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Program Information
State Of The City reports
Google whistleblower Geoffrey Hinton warns AI technology 'could turn on mankind'
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
May 5, 2023, 9:24 p.m.
- NUJ Conference – how it’s changed recently, electronic voting. May Day left wing march in Bristol organised by Bristol Trades Council.
- This DM instructs the NEC to publicly consult with the membership on the nature and merits of the current relationship and, if necessary, to terminate any existing relationship or contracts with Google
- VOTER SUPPRESSION UK – Photo ID, part of ‘Zero Trust’ agenda prevents the poor from voting – Local election 2023 results so far –
- Local election results not enough to give Labour a general election majority, poll guru John Curtice says – Labour would not win enough parliamentary seats to win outright
- Bristol Mayoral position to be replaced by a Council Leader – Bristol City Council is moving to a committee model of governance and scrapping the role of mayor
- Bristol mayor Marvin Rees adds Yale University to his Linkedin profile – ‘The Brotherhood of Death’ secret society Skull and Bones is based there –
- Banking – interest rates put up to bring inflation down – but does this work? Peter Schiff, investor, on how the banking system is unravelling,
- Shell and BP annual profits now nearly £50 BILLION as wholesale energy prices plummet – PMQs more housing needed, the King’s Coronation, and elections.
- Rumours Tories don’t want to win the next election, as financial system implodes. Peter Hitchens on BBC Question Time – strikes pushed by rising cost of living crisis.
- Dr. Geoffery Hinton leaves Google and warns of dangers of AI ‘Godfather of AI’ Dr Geoffrey Hinton Quits Google to Speak Out Against Dangers of Artificial Intelligence:
- AI Red Speed Sentio cameras detecting crimes of motorists – Privacy fears over new AI speed camera which uses 4D scanning to spy on drivers inside their cars
- London ULEZ is not the London Mayor’s plan, it’s a Nazi Siemens plan. Siemens has taken over all UK electronics firms and during WWII it was a Nazified company so now part of Martin Bormann’s Fourth Reich?
- Ukraine is using Palantir’s software for ‘targeting,’ CEO says – Data analytics company Palantir (PLTR.N) is “responsible for most of the targeting in Ukraine,
- No wild food if economy crashes? 30,000 badgers culled in UK last year, 210,000 throughout UK, half Wiltshire’s badger population wiped out! Thousands of ‘protected’ badgers slaughtered across Wiltshire in 2022
- Nitrogen tax for farmers in Holland – forcing them to sell up – EU approves controversial Dutch private equity farm buy-out plan to ‘cut nitrogen emissions’
- Charles’s Coronation tomorrow. Neil Oliver on how everything has changed since Covid pandemic, and King Charles supports Net Zero policy while millions suffer from cost of living crisis.
- Camilla's Ancestor was Mistress to King Edward VII - Yes, Prince Charles’s great-great grandfather and Camilla’s great-great grandmother were an item.
- Cheated on DIana 1 - Jonathan Dimbleby interviews Prince Charles after the break up of his marriage to Diana in July 1994. His Royal Highness lies about whether it was his relationship with Camilla that
- Cheated on Diana 2 Martin Bashir from BBC Panorama interviews Princess Diana (1995) – will Charles make a good King, and will she ever be Queen?
- Prince Charles’s friendships with child abusers – such as Jimmy Saville. BBC covered up Jimmy Savile’s child abuse because he was friends with Prince Charles
- Retired Satanic Ritual Abuse therapist Valerie Sinason on her new novel ‘The Orpheus Project’ based on true stories about ritual Satanic abuse. Epstein and the secret services. The Orpheus Project, by Valerie Sinason (2022)
- Spike Milligan accepting a BAFTA lifetime achievement award at the 1994 British Comedy Awards. When compère Jonathan Ross reads out a congratulatory letter from Prince Charles Spike calls him a ‘grovelling bastard’.
- Monty Python’s ‘The Holy Grail’ – King Arthur meets anarcho-syndicalist. King Arthur: Old woman! Dennis: Man. King Arthur: Man, sorry. What knight lives in that castle over there? Dennis: I’m 37.
- ‘Ode to Charles Sausage Fingers’ this week’s poem by Patrizia Opulenza.
- Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit | Evolution | We are in a war between God, and Lucifer | Armageddonists I have known: George Monbiot | Nick Land
- Drone targets Kremlin. Freedom of speech lessening. Russia Says the US Was Behind Drone Attack on the Kremlin – likely fired from nearby –
- Afshin Rattansi, Going Underground RT, interviews Seymour Hersch about the Nord Stream 2 pipeline sabotage, and Russophobia.
- Lavrov at UN – Russia vetoing and Israel not complying with resolutions.
- Afshin Rattansi, Going Underground RT, interviews John Perkins, author of ‘Confessions of an Economic Hitman’, on how debt after wars is used to change systems.
- Timeline of Charles and Camilla’s relationship –
- Tim Cohen, author of ‘The Anti Christ and a Cup of Tea’, on his nefarious historical ‘facts’, and view about King Charles being the Anti Christ. In The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea,
Part One - News Review and Investigative Reports

NUJ Conference – how it’s changed recently, electronic voting. May Day left wing march in Bristol organised by Bristol Trades Council. NUJ branch delegates can speak in debates, vote and ask questions. If a motion is passed, it becomes union policy. To prepare for DM, branches hold a special meeting or meetings to discuss arrangements for the conference. The conference also scrutinises the union's accounts and reviews reports from each sector and body of the union contained within the Report to Delegate Meeting. Order Paper 10 - MOTION 50 - This DM notes that serious concerns have been raised at Branch level about the significant copyright, reputational and ethical damage that the NUJ's partnership with Google brings, as well as the actual depth of the NEC relationship with this internet giant. This DM instructs the NEC to publicly consult with the membership on the nature and merits of the current relationship and, if necessary, to terminate any existing relationship or contracts with Google. tabling body: London Freelance Branch

VOTER SUPPRESSION UK - Photo ID, part of 'Zero Trust' agenda prevents the poor from voting - Local election 2023 results so far – Tory vote collapsing. Strong indications from sources inside government that they do not want to win the 2024 general election, preferring to let the Labour party deal with coming economic crash and potential war with Russia. Need for photo ID stopped poor people voting – Mirror Voters turned away due to new photo ID requirement, Electoral Commission says New photographic ID requirements have “regrettably” left some voters unable to cast their ballots in a set of elections which are expected to be bruising for Rishi Sunak’s Tories. The Electoral Commission said that overall the elections were “well run” but the requirement to carry photo ID posed a challenge and some people were unable to vote as a result, although detailed work will be needed to understand the scale of the problem. Campaigners have reported “countless examples” of would-be voters being turned away from polling stations in the first English elections where photo identification is mandatory. An Electoral Commission spokesman said: “We already know from our research that the ID requirement posed a greater challenge for some groups in society, and that some people were regrettably unable to vote today as a result.

Local election results not enough to give Labour a general election majority, poll guru John Curtice says - Labour would not win enough parliamentary seats to win outright if the local election results were applied at the next general election - Polling expert Sir John Curtice has predicted that Labour would not be able to win a majority in the next general election based on the local election results. He predicted that Labour would win 312 seats if the nation voted the same way it had voted in the local elections, meaning it would be 14 short of an overall majority. This would lead to a hung parliament, and Labour would likely have to form a minority administration or enter into an agreement with other parties under this scenario. The Conservatives would win 226 seats under the projection, the Liberal Democrats 40, and other parties would win 72. “Using these numbers, Labour is nearly there, to [the 326 seats needed for a majority], but not quite. They might have to talk to the Liberal Democrats to stay a minority administration,” Sir John told BBC News. He added that the projection was particularly worrying for the Conservatives, and suggested that Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, “will be out on his ear.” But he cautioned that the projection was not an accurate prediction for the next election and that it illustrated “a world in which people vote in general elections the way they do in local elections”. “We are not putting this up, trying in any way to contradict, or indeed to confirm, Labour’s claim that it is doing well enough based on today’s results that they’ve got a chance of winning the next election,” Sir John added. “In the end, the truth is, we can’t give a definitive answer on that because people don’t vote in general elections the same way they do in local elections.” The House of Commons projection was based on his nationwide projection of each party’s vote share based on the results of the councils which were contested at the local elections. Sir John’s analysis suggested that Labour has a nine-point lead over the Conservatives if the entire UK had voted in the local elections. He predicted that Labour would get 35 per cent of the vote nationwide, while the Conservatives would get 26 per cent and the Liberal Democrats would get 20 per cent. Sir John added that this projected lead is “the largest lead that the Labour Party have recorded on our measure since losing power in 2010”. But he cautioned that the lead was not a total victory for Labour, adding: “Although Labour have met the minimum threshold they set themselves, the party will be disappointed that it has not been any more successful this year than last.” He stated that his analysis was based on the nationwide vote share that each party would have had “if all of Britain had the chance to vote in local elections today – and had behaved in the same way as those who did”. The Labour Party claimed on Friday morning that it is set to win the next general election following the party’s strong showing in the local elections. Shabana Mahmood, Labour’s national campaign co-ordinator, told Sky News: “These results show that we are on course for a majority Labour government. She added that the results have “have been a disaster for Rishi Sunak as voters punish him for the Tories’ failure”. But, speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Sir John said that the local election results seen so far suggested that Labour’s lead in the national polls was “not quite” reflected in vote outcomes. “If you look at Labour’s share of the vote where we’ve got the detailed ward results and compare it with what happened 12 months ago, it’s basically not changed,” he said. But he added that current polls and local election results suggest that “the Labour Party should be the largest party in the next parliament”.

Bristol Mayoral position to be replaced by a Council Leader  - Bristol City Council is moving to a committee model of governance and scrapping the role of mayor The council leader will be chosen by a majority of councillors, directly after the elections next year. The councillor chosen will most likely be the head of whichever political group wins the most seats. They will represent the council politically, for example with the government and the media, as well as guiding the direction of the council’s overall strategy. A report to the working group said: “It’s anticipated that this position will provide political and strategic leadership within the council and with external partners and organisations at the local, national and international level, for example with One City boards, the Local Government Association and Core Cities.” As well as a council leader, there will be a lord mayor who acts as the ceremonial figurehead of Bristol, usually elected by councillors every year. The role, one of 'significant historical importance', chairs full council meetings, and attends events on behalf of the council, such as citizenship ceremonies. A deputy lord mayor is also chosen each year. Eight policy committees will be created to cover each part of the council’s work. It’s expected that around nine councillors will sit on each of these committees, with balanced representation of all political parties. The eight chairs of policy committees will likely play a similar role to the current cabinet members. Committee chairs will provide “political direction to officers”, act as a spokesman in the media for issues in the committee’s remit, liaise with key partners, and communicate council policy to residents, according to the report to the working group. They will also be responsible for chairing committee meetings, which will design and scrutinise new policies. While it’s unclear how often the policy committees will meet in public, it’s expected that every week or fortnight all the chairs and the council leader will meet in private with senior officers. This would not be open for members of the public or press to attend. During the working group meeting, Liberal Democrat Councillor Tim Kent said: “I’ll say something very unpopular. There’ll be an informal meeting convened by the leader, with senior officers and chairs of the committees. If we don’t have that operating, the system will just grind down. “All public decisions have to be made in public. But we all know there are 1,000 other decisions and steers and guides. And we have to have that conversation between senior officers and committee chairs. That’s something that I would have thought probably happens at least fortnightly, possibly weekly.

Bristol mayor Marvin Rees adds Yale University to his Linkedin profile - 'The Brotherhood of Death' secret society Skull and Bones is based there – Webster Tarpley and Antony Sutton discuss this. The Yale World Fellows Program is the University's signature global leadership development initiative and a core element of Yale's ongoing commitment to internationalization. Each year since 2002, the University has welcomed a group of exemplary mid-career professionals from a wide range of fields and countries for the four month leadership program.  Yale's Secret Exclusive Society Producing America's Leaders (2002) Skull and Bones (2002): They only accept 15 members each year and the group is so secretive that, when asked, members must leave the room in case they betray any secrets. George Bush and his father were members. This short charts the history of secret Yale society 'Skull and Bones', which grants members lifelong access to power and privilege. Like other secret societies, 'Skull and Bones' has spawned many rumours about its arcane rituals and concern about the veiled access to power it offers. "Skull and Bones is a Free-masonic association. You could call it a death cult," says commentator W. Tarpley. The society meets in the 'tomb', a crypt-like building where skeletons are kept. Novices have bags placed over their heads, and have to swear an oath of secrecy. Founded in the 1830's, the elite institution has been the springboard for Presidents, tycoons and CIA men alike. Members have included the most powerful American families: the Tafts, Harrimans and Rockefellers.

Banking – interest rates put up to bring inflation down – but does this work?  Peter Schiff, investor, on how the banking system is unravelling, inflation will make money worth less, and how the West will have to go back to the Gold Standard.  Fiat money and petro-dollar system.  BRICS the new empire?  Biden puts sanctions on Sudan. Peter Schiff: A Death Blow Is Coming for the Dollar and People Will Run to Gold - There has been a lot of talk lately about de-dollarization. As just one example, the BRICS nations recently announced they are developing a new currency. Peter Schiff recently appeared on Commodity Culture with Jessie Day to talk about the trajectory of the dollar. He said that the death blow for the dollar is coming. And when it does, people will run to gold. There has been plenty of speculation about de-dollarization recently, but is it a real threat, or is all of the talk just hyperbole? Peter said, “None of it is hyperbole, and all of it will come to pass.” The only thing that’s surprising about the dollar’s reserve status is that it still has it. Despite everything we’ve done, we still have it.” Peter said he thinks the current financial crisis that is just starting will ultimately deliver the death blow to that status. People are still reluctant to call it a financial crisis, but that’s exactly what it is, except it’s bigger in scale and it’s going to be far more impactful than the 2008 crisis. It’s probably going to result in even more aggressive and reckless monetary and fiscal policy. And this time, it’s going to take the dollar’s reserve status down with it.” Peter said that will send Americans’ standard of living much lower. Jessie asked Peter if he thought there is a risk of hyperinflation in the US. Peter said there is always that risk in any country that issues a fiat currency, and that risk is higher now than it’s ever been. But even if the US avoids hyperinflation such as people experienced in Zimbabwe, Peter said he thinks Americans will face very high rates of inflation for many years to come. 

Shell and BP annual profits now nearly £50 BILLION as wholesale energy prices plummet - PMQs more housing needed, the King’s Coronation, and elections.  Rumours Tories don’t want to win the next election, as financial system implodes.  Peter Hitchens on BBC Question Time – strikes pushed by rising cost of living crisis.  Profits increasing for energy firms. Shell accused of ‘profiteering bonanza’ after record first-quarter profits of $9.6bn Figure easily beats predictions and comes despite fall in oil and gas price Shell has been accused of a “profiteering bonanza” after it made record first-quarter profits of more than $9.6bn (£7.6bn) and showered shareholders with more than $6bn, even as oil and gas prices tumbled from last year’s highs. The better than expected profits in the first three months of this year were well above the $7.96bn predicted by industry analysts, and topped Shell’s previous first-quarter record set last year at $9.1bn for the same period. Europe’s biggest oil and gas company handed shareholders $2bn in dividend payments and bought back shares worth $4.3bn over the last quarter, and plans to offer its investors another $4bn in share buybacks over the next three months. The FTSE 100 company said profits increased despite higher taxes and lower sums paid on the market for the oil and gas it produces, thanks in part to its energy trading teams managing to mitigate against falling prices. Global oil prices averaged $81.7 a barrel in the first quarter of this year, according to Shell, down from $102.2 a barrel in the same period a year earlier, when Russia’s invasion of Ukraine ignited a surge in oil and gas markets.

Dr. Geoffery Hinton leaves Google and warns of dangers of AI 'Godfather of AI' Dr Geoffrey Hinton Quits Google to Speak Out Against Dangers of Artificial Intelligence: Report - Geoffrey Hinton told The New York Times that advancements in AI posed "profound risks to society and humanity". AI "takes away the drudge work" but "might take away more than that", he told the Times. The scientist also warned about the potential spread of misinformation created by AI, telling the Times that the average person will "not be able to know what is true anymore." Hinton notified Google of his resignation last month, the Times reported. Jeff Dean, lead scientist for Google AI, thanked Hinton in a statement to US media. "As one of the first companies to publish AI Principles, we remain committed to a responsible approach to AI," the statement added. "We're continually learning to understand emerging risks while also innovating boldly." In March, tech billionaire Elon Musk and a range of experts called for a pause in the development of AI systems to allow time to make sure they are safe. An open letter, signed by more than 1,000 people including Musk and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, was prompted by the release of GPT-4, a much more powerful version of the technology used by ChatGPT.

AI Red Speed Sentio cameras detecting crimes of motorists – Privacy fears over new AI speed camera which uses 4D scanning to spy on drivers inside their cars - and can even detect motorists on mobiles or without seat belts 'Redspeed Sentio' camera can catch motorists breaking the law inside car Ten-inch camera can detect whether too many people are inside a vehicle Privacy campaigners have raised warnings over Big Brother-style 'AI' speed cameras which use a 4D scanning system to watch drivers inside their cars. A new 'Redspeed Sentio' unit made by Kidderminster-based Redspeed International can also catch motorists using their mobile phone or not wearing a seatbelt. The ten-inch camera can detect whether too many people are inside a vehicle, as well as spotting those who are speeding or going through a red light. The device has not yet got Home Office approval - and Transport for London denied reports in The Sun today that it was already being trialled on the A23 in Lambeth. The camera can also be linked to databases from police forces and the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency to check vehicles are properly taxed and insured.

London ULEZ is not the London Mayor's plan, it's a Nazi Siemens plan. Siemens has taken over all UK electronics firms and during WWII it was a Nazified company so now part of Martin Bormann's Fourth Reich? - London Mayor copied and pasted a Siemens document about installing a surveillance system of road pricing - Reminder: Siemens were/are a Nazi fourth Reich company. The electronics they developed and deployed eighty years ago killed many thousands of our grandparents and great grandparents generation. Here they are leading the development of ULEZ. This is Siemens' scheme. An EU legacy project they've had to get in post Brexit to set the precedent for other UK cities and ultimately general road tolls as explained here. Not sure if it's all pasted in correctly below but absolutely clear what this bunch of Fourth Reich people farmers are up to... 4.11 - At Siemens Mobility, we believe that for the public to back road pricing, they must be aware of where their road user charging fee is being spent or reallocated and will be more receptive if the fee is going back into the local transportation sector or economy. Similar to the way in which a CAZ improves local air quality, road pricing must directly benefit them also. Many of our urban areas are heavily populated with additional land scarce to introduce new roads or infrastructure to help ease congestion. The government must look at a range of strategies to use the pavement that exists today in a more intelligent way. With road space scarce and the public now expected to pay for that road space, the consumer will start to weigh up the value of their trip and chosen transportation method. For example, if a parent is driving their child to a local school, they should expect to pay a smaller fee than someone driving into the city centre for work. They may also consider alternative transportation options such as bus, cycling, walking or rail. To support this potential shift to alternative methods of transport, creating an inclusive and integrated mobility system for towns, cities and rural areas is of key importance, with a focus on the first and last mile of consumer journeys and ensuring these transportation methods are invested in and able to cope with new demand.

Cuts to money for local government forcing them to use other methods to get funds.  Palantir develops AI to detect military targets – Times Boxing Day.  Peter Hitchins on BBC QT – AI and the internet – control and fake news. Ukraine is using Palantir's software for 'targeting,' CEO says - Data analytics company Palantir (PLTR.N) is "responsible for most of the targeting in Ukraine," Chief Executive Alex Karp said Wednesday, elaborating on the U.S. company's work with Kyiv since Russia's invasion last year. Its software helps Ukraine target, for instance, tanks and artillery, a Palantir spokesperson said. The remarks are some of Karp's most direct yet on how Palantir, which got its start two decades ago supporting U.S. intelligence services, is aiding Ukraine's war effort. Karp was the first head of a global business to meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy following Russia's February 2022 invasion of the country. The company, whose co-founders include Karp and investor Peter Thiel, has opened an office in Ukraine. Last month, at an event Palantir hosted in Davos, Switzerland, Ukrainian Vice Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov said technology allowed real-time tracking of the war's developments. Ukraine has compiled information on enemy troop movements in a situational awareness system such as Palantir's, based on which its military decides a course of action, Fedorov said. Palantir has marketed its software as a way to quickly determine resources to deploy, taking in feeds from satellites and social media to visualize an army's positions, or making expansive data files easier to query. Asked about artificial intelligence (AI) that can generate content on its own, technology that has been the talk of Silicon Valley, Karp said that ethics needed to be considered before deploying software that could take independent action. "There are huge ethical issues on the battlefield," he said at an event Palantir hosted in Palo Alto. "If you use an algorithm to generate a military decision and it goes wrong, who's responsible?" Palantir recently signed a 75 million pound ($91.4 million) deal with Britain's Ministry of Defence. It also sells technology to other government agencies and enterprises. The company is expanding its work with Japan's Sompo Holdings Inc (8630.T) through a five-year, $50-million deal announced Wednesday, which will help the insurer and care provider address social issues like aging, its top digital officer Albert Chu told Reuters. Advertisement · Scroll to continue Japan is a "very high priority" market for Palantir including in defense, another Palantir official, Kevin Kawasaki, said in an interview.

No wild food if economy crashes? 30,000 badgers culled in UK last year, 210,000 throughout UK, half Wiltshire's badger population wiped out! Thousands of 'protected' badgers slaughtered across Wiltshire in 2022 - Badger cull Wiltshire: Shocking figures reveal true death toll - NEW figures have revealed that more than 2,983 badgers were slaughtered across Wiltshire in 2022. Across England, the death toll reached more than 30,000 badgers. Badgers are a protected species and so the ongoing cull where animals are trapped and shot with the aim of controlling bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in cattle is divisive. Salisbury Journal: Image Photo AgencyImage Photo Agency (Image: Photo agency) Executive director of the Badger Trust, Peter Hambly said: “Badger setts across England are lying empty for the first time in history. One of our most iconic native wild animals is being wiped from parts of our natural landscape because of the badger cull. "In just a decade, half of our population of badgers has been killed.” “We know killing badgers isn’t the way to control bovine tuberculosis. Scientific research repeatedly proves that badger culling doesn’t work. The governments in Wales and Scotland don’t cull badgers with better results in reducing bovine tuberculosis.” According to data on the British Veterinary Association website, analysis based on Defra published data does not suggest that badger culling affected herd bovine TB occurrence (Btb) and in 9 out of 10 counties, bTB peaked and began to fall before badger culling commenced. Peter added: “So why won’t Defra end the badger cull and concentrate on more effective disease-control methods that will make a lasting difference to English farmers - enhanced biosecurity such as restricting cattle movements, more effective cattle testing, and cattle vaccination?” Badgers play an important role as ecosystem engineers, where they dig and forage which rejuvenates the soil and provides shelter and nesting sites for birds, small mammals, and pollinating insects. A spokesperson for the Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (Defra) said: “Bovine TB is one of the most difficult and intractable animal health challenges the livestock sector in England faces today, causing considerable trauma for farmers and costing taxpayers over £100 million every year. “Our bovine TB eradication strategy has led to a significant reduction in this insidious disease. As a result of the progress made, we are now able to move onto the next phase of the long-term eradication strategy, including wider badger vaccination, alongside improved cattle testing, and work towards deployment of a cattle vaccine. “We have always been clear we do not want to continue the badger cull longer than necessary.” Salisbury MP John Glen said: “I recognise that people within this rural constituency hold a wide range of views on the necessity and efficacy of badger culling. “The Government is on a path to eradicate bovine TB in England by 2038. This strategy sets out a range of evidence-led interventions to tackle the disease in both cattle and wildlife, including strengthening cattle testing and movement controls and supporting the deployment of badger vaccination. “Intensive badger culling in areas where badgers are a significant factor in spreading disease to cattle has been an important element and has led to a significant reduction of bTB in cattle herds. “Alongside this, the Government continues to fund major research, including on cattle vaccination and improved diagnostics. “That funding has already resulted in a major breakthrough by the Animal and Plant Health Agency in developing a test that can differentiate TB-infected among vaccinated cattle. The aim is to have a deployable TB vaccine for cattle within the next five years.” To mark the 210,000-badger death milestone since the culling began, the Badger Trust has launched an investigative study into the contemporary history of the Badger culling policing. The report is expected to be published in Autumn 2023 with the aim of providing evidence that bTB can be controlled effectively without culling protected wildlife.

AMSTERDAM, the NETHERLANDS - JULY 23: Demonstrators attend a rally of the Netherland In Resistance group sympathizers to support farmers, fishermen and truckers, on Dam Square in Amsterdam on July 23, 2022. (Photo by Mohamed Farouk Batiche/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

Nitrogen tax for farmers in Holland – forcing them to sell up  - EU approves controversial Dutch private equity farm buy-out plan to ‘cut nitrogen emissions’ - EU approves controversial Dutch farm buy-out plan to ‘meet climate goals’ - Farmers have protested against the government scheme that will offer them 120 per cent of the value of their company if they agree to close - The Netherlands has been given the go-ahead to start buying out thousands of farmers businesses in a bid to meet the European Union mandate on climate goals. Under the 1.47 billion (1.3 billion) plan, entire farms located near nature reserves could be purchased by the government, with hundreds more farmers compensated for voluntarily closing their operations. It forms part of the Hagues wider strategy for slashing nitrogen emissions in half by 2030 to comply with EU targets. On Tuesday, the European Commission approved the Dutch governments proposals under the blocs state aid rules. Brussels ruled that the buy-outs would not give farmers who receive them an unfair leg-up against international competitors on the Single Market and thus violate EU regulations. Justifying the move earlier this year, Christianne van der Wal, minister of nature and nitrogen policy, said that the Netherlands had to cut nitrogen emissions from farms to build new housing and produce green energy. There will first have to be nitrogen cuts before there is room for new development such as new houses and sustainable energy investments. It is our economic lockdown, she said. My message is not the message [farmers] want to hear. She has previously described the scheme as wildly attractive. Farmers operating near nature conservation areas will be offered 120 per cent of the value of their company if they agree to close their operations and promise not to restart elsewhere in the country or within the EU. About 3,000 farmers who are considered among the countrys highest polluting have been identified under the scheme. Dairy, pig and poultry farmers will be offered 100 per cent of their company’s value if they agree to close under a similar programme. Protests from farmers - Dutch farmers have been on a collision course with the government for more than a year, while it grappled with the consequences of forcing its lucrative agricultural industry to cut emissions. Protests against the climate-change targets have often turned violent, with manure and blazing hay bales used to block highways and supermarket distribution centres, leading to empty shelves on numerous occasions. In March, Mark Rutte, the long-serving prime minister, received a major defeat in the regional elections as a farmers protest party scored a victory. At risk of being undercut - Despite its small size, The Netherlands is one of the worlds agricultural powerhouses, being only second to the United States as a food producer and agricultural exporter. Its farmers have argued that the new climate change rules placed them at risk of being undercut by cheap foreign imports. They also complained that agriculture was being unfairly targeted compared with other polluting sectors such as transport. The Dutch government has earmarked 25 billion (22 billion) to tackle nitrogen emissions, including compulsory buyouts and payments for reducing livestock numbers. The courts have blocked an increasing number of construction projects designed to ease the countrys housing crisis until nitrogen levels have been reduced. Improve the environment - Brussels decided the Dutch plan did not amount to a breach of the blocs state aid rules, which have been significantly loosened as a result of the interventions made by European governments during the coronavirus pandemic. Margrethe Vestager, a vice-president of the European Commission, said the plan would lead to the voluntary closure of those farms most responsible for nitrogen emissions. The schemes will improve the environment conditions in those areas, and will promote a more sustainable and environmentally friendly production in the livestock sector, without unduly distorting competition, she said. The EUs approval of the scheme, which runs until February 2028, will last as long as Dutch farmers agree to a definitive closure of their operations. The exact conditions for the buyout scheme will be published by the end of the month, with the government also exploring targeting other industries amid uproar from farmers.

Charles’s Coronation tomorrow.  Neil Oliver on how everything has changed since Covid pandemic, and King Charles supports Net Zero policy while millions suffer from cost of living crisis. Charles III, the Net Zero King is a Net Negative - Unlike his predecessor, the English king is a political vector and a liability. The silver lining is his innate ability to self-sabotage. Elizabeth II’s legacy was characterized by sobriety and discretion. Even on Brexit, the hottest issue of her last decade, her stance remained unknown. Her silence left us better informed. After seventy years of royal duty, Charles III, the geriatric rookie monarch, emerges as a political vector and a liability. His eagerness to please those who can affect his rank and his weakness for Saudi money cast a shadow over the monarchy. Elizabeth II’s reign added value to a declining monarchy, whereas Charles III threatens to dilute a somewhat stabilized monarchy, precariously balanced between public complacency and the incompetence of the two major parties.

Who was Alice Keppel? Camilla's Ancestor was Mistress to King Edward VII - Yes, Prince Charles’s great-great grandfather and Camilla’s great-great grandmother were an item. Alice Keppel was the toast of Edwardian society. Alice Frederica Edmonstone, who went by the nickname Freddie (or even, "flirtatious Freddie") was born into a high-ranking family in 1868: her father was a Baronet and an admiral in the Royal Navy. She grew up in Duntreath Castle in Scotland and married Lieutenant-Colonel George Keppel, a British Royal officer, at 23. She was a renowned beauty with chestnut hair, a pale complexion, large blue eyes, a small waist, and a large chest­all features that were greatly coveted in "the naughties nineties." Alice was also known for being an exceptionally kind person, even to her enemies. "She was luminous, resplendent... She not only had a gift of happiness, but she excelled in making others happy. She resembled a Christmas tree laden with presents for everyone," her daughter Violet said. When Alice and George moved to London, they were part of the city's top social circles and Alice began having affairs in order to move up the social ladder. The money and connections allowed her to thrive as a society hostess, which is how she met Prince Albert Edward in 1898 when he was 56 and she was 29. They stayed together for twelve years, through his coronation as King Edward VII until his death in 1910.

Jonathan Dimbleby interviews Prince Charles after the break up of his marriage to Diana in July 1994. His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales talking about his children, Princes William and Harry (0:00); the intrusion of prying photographers and tabloid media (2:33); and the collapse of his marriage to Princess Diana (4:18). Prince Charles recorded a second version of his 1994 interview after being convinced to admit to adultery in his marriage with Diana, Princess of Wales – a move that pushed her to do her own interview with Panorama a year later. In a new documentary exploring the origins of Diana’s dramatic Panorama interview, it was revealed that Charles did not initially intend to confess to his affair with Camilla Parker-Bowles. But he was later convinced that he should do so, as it would come out in a “sympathetic” way. Charles, now 71, confessed to infidelity in an interview with his biographer Jonathan Dimbleby, saying he only strayed when the marriage had “broken down irrevocably”. Speaking to Channel 4, Sir Max Hastings, former editor of the Daily Telegraph, said: “Somebody convinced him, ‘Look sir, this is going to come out sooner or later, wouldn’t it be better if it comes out in a sympathetic form, in sympathetic hands.’

Martin Bashir from BBC Panorama interviews Princess Diana (1995) – will Charles make a good King, and will she ever be Queen? Panorama commissioned the Bashir programme originally as an expose of how Prince Charles had been abusing the secret services, MI5 and GCHQ to spy on Princess Diana throughout the divorce proceedings Considering the investigation a legitimate matter of public interest That proved legally and politically difficult so Bashir decided to cut to the chase A blockbuster interview with Diana herself which, since her assassination, Charles has done everything he can to suppress Not only arranging for his wife to be murdered - see John Morgan's book - How They Murdered Princess Diana - but then destroying everybody who helped her. Martin Bashir has been character assassinated by the London media - which Charles and the City of London control rincess Diana's bombshell Panorama interview is set to feature in a new Channel 4 documentary which will be 'uncomfortable viewing for the royal family', according to a TV insider. In the explosive interview, which was watched by 21 million people when it aired in 1995 , the late Princess talked candidly about her and her husband’s extra-marital affairs, and questioned Prince Charles’s suitability to be King. Now the interview will be re-broadcast this autumn, with a TV insider telling The Sun: 'The show will make for particularly uncomfortable viewing for the royals and couldn’t have come at a more difficult time for them.' The royal family has weathered several controversies over the last year, with Prince Andrew facing scrutiny over his part in the Epstein scandal, and Prince Harry, 35, and Meghan Markle, 38, stepping back from royal duty and moving to Los Angeles. A new Channel 4 documentary is set to air Princess Diana's bombshell Panorama interview, with TV insiders saying it will be 'uncomfortable viewing' for the royal family The four-part programme will be screened this autumn and is set to delve into several problems that have beset the family. The impact of the infamous interview will be explored in detail, with the insider adding it would look at 'years leading up to the interview' as well as 'the aftermath.' The airing of the documentary will be timed to coincide with the 15th anniversary of the Panorama programme airing, which continues to be one of the most watched shows in BBC's history. Charles and Diana separated in 1992 after an 11-year marriage and the warring Waleses set up separate households, which often briefed journalists against each other. 

Prince Charles’s friendships with child abusers – such as Jimmy Saville. BBC covered up Jimmy Savile’s child abuse because he was friends with Prince Charles, claims veteran broadcaster Bill Oddie October 25, 2012 - The Prince of Wales and Sir Jimmy Savile in Glencoe in July 1999 - Veteran BBC presenter Bill Oddie has backed claims disgraced Jimmy Savile’s abuse was covered up – because he was friends with Prince Charles. The Springwatch star, who appeared on TOTP with the Goodies when Savile presented it during the 1970s, said there was a “running sick joke” at the BBC about Savile being a paedophile. He suggested there might have been some sort of “censorship committee” preventing the truth being released because of Savile’s royal connections. The presenter also backed claims made by other former BBC presenters that Savile’s antics were well known at the time. He said: “The idea that youngsters were prey – everybody knew that. “I was not surprised at all. And the surprise is in a sense that that didn’t happen years ago. “The establishment or who ever it is decided to keep it all quiet and decided to give him a knighthood. He was, to a certain amount, a friend of royalty.” He added: “I do not know why it took so long to come to light. That is what I am curious about. “Whether there is somewhere in Britain, some sort of censorship committee that we don’t know about that suppresses these thing and somebody gets together in a room and says ‘come on he was a friend of Prince Charles, it would look awfully bad on Prince Charles if we said he was a bit of a perv’. “And someone decides ‘yes you are right, we will keep it quiet, nobody will ever find out.’ “I don’t know who that would be.” Speaking after a question and answer session with students of Cambridge University’s historic debating society – The Union Society – on Tuesday, Oddie said Savile’s reputation was “just taken for granted.” He said: “There was just this running sick joke that Jimmy Savile pestered the young youths of both sexes. “It was just taken for granted. It doesn’t mean anyone thought they must do something about it – and it probably wasn’t realised how serious it was – it certainly wasn’t realised to the extent of the hospital – which is horrendous. “When this came out it was not a surprise at all....

...The surprise is that it did not come out a lot earlier and the puzzlement is or the question is was it covered up or did people just chose to ignore it or was there an order and if so from whom, by whom and with whom saying we are not going to allow this to get published. “It does make you think who would you look at. Would you look at the BBC, the police, would you look at the NHS hospital people? Did they all know and didn’t say?” Oddie revealed there was a “naive groupies scene” at the time. He said: “This is not a mitigating circumstance obviously, but the only thing I will say is that that was a time in history in television and radio and live shows where there was a sort of naive groupies scene. “I do not think the girls were incredibly promiscuous, certainly not the younger ones. “There were people who hung around after gigs and tried to get to the stars – or the disk jockeys. “You haven’t half got a booby prize if you went for Cliff Richard and ended up with Jimmy Savile.” He added: “The thing that you could not ignore was that it was the era of the sort of groupies. “Not the heavy groupy, but it was an extension of those shots of the Beatles in the 60s where there is hundreds of girls crying and screaming and god knows what – well that was pretty rife. “My wife was saying the other day about a friend of hers from way back when they went to see the Monkeys and the girl said ‘I am going to try and get in the dressing room’ and my wife said ‘he will only want one thing you know’ and she said ‘yes, I know. that is what I am going for’. “But that is not quite the same thing as a paedophile – that was just rock bands and includes other people I am sure and is due to availability and other things. The 70s was like that.” Oddie, who started on BBC radio with his show I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again, reiterated claims that former director general of the BBC Mark Thompson must have known what was going on with Savile. He said: “It is so extraordinary that there is any sort of mystery – when the ex head of the BBC Mark Thompson the other day said ‘I don’t know anything about it’. “You worked at the BBC and you don’t know anything about it – don’t be ridiculous. “That is absolute nonsense.” Oddie claimed Savile “bribed his way out” of getting found out for molesting children in hospital because he was a large donor. He said: “Anyone of that era knew something – he had a reputation for being a groper. “The most awful aspect is the idea of molesting kids in hospital – that is just unbelievable. He was sort of bribing his way out of it by giving millions of pounds to the hospital – that is staggering.” As well as Savile’s contact with children at the BBC, his interaction with sick youngsters at Stoke Mandeville Hospital, in Sussex, and Leeds General Infirmary, is also being investigated.

Retired Satanic Ritual Abuse therapist Valerie Sinason on her new novel ‘The Orpheus Project’ based on true stories about ritual Satanic abuse.  Epstein and the secret services. The Orpheus Project, by Valerie Sinason (2022) - It's Christmas Eve, and a young woman with Down’s syndrome has just disclosed abuse by two men. The problem is she is a member of the British aristocracy and the men she accuses are a top politician and a rock star. How does a national health team struggle with the situation of alleged abuse by the elite and super rich? Despite a traitor in their midst, the team uncovers the appalling reality of the abusive international cult known as The Orpheus Project with its mysterious American spokesperson and powerful connections. This is the world of conspiracy theories; the Orpheus Project and the secret society that surrounds it seek to offer a form of immortality through deliberately installed dissociative disorders. At the core of this powerful novel is the story of a mother and daughter who find a way of reuniting, and the longterm consequences of childhood trauma.

Spike Milligan accepting a BAFTA lifetime achievement award at the 1994 British Comedy Awards. When compère Jonathan Ross reads out a congratulatory letter from Prince Charles Spike calls him a 'grovelling bastard'. 

Monty Python’s ‘The Holy Grail’ - King Arthur meets anarcho-syndicalist. King Arthur: Old woman! Dennis: Man. King Arthur: Man, sorry. What knight lives in that castle over there? Dennis: I'm 37. King Arthur: What? Dennis: I'm 37. I'm not old. King Arthur: Well I can't just call you "man". Dennis: Well you could say "Dennis". King Arthur: I didn't know you were called Dennis. Dennis: Well you didn't bother to find out, did you? King Arthur: I did say sorry about the "old woman", but from behind you looked... Dennis: What I object to is you automatically treat me like an inferior. King Arthur: Well, I am king. Dennis: Oh, king eh? Very nice. And how'd you get that, eh? By exploiting the workers. By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society. If there's ever gonna be any progress... Peasant Woman: Dennis! There's some lovely filth down here... Oh! How do you do? [Dennis joins the Peasant Woman in the nearby filth patch] King Arthur: How do you do, good lady? I am Arthur, king of the Britons. Whose castle is that? Peasant Woman: King of the who? King Arthur: The Britons. Peasant Woman: Who're the "Britons"? King Arthur: Well, we all are. We're all Britons, and I am your king. Peasant Woman: Didn't know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collective. Dennis: You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship! A self-perpetuating autocracy, in which the working classes... Peasant Woman: Oh, there you go, bringing class into it again. Dennis: Well, that's what it's all about! If only people would-- King Arthur: Please, please, good people, I am in haste. Who lives in that castle? Peasant Woman: No one lives there. King Arthur: Then who is your lord? Peasant Woman: We don't have a lord. King Arthur: What? Dennis: I told you, we're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take it in turns to act as sort of executive officer for the week... King Arthur: Yes... Dennis: ...but all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting... King Arthur: Yes I see... Dennis: a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs... King Arthur: Be quiet! Dennis: ...but by a two thirds majority in the case of more... King Arthur: Be quiet! I order you to be quiet! Peasant Woman: "Order", eh? Who does he think he is? King Arthur: I am your king. Peasant Woman: Well, I didn't vote for you. King Arthur: You don't vote for kings. Peasant Woman: Well, how'd you become king, then? [An angelic choir begins...] King Arthur: The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. [singing stops] That is why I am your king. Dennis: Listen. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony. Arthur: Be quiet! Dennis: You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you! Arthur: Shut up! Dennis: I mean, if I went around saying I was an emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away! Arthur: [grabs Dennis] Shut up! Will you shut up?! Dennis: Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system! Arthur: [shakes Dennis] Shut up! Dennis: Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help, I'm being repressed! Arthur: Bloody Peasant! Dennis: Ooh, what a giveaway! Did you hear that? Did you hear that, eh? That's what I'm on about! Did you see him repressing me? You saw it, didn't you?

‘Ode to Charles Sausage Fingers’ this week's poem by Patrizia Opulenza.

Bitchute video of complete show - Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit | Evolution | We are in a war between God, and Lucifer | Armageddonists I have known: George Monbiot | Nick Land
Part Two - Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports

Drone targets Kremlin.  Freedom of speech lessening.  Russia Says the US Was Behind Drone Attack on the Kremlin - likely fired from nearby - The US has denied any involvement - Russia on Thursday said the US was behind the drone attack that targeted the Kremlin, which Moscow said was an attempt on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s life. “We know very well that the decisions to carry out such actions, such terrorist attacks, are made not in Kiev. Rather, it is precisely in Washington,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. He added that “often even the targets themselves are not determined by Kiev, but by Washington.” Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova made similar comments. “First and foremost, the creators and handlers of the Kiev regime, who hail from Washington, London and NATO, bear overall responsibility for everything that it [Ukraine] is perpetrating,” she wrote on Telegram. The comments drew a denial of involvement in the drone attack from the White House. “I can assure you that there was no involvement by the United States in this. Whatever it was did not involve us,” said National Security Council spokesman John Kirby. “We had nothing to do with this.” The comments from Moscow suggest Russia is considering a major escalation of the war. Peskov said Russia was considering a “wide variety” of responses to the drone attack. “Naturally, I cannot provide you any details here. In any case the issue may only be about well-thought-out steps that meet the interests of our country,” he told reporters. Ukrainian officials have also denied involvement in the drone attack, which targeted the Kremlin early Wednesday morning, but Ukrainian attacks inside Russia have stepped up in recent months. Pentagon documents allegedly leaked by Jack Teixeira show that the US was concerned about Ukraine planning attacks in Moscow and that Zelensky might not have control over his intelligence services. One leak showed that Ukraine’s security service, the SBU, determined its agents violated orders by attacking a Russian surveillance plane in Belarus. Another leak revealed that Ukraine postponed planned attacks in Moscow that would have coincided with the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion. 

Afshin Rattansi, Going Underground RT, interviews Seymour Hersch about the Nord Stream 2 pipeline sabotage, and Russophobia. 

Israel kills three Palestinians in retaliation for deaths of Israelis.  Lavrov at UN – Palestinian/Israel issue.  US Boycotts against Israel being made illegal.  Putin asked if he wanted to kill Zelensky.  Lavrov at UN – Russia vetoing and Israel not complying with resolutions.  Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the UNSC open debate on the Situation in the Middle East, Including the Palestinian Question - Distinguished colleagues, Ladies and gentlemen, The Middle East is currently going through a profound transformation that is unfolding in a way that is rather contradictory. Improvement of relations between the states in the region, stabilisation in the conflict zones and greater efforts to achieve their political and diplomatic settlement based on the principles of the United Nations Charter is what we need today more than ever before...... The fact that UN Security Council resolutions are not being implemented – not only those on the Middle East settlement – deserves particular attention, and here is why. A short time ago the United States and its allies spared no effort to make sure that each time a veto was applied on any issue in the Security Council, this issue is then presented for consideration at the UN General Assembly. We did not object, even though this initiative was explicitly spearheaded against Russia. We have nothing to hide: when we apply the veto right, we always clearly explain our motives. Nor do we shy away from repeating our arguments at the General Assembly. But here is the thing. The power of veto is an inherent right and an integral element of the mechanisms enshrined in the UN Charter. Making use of this right does not represent a violation. However, failure to implement the resolutions adopted by the UN Security Council is a violation of the Charter. Specifically, Article 25 of the Charter, which states that all parties must implement the decisions of the Security Council. Perhaps the time has come for those who derail their implementation to explain themselves to the General Assembly? Such resolutions sabotaged by the West include decisions on Palestine, Golan Heights, West Sahara, Kosovo settlement, Iranian nuclear programme and, of course, the Minsk agreements on Ukraine, which we covered in detail yesterday.

Afshin Rattansi, Going Underground RT, interviews John Perkins, author of ‘Confessions of an Economic Hitman’, on how debt after wars is used to change systems. 

Timeline of Charles and Camilla’s relationship – [see below]. 

Tim Cohen, author of ‘The Anti Christ and a Cup of Tea’, on his nefarious historical ‘facts’, and view about King Charles being the Anti Christ. In The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea, Tim Cohen provides biblical evidence to demonstrate that all of the prophecies pertaining to the coming AntiChrist — that can be fulfilled before he assumes control over a global government during the Great Tribulation — are already fulfilled in a living prince of Roman lineage; this is true of no one else. This prince, for example, has the lineage: he claims descent simultaneously from Israel's King David, Islam's false prophet Mohammed, and, by a false occult lineage, Jesus Christ Himself! This prince has the imagery: his personal heraldic achievement or coat of arms has the symbolism of the first beast of Revelation 13, representing the AntiChrist, and of Daniel 7 (i.e., the little horn having eyes like those of a man — a unicorn with human eyes). This prince's coat of arms also bears the red dragon described in Revelation 12 and 13, specifically representing Satan, and he was seen globally as he faced this dragon in 1969 to be coronated as "Prince of the Red Dragon" (i.e., Satan). This prince has the name calculation: his title, by which he is globally known, calculates to 666 in both Hebrew and English on the original biblical numbering system — the very system used in the underlying Greek text of Revelation 13:18 to specify six-hundred and sixty-six. This prince has the involvement in the Mideast peace process. In fact, the current Road Map, as well as the Oslo process from which it derives, and the Madrid Peace talks from which the Oslo process itself derived, are directly traceable to the London Agreement of 1987, which in turn is traceable to...THIS PRINCE. Also, this prince has the global authority.... That's right — he is not the ignored wimp that the masses have been misled to believe; rather, he is mankind's number one globalist, and has been for decades. Indeed, this prince is over the entire New World Order power structure—through the world's most prominent and oldest order of chivalry: the Order of the Garter. This order is very much more than merely a revival of King Arthur's legendary round table. And to top it all off, this prince HAS THE IMAGERY OF WHAT IS TO BE THE FUTURE ABOMINATION THAT CAUSES DESOLATION! What is that? In March 2002, while trekking through Brazilian rain forests, this prince was presented with a miniature version of a statue depicting himself as an angelic figure with large wings standing atop a mass of human bodies looking up to him (this prince) as savior! In fact, the inscription on the statue's base reads "Saviour of the World"!!! And it has this prince's face...with wings! So what did this prince say when Brazilian officials asked his permission to create a ten cubits high (12 or 15 feet) version of this statue, and to place it in a square named after him in their capital city? Instead of calling it blasphemy to identify him as "Saviour of the World", this prince remarked, "I am touched and deeply amazed," and then, with the small ego he has, this prince gladly gave permission to create the larger version! Now, bear in mind that the arrival of this statue was years after the 1998 publication of the first edition of The AntiChrist and a Cup of Tea (ISBN 0-9662793-0-1), and there is no other man or woman who is being called "Saviour of the World" other than this prince whom Tim Cohen decades ago identified as the foretold Antichrist — according to a true understanding of the prophetic scriptures. Coincidence?
#1 - Full 3hr 30min show NTBPS 05May23
#2 – CORONATION 1of5 Neil Oliver on Charles III 250m coronation last three years changed everything 00:20:00
#3 – CORONATION 2of5 Valerie Sinsason Charles III chum Jimmy Savile Glastonbury Satanic rituals book The Orpheus Project 00:30:00
#4 – CORONATION 3of5 Prince Charles the paparazzi and marriage to Diana Jonathan Dimbleby (1995) 00:10:00
#5 – CORONATION 4of5: BBC Panorama Princess Diana Interview Queen Of Hearts Martin Bashir (1995) 00:55:00
#6 – CORONATION 5of5 Tim Cohen on Charles III Coronation and Alleged Future World Antichrist Role 01:00:00
#7 - Peter Schiff Death Blow To The Dollar They Are Hiding This From All American Citizens Last Warning 00:08:00
#8 - Sergei Lavrov Russian Foreign minister chairs Middle East summit at UN Security Council 00:12:00
#9 - Seymore Hersh Zelensky Embezzling $400m from US aid to Ukraine Going Underground 00:25:00
#10 - John Perkins Economic Hitman How the US Debt and Economic Sabotage Going Underground 00:25:00

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