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Program Information
State Of The City reports
Chosen People; Victimhood; Dehumanising Palestinians, Gideon Levy's Three-Fold Indoctrination
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
Nov. 24, 2023, midnight
– George Ferguson, architect and former Mayor of Bristol joins Tony and Martin. £130m, that’s an £80m overspend, on the new Beacon Centre, formerly Colston Hall.
– Is the evacuation a ruse? Do the council plan to sell Barton House to a private developer? 400 Barton House residents had to leave block of flats, due to safety concerns.
– Barton House evacuation: Was the chaos and confusion completely unnecessary? With a lack of clear information from the council, rumours and speculation ruled
– Sister Nwanyi, from the board of the Kuumba Centre, explains how the present leadership is being evicted through the courts by Bristol Council with no proper explanation.
– Since then, an uneasy silence has fallen. ‘We want to collaborate’ “There’s a reason so many different shades of people come [here], under a sense of common unity
– Mixed race Bristol mayor Marvin Rees and slavery legacy of Bristol – Colston Statue. Colston statue to go on permanent display in new racial justice exhibition
– Judith Brown, academic, joins Tony and Martin. Judith has been studying online fact checkers, their biases, and use in political manipulation and their funding.
– The killing of journalist ITN’s Terry Lloyd in Iraq by US soldiers, ITN ex-SAS investigation – Fred Nerac and Hussein Osman – Terry Lloyd – Iraq 2003 –
– Crocodile Tears Over Antisemitism: Greater Israel bloc Weaponising the Holocaust 1 – Norman Finkelstein, author of ‘Holocaust Industry’, on Piers Morgan show this week.
– Crocodile Tears Over Antisemitism: Greater Israel bloc Weaponising the Holocaust 2 – Fake accusations of antisemitism: ‘It’s a trick, we always use it.’ Former Israeli Education Minister Shulamit Aloni….
– Crocodile Tears Over Antisemitism: Greater Israel bloc Weaponising the Holocaust 3 – Victor Ostrovsky’s ‘By Way of Deception’ tell-all book about Israeli intelligence service
– Crocodile Tears Over Antisemitism: Greater Israel bloc Weaponising the Holocaust 4 – Gideon Levy – 3 Israeli indoctrination principles – Palestinians are not seen as human
– B’nai B’rith Role Getting Journalists who Criticise Israel Sacked
– Chosen People; Victimhood; Dehumanising Palestinians, Gideon Levy’s Three-Fold Indoctrination
David Kurten, Heritage Party, on how he was offered money to cover certain pro Israel lines.
– Cameron meeting Netanyahu this week. Netanyahu on how Hamas must go.
– Trump on how he took out Qasem Soleimani.UN Secretary General Gutterres – killings of children in Gaza way above other recent wars.
– Palantir and medical records. Palantir’s NHS deal: are we handing our health data to Big Brother? The £330m agreement with Palantir, the technology firm linked to the ‘surveillance state’ in the US
– Anarcho-Capitalist will make sure US Federal Reserve runs Argentina. New President, Does Javier Milei’s dollarisation plan for Argentina make any economic sense?
– Jungle Bus Millie – Wilders wins vote in Holland under PR system- how the election went and what this will mean for Holland. Edmund Burke Foundation funds far right.
– The Economist – what will 3rd World War mean for investors? – Global conflicts have a habit of sneaking up on money-managers –
– Germany banning Palestinian protests – German Reischburger movement arrests – Germany gears up crackdown on far-right Reichsburger movement –
– Laura Aboli – Laura Aboli Trans-humanism Speech – The Final Goal Is To Eradicate Humanity As We Know It – The WEF Deep State ‘elite’ are trying to control us
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports

George Ferguson, architect and former Mayor of Bristol joins Tony and Martin. £130m, that’s an £80m overspend, on the new Beacon Centre, formerly Colston Hall. George sits on Bristol University Court – defending lecturers against false claims. Dr. David Miller court case on alleged anti-semitism. Bristol Beacon revamp costs spiral again by £25m to £132m Bristol City Council cabinet set to approve loan that will cost authority £2.3m in repayment annually for 50 years – The cost of the Bristol Beacon revamp has spiralled yet again by another £25million and now stands at an eye-watering £132million – almost three times the original amount. City council taxpayers will have to sink even more cash into the money-pit refurbishment of the Victorian concert hall at a time when the authority has announced widespread cuts to services including social care, libraries, parks and the council tax reduction scheme for the poorest families. Mayor Marvin Rees’s cabinet is set to approve the increased bill that will come from additional borrowing to be paid back at £2.3million annually over the next 50 years, which means the local authority will have that much less every single year for the next half century. Members are also expected to cut all funding to Bristol Music Trust (BMT) which runs the city centre venue on behalf of the council.

Is the evacuation a ruse? Do the council plan to sell Barton House to a private developer? 400 Barton House residents had to leave block of flats, due to safety concerns. Marvin on Points West on the evacuation. The Bristol Carnival. The Harbour Festival. Barton House evacuation: Was the chaos and confusion completely unnecessary? With a lack of clear information from the council, rumours and speculation ruled as residents decanted from their homes were left in the dark about what was going on. Danielle Gregory was a resident of a high rise on the Ledbury estate, in south-east London, which was evacuated in 2017 after safety checks following the Grenfell Tower fire found that the building had been at risk of collapse for decades. Southwark Council, which owned the blocks, sent letters to residents of the 242 flats saying they would need to decant the blocks temporarily for emergency works. It immediately ordered the gas supplies to be cut off, leaving residents without cooking facilities or heating. Like Barton House, which was completed in the late 1950s, the Ledbury blocks were constructed using a method called large panel system (LPS), where huge concrete sections of the building were bolted together on site. The same technique was used at Ronan Point, a tower in east London which partially collapsed in 1968 due to a gas explosion. The construction method was blamed for the incident, in which four people died. A notable difference between how the Ledbury and Barton House evacuations were handled, Danielle says, is that in the former, the council’s crisis planning management appears to have been thought through properly. “Immediately [Southwark Council] put up a satellite office that was open 24/7 so people had someone to speak to, face to face,” she says. “They published a daily newsletter, employed extra staff, every block had a named person residents could call, and the Red Cross was involved.” “Southwark did put a lot in place, and it seems like Bristol really haven’t organised themselves,” says Danielle, a social justice advocate who founded the Ledbury Action Group. “It’s really unbelievable, I don’t think I’ve seen a worse case of decanting an LPS block. “I don’t know where [Bristol] was getting their advice from. Where was their crisis response? She says there may well be a reason that the block needed to be evacuated in this way, but that the council had failed to give a good reason why. “As far as I’m aware, Bristol is the first local authority to undertake an immediate full evacuation of an LPS block following discovery that it doesn’t meet safety standards… we need to know why that is.” She says it’s clear the poor communication and organisation is continuing, referring to the reports that residents have been moved to hotels infested with bed bugs and chicken pox outbreaks, while the council continues to charge them rent. “The way these people are being dealt with is really quite disturbing,” Danielle adds. “And that they still have to pay rent, that’s absolutely ridiculous. There should be a rent freeze straight away. In fact, I believe they should be entitled to some rent they have paid back.” 
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Sister Nwanyi, from the board of the Kuumba Centre, explains how the present leadership is being evicted through the courts by Bristol Council with no proper explanation. Mayor’s Office shifting the goalpoasts: Court case for Kuumba Centre withdrawn on Monday to be resubmitted on Monday 11th December. Community standoff with council over eviction threat of beloved Kuumba Centre in St Pauls The space next to Stokes Croft has served the local community for decades but activists are now fighting to secure its long-term future. “When I moved to Bristol to be with my family, this was the first place I went to,” recalls Jenny*, a member of the St Paul’s community in her early 20’s. “I was welcomed by people of my age, my parents’ age, and my grandparents’ age – it’s like I could meet anyone here.” She is chatting to the Cable at the locked Kuumba Centre on Hepburn Road, next to Stokes Croft, where a multi-ethnic group of people is occupying the well-known space 24 hours a day. It has served the local community for decades, but is now under the threat of eviction by Bristol City Council. Our visit takes place on Thursday 28 September – the date by which the council had ordered Kuumba’s management board to vacate the building. At a crowded meeting the night before, supporters voted to keep the current board – who have been in charge for 12 years – and agreed that, if necessary, individuals would occupy the building and physically block the bailiffs. During the meeting, plans were made over bowls of ital soup to sleep in the space and maintain occupation to prevent eviction. As yet, no bailiffs had arrived, and the group – some of whom request anonymity and to be called ‘Friends of Kuumba’ – remain cautious but hopeful.

Since then, an uneasy silence has fallen. ‘We want to collaborate’ “There’s a reason so many different shades of people come [here], under a sense of common unity to be in the space, to utilise the space, and to activate in this space,” says another local activist. “There are very few places like that, especially with a board as unique as it is.” Issues at Kuumba arose after a council health and safety inspection in early 2022. Despite minor aesthetic defects, the space was deemed structurally sound. In October 2022 though, the board received the first of three letters from the council, citing a lease breach. Despite addressing concerns, a letter in November deemed the Kuumba Project – which has been in charge since the charity previously managing the premises collapsed in 2010 – squatters and trespassers. The centre’s premises licence was revoked, impacting income from late-night events, a major source of funds – and the Kuumba Project was initially asked to hand back the building by 23 May 2023.

Mixed race Bristol mayor Marvin Rees and slavery legacy of Bristol – Colston Statue. Colston statue to go on permanent display in new racial justice exhibition 80 per cent of Bristol residents who responded to a survey thought this was the best place for it The toppled statue of Bristol slave trader Edward Colston is to be put back on display – permanently – in the M-Shed museum, and council chiefs have to apply for planning permission to do it. The statue, which was pulled down and pushed into the Floating Harbour back in June 2020, is a listed monument, so formal planning consent is required to ‘regularise’ the fact that it’s no longer on its plinth and won’t be returned there. The plan is for the statue to form one of the exhibits in a new M Shed exhibition, which will open in March 2024 and ‘refresh’ the theme of ‘Protest’ in the People gallery. The current exhibition outlines the history of protest and rebellion in Bristol, and that current exhibition is set to be refreshed, expanded to include a section on the fight for racial justice, and updated to include the Colston statue and tell the story of what happened on that Sunday in June 2020. Around a year after the statue was toppled, it was put on display in a temporary exhibition at the M Shed which told the story of Colston and the recent toppling. That exhibition was criticised for not including any mention of the Society of Merchant Venturers – either their involvement in the slave trade, in developing the so-called ‘cult of Colston’ in late Victorian times, or in defending his legacy in the 21st century. A survey around that exhibition found that, of nearly 14,000 people who took part, 80 per cent of Bristol residents said the best place for the statue in the future would be in one of the museums. Since then, the Colston statue has been kept in storage at the M Shed and is only available to be viewed as part of the museum’s ‘behind the scenes’ tours. Now, it will be put back on display in a wider exhibition about racial justice in Bristol.
Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Aanirfan | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures
Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports

Judith Brown, academic, joins Tony and Martin. Judith has been studying online fact checkers, their biases, and use in political manipulation and their funding. Twitter files and Elon Musk – government giving money for groups to be taken off Twitter. ‘Media literacy’ teaching by Ofcom. On-line Safety Bill. Videos created with actors by Israel? Gaza four day ceasefire and release of hostages and prisoners. Fact-Checking21st Century Censorship: Dr Judith Brown – Dr Judith Brown’s experiences in Lebanon showed her that the mainstream media news cannot be trusted. It portrays to the public the narrative desired by those in power. It does not speak truth to power. Having become aware of the limitations of media honesty, and possessing substantial medical knowledge as a nurse, Brown identified the anti-factual propaganda surrounding the Covid19 crisis. She waited for the medical profession to speak out against the alarmist narrative, and waited … and waited. As those few brave, well-qualified critical voices were then silenced, censored and excluded, she was intrigued, and started to investigate the mechanisms of information control: the fact-checkers. She found a vast, secretive and extremely well-funded network that is controlling the narrative on social media and mainstream media alike. The fact-checkers are the censorship mechanism, the means of silencing debate and pathologising intellectual inquiry. Amongst the most egregious examples of the falsity of the fact-checkers has been the response to those people injured (or bereaved) due to the Covid19 vaccine side effects. While there is not the slightest doubt that the harm is real, the fact-checkersand the social media networks who direct their activitiesclosed these people down. Their testimony, although truthful, was not acceptable. All this was done under the lying banners of fact-checking (Gleichschaltung) and protection of the public (fr Ihre Sicherheit). When challenged on their errors and bias, the fact-checkers, like the ratings agencies in the aftermath of the sub-prime lending crisis, retreat to the position that their pronouncements are simply an opinion and thus protected in law. It is, of course, touted as an opinion only once clearly proved wrong. It is at that point that fact-checking is clad anew as the defence of democratic values and Western civilisation against the pernicious effects of misinformationfor just as long as that pompous position can be maintained. The funding of this network, and the inevitable truism that he who pays the piper calls the tune, means that truth is not on the agenda. It is the official narrative that is defended, however transparently false it be. The result is control of the entire public discourse, in both the political sphere and in the public square. Arrogance abounds as the ignorant, the compromised and the complicit define a new truth. No longer does factual it mean in accordance with reality; instead, it means in accordance with the official canon.

The killing of journalist ITN’s Terry Lloyd in Iraq by US soldiers, ITN ex-SAS investigation – Fred Nerac and Hussein Osman – Terry Lloyd – Iraq 2003 – Iraq war reporter Terry Lloyd was victim of a 2003 US ‘war crime’ – A coroner has recorded a verdict of unlawful killing on veteran British TV reporter Terry Lloyd, who was killed by a US Marine’s bullet during the illegal invasion of Iraq. Yemen war – peace accord. The inquest highlighted the risks faced by journalists at the coalface. “No story is worth dying for,” says the National Union of Journalists’ broadcasting organiser Paul McLaughlin. It was a sentiment which ITN’s veteran reporter Terry Lloyd would have shared. The 50-year-old correspondent was married, with two children, and his friend and colleague Sir Trevor McDonald described him as a “journalist’s journalist” but “not a risk taker”. His death did not come about through negligence or foolhardiness, the Oxfordshire Assistant Deputy Coroner Andrew Walker made clear. Mr McLaughlin agreed: “ITN did everything they possibly could have done. He was one of their most experienced reporters and this was not a case of a cavalier lack of preparation.” Mr Lloyd and his Lebanese interpreter Hussein Osman were killed on 22 March 2003 just south of Basra in southern Iraq. French cameraman Fred Nerac is missing presumed dead. A fourth man in the crew, Belgian Daniel Demoustier, survived the incident but told the inquest: “I was absolutely sure I was going to die. I was 100% sure.”

Crocodile Tears Over Antisemitism: Greater Israel bloc Weaponising the Holocaust 1 – Norman Finkelstein, author of ‘Holocaust Industry’, on Piers Morgan show this week. Norman Finkelstein talk – parents in concentration camp – The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering (2000) Norman G. Finkelstein Controversial indictment of those who exploit the tragedy of the Holocaust for their own gain. In an iconoclastic and controversial study, Norman G. Finkelstein moves from an interrogation of the place the Holocaust has come to occupy in American culture to a disturbing examination of recent Holocaust compensation agreements. It was not until the Arab-Israeli War of 1967, when Israel’s evident strength brought it into line with US foreign policy, that memory of the Holocaust began to acquire the exceptional prominence it enjoys today. Leaders of America’s Jewish community were delighted that Israel was now deemed a major strategic asset and, Finkelstein contends, exploited the Holocaust to enhance this newfound status. Their subsequent interpretations of the tragedy are often at variance with actual historical events and are employed to deflect any criticism of Israel and its supporters. Recalling Holocaust fraudsters such as Jerzy Kosinski and Binjamin Wilkomirski, as well as the demagogic constructions of writers like Daniel Goldhagen, Finkelstein contends that the main danger posed to the memory of Nazism’s victims comes not from the distortions of Holocaust deniers but from prominent, self-proclaimed guardians of Holocaust memory. Drawing on a wealth of untapped sources, he exposes the double shakedown of European countries as well as legitimate Jewish claimants, and concludes that the Holocaust industry has become an outright extortion racket. Thoroughly researched and closely argued, The Holocaust Industry is all the more disturbing and powerful because the issues it deals with are so rarely discussed.

Crocodile Tears Over Antisemitism: Greater Israel bloc Weaponising the Holocaust 2 – Fake accusations of antisemitism: ‘It’s a trick, we always use it.’ Former Israeli Education Minister Shulamit Aloni…. Democracy Now – anti Semitism…? “Newspeak” was the expression coined in George Orwell’s novel 1984 to describe the ambiguous or deliberately misleading use of language to make political propaganda and narrow the “thought options” of those who are on the receiving end. In the context of today’s political discourse, or what passes for the same, it would be interesting to know what George would think of the saturation use of “anti-Semitism” as something like a tactical discussion stopper, employed to end all dispute while also condemning those accused of the crime as somehow outside the pale, monsters who are consigned forever to derision and obscurity. The Israelis and, to be sure, many diaspora Jews know exactly how the expression has been weaponized. Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni explained how it is done: “Anti-Semitic . . . It’s a trick; we always use it.”

Crocodile Tears Over Antisemitism: Greater Israel bloc Weaponising the Holocaust 3 – Victor Ostrovsky’s ‘By Way of Deception’ tell-all book about Israeli intelligence service The Mossad – talk clip…? ‘Rise Up and Kill First’ book. The # 1 New York Times best seller the Israeli foreign intelligence agency The Mossad tried to ban. The making of a Mossad officer is the true story of an officer in Israel’s most secret agency. The first time the Mossad came calling, they wanted Victor Ostrovsky for their assassination unit, the kidon. He turned them down. The next time, he agreed to enter the grueling three-year training program to become a katsa, or intelligence case officer, for the legendary Israeli spy organization. By Way of Deception is the explosive chronicle of his experiences in the Mossad, and of two decades of their frightening and often ruthless covert activities around the world. Penetrating far deeper than the bestselling Every Spy a Prince, it is an insider’s account of Mossad tactics and exploits. In chilling detail, Ostrovsky asserts that the Mossad refused to share critical knowledge of a planned suicide mission in Beirut, leading to the death of hundreds of U.S. Marines and French troops. He tells how they tracked Yasser Arafat by recruiting his driver and bodyguard; how they withheld information on the whereabouts of American hostages, paving the way for the Iran-Contra scandal; and how their intervention into secret UN negotiations led to the sudden resignation of ambassador Andrew Young and the downfall of his career. By Way of Deception describes the shocking scope and depth of the Mossad’s influence, disclosing how Jewish communities in the U.S., Europe, and South America are armed and trained by the organization in secret ?self-defense? units, and how Mossad agents facilitate the drug trade in order to pay the enormous costs of its far-flung, clandestine operation. And it portrays a network that has grown dangerously out of control, as internal squabbles have led to the escape of terrorists and the pursuit of policies completely at odds with the interests of the state of Israel. 

Crocodile Tears Over Antisemitism: Greater Israel bloc Weaponising the Holocaust 4 – Gideon Levy – 3 Israeli indoctrination principles – Palestinians are not seen as human. The story behind Israel’s assault on Gaza, by acclaimed Ha’aretz journalist Gideon Levy – Israel’s 2009 invasion of Gaza was an act of aggression that killed over a thousand Palestinians and devastated the infrastructure of an already impoverished enclave. The Punishment of Gaza shows how the ground was prepared for the assault and documents its continuing effects. From 2005—the year of Gaza’s “liberation”—through to 2009, Levy tracks the development of Israel policy, which has abandoned the pretense of diplomacy in favor of raw military power, the ultimate aim of which is to deny Palestinians any chance of forming their own independent state. Punished by Israel and the Quartet of international powers for the democratic election of Hamas, Gaza has been transformed into the world’s largest open-air prison. From Gazan families struggling to cope with the random violence of Israel’s blockade and its “targeted” assassinations, to the machinations of legal experts and the continued connivance of the international community, every aspect of this ongoing tragedy is eloquently recorded and forensically analyzed. Levy’s powerful journalism shows how the brutality at the heart of Israel’s occupation of Palestine has found its most complete expression to date in the collective punishment of Gaza’s residents.

David Kurten, Heritage Party, on how he was offered money to cover certain pro Israel lines.

Cameron meeting Netanyahu this week. Netanyahu on how Hamas must go.

Trump on how he took out Qasem Soleimani.UN Secretary General Gutterres – killings of children in Gaza way above other recent wars. UN in Yemen. Trump claims Netanyahu, Israelis backed out of 2020 attack on Iranian general – 12Oct23 – Trump’s statements came ahead of Thursday’s meeting between U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Netanyahu in which Washington’s top diplomat pledged additional support. — Donald Trump singed embattled Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, during a speech Wednesday night in which he faulted the Israeli leader for a “bad experience” — the U.S. ally’s backing out of an attack on an Iranian general more than three years ago. Trump told an anecdote from early January 2020 that suggested the Israeli leader lacked fortitude and resolve. He revealed the incident as Netanyahu and Israeli forces are conducting widespread attacks on Hamas targets in the Gaza strip, with the death toll topping 1,300 and Hamas reportedly holding as many as 150 hostages in the region. “Israel was going to do this with us, it was being planned and working on it for months and now we had everything all set to go,” Trump said of the hit on Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani. “And the night before it happened , I got a call that Israel will not be participating in this attack.” Trump then said the Israeili decision was a “terrible thing.” Trump’s statements also came ahead of Thursday’s meeting between U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Netanyahu in which Washington’s top diplomat pledged additional support. Blinken said the atrocities were “simply depravity in the worst imaginable way” and “it almost defies comprehension.”

Palantir and medical records. Palantir’s NHS deal: are we handing our health data to Big Brother? The £330m agreement with Palantir, the technology firm linked to the ‘surveillance state’ in the US, has sparked fears of a crisis of public trust Bilderberg Tech giant started by US billionaire ‘and whose military AI is killing Russians in Ukraine clinches’ £480m deal to handle NHS patient information Company founded by Republican party donor Peter Thiel understood to have won lucrative, history-making health service IT contract Palantir aims to join up medical information across the health service A tech giant founded by a US billionaire has won a £480 million contract handling NHS patient data, The Telegraph understands. The controversial deal for the “federated data platform” to join up medical information across the health service is expected to be announced shortly, after a series of delays. Palantir, the tech giant founded by Peter Thiel, a US Republican party donor, has long been the frontrunner for the contract. The company, best known for its work with intelligence and military agencies in the US, put in a joint bid with professional services company Accenture for the platform, in the biggest IT contract in NHS history. In the UK, Palantir built the Covid dashboard, which saw data on vaccines, Covid deaths and hospitalisations tracked daily during the pandemic, and helped coordinate the vaccine rollout. The planned software platform would join up existing NHS data in a bid to speed up diagnosis and reduce waiting times and hospital stays. Dogged by controversy Sir Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer for England, is a keen advocate of the platform, saying that the ability to bring a wealth of data now held in separate systems will improve patient safety and secure medical advances. The plans have been dogged by controversy, with scepticism about the NHS’s record on major projects and data handling and concern about the involvement of the US company. Earlier this year, Mr Thiel – a supporter of Donald Trump – told the Oxford Union that Britain’s affection for the NHS is akin to “Stockholm syndrome”, saying the NHS “makes people sick”. A spokesman for the company later said he was speaking as a private individual, in comments that do not in any way reflect the views of Palantir. Mr Thiel last month spoke at the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, with a lecture entitled The Diversity Myth. The British Medical Association has argued against awarding the contract to Palantir, saying on Monday that “without proper oversight and protections, patient data could be at significant risk”. Ministers keen to avoid past errors Health officials say the software will allow analysts to spot patterns in illness and use resources better, while ministers have said it will not be able to see individuals’ data. Ministers are also keen to avoid errors made in the past, with a previous attempt at record sharing abandoned in 2016 following a backlash about the way the scheme had been handled. Palantir had been seen by rivals as holding advantages over other bidders, having been awarded a £25 million interim contract to “transition” data to the new system this summer. The company has said it is “not in the business of collecting, mining or selling data”, saying it provides customers with tools to organise and understand their own organisations.

Anarcho-Capitalist will make sure US Federal Reserve runs Argentina. New President, Does Javier Milei’s dollarisation plan for Argentina make any economic sense? President-elect’s idea is a gamble that is likely to crash an economy paying the price for mistakes of his predecessor Javier Milei’s bigger-than-expected victory in the Argentinan presidential election suggests voters in South America’s second biggest country have willingly opted for shock treatment to sort out the country’s deep economic malaise. It is perhaps not hard to see why 56% of the electorate backed the rightwing libertarian: Argentina may have the world’s best football team but its economy has performed disastrously in recent years. Inflation is running at 140% and a three-year drought has led to a sharp fall in agricultural production. Two out of five people live in poverty and the currency has lost 90% of its value in four years. Milei’s big idea involves abolishing the peso and for Argentina to use the US dollar instead. A milder form of this policy was tried in the early 1990s, when – after a previous episode of recession and hyperinflation – the government in Buenos Aires fixed the exchange rate at one peso to the dollar. This strategy, known as convertibility, was abandoned in 2002 after a deep recession and violent street protests against restrictions on bank withdrawals made it untenable. Argentina’s president-elect says he wants to go further. Under his proposal, the country’s central bank would in effect be abolished and the economy fully “dollarised”. This would mean monetary policy for Argentina being set in Washington rather than Buenos Aires. Other countries – Panama and Ecuador – have gone down this route but never one as big as Argentina, which is a member of the G20 group of leading developed and developing nations. There are some obvious problems with Milei’s economic experiment. The first is that Argentina and the US are very different economies, and so what might be the right monetary policy for the latter may be the wrong one for the former. Countries have to be careful about giving up the freedom to set their own interest rates and devalue their currencies.

Jungle Bus Millie – Wilders wins vote in Holland under PR system- how the election went and what this will mean for Holland. Edmund Burke Foundation funds far right. Fear, anger but also support for Wilders among Dutch Muslims – Dutch Muslim community leaders voiced anger, fear, and defiance after the election victory of anti-Islam firebrand Geert Wilders, but on the ground the picture seemed more nuanced, with many even expressing support because of his economic policies. No mosques, headscarves or Korans: the manifesto of Wilders’s PVV party is unashamedly anti-Islam. “We want less Islam in the Netherlands,” says the PVV platform. Wilders has called Moroccans “scum”, compared the Koran to Hitler’s “Mein Kampf”, and received death threats after threatening to organise a competition to draw cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed

The Economist – what will 3rd World War mean for investors? – Global conflicts have a habit of sneaking up on money-managers – Europe had been moving towards the slaughterhouse for years, and by 1914 a conflict was all but inevitable—that, at least, is the argument often made in hindsight. Yet at the time, as Niall Ferguson, a historian, noted in a paper published in 2008, it did not feel that way to investors. For them, the first world war came as a shock. Until the week before it erupted, prices in the bond, currency and money markets barely budged. Then all hell broke loose. “The City has seen in a flash the meaning of war,” wrote this newspaper on August 1st 1914. Could financial markets once again be underpricing the risk of a global conflict? In the nightmare scenario, the descent into a third world war began two years ago, as Russian troops massed on the Ukrainian border. Today Israel’s battle against Hamas has the frightening potential to spill across its borders. American military support is crucial to both Ukraine and Israel, and in Iraq and Syria the superpower’s bases have come under fire, probably from proxies of Iran. Should China decide it is time to take advantage of a distracted superpower and invade Taiwan, America could all too easily end up being drawn into three wars at once. The rest of the world risks those wars interlocking and turning into something even more devastating. This scenario would of course place financial damage a long way down the list of horrors. Even so, it is part of an investor’s job to consider exactly what it would mean for their portfolio. So far the possibility of a world war has barely caused a tremor in the markets. True, they have for some time now been more seized by fear than greed. Bond prices have been turbulent, even for supposedly risk-free American Treasuries, and yields have been climbing for most of this year. Stock indices in America, China and Europe have fallen for three consecutive months. Yet this choppiness can all be plausibly explained by peacetime factors, including outsized government borrowing, interest-rate expectations and shareholders whose previous optimism had got the better of them. In short, it does not look anything like the panic you might expect if the odds of the world entering into war were edging higher. The brightest conclusion is that such odds really are close to zero. A darker one is that, like the investors of 1914, today’s may soon be blindsided. History points to a third possibility: that even if investors expect a major war, there is little they can do to reliably profit from it. The easiest way to understand this is to imagine yourself in 1914, knowing that the first world war was about to arrive. You would need to place your bets quickly—within weeks, the main exchanges in London, New York and continental Europe would be closed. They would stay that way for months. Would you be able to guess how many, and which way the war might have turned by then? If you wisely judged American stocks to be a good bet, would you have managed to trade with a broker who avoided bankruptcy amid a liquidity crisis? You might have decided, again wisely, to trim positions in soon-to-be war-strained government debt. Would you have guessed that Russian bonds, which would experience a communist revolution and Bolshevik-driven default, were the ones to dump completely? War, in other words, involves a level of radical uncertainty far beyond the calculable risks to which most investors have become accustomed. This means that even previous world wars have limited lessons for later ones, since no two are alike. Mr Ferguson’s paper shows that the optimal playbook for 1914 (buy commodities and American stocks; sell European bonds, stocks and currencies) was of little use in the late 1930s. Investors in that decade did try to learn from history. Anticipating another world war, they sold continental European stocks and currencies. But this different war had different winning investments. British stocks beat American ones, and so did British government bonds. Today there is a greater and more terrible source of uncertainty, since many of the potential belligerent powers wield nuclear weapons. Yet in a sense, this has little financial relevance. After all, in a nuclear conflagration your portfolio would be unlikely to rank highly among your priorities. The upshot of it all? That the fog of war is even thicker for investors than it is for military generals, who at least have sight of the action. If the worst happens, future historians might wonder about the seeming insouciance of today’s investors. They will only be able to do so because, for them, the fog will have cleared…..

Germany banning Palestinian protests – German Reischburger movement arrests – Germany gears up crackdown on far-right Reichsburger movement – Police officers in Germany searched the homes of about 20 people Thursday in connection with investigations into the far-right Reichsburger, or the Reich Citizens movement. Reichsburger adherents reject the legitimacy of Germany’s postwar constitution and have similarities to followers of the QAnon movement in the United States. The suspects, aged between 25 and 74, are accused of forming a criminal organization, officials said. They “insulted and in some cases massively threatened state institutions across Germany on a large scale, mainly via social media,” Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann said, according to German news agency Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa). About 280 officers raided the suspects’ properties in eight German states: Bavaria, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Schleswig-Holstein, Brandenburg, Hamburg and Lower Saxony. Authorities seized a blank-firing weapon, irritant devices and smartphones. Prosecutors in Munich, who were in charge of the raids, said the suspects’ aim was to destabilize Germany and its institutions. Last month, police also searched homes of other Reichsbuerger members who were allegedly connected to United Patriots, which Germany considers to be a terrorist group. Five suspects were arrested at the time. In December, more than two dozen people were arrested in connection with plans to topple the government. Among the accused plotters was a member of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AFD) party. Germany’s domestic intelligence estimates that around 23,000 people across Germany belong to the Reichsburger scene.

Laura Aboli – Laura Aboli Trans-humanism Speech – The Final Goal Is To Eradicate Humanity As We Know It – The WEF Deep State ‘elite’ are trying to control us – Laura Aboli’s excellent presentation at the ‘Better Way Conference’, hosted by the World Council for Health, in Bath, United Kingdom, June 2023. Her 12 minute speech covers many relevant issues affecting Australians and the world’s people. I have always been a very private person, never particularly active on social media or public platforms. Very much a hermit, I am happiest at home with my kids. But recently I felt the urge to speak my mind, not just privately (which I have always done) but publicly. I suddenly felt compelled to come out of my comfort zone and share my thoughts, opinion and experience in the hope that I may inspire and encourage a positive change in society. I took a leap of faith that I could make a difference, at least I would try. I am a firm believer that each and everyone can make a difference, and in that spirit, I started writing my blog and making videos with the underlying aim to remind us all of the beauty, the power and the resilience of the human spirit. Laura Aboli’s entrepreneurial career started in the year 2000 when she co-founded World-Check, a database of Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs) and heightened risk individuals and organisations, which soon became the de facto standard for identifying and managing financial, regulatory and reputational risk within the world’s financial and legal institutions.
#1 - Complete 3hr show - [right click to download]
Full interviews with...
#2 - Jungle Bus Milli Dutch Elections far right Dutch Royals Edmund Burke Foundation Gates and Pfizer - 01:30:00
#3 - Norman Finkelstein On Israel and Palestine Piers Morgan Uncensored - 00:20:00
#4 - Gideon Levy Does unconditional support for Israel endanger Israeli voices The Israel Lobby - 00:30:00
#5 - Laura Aboli Transhumanism The End Game - 00:12:00

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