pressure from Charles, the supply of information has dried up to a dribble. The Duchy of Lancaster, including the Whitewell Estate in the Forest of Bowland, is owned by the monarchy. It was passed directly from the late Queen to King Charles with no tax paid But not royal ones. When I visited Kew, I found there were 3,629 closed files on the Royal Family. Some are closed for 100 years. Worse, some files, especially those containing embarrassing financial information, are kept in the private royal archives in Windsor where they will disappear into a black hole, perhaps forever. Where has all the Windsors’ money come from? The simple answer is that it all originates from the public purse, either directly or indirectly through unique tax breaks, then augmented by investments (again not properly taxed). And nothing has been paid on the vast legacy, including private property, from the Queen to Charles. The cash-strapped Treasury is being deprived of millions by possibly the richest family in the country. Between 1952 and 1993 the Queen paid no income tax or corporation tax, and no income dividend tax. In 2001, statisticians from Barclays Capital calculated that the £2m stock investment made by the Queen in 1951 would, 50 years later, be worth £1.4 billion. If tax had been paid, the residual figure would have been less than £300 million – almost a billion pounds lost to the public purse from this one source alone. But it was from 2012 that the royal gravy train really picked up speed. Because this was the year the Sovereign Grant Act came into force, sweeping away the long-established Civil List and replacing it with a generous new source of public funding. The figures speak for themselves. Between 2001 and 2011, the old Civil List had been set at £7.9 million annually. In the most recent financial year, the Sovereign Grant payout to the Royal Family reached a staggering £86.3 million.

There’s no escaping that for some loyal monarchists, the shadow of Princess Diana will hang over Saturday’s Coronation service. No one feels this more keenly than PATRICK JEPHSON, her former private secretary who’s written this highly personal essay – Soon after, as the Wales’s marriage began its final, terminal disintegration, the Princess promoted me to be her private secretary, tasked first with carving out her own organisation from what had been a unified office and then taking the Diana show on the road. It was heady stuff: ‘We’ve got work to do, Patrick,’ and she set about it, with style, grace and guts. Charles steadily advanced on the objective that’s clearly his life’s great work: the transformation of Camilla Parker Bowles from guilty secret into the anointed Queen of the United Kingdom, writes Patrick Jephson Sadly, the Prince found it difficult to take pleasure from public admiration, even affection, for his then wife. It should have been a source of satisfaction that her efforts added a new relevance and new supporters to the Royal Family, but instead an extraordinary resentment took control. Scraping the barrel, some of his advisers briefed media allies against her, even whispering that she was mentally ill. Did Charles countenance such callous tactics against the mother of his children? Even having to ask the question made me realise that here was yet another version of the Prince, one I found much less easy to admire. Fatally estranged from the royal support system, she now took a path that led only to a mirage of freedom and ultimate tragedy. Meanwhile, the Prince steadily advanced on the objective that’s clearly his life’s great work: the transformation of Camilla Parker Bowles from guilty secret into the anointed Queen of the United Kingdom. Today that work will be complete. That news may fill you with joy. This may indeed be the happy ending that justifies years of marital strife and decades of collateral damage. Perhaps, in the famous words of the King’s daughter-in-law Meghan Markle, ‘Love wins’. Yet for many loyal monarchists, all this rejoicing ­ with its tinge of triumphalism ­ may still feel slightly unsettling. A romance that conquers everything in its path is bound to stir some misgivings.

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit | Evolution | Armageddonists I have known: George Monbiot | Nick Land

Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports

David Douglass, from National Union of Mine Workers, and author of ‘Climate Change and the Total Destruction of the British Coal Mining Industry’, versus Shane Collins, Councillor for Green Party – they debate the Net Zero policies and the demise of coal – Coal, Climate Change & the Total Destruction of the British Coal Mining Undustry (2022) – A timely book that clearly describes the effects of shutting down Coal production in Britain and the need to reconstruct the industry for both jobs and affordable energy. The book clearly describes how clean modern super-ultracritical coal power stations are and how CO2 capture can be added for a small fraction of the cost of carbon taxes, making Coal easily the cheapest form of energy we can make in Britain. In the era of 42p/kWh the prospect of unlimited 3p/kWh (4p/kWh w/capture) wholesale, 6p/kwH (8p/kWh) retail Tens of thousands of our people will die this winter if we have 42p/kWh energy costs. Even worse if it goes to 60p/kWh as expected. If you care about our country you must read this book.

UAE & NATO funding terrorist RSF Militia to destabilise Sudan: Mohammed Makawi, Bristol Councillor for the Green Party, who is Sudanese, on the unfolding war in Sudan, and the influence of the big powers in the area, The West, Russia and China. The history of Sudan. Gold, arms and mercenaries: On UAE’s shadowy networks in Sudan The UAE’s network-centric statecraft is part of a broader battle for influence in northern Africa he war in Sudan is a multipolar 21st-century conflict in a multipolar world. The country’s many stakeholders – first and foremost the two warring “generals”, Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, who leads the Sudanese army, and Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, better known as Hemeti, who heads the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) – have become pawns in a wider competition to exercise influence in the strategically important Horn of Africa. No country has been playing this game more assertively than the United Arab Emirates, which has curated and orchestrated a diverse grid of networks across the region. Although Abu Dhabi does not likely have an interest in the current escalation and destabilisation of Sudan – one western official even suggested the Emirates had “buyer’s remorse” – its network-centric statecraft appears to have created a complex web of interdependencies and competition that it is now unable to control. The story of the UAE in Sudan is a story of a relatively small, tribally based monarchy trying to exercise influence far beyond what one would conventionally consider to be its geostrategic weight. Defying traditional limitations of statecraft, the Bani Fatima branch of Abu Dhabi’s royal family has innovatively delegated statecraft to surrogates such as private individuals, corporations, banks, merchants, militias and mercenaries. The story of the UAE in Sudan is a story of networks, curated by Abu Dhabi to achieve strategic objectives with plausible deniability and discretion, while supplementing the limited in-house capacity of its overburdened state institutions. Although the UAE’s official engagement in Sudan is run via its ministries in charge of foreign and security policy, the shadowy networks that all connect seemingly coincidentally in Abu Dhabi and Dubai provide the Bani Fatima with the real levers of power on the ground. These networks allow Abu Dhabi to link partners and competitors, state and non-state actors, and small and great powers to the UAE – elevating the Gulf state to an indispensable hub connecting unlikely regional and global players.

Global military spending is increasing to record levels- – a new arms race – World military spending reaches all-time high of $2.24 trillion Surge in spending reflects Russia-Ukraine war and ‘increasingly insecure world’, according to leading think tank…. The think tank said military spending in Ukraine surged more than six times to $44bn in 2022, the highest single-year increase in a country’s military expenditure ever recorded in SIPRI data. As a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP), military spending surged to 34 percent in 2022, compared with 3.2 percent the year before. Russian military spending grew by an estimated 9.2 per cent in 2022, to about $86.4bn, according to SIPRI. That was equivalent to 4.1 per cent of Russia’s 2022 GDP, up from 3.7 percent in 2021. The United States remained the world’s largest military spender ­ up 0.7 percent to $877bn in 2022 ­ which was 39 percent of total global military spending. The increase was largely driven by “the unprecedented level of financial military aid it provided to Ukraine,” SIPRI’s Nan Tian said. US financial military aid to Ukraine totalled $19.9bn in 2022, according to the think tank. China remained the world’s second-largest military spender, allocating an estimated $292bn in 2022. This was 4.2 percent more than in 2021 and represents the 28th consecutive annual increase. Meanwhile, Japan spent $46bn on the military in 2022, a rise of 5.9 percent from the previous year. SIPRI said it was the highest level of Japanese military spending since 1960. Japan and China led military spending in Asia and Oceania, which amounted to $575bn. SIPRI said military expenditure in the region had been rising since at least 1989…..

Robert F. Kennedy’s launches bid for the Democrat nomination to be US President in 2024 – his speech in Boston last week “My mission…will be to end the corrupt merger of state and corporate power that is threatening to impose a new corporate feudalism on our country, to poison our children and our people with chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs, to strip mine our asset, to hollow the middle class and keep us in a constant state of war,” Kennedy said. Those themes took him to a variety of topics, from his environmental activism to his views on the COVID-19 lockdowns to his questions about America’s support for Ukraine. – US Presidential election. This campaign relies not on advertising but on organic word of mouth. It is people like you who are rapidly turning this campaign into a movement. Of course, you can share our URL the usual way. Or you can get a personalized link below. When you share that, we know it was you who brought a new person in. That helps us understand how word is spreading, and whom to thank.

Tucker Carlson sacking explained. Likely secret through non-disclosure agreement in Dominion voting machines v. Fox News out-of-court settlement. Tucker Carlson gets sacked – him discussing evil and good before he got sacked – but what is real reason for him going? Tucker Carlson’s firing reveals how afraid the media is of independent journalists Jonathan Cook – 26 April 2023 – The TV host paid the price because he tried the impossible: straddling the divide between corporate media and critical journalism While the left is busy hating on Tucker Carlson, and not without reason, it is missing the bigger picture. Carlson was a genuine aberration in US corporate media. Which is why he is gone – sacked by media “titan” Rupert Murdoch. Yes, over the years Carlson played on white fears, placing him firmly on the right. But he also gave over his massive corporate platform at Fox News to some of the most critical and thoughtful independent journalists and pundits around – from Glenn Greenwald and Aaron Mate to Jimmy Dore. Carlson not only brought them into the living rooms of Main Street, but he undoubtedly helped them grow their audiences and influence. In that way, he exposed ordinary Americans to critical perspectives, especially on US foreign policy, that they had no hope of hearing anywhere else – and most certainly not from so-called “liberal” corporate media outlets like CNN and MSNBC. And he did so while constantly ridiculing the media’s craven collusion with those in power. But all that is being ignored. Media analysis of Carlson’s departure has focused so far almost exclusively on his clashes with Fox News management, and a series of disrespectful tweets, that have come to light as a result of the recent Dominion court case, in which Murdoch was forced to settle with a massive payout. But those clashes cannot be understood outside a wider context in which Carlson was pushing against institutional media constraints at Fox designed to prevent the real work of journalism – holding the powerful to account.

Russia/ Ukraine war story – depleted uranium – British weapons containing depleted uranium already in Ukraine, says UK minister Depleted uranium is a by-product of the nuclear enrichment process used to make nuclear fuel or nuclear weapons. It is 40 per cent less radioactive than natural uranium but is a very heavy substance ­ 1.7 times denser than lead. The UK armed forces minister James Heappey said that the government has already started shipments of depleted uranium ammunition to Ukraine. In response to questions from Scottish MP Kenny MacAskill, Heappey confirmed on Tuesday that DU munitions for the UK-made Challenger 2 tank had already arrived in Ukraine, though declined to comment on Kyiv’s “usage rates for the rounds provided, Russia Today reported. “We have sent thousands of rounds of Challenger 2 ammunition to Ukraine, including depleted uranium armour-piercing rounds,” he said. The weapons are now under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) and the Defence Ministry “does not monitor the locations from where DU rounds are fired by the AFU in Ukraine,” he was quoted by RT as saying. Russian President Vladimir Putin last month announced plans to station tactical nuclear weapons in neighbouring Belarus days after the British government said that it would provide Ukraine with armour-piercing rounds containing depleted uranium. Responding to a question on whether the government has a responsibility to “help clear up depleted uranium rounds” used in Ukraine after the conflict, the minister stated it has “no obligation” to do so, instead stressing “Ukraine’s immediate needs.”

Black rights activists accused of working with Russians to instil discord in US – .4 Americans from a Black empowerment organization worked with Russian intelligence to spread propaganda, feds say Four Americans affiliated with a Black empowerment and political organization have been charged along with three Russians with conspiring to covertly sow discord in U.S. society, spread Russian propaganda and interfere illegally in U.S. elections, according to an indictment unsealed Tuesday. The U.S. citizens and two Russians were added to an existing case in Tampa, Florida, federal court involving Aleksandr Ionov, described by prosecutors as the founder of a Moscow-based organization funded by the Russian government to carry out a clandestine influence campaign in the U.S. The four Americans are all part of the African People’s Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement, which has locations in St. Petersburg, Florida, and St. Louis. Among those charged is Omali Yeshitela, chairman of the U.S.-based organization ­ which was raided by the FBI last summer when Ionov was originally charged. “Russia’s foreign intelligence service allegedly weaponized our First Amendment rights ­ freedoms Russia denies to its own citizens ­ to divide Americans and interfere in elections in the United States,” said Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olsen of the Justice Department’s National Security Division.

‘Never Again is Now Global’ The last generation of Holocaust survivors and their children express their concerns about current events – films by Vera Sharaf from ‘The Alliance for Future Research Protection’ – she is a Jew saying measures taken during the Covid pandemic were much too similar to those used by the Nazis in WW2 – Fear and Propaganda. Trailers Plus Links to All Five Episodes of ‘Never Again Is Now Global’ – Episode 1. Here We Go Again On Steroids – Deja vu. Beginning the dialogue and outrage of the comparisons of then and now as told by eyewitnesses and relatives. Click here to watch complete episode – Episode 2. Anyone Who Wants To Start A War Has To Lie Once you see a lie, you can’t un-see it. Survivors and their descendants recognize the weapons of deception and fear mongering propaganda. Click here to watch complete episode – Episode 3. Breaking The Veil Of The Real Conspirators As patterns and parallels are identified, we begin to see the continuity of genocidal operations. The same powerful family dynasties and corporate entities behind it all, come into clearer view. Click here to watch complete episode Episode 4. This Time Around Were All Jews Todays false narrative, the suspension of freedom, coercive medical dictates, and violation of human rights are not limited to Jews. Todays genocidal agenda targets the global human population. Click here to watch complete episode Episode 5. Never Give In Never Give Up The Holocaust was facilitated by sheep-like mass obedience to illegitimate authority. Those who resisted by falsifying their identity, by jumping off the trains to Auschwitz and joining the partisans – had a higher survival rate than those who obeyed!

#1 - Full 3hr 50min show NTBCFMPS 28Apr23 03:50:00
#2 - Andrew Bridgen MP EXPELLED from Conservative Party Patrick Christie GB News 00:15:00
#3 - Tucker Carlsons Last Address Before Leaving Fox News at Heritage50 00:30:00
#4 - Mark Anderson UK Column Marvin Rees Parliament of Mayors U7 00:15:00
#5 - Sam Downie Bristol Happy City Censored show on Common Purpose secret training Dialect28Jun2017 00:40:00
#6 - Cllr Mohammed Makawi UAE and Israel funding RSF to topple Sudan govt 00:30:00
#7 - Record global military spending Harley Schlanger Schiller Institute Tony Gosling PressTV 00:22:00
#8 - Robert F Kennedy Jr Announces 2024 Presidential Bid in Boston 01:50:00
#9 - Shane Collins David Douglass UK Climate Energy Transport policy 25Apr23 01:15:00

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