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Program Information
State Of The City reports
The finishing off of nation states: Planning ‘debt trap’ bankruptcy of European Nation States
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
Sept. 8, 2023, midnight
– Birmingham Council goes bust. Birmingham Council bad IT. Capitalism and IT. IT used to control masses. Tory Government cutting money to local Councils. Ukraine history.
– The finishing off of nation states: Planning ‘debt trap’ bankruptcy of European Nation States and how it might be managed legally within the Brussels European Union and European Cpurt. Volker Reusing at 2016 Bilderberg
– At least 26 English councils ‘at risk of bankruptcy in next two years’ Research from body representing 47 authorities says many could follow Slough, Croydon, Thurrock and Woking into collapse
– Local councils to see central funding fall 77% by 2020 – Local Government Association estimates a £5.8bn funding gap – LONDON, ENGLAND – AUGUST 28:2017 – Councils in England are calling for the end of austerity,
– Jonathan Slater: ‘Sunak cut DfE school repair budget by 88% in 2019, reducing number of schools where RAAC could be replaced from 400 to 50. RAAC concrete fiasco in schools
– Economic sabotage? IT going down – trains. David Halpin on the Mole Valley Farmers shops IT system failing, and possible bankruptcy. IT failure leaves Mole Valley Farmers paralysed
– STOP STARMER CAMPAIGN LAUNCH – Politics shouldn’t be about personalities. It should be about principles on how we can build a better society. But every so often in history, an individual emerges who is a danger
– Inaugural meeting of Stop Starmer campaign Conway Hall in London – Kier Starmer. ‘Stop Starmer’ initiative launches at London’s Conway Hall. A campaign to inform the public about the dangers of a red Tory ‘Labour’ govt.
– Dr David Halpin on Lyme’s Disease being a bioweapon – Global Research paper. Anthrax tested on St. Kilda. Covid a biological weapon. Now, Lyme just so happens to be right across from Plum Island, New York.
– Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons (2019) by Kris Newby A riveting thriller, this true story dives into the mystery surrounding the most misdiagnosed conditions of our time:
– Fox News – California biolab with links to China – ‘Disturbing’ California biolab shrouded in mystery as China links emerge A Fox News review of court records, health reports and interviews
– Dr John Campbell – natural immunity to Covid better than a vaccine – Israel study. Dr. Stanley Laham says the same. Natural immunity 27 times better –
– Danial Hannan – lockdowns worse than useless – The numbers are in, and we can say it with certainty: Lockdowns were worse than useless by Dan Hannan, It was all for nothing. Really, for nothing.
– Marianna Spring, BBC’s counterfeit disinformation correspondent, lied on her CV unlike the genuine article, Sy Hersh. BBC’s disinformation correspondent and chief fact-checker Marianna Spring is accused of lying
– Death of Princess Diana’s father-in-law to be (before she and his son Dodi were assassinated) Mohamed Al Fayed. ‘Unlawful Killing’ film about Diana. Unlawful Killing: The Murder of Princess Diana and Dodi Al Fayed –
– Sound Of Freedom Film just released about child trafficking, a rare decent feature film in local cinemas now. What is Sound Of Freedom about? The controversial anti-sex trafficking film is storming the US box office
– Roman Polanski has a new film out The Palace, starring Micky Rourke and John Cleese, about rich people at a 2000 Millenium Bug new years party – gets terrible reviews so probably good
– UK Channel 4 TV Reveal Sri Lanka’s Rajapaksa government colluded with US sponsored ISIS terrorists to kill 270 Innocent People in 2019 Easter Church Bombings
– Sri Lankan false flag bombings 2019. C4 News account of bombings. ISIS and intelligence services in Sri Lanka involved in bombings to fuel insecurity and change government.
– State terrorism to effect elections. Jeremy Corbyn called a terrorist before election. Terrorist escapes prison under a van. Julian Assange still in prison. Daniel Khalife:not
– Australian MPs lobbying US to send Assange to Australia – Australian MPs to travel to US to fight pursuit, extradition of Julian Assange A group of six Australian politicians will travel to the United States
– – Two US militias at war against each other in Syria. US Ambassador to Niger told to leave. Scott Ritter on African coups Scott Ritter on Niger and Gabon coups and BRICS.
– August’s Maui ‘Wild Fires’, Its All A Huge Series of Huge Coincidences – Hawaii – on TikTok with Morgan Marshall – itsmorganfr –
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports

Birmingham Council goes bust. Manchester Council bad IT. Capitalism and IT. IT used to control masses. Tory Government cutting money to local Councils. Ukraine history. German lawyer Volker Reusing at 2016 Bilderberg At least 26 English councils ‘at risk of bankruptcy in next two years’ – Research from body representing 47 authorities says many could follow Slough, Croydon, Thurrock and Woking into collapse. QE, the Euro and the Pound. Moving in to a recession/ depression. What is happening in ‘bankrupt’ Birmingham? The section 114 notice was issued on Tuesday After the announcement that Birmingham City Council is – in effect – bankrupt, BBC News looks at how it got into this situation and what it will mean for the 1.14 million people served by the authority. How did it come to this? Birmingham City Council is to stop all new spending, with the exception of money protecting vulnerable people and statutory services The current financial strife has been more than a decade in the making. In April 2010 – 5,000 mostly female council staff won their case for equal pay at an employment tribunal It heard workers in roles such as teaching assistants and catering staff, had missed out on bonuses given to staff in jobs traditionally done by men, like refuse collectors and street cleaners. Since then, the council has paid out almost £1.1bn in equal pay claims and right now has a £760m bill, which is increasing by up to £14m every month. And if that wasn’t bad enough, it has got problems with a new cloud-based IT system by Oracle. It was supposed to cost £19m but after three years of delays in getting it in place and problems once it was installed mean it is now expected to cost £100m. The council’s leadership pointed to other pressures on its budget: increases in demand for adult social care, reductions in business rates income, the impact of inflation and cuts to local government funding.

The finishing off of nation states: Planning ‘debt trap’ bankruptcy of European Nation States and how it might be managed legally within the Brussels European Union and European Cpurt. We (Sarah Luzia Hassel-Reusing and Volker Reusing) had us turned together with the Austrian economist Prof. Dr. Franz Hörmann (Vienna University of Economics) with an opinion together on 09.12.2014, among others, the G-77, as well as several UN human rights special Rapporteur on 02.01.2015, inter alia, to UNCTAD. In paragraph 6 of its Resolution dated 05.12.2014 for the implementation of its Resolution dated 09.09.2014, the UN General Assembly had expressly instructed the science to contribute to the Committee (in the case of UNCTAD) for the development of an international state insolvency proceedings…. In addition, we have shown that the States allow bankruptcy mechanism, the ESM for the Eurozone States, the meeting of the private creditors, the insolvent state policy requirements, and that aims to privatize the public services and the public institutions of the state, what in EU law with the Lisbon Treaty (article 14 tfeu, for services of General interest, article 2 of Protocol 26 for the public institutions) has been installed, but due to the Lisbon judgment of 30.06.2009 only once. You want to enforce for the countries in the Eurozone with the States insolvency procedure of the ESM. And about the TTIP free trade agreement for all of the EU member States (see art. 19 of the TTIP negotiating mandate the EU Commission). The example of the claim of J. P. Morgan Bank in its paper “the Euro area adjustment – about half way there” from 28.05.2013 to the abolition of the national constitutions of the countries of the Euro-zone fundamental rights of workers and of fundamental rights, which allow protests, we have shown that even conditions for the deletion of fundamental rights, in a state threatening bankruptcy proceedings as the ESM.

At least 26 English councils ‘at risk of bankruptcy in next two years’ Research from body representing 47 authorities says many could follow Slough, Croydon, Thurrock and Woking into collapse At least 26 councils in some of Britain’s most deprived areas are at risk of effective bankruptcy within the next two years, according to a leading local government group, which says many authorities simply have “nothing left”. Britain’s local government network has been shaken by a string of financial collapses in the past two years, starting with Slough and followed by Croydon, Thurrock and most recently Woking, which announced a deficit of £1.2bn in June after a risky investment spree. The quartet could be only the tip of the iceberg, according to a survey of 47 councils in northern England, the Midlands and on the south coast, which revealed mounting anxiety that rising costs will blow irreparable holes in budgets that fund crucial local services. Five members of the Special Interest Group of Municipal Authorities (Sigoma) – a collective of 47 urban councils – said they were in such dire financial straits that they were considering issuing a notice of their inability to balance their annual budget for 2023-24. A further nine Sigoma members said they may have to in effect declare bankruptcy next year. The group called on the government to provide additional funding to local authorities struggling to manage. Huddersfield, the main town of Kirklees district, West Yorkshire Yorkshire council warns of budget crisis as deficit reaches £47m A spokesperson for the government said it had already agreed extra funding, adding that councils were ultimately responsible for their own finances and should not take excessive risks with taxpayers’ money. The growing threat of a wave of effective bankruptcies is said to be driven by the dwindling of cash reserves usually held over to plug gaps in budgets. Councils said the most common cause of financial pressures was increased demand for children’s social care services after the government said these should be given equal priority with adult social care and funded accordingly.

Local councils to see central funding fall 77% by 2020 – Local Government Association estimates a £5.8bn funding gap – LONDON, ENGLAND – AUGUST 28:2017 – Councils in England are calling for the end of austerity, saying the UK government plans to slash their core funding 77 per cent.- Between 2015 and 2020, the Revenue Support Grant will have shrunk 77p in the pound, the Local Government Association says. – Almost half of all councils ­ 168 ­ will no longer receive any core central government funding in the 2019/20 budgetary year, according to the LGA. – Lord Porter, chairman of the LGA, will demand at the group’s annual conference in Birmingham on Tuesday that councils are at the “front of the queue” for new funding if “austerity is coming to an end”. – The LGA says it is impossible to cut any further. It estimates a £5.8bn funding gap in 2020 ­ even if councils stopped filling in potholes, maintaining parks and open spaces, closed all children’s centres, libraries, museums, leisure centres, turned off every street light and shut all discretionary bus routes. Lord Porter, a Conservative, will say there is “huge uncertainty” about how local services are going to be funded beyond 2020. “Councils can no longer be expected to run our vital local services on a shoestring. We must shout from the roof tops for local government to be put back on a sustainable financial footing. “Every penny in local taxation collected locally must be kept by local government and spent on our public services. The cap on council tax also needs to be lifted to ensure new money can be raised locally and spent locally. “If austerity is coming to an end, then we need to make sure councils are at the front of the queue for more money.” In 2015/16, councils received £9.9bn in Revenue Support Grant (RSG). By 2019/20, they will get £2.2bn. There are a range of other grants, such as a bonus for building new homes, or to address needs in depried areas. They also receive the £26bn raised annually by business rates, though this is redistributed, with poorer councils receiving more than they collect locally. Nevertheless, the LGA says local government as a whole in England would have £15.7bn less central government funding by 2020 than it did in 2010. Councils are responsible for education, housing, social care for the elderly and disabled, local roads, waste collection and other services. The LGA also wants more flexibility over how councils raise money. It wants each area to keep its own business rates, a policy announced before the election that was not reintroduced in the Queen’s Speech. And it argues that councils should have the ability to raise council tax beyond government-prescribed limits without holding a local referendum. Councils have laid off thousands of staff, closed libraries, museums and leisure centres and cut grants to charities and arts bodies as they try to survive. Preston in Lancashire is among the authorities that will lose all core grant funding in 2019/20. Martin Rawlinson, the Labour councillor responsible for resources said it was “running out of options” to make up shortfalls. It has a £3m annual deficit which is plugged by reserves. “Without the reserves we would be bankrupt,” he said. “We only have £6m left, that’ll be gone in two years.” Preston has closed some buildings and transferred others, including the Guild Hall theatre, and listed bus station, to others. It has laid off hundreds of staff and cut almost all non-statutory services. It has reduced its budget from £44m in 2010 to £24m this year. “It would not take much change from the government to put us back on an even keel. Just £3m a year would do it,” said Cllr Rawlinson. The government has allowed councils to levy an extra precept to pay for social care. A government spokesman said: “We’ve given councils vital certainty to plan ahead thanks to our historic four year funding settlement which makes £200bn available, and we’ve eased pressures on specific areas like adult social care funding through a new precept. “Ministers have committed through a manifesto pledge to further help local authorities control more of what they raise and we’re working closely with the LGA to agree the best way to achieve this.”
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Jonathan Slater: ‘Sunak cut DfE school repair budget by 88% in 2019, reducing number of schools where RAAC could be replaced from 400 to 50. RAAC concrete fiasco in schools – deliberate timing a week before schools start? David Halpin on the dismantling of the NHS. RAAC concrete crisis: Rishi Sunak blamed for school rebuilding cuts by official – education funding explained Rishi Sunak refused to fully fund a programme to rebuild at risk schools while Chancellor, a former senior Department for Education official has said. Jonathan Slater, who was permanent secretary at the DfE from May 2016 to August 2020, said that while up to 400 schools a year need to be replaced, but the department only got funding for 100, which was “frustrating”. In an interview with the BBC, he claimed that in 2021 Rishi Sunak actually halved the funding – so only 50 schools a year would be rebuilt. This was during the midst of the Covid pandemic. The revelation comes as thousands of pupils are facing disruption at the start of term this week, after an order to fully or partially close 104 schools because of concerns about collapse-prone reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC). This type of concrete, which was used as a common building material from the 50s until the early 90s, is reportedly “prone to collapse”. Questions have been asked of the government as to why the announcement was made just days before the start of term. NationalWorld previously revealed that the Department for Education raised the risk level around buildings collapsing to “critical – very likely” in September 2021. Speaking to the BBC this morning, Slater said he was “absolutely amazed” that a decision was made after he left the department to halve the school rebuilding programme. He told Radio 4’s Today programme: “The actual ask in the Spending Review of 2021 was to double the 100 to 200 – that’s what we thought was going to be practical at first instance. I thought we’d get it, but the actual decision that the chancellor took in 2021 was to halve the size of the programme.”

Economic sabotage? IT going down – trains. David Halpin on the Mole Valley Farmers shops IT system failing, and possible bankruptcy. IT failure leaves Mole Valley Farmers paralysed AN IT failure has left Mole Valley Farmers paralysed, with almost all its computer systems going offline. The reason for the outage is unclear, but the agricultural supplier has been left with no viable payment systems and many stores were forced to close on Sunday. They are currently only able to trade on ‘a limited basis’, but are able to ‘process orders for emergency farm sales which can be booked to credit accounts.’ The technical issues have led to a bizarre procedure for shopping at the store. One customer, who asked not to be named, described the process: ‘A staff member shadowed me all around the store. They had to write down the barcode of every item I wanted then took me back to the tills. They then wrote down the barcode again and added up my purchases on a handheld calculator. They couldn’t accept a cheque and I had to pay cash.’ She added: ‘The staff, though, were absolutely brilliant and patient. It must be very difficult working in such circumstances. Some customers were turning away when they saw the queues.’ Jo Warmsley, speaking on behalf of Mole Valley, said: ‘This is an ongoing IT incident and our team is working around the clock to get everything back online. ‘We cannot confirm exactly what has happened, but the malfunction began on Sunday morning and continues to affect us now. ‘We apologise that we cannot offer our full service but we are doing the best that we can. Emergency sales booked to credit accounts will continue and this will not affect the supply of feed and essential agricultural products. ‘Over the next few days, we anticipate things getting back to normal, bit by bit.’

STOP STARMER CAMPAIGN LAUNCH – Politics shouldn’t be about personalities. It should be about principles on how we can build a better society. But every so often in history, an individual emerges who is a danger to our democracy – someone who lacks any principle, is dishonest about their motives and who will say or do anything in pursuit of power. Keir Starmer is the most untrustworthy political leader this country has seen. His views on every political issue change according to what he thinks will help his career: whether it is Brexit, anti-Semitism, the Royal family, foreign policy, austerity, outsourcing of the NHS to private companies, public ownership of utilities, climate change or gender self-identification. Everything he says or does – including his flag waving and tedious family backstory – has been drawn up by PR companies. Starmer’s campaign is the most cynical attempt to manipulate our opinion ever undertaken. Under supervision from Jeffrey Epstein’s friend Lord Peter Mandelson, Starmer has won the support of media barons and faces hardly any scrutiny from press and TV. His campaign is well resourced and one of his donors (a beneficiary of apartheid in South Africa) has pledged over £5 million. Starmer is not open to discussion and debate. It’s all PR. Once he is in power, we have no idea what he will do as he has never honoured his pledges. This is why it is a massive mistake for people to think they can trust him or somehow control him if he gets into Number 10. Is a Starmer government better than a Conservative government? No, it will be worse. It will be the end of hope. Criticising Starmer is not enough, it’s time to stop him.

Inaugural meeting of Stop Starmer campaign Conway Hall in London – Kier Starmer. ‘Stop Starmer’ initiative launches at London’s Conway Hall. A campaign to inform the public about the dangers of a red Tory ‘Labour’ government launched in London today, with a range of leading left speakers. Crispin Flintoff, the former Labour fundraiser expelled by the party in Starmer’s cowardly purge of the left after sharing, as constituency party secretary, the resignation letter of the group’s chair, told Skwawkbox that the campaign’s aims are: to educate people about how dangerous a Starmer government would be. The media are unwilling to probe into Starmer’s murky past, expose his dishonesty or report on his alarming authoritarianism. A healthy democracy requires an enlightened population and Trilateral Starmer is firmly opposed to that. Ours is a grassroots campaign to get the word out via street stalls, leaflets, tailored social media posts and publicity stunts that emulate Just Stop Oil and Palestine Action. We see this as the only way to get our message out there. If the media pick up on it that would be a bonus. A Starmer government would be just as bad – or worse – than a Tory government. The event, which saw London’s Conway Hall full of activists outraged by Keir Starmer’s eager betrayal of the false promises he made to con Labour members into selecting him as party leader, featured: former ANC MP Andrew Feinstein homelessness campaigner Andrea Gilbert tax and economics expert Richard Murphy Sheila Day DPAC’s Ellen Clifford Liverpool’ Audrey White, who famously gave Starmer a dose of uncomfortable truth during his sneak visit to the city former Labour and Respect MP George Galloway ‘free Assange’ campaigner Deepa Driver Palestine Action leader Huda Ammori purged Labour member and star of ‘The Labour Files’ Becky Massey NHS campaigner Dr Bob Gill Jewish former party member Frances Rifkin investigator Ben Timberley Eric Jarvis and Phil Davison of OCISA, the group aiming to fight Starmer in his London seat at the next election Colin Hendrie Video messages were sent by former miner John Dunn, former union leader Tosh McDonald, ex-Labour MP Chris Williamson, forensic author and journalist Asa Winstanley and Carel Buxton that time did not allow to be shown, but these will be published in due course.

Dr David Halpin on Lyme’s Disease being a bioweapon – Global Research paper. Anthrax tested on St. Kilda. Covid a biological weapon. Now, Lyme just so happens to be right across from Plum Island, New York. And Plum Island just so happens to be a former center for biowarfare and bioweapons research. In 1897, the War Department owned Plum Island (then called Fort Terry). In 1954, the US Army officially transferred it to the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) to be used as an animal disease laboratory, after which it was upgraded a bio-level 4 facility. What was the | 2 US Military doing there? It was experimenting with ticks and other insects to see if could create an effective bioweapon, i.e. a disease which could be carried by the insect that would then bite and infect people. Research at Plum Island dates back to just after WW2 when the USG (US Government) brought Nazi scientists into the USA under Operation Paperclip (for more background to this read20 Declassified Files that Prove Governmental Crime and Conspiracy – Part 1). This article in the Journal of Degenerative Diseases (August 6th, 2002) quotes a source stating that 60% of people with chronic Lyme Disease are co-infected with several strains of mycoplasma. Mycoplasma are the smallest bacterial cells yet discovered, have no cell walls and can survive without oxygen (are anaerobic). Interestingly enough, the most common strain is mycoplasma fermentens. Guess what? This strain is patented by the US Army and its pathologist Dr. Shyh-Ching Lo:Pathogenic Mycoplasma, US Patent 5,242,820, issued September 7th, 1993! The article goes on connect the dots between Lyme Disease and other mysterious diseases that doctors seemed very reluctant to diagnose: “It is becoming evident that any microbe that has been ‘modified’ is considered ‘off limits’ for treatment and any physician that takes these chronic infections seriously, is targeted for harassment. This same pathogen is found in Gulf War Illness, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue patients! Could this be the main reason why the symptoms of all these diseases overlap to such a degree and all seem to have emerged around the same time period? It seems very coincidental that … 1) Lyme disease is endemic to all land areas surrounding Plum Island. 2) Many Lyme and Gulf War Illness patients are infected with the same genetically engineered organism (mycoplasma fermentens) created and patented by the US Government. 3) Lyme Disease and Gulf War Illness share almost identical symptoms. 4) Doxycycline is one of the drugs of choice for both diseases. 5) Both sets of patients are being denied antibiotic treatment. 6) I spoke with Dr. Thomas, the previous Director of Plum Island, who admitted that an Iraqi researcher (who has since been murdered) did his graduate training at Plum Island, specifically involving different strains of mycoplasma. He went back to Iraq and headed up the mycoplasma research program at the University of Baghdad. I asked Dr. Thomas if Plum Island ever worked with mycoplasmas in general. She denied this at the beginning but gradually admitted researching 7 different different strains. I asked if Plum Island researchers ever worked with mycoplasma fermentens. She was immediately familiar with that particular genetically engineered strain although she did deny that Plum Island researchers ever worked with it. 7) Yale University often works with Plum Island on various projects and they are in close proximity to each other. 8) Yale, again, is one of the main opponents of long term antibiotic treatment for Lyme Disease in spite of it’s obvious benefits.”

Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons (2019) by Kris Newby A riveting thriller, this true story dives into the mystery surrounding one of the most controversial and misdiagnosed conditions of our time: Lyme disease and of Willy Burgdorfer, the man who discovered the microbe behind it, revealing his secret role in developing bug-borne biological weapons, and raising terrifying questions about the genesis of the epidemic of tick-borne diseases affecting millions of Americans today. While on vacation on Martha&;s Vineyard, Kris Newby was bitten by an unseen tick. That one bite changed her life forever, pulling her into the abyss of a devastating illness that took ten doctors to diagnose and years to recover: Newby had become one of the 300,000 Americans who are afflicted with Lyme disease each year. As a science writer, she was driven to understand why this disease is so misunderstood, and its patients so mistreated. This quest led her to Willy Burgdorfer, the Lyme microbe&;s discoverer, who revealed that he had developed bug-borne bioweapons during the Cold War, and believed that the Lyme epidemic was started by a military experiment gone wrong. In a superb, meticulous work of narrative journalism, Bitten takes readers on a journey to investigate these claims, from biological weapons facilities to interviews with biosecurity experts and microbiologists doing cutting-edge research, all the while uncovering darker truths about Willy. It also leads her to uncomfortable questions about why Lyme can be so difficult to both diagnose and treat, and why the government is so reluctant to classify chronic Lyme as a disease. A gripping, infectious page-turner, Bitten will shed a terrifying new light on an epidemic that is exacting an incalculable toll on us, upending much of what we believe we know about it.

Fox News – California biolab with links to China – ‘Disturbing’ California biolab shrouded in mystery as China links emerge A Fox News review of court records, health reports and interviews with people who did business with Universal Meditech Inc. (UMI), a California medical supply firm, raises serious questions about its legitimacy and Chinese ties – as well as an apparently illicit biolab. The underground biolab in the central California town of Reedley – population 25,000 – was discovered late last year and immediately set off alarm bells with local officials who said they were unaware of what was taking place inside the previously vacant warehouse. As multiple local, state and federal governmental agencies continue to look into the biolab, a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified 20 different infectious agents inside the building, which was once used to package food. That report found cultures of tuberculosis, dengue, HIV, COVID-19 and malaria interspersed with old lab equipment and slipshod storage, along with dead and dying mice in an overall unsanitary environment. “We don’t have all the answers of what was happening in this lab,” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said recently near Fresno. “This is very disturbing.” When municipal code enforcement officers entered the building in March, UMI personnel said they were making COVID-19 and pregnancy tests, according to an affidavit filed by a Reedley city official. No officials with the Fresno County Department of Health nor anyone else contacted by Fox News could explain definitively why the company purportedly making such tests was also in possession of potentially deadly agents. The inability to get reliable information from UMI, its successor Prestige Biotech or its management – at a time when officials were unsure of what was happening and concerned about public safety – was reflected in the CDC report: “Prestige Biotech or various owners of the materials present in the warehouse have yet to cooperate with document requests from multiple partner agencies fully.” UMI didn’t spend much time in Reedley. Last fall, Fresno County health officials made contact with UMI at a warehouse 30 minutes away in Fresno, but the interactions with UMI there would signal the difficulties to come. “We wanted to know what were you doing, what chemicals did you have on-site, what type of lab operations you had, and even at that time, they were unresponsive to us,” Joe Prado, assistant director of the Fresno County Department of Public Health, told Fox News. Phone calls Fox News made to numbers associated with UMI led to disconnected lines or unreturned messages. An examination of legal records related to UMI’s affairs in Fresno revealed allegations of a company that flouted federal safety rules, lied to clients about the provenance and efficacy of its COVID-19 test kits, stiffed its own lawyers, and apparently has been ducking attempts to account for another alleged fraud. One exasperated federal judge said UMI “routinely and intentionally” ignored his rulings, demonstrating “a stubborn resistance to [his] authority and justifies the most severe sanction available.” UMI lost that case because the court entered a default judgment well before it ever went to trial….

Dr John Campbell – natural immunity to Covid better than a vaccine – Israel study. Dr. Stanley Laham says the same. Natural immunity 27 times better – Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Naturally Acquired Immunity versus Vaccine-induced Immunity, Reinfections versus Breakthrough Infections: A Retrospective Cohort Study Background Waning of protection, conferred by 2 doses of the BNT162b2 vaccine, begins shortly after injection, becomes substantial within 4 months. We examined long-term protection of naturally acquired immunity, compared to vaccine-induced immunity. Group 1, N = 673,676 Vaccine not Infection Group SARS-CoV-2-naive individuals who received a 2-dose regimen of the BioNTech/Pfizer mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine. Group 2, N = 62,883 Infection not Vaccine Group Previously infected individuals who have not been vaccinated SARS-CoV-2-related outcomes June 1st to August 14th 2021 (Delta variant times) Infection, 13 times more infections in vaccinated group Symptomatic disease, 27 times more disease in vaccinated group Hospitalization, 8 in vaccinated group, 0 in infection group Death 0 / 0 Results When the first event (infection or vaccination) occurred during January and February of 2021. That’s 4 months up to 8 months Vaccinees not Infection Group, 13.06-fold increased risk for infection, compared to Infection not Vaccine Group Group 2, Infection not Vaccine Group, 13 times less likely to get infected with delta Group 2, Infection not Vaccine Group, 27 times less likely to get symptomatic infection. Group 2, Infection not Vaccine Group, 0 COVID-19-related hospitalizations Group 1, Vaccine not Infection Group, 8 COVID-19-related hospitalizations Allowing for more time since first event 6 to 17 months after first event Evidence of waning naturally acquired immunity was demonstrated Vaccine not Infection Group, 5.96-fold increased risk for infection Vaccine not Infection Group, 7.13-fold increased risk for symptomatic disease. Conclusions Naturally acquired immunity confers stronger protection against infection and symptomatic disease caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 2-dose vaccine-indued immunity. Cleveland Clinic Health-care workers 1,359 unvaccinated, who had previously tested positive, non got infected The study authors concluded: “individuals who have had SARS-CoV-2 infection are unlikely to benefit from covid-19 vaccination.” Professor Marty Makary, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Bloomberg School of Public Health, editor-in-chief of Medpage Today It’s okay to have an incorrect scientific hypothesis. But when new data proves it wrong, you have to adapt. Unfortunately, many elected leaders and public health officials have held on far too long to the hypothesis that natural immunity offers unreliable protection against covid-19, a contention that is being rapidly debunked by science. Sixteen studies have demonstrated the power of acquired immunity That’s why it’s so frustrating that the Biden administration has repeatedly argued that immunity conferred by vaccines is preferable to immunity caused by natural infection, In my clinical experience, I have found patients to be extremely forgiving with evolving data if you are honest and transparent with them. The incorrect hypothesis that natural immunity is unreliable has resulted in the loss of thousands of American lives, avoidable vaccine complications, and damaged the credibility of public health officials. it would be good for our public health leaders to show humility by acknowledging that the hypothesis they repeatedly trumpeted was not only wrong, but it may be harmful. Public health officials changing their position on natural immunity, after so much hostility toward the idea, would go a long way in rebuilding the public trust. Dr. John Campbell

Danial Hannan – lockdowns worse than useless – The numbers are in, and we can say it with certainty: Lockdowns were worse than useless by Dan Hannan, Contributor It was all for nothing. Really, for nothing. The miseries we inflicted on ourselves after March 2020 ­ the school closures, the ruined businesses, the debts, the authoritarianism ­ were caused by a moment of lightheaded panic. How can I be so sure? Because, three-and-a-half years on, the results are in. And, let me warn you, they make dismal reading for anyone who went along with the lockdowns. You see, there was a counterfactual all along. Sweden did not impose mask mandates or stay-at-home orders. It did not close its borders or its businesses. Other than banning large meetings, it carried on as normal and told people to use their common sense. Internationally, Swedes were portrayed as gamblers defying the scientific consensus. But it was they who were following the epidemic protocols drawn up by the WHO in cooler-headed times ­ protocols that never contemplated the mass immobilization of the population. The rest of the world embarked on an experiment; Sweden was the control. And the leaders of other countries knew it at the time. Hence their resentment of that stolid, sensible social democracy. In a series of leaked WhatsApp messages, the British health minister, Matt Hancock, raged at what he called the “f*****g Sweden argument.” In one of his texts, he instructed an adviser to “supply three or four bullet [points] of why Sweden is wrong.” Note the phrasing: “why” not “if.” Britain, like most of the world, had by then committed itself to the most illiberal and expensive policy in the modern age. The idea that it had overreacted was too awful to contemplate. For a while, Sweden did seem to be faring worse than comparable countries. It was never the outlier that it needed to have been to vindicate the lockdowns. Its reported death toll by the end of June 2020 ­ 517 deaths per million people ­ was higher than in the rest of Scandinavia but lower than in Spain and Italy.

Marianna Spring, BBC’s counterfeit disinformation correspondent, lied on her CV unlike the genuine article, Sy Hersh. BBC’s disinformation correspondent and chief fact-checker Marianna Spring is accused of lying on her CV by falsely claiming to have worked with a Beeb journalist when applying for a job in Moscow BBC disinformation correspondent Marianna Spring alleged to have lied on CV She reportedly claimed to have said she worked with BBC’s Sarah Rainsford The BBC’s disinformation correspondent is facing claims that she lied about her experience on her CV. Marianna Spring, 27, shot to prominence with her reporting on the way social media has been used to peddle false information. But she is now facing the embarrassing allegation that she gave misleading information herself – one claim of working with a respected BBC correspondent – to try to secure work. According to a report, about five years ago Ms Spring was trying to get work as a freelancer in Moscow for US-based news site Coda Story. An article in The New European said when she applied to the website’s editor-in-chief Natalia Antelava in 2018, she said she had worked alongside BBC correspondent Sarah Rainsford on covering the ‘perception of Russia’ during the 2018 football World Cup. Her CV reportedly bragged: ‘June 2018: Reported on International News during the World Cup, specifically the perception of Russia, with BBC correspondent Sarah Rainsford.’ According to The New European, Ms Antelava, a former BBC journalist herself, is said to have rebuked Ms Spring after checking out the claim. Ms Spring is said to have sent an email apologising for her ‘awful misjudgment’. She is said to have written: ‘I’ve only bumped into Sarah whilst she’s working and chatted to her at various points, but nothing more. Everything else on my CV is entirely true.’ The young journalist added that she was a ‘brilliant reporter’ and in their emails also admitted there was ‘no excuse’.

Death of Princess Diana’s father-in-law to be (before she and his son Dodi were assassinated) Mohamed Al Fayed. ‘Unlawful Killing’ film about Diana. Unlawful Killing: The Murder of Princess Diana and Dodi Al Fayed – Unlawful Killing is a 2011 British documentary film, directed by Keith Allen, about the deaths of Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed on 31 August 1997. It argues that the British and French authorities covered up uncomfortable facts about the crash, accuses Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Margaret of being ‘gangsters in tiaras’, and alleges that Prince Philip is a psychopath, in the mould of British serial killer Fred West, who orchestrated the murder of Diana and Dodi. It also alleges that Diana’s life could have been saved had she been taken to hospital quickly and efficiently, and condemns the inquest into her death for failing to investigate why this action was not taken. Unlawful Killing – the film the British won’t get to see Keith Allen My documentary about the Diana inquest will be shown everywhere but the UK. Here’s why The internet is a global lavatory wall, a Rabelaisian mixture of truth, lies, insanity and humour. I felt its power and madness this week, when an excerpt from my new film, Unlawful Killing, was leaked on to YouTube and seized on by US conspiracy theorists, who immediately began claiming that the CIA had murdered Princess Diana, thereby allowing others to dismiss my documentary as mad. Deriding its critics as mad is an age-old British establishment trick. My “inquest of the inquest” film contains footage of Diana recalling how the royals wanted her consigned to a mental institution, and the inquest coroner repeatedly questioning the sanity of anyone who wondered if the crash was more than an accident. His chief target was Mohamed Al Fayed, a man I once profiled for a Channel 4 documentary. Before I met him, I’d half-believed the media caricature of him as a madman, driven nuts by the death of his son, and wildly accusing the Windsors of having planned the 1997 crash. However, I found a man who was sane and funny but frustrated that Britain wouldn’t hold an inquest into his son’s death. Michael Mansfield QC thought it unfair too, and fought for one to be held; which was why the longest inquest in British legal history eventually began in 2007.

Sound Of Freedom Film just released about child trafficking, a rare decent feature film in local cinemas now. What is Sound Of Freedom about? The controversial anti-sex trafficking film is storming the US box office Sound Of Freedom has stormed the US box office despite swirling controversies.(Supplied: Angel Studios) Despite being partially crowdfunded and distributed by tiny streaming company Angel Studios, it has now made more money in the US than the highly anticipated Indiana Jones and Mission Impossible sequels. But its historic box office run has been marred with controversies and connections to conspiracy theories. Sound of Freedom opened in Australia on Thursday, August 24. Here’s what you need to know before you head to the cinema. What is Sound Of Freedom about? The film revolves around Tim Ballard, the founder and former CEO of anti-trafficking non-profit Operation Underground Railroad. Sound of Freedom follows a fictionalised Ballard (Jim Caviezel) as he works for the Homeland Security Investigations. Pushed to his tipping point by sex traffickers, film-Ballard eventually goes rogue, travelling across the world to rescue the sister of a little boy he saved from trafficking earlier in the film.

Roman Polanski has a new film out The Palace, starring Micky Rourke and John Cleese, about rich people at a 2000 Millenium Bug new years party – gets terrible reviews so probably good – his previous film about antisemitism and the Dreyfus affair was almost completely censored in Europe and you can watch it here An Officer And A Spy (2018) – An Officer And A Spy J’Accuse English Subtitles, Dreyfus 1890s French Republic Roman Polanski (2019) –

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures

Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports

Sri Lankan false flag bombings 2019. C4 News account of bombings. ISIS and intelligence services in Sri Lanka involved in bombings to fuel insecurity and change government. Ex-Sri Lanka leader denies 2019 bombings were staged to help him win polls – Gotabaya Rajapaksa rejects British documentary that said the Easter Sunday attacks were carried out to influence presidential election. – Fears over national security enabled Rajapaksa to sweep to power. He was forced to resign in July 2022 during mass protests over an economic crisis. Azad Maulana, the man interviewed by Channel 4, was a spokesman for a Tamil Tiger breakaway armed group that later backed the state and helped the Sinhalese-dominated government defeat the Tamil rebels and win the civil war. Maulana said he arranged a meeting in 2018 between ISIL-inspired fighters and a top intelligence officer at the behest of his boss at the time, Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan, the leader of the rebel breakaway group who later became a politician. Maulana said Chandrakanthan met Zainee Hashim, brother of the leader of National Thowheed Jamath, in prison while Chandrakanthan was jailed on murder allegations and determined that the group could be useful in creating instability. He said Chandrakanthan arranged for Maulana to help obtain Hashim’s release by providing him with legal and financial assistance. Once released, Hashim arranged a meeting between National Thowheed Jamath and a top intelligence official close to Rajapaksa, Maulana said. Maulana told Channel 4 that he did not participate in the meeting, but the intelligence officer told him later that creating insecurity was the only way to return the Rajapaksa family to power. After security camera videos of the bombings were released, Maulana said he saw that the attackers carrying bomb-laden backpacks were people he had arranged to meet with the intelligence officer.

State terrorism to effect elections. Jeremy Corbyn called a terrorist before election. Terrorist escapes prison under a van. Julian Assange still in prison. Daniel Khalife: Police confirm new sightings in Chiswick, west London – Missing terror suspect Daniel Khalife has been spotted overnight in Chiswick, west London, as police say he has changed clothes. He is now said to be wearing a black baseball cap, black t-shirt and dark-coloured clothes on his legs, as well as carrying a small bag or case. Police say “intensive” searches are under way in Chiswick, about 4.5 miles from HMP Wandsworth, from where the former soldier escaped. An appeal for information continues. Armed officers and police dogs are searching areas in the west London suburb, as a Metropolitan Police boat patrols nearby on the River Thames. Police are stopping and searching vehicles, inspecting car boots and asking local residents for their identification. On Friday, Met officers were carrying out door-to-door enquiries in the hunt for the 21-year-old, alongside combing through CCTV footage and using a police helicopter searching areas of west and south-west London. The force is also offering a reward of up to £20,000 for information that leads directly to the remand prisoner’s arrest.

Australian MPs lobbying US to send Assange to Australia – Australian MPs to travel to US to fight pursuit, extradition of Julian Assange A group of six Australian politicians will travel to the United States to rally against the extradition of the WikiLeaks founder. A multi-party delegation of six Australian politicians will travel to the United States to push for an end to the pursuit of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. The US has pushed to extradite Julian Assange, who is an Australian citizen, after his website WikiLeaks published thousands of US documents in 2010, which included a cache of military and diplomatic files, some of which were classified. Mr Assange has been detained in in Britain’s Belmarsh Prison for the last four years and is in the midst of appealing the United Kingdom’s decision to agree to US extradition. The cross-party group, including former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce, revealed their intention to the press in Canberra on Tuesday, September 5. The group of MPs told reporters gathered at Parliament House in the nation’s capital that they have timed their trip for maximum impact as Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese prepares to visit the White House in October. Member for Kooyong Monique Ryan told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) that the cross-party delegation represents a large group of MPs who feel “really, really strongly about the importance of securing Mr Assange’s freedom”. Dr Ryan said: “What we will be asking the US to do is to demonstrate their commitment to the First Amendment.” Greg Barns, human rights lawyer and campaign adviser for Mr Assange, Greg Barns said the majority of Australians believe the US pursuit of the WikiLeaks founder should come to an end. “That can only happen if the US Department of Justice drops its extradition bid at once,” he said. – Two US militias at war against each other in Syria. US Ambassador to Niger told to leave. Scott Ritter on African coups Scott Ritter on Niger and Gabon coups and BRICS. 2 US-Backed Syria Militias in ‘War’ Against Each Other – US-Backed Militia Launches ‘Guerrilla War’ Against US-Backed Militia in Eastern Syria – A Dier Ezzor Military Council (DEMC) leader announced his militia was in a guerrilla war against the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Ethnic tensions between Washington’s Arab and Kurdish partners in Eastern Syria boiled over last week, with analysts warning fighting could escalate. So far, at least 100 people have been killed in the fighting taking place near American soldiers. An unnamed leader in the military council told Al-Jazeera, “The conflict began with the dominance of Kurdish forces over the region during the war against ISIL. We were promised that the tribesmen, represented by the [Deir Ezzor] Military Council, would eventually regain control, but that never happened.” He added, “That’s why a guerrilla war against the SDF eventually began.” Some journalists have made similar observations. Omar Abu Layla, of Deir Ezzor 24, explained, “This is an unprecedented escalation between SDF and Deir el-Zour residents. This is an indication of the bad policy implemented by the SDF and the wrong calculations by the Americans.” Syrian journalist Ibrahim Muhammad made a similar observation last week, noting most people in Deir Ezzor “categorically refuse to be ruled by the Kurds.” The tensions ignited into fighting last week when the SDF arrested a leader in the DEMC, Abu Khawla. Abu Hassan al-Dairi, an activist from Deir Ezzor, explained, “The arrest of Abu Khawla is not the reason behind the uprising. That was merely a spark for Arab tribesmen to act.” Over the past week, around 100 people have been killed during the fighting. Some of the battles occurred on the al-Omar oil fields, where some of the 900 US soldiers occupying eastern Syria are based. On Wednesday, the SDF announced an end to its operations against the DEMC. However, Al-Jazeera reports the fighting has expanded well outside Dier Ezzor, where the DEMC is based. Joshua Landis, director of the Center of Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma, predicts the fighting will escalate and “the costs will only go up.” He added that he believes this could end the US occupation of eastern Syria. “The US will be unable to square the national ambitions of both groups. It may be able to mediate for a while, … but ultimately, it will withdraw from the region,” Landis explained.

August’s Maui ‘Wild Fires’, Its All A Huge Series of Huge Coincidences – Hawaii – on TikTok with Morgan Marshall – itsmorganfr – Replying to @Deb Pay attention. They need our support right now, not the g0v’s. Please share this, something has to be done. #control #climatechange #renewableenergy #UN Morgan Marshall’s linktree: Venmo | Morgan Marshall – Natural Shilajit Benefits – Superior Quality Shilajit in Resin Form – What is a Spiritual Awakening? PDF – George W. Merck – mazon Storefront – CIA Whistleblower Novel – rare – JFK Assassination Records – 2022 Additional Documents Release – Died Suddenly (Full Documentary, Not Suitable For Children) – LIVE WORLD PREMIERE: WATCH THE WATER – CRYPTO COFOUNDER DEAD AFTER THIS TWEET EXPOSING – – Robert Steele on Human Trafficking – Backup TikTok – John McAfee exposes politicians – Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry – Isaac Kappy Exposes Hollywood – Above Majestic – Full Movie (A Must Watch Red Pill Documentary) – The Fall Of The Cabal – Astonishing Truth Revealing All Marilyn Williams – CONSPIRACY THEORY OF EVERYTHING (FULL MOVIE) RE UPLOAD – OUT OF THE SHADOWS | OFFICIAL DOCUMENTARY. FULL. – Kevin Hart Silencing Kelly Clarkson To Stop Talking About Illuminati – Jim Carrey Exposes – Epst3in Flight Logs
#1 - Complete 3hr 20min show - [right click to download]
#2 - Duplicate of the above
#3 - Dr David Halpin Economic Sabotage Mole Valley Farmers Lymes Disease Covid Erin - 00:50:00
#4 - Scott Ritter Putsch In Gabon – End Of NeoColonialism The Age Of Multipolarity - 00:30:00
#5 - Dr John Campbell - Natural Immunity Wins (31Aug23) - 00:15:00
#6 - Unlawful Killing - The Princess Diana Assassination Keith Allen (2011) - 01:15:00

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