Over the years the Kateri Peace Conference in Fonda, NY has worked to confront the waste and destruction of militarism and war, the suffering and injustice wrought by systemic racism; the devastation and desolation our embrace of unbridled materialism has wreaked on the planet. The hope has been to sow the healing seeds of light and love, seeds germinated from the core belief that we journey on this vulnerable planet as sisters and brothers understanding fully our need to care for each other with patience and kindness.
This year is sadly no different. In fact the imperative to confront feels even greater: the climate is in serious decline and very close to collapse; the threat of nuclear war is ever present and pressing; US foreign policy is supportive of and promoting multiple conflicts across the planet including the genocide in Palestine, the war in Ukraine, multiple conflicts in Africa, Latin America, the Middle East. The nation is divided and electoral politics promise to bring us one of two presidential candidates who are both entrenched in the war machine. Militarism is exacerbating climate destruction both home and abroad and devouring needed resources for climate restoration.
The imperatives feel greater than ever. If the privilege of political apathy in not abandoned now by all of us and peaceful and life affirming solutions are not adopted and integrated systemically, the consequences of our choices will exceed our expectations in the worst possible way. Time is not on our side.
To help define and illuminate some of the moment’s imperatives, we have assembled an exceptional group of presenters all of whom are dedicated to non-violence and the quest for a sustainable, life affirming planetary future.
Our roster includes: Brad Wolf, Martha Hennessy, Brian Terrell, Vera Anderson and Ann Wright. Bar Crawl Radio will again be covering the conference.
Please consider adding your voice and wisdom to this year’s Kateri conversation.
John Amidon Maureen Aumand
Audio recorded on-site and edited by Wilton Vought (last name rhymes with thought) of Essential Dissent.
If you broadcast this audio, please:
1. Credit Essential Dissent and the Kateri Peace Conference. 2. Notify Wilton via the Contact Contributor button, or directly: wvought at gmail dot com
Follow the Essential Dissent podcast on iTunes: https://tinyurl.com/yyq9w8sy
Brian Terrell:
Version 1: Brian Terrell's full talk (00:14:36) optimized for RADIO PLAY (-24 LUFS 192kbps Mp3). I did not add an intro/mid/outro. The Q&A (minus the Q) starts at 13:04.
Version 2: Brian Terrell's full talk optimized for INDIVIDUAL USE (-19 LUFS 64kbps Mp3). Identical content to Version 1, but a louder file encoded at a lower bitrate so it uses less storage space on your device.
Brad Wolf:
Version 3: Brad Wolf's full talk (00:21:02) optimized for RADIO PLAY (-24 LUFS 192kbps Mp3). I did not add an intro/mid/outro. There is no Q&A.
Version 4: Brad Wolf's full talk optimized for INDIVIDUAL USE (-19 LUFS 64kbps Mp3). Identical content to Version 3, but a louder file encoded at a lower bitrate so it uses less storage space on your device.
Contact me for a link to the full audio (of either speaker) in .wav format, which is best if you want to do your own edit.
As shown in the Summary, there were other presenters at the conference. However, conditions were such that I was unable to record broadcast quality audio of those presenters.
DISCLAIMER: By using my audio for radio broadcast, you agree and acknowledge that it is solely your responsibility to ensure your uses of it comply with all FCC regulations.