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Program Information
The prophet motive
Are the British Establishment stumbling over Salisbury 'nerve agent' lies?
Regular Show
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
March 22, 2018, 1:36 p.m.
Editor of The Mind Renewed podcast Julian Charles talks to former BBC Salisbury reporter Tony Gosling about March 2018s alleged attack with Novichok nerve agent in the city.
Tony believes there are so many basic flaws in motive and evidence in the story that its more likely to be a government and media led hoax that a real attack by the Russian state.
Tony has been discussing the attacks online and many of the references can be found on the UK 9/11 Forum at

POINT 1 virtually no interrogation of story by journalists
Disinformation & lies being fed to journalists by MI5, police, Ministry of Defence & cabinet office press officers
Back of an envelope lies
Tony worked for BBC Wiltshire Sound as a reporter 1992
Salisbury military: Bulford, Tidworth, Salisbury Plain; RAF Boscombe Down aircraft/weapons proving HQ; Porton Down chemical biological weapons HQ; Land Warfare centre at Wilton; Chilmark nuclear weapons store;
Stonehenge & Wiltshire at the heart of UK defence for thousands of years
Salisbury Common Cold Research centre, linked to Porton Down closed around 1990
2000 enquiry launched into 45 soldiers and marines died as guinea pigs after Porton Down tests, 2008 £3m awarded to families in compensation
Cannot trust Porton Down
Swanage on South Coast, spraying of live bacteria, Julian had frequent chest infections as a chid
Porton Down proximity to Salisbury hardly mentioned despite Novicok definitely there.
POINT nerve agents incredibly deadly
Why was a CID Detective Sergeant (DS) first on the scene, not a PC?
Timing of the Russian elections
Are we accusing Russia of what we do?
Pablo Miller, Jonathan Steele, Orbis Business Intelligence and Sergei Skripals grudge against Russia, an MI6 front & their job is to lie and kill
POINT rush to judgement, conflate fact and speculation
Craig Murray points out Novichok of a type developed by Russia doesnt mean Russia did it, journalists are acting as if it did
Jeremy Corbyn suggestion we should abide by OPCW procedures and internatonal law
Some senior UK military have said Corbyn could not clear vetting or be Prime Minister
UK Psychological Warfare units from Chicksands Bedfordshire, Brigade 77
Bell Pottinger took $500m from Pentagon to manufacture fake Al Qaeda videos then shown on UK news programmes
POINT the whole incident could be a drama
Litvinenko poisoning more likely by Berezovsky than Putin & how Putin turned the tables on Russias chief Oligarch in 2000, thereby taking back control of Russia from them
Pictures of Litvinenko in hospital appeared all over the news
Who is behind the policy of escalating tension - not in UK national interest to have nuclear war with Russia: its in US and Israeli interest
Pushing the policy in London is private think tank the Royal Institute for International Affairs, Chatham House, getting big exposure on the news, similar institution in the USA is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Opposition to the Nordstream gas pipeline, blocking Russians in
MH17 rush to judgement was beginning of EU Russian sanctions, Trump puts sanctions on China, all acts of war
According to former UN military analyst The Saker modern warfare is 80% Psychological Warfare; 15% Economic warfare; 5% Fighting with terrorists and armies
Would US bases in UK be hit by Russia first?
Wider game: Russia blocking NATO/Israel in Syria and Ukraine
Corporate media pro-Israeli bias
Craig Murray suggests Israel may be culprit
Way Israel stops all criticism
POINT 2 no motive
UK govt/media conspiracy theorists conflating fact & speculation

The blow back will be a separation of the thinking people from the mindless idiots in society, and an increase in social distrust and hostility towards the politicians and media and government institutions fomenting instability and the destruction of personal civil liberty through manufactured national hysteria. Essentially theyve cried wolf far too many times to be given any respect by intelligent citizens

POINT 3 did we learn from WMD in Iraq lies
Criminal UK elite
Bullingdon Club - young men loyal to each other not to voters/leaders
Dividing society - Freemasonry - stupid credulous pliable people should rule over the intelligent? Creates a fractured society.
Russians destroyed all their chemical weapons
Have the ruling class lost it this time?
Grenfell Tower Tory cover-up
Gavin Williamsons £48million bung to Porton Down, a gangster state.
Boris Johnson likens Putin to Hitler. As Prince Charles did. An insult to Russia defeat of Hitler.
The assassination of Princess Diana, Prince Charles climate trader con man
False flags
Russia Today channel crucial, Press TV has already been censored
Spycatcher revealed Victor Rothschild appointed MI5/6 bosses
WW2 confident Britain allowed Nazi propaganda broadcasts to continue
Are we now the Nazis? Feeding propaganda around the world?

English Civil War saw Cromwells 1648 creation of first UK Masonic lodge, a conspiracy for judicial murder of king Charles I. Abbe Larudan: Les Franc-Macons Ecrasses
Recent Guardian articles on Freemasonry and the Illuminati

Gavin Williamson an incredibly weak Defence Secretary, pliable to private interests
MI5 have taken over policing of Salisbury Skripal case. Recently removed Wiltshire Chief Constable Mike Veale would have challenged MI5 Anti-Terror police
MI5 are responsible for UK terror attacks, just as FBI responsible in the USA

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