Pucker up for a Lipstick Conspiracy Reunion (produced and hosted by ERIC JANSEN from San Francisco’s OutInTheBay.org radio show and podcast, featuring SARAFINA MARASCHINO, SHAWNA LOVE and MARILYN MITCHELL, with excerpts from “Call”,”Just A Girl”, “Locked Away”, and “You (Do x 3)”, and with audio editing by DAVID KWAN) … and in “NewsWrap” (reported this week by WENZEL JONES & NICO RAQUEL and produced by Brian DeShazor), Britain’s NHS cuts pediatric gender-affirming care, Iceland outlaws conversion therapy, Queensland stops requiring surgery for legal gender change, the Australian Capital Territory protects intersex people, Arizona’s governor vetoes a trans-student bathroom bill, Texas expands its trans female sports ban to higher education, Illinois’ governor signs a bill to ban book bans, and Tony winner Michael Arden reclaims the “F” word; plus brief teases and a promo for next week’s feature about the brutal fallout of Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023). All that and more this week when you discover "This Way Out": the world's audio oasis for queer news and culture.
Hosted this week by Lucia Chappelle and produced with Greg Gordon. NewsWrap reported this week by Wenzel Jones & Nico Raquel and produced by Brian DeShazor. Correspondent: Eric Jansen. Thanks also to Barry McKay. Theme music: Kim Wilson. Additional music: Sade; from “Hedwig & The Angry Inch”; Lipstick Conspiracy; and Talented Ugandan Kuchus produced by Bravo Bryans.
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