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State Of The City reports
Bristol planning chief resigns over Mayor's unlawful orders To approve high-rise buildings?
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
March 10, 2023, 10:36 p.m.
– John Langley, aka ex porn star Johnny Rockard, autobiography ‘The Sexual Philanthropist’ joins Tony. Sex industry in 1980s. Is sex industry empowering for women? Sex industry nowadays. Jimmy Saville and abuse.
– Mayor Marvin and planning permission in Bristol. Former Bristol Mayor, George Ferguson, on corrupt planning permission for luxury flats where Bristol Zoo used to be
– BIG DEVELOPMENTS, PLANNING COMMITTEE CANCELLED! Bristol City Council head of Development Control Gary Collins’ job is being advertised after his 15 years in the post. Has he been sacked or resigned?
– Bristol Waste and Bristol Housing companies to be scrapped following in the footsteps of disastrous Bristol Energy?
– WESTMINSTER ORDERS END TO BICKERING: Dan Norris, WECA Mayor, on Government watch list, after promising to franchise bus system and failing
– ANOTHER LABOUR LIAR POLITICIAN:‘No analysis done’ on bringing buses under public control despite West of England Metro Mayor’s claims
– BRISTOL TUBE, OR MAYORS PIPE DREAM? Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees says there will be an Underground system in Bristol but WECA Metro Mayor Dan Norris says Bristol will never get one
– KIDS AGAINST THE DARK ENLIGHTENMENT ‘Better than Greta’ Jasmin on ‘the greedy people’ power elite. Jasmin’s Dad, Ian Spence, on his worries about Digital IDs combined with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) and mRNA ‘vaccines’. Will they be used to control the population so that only certain people will be allowed to buy food or even have any of the new digital money?
– CHARLES MUST CHOOSE BETWEEN WINDSOR AND THE WEF! Many musicians: Elton John, the Spice Girls, Harry Styles, Ed Sheeran, Adele & Robbie Williams all snub invites to play at King Charles’ Coronation concert.
– Rishi Sunak and Macron’s meeting in France – both technocrats and ex bankers. Goldman Sachs employee, Goldman Sachs' Roger Un, imprisoned for 1MDB scandal
– Migrant boat crisis. Zeke Bond’s daughter, Indigo, is put in prison for aggression towards police at Kill the Bill protest in Bristol
– DEPLOY A NEW VARIANT TO SCARE THE PANTS OFF THE PUBLIC: Matt Hancock ‘drunk on power. Dr. David Halpin, who exposed the 2003 ‘dodgy dossier’ murder of Dr David Kelly
– WILFUL BLINDNESS: Margaret Heffernan, author of ‘Wilful Blindness’, on how it took 25 years to stop x-raying pregnant women,
– KAGAN DEATH CULT: Don Debar interviews Mark Sleboda about Ukraine. Robert Kagan – Victoria Nuland’s husband? Neocons bent on starting another disaster in Ukraine
– Natalia Vitrenko, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, Feb 2022, on West’s meddling in Ukraine banning her party
– Kerr Rawdon – Kerrbear Adventures Wild Camping on Dartmoor…. Kerr Rawdon of Kerrbear Adventures has done a full investigation into wild camping corruption ban in Dartmoor national park, involving Alex Darwall and Anthony Mangnall MP for Totnes
– Organic farmer Mark Purdey on how organophosphates used on cattle and sheep, caused Mad Cow’s Disease and CJD in humans.
– David Livingstone on Nick Land and Accelerationism. Nick Land has been described as the “father” of accelerationism, a set of ideas which propose that capitalism and technological change should be drastically accelerated to create further radical social change
– Accelerationism is the name of a contemporary political heresy: the insistence that the only radical political response to capitalism is to accelerate it
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
John Langley, aka ex porn star Johnny Rockard, joins Tony. Sex industry in 1980s. Is sex industry empowering for women? Sex industry nowadays. AI and sex industry. Jimmy Saville and abuse. Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell and blackmail. Whitney Webb book ‘One Nation Under Blackmail’. John Langley’s autobiography coming out this weekend ‘The Sexual Philanthropist’ Capitalism in West and bad distribution of wealth around the world. Population as a problem. John’s homeless life. Drugs. The Sexual Philanthropist: Everything you always wanted to know about nothing at all from a former pornographer Okay, I admit, I had lots of sex. However, as I’ve said before, this is groundhog day stuff that becomes incredibly boring and not in any way self-satisfying by virtue of being nothing more than an acting role, and if you’ve ever seen what was known as the Duracell bunny then you’ll relate to the point I am making. Still, it beats £16.99 per month gym membership in terms of exercise, I guess. Every cloud, right? Of course, there’s more. In fact so much more, like – Drugs Family Alcohol Homelessness The Underworld Money Laundering Fraud Psychology The sex industry Spirituality Humour – a LOT of humour Women Feminism Men The UK Politics Religion The music industry Showbiz Celebrity Big Brother – as a casting agent. Homosexuality. Transexuals. Plus, plus, plus, a whole bunch of other stuff. Oh, and the dead body and the shopping trolley! I almost forgot.

Mayor Marvin and planning permission in Bristol. Former Bristol Mayor, George Ferguson, on corrupt planning permission for luxury flats where Bristol Zoo used to be and elsewhere in the city – protest on Sunday 12th March, 10.45am from Victoria Rooms, 11.30am at Zoo. Save Bristol Zoo Gardens – This campaign was started in a feeling that the Zoo’s case for closing the Clifton site just didn’t add up. It felt that an important and long-established amenity enjoyed by millions of Bristolians over the years was being shuttered and lost all too lightly. Digging into the business case, the figures and the arguments and the sudden change of strategic direction by the Zoo only increased the feeling of outrage and the need to do something about it. We are not being paid or influenced by commercial interests, we do not wish to buy or operate the site. Indeed, our first preference would be for the Zoo and its Trustees to change direction then to reimagine and reopen the Clifton site – which was their stated intention up until 2019. Meet a few of the people behind these efforts below; we hope that you will agree and support the campaign.

Bristol City Council head of Development Control Gary Collins’ job is being advertised after his 15 years in the post. Has he been sacked or resigned? Development Control Committee A for this coming Wednesday 15th March has been cancelled and all papers taken offline. So. What’s going on? Three controversial decisions were due to be made on Wednesday including the demolition of Bristol Zoo for luxury housing. Chief Planner and Head of Planning Service Starting salary £82,486 (scope for negotiation for an exceptional candidate) Bristol Make your mark on our global city The challenge Bristol is known around the world for its architectural heritage. So it follows that we need a truly innovative talent for this new role. As Chief Planner and Head of Planning Service, you’ll not only deliver vital infrastructure – but shape a vision of life here that inspires generations to come. As well as the introduction of a new Local Plan we have a number of ambitious projects, including the regeneration of Temple Quarter – one of the largest programmes of its type in Europe. We’ll also expect you to burnish our reputation for putting diversity, inclusivity and the climate emergency at the forefront of everything we do. Your role This newly combined role brings together workstreams once managed by different services. Reporting into our Director: Economy of Place, you’ll oversee planning end-to-end – leading Development Management, Building Control, Public Protection and Enforcement and Strategic City Planning team. Ultimately, this is about building an evidence-led service that balances vibrant and sustainable growth, with opportunities for communities to access affordable housing, and the need to protect our environment. In practice, we’ll look for you to bring new ideas and methods into our approach, integrate our delivery, and take responsibility for the strategic oversight of all matters on the ground. Closing date: Sunday 12th March 2023 Interviews: 23rd and 24th March 2023

Bristol Waste and Bristol Housing companies to be scrapped following in the footsteps of disastrous Bristol Energy? Bristol transport – new ULEZ zone. Alleged fraud at Avonmouth recycling centre. Bristol Waste company to fail? Council could scrap its companies amid “very serious concerns” about Bristol Waste’s future Plans to reduce black bin collections to once every three weeks are understood to have been vetoed Bristol City Council could abandon its waste and home-building companies and bring the services back in-house, a report reveals. Papers to next week’s cabinet expose “very serious concerns” with the future of Bristol Waste, which is already having to make cuts to services, including closing the city’s tips two days a week, to balance its books from April amid longer-term doubts that it can even continue operating. The documents show council bosses have agreed with expert advice to reassess whether or not to continue with the “commercial model” of having arms-length companies at all. It is understood concerns over political interference in Bristol Waste’s decisions, which are supposed to be independent of the council and mayor, have also played a part in the decision to hold a review. The Local Democracy Reporting Service has learned that the firm recently suggested reducing black bin collections to once every three weeks, which would have saved about £1million a year, but this was vetoed by Marvin Rees’s Labour administration because it would have been hugely unpopular and come at a political price. Like many local authorities, Bristol City Council has been the owner – or sole shareholder – of several companies since 2015, each under a parent company called Bristol Holding which also belongs to the organisation. The idea is that by competing in the open market, they are free from the shackles of local government rules and can earn more money by “commercialising” and expanding services and then investing profits back into the city. But the downside is that they are far riskier and can end disastrously – as happened with the failed Bristol Energy venture that cost taxpayers up to £43.8million – because there are fewer protections than for services provided directly by the council. However, abandoning them altogether would be a huge step and a major U-turn. While the authority’s housing business Goram Homes is in a relatively strong position despite a recent “very pessimistic” business plan and delays to projects, its waste firm is in considerable trouble and has less flexibility to trade commercially because of complex company status rules.

WESTMINSTER ORDERS END TO BICKERING: Dan Norris, WECA Mayor, on Government watch list, after promising to franchise bus system and failing…? First Group bus services broken and paying agency drivers £200 a day plus free accommodation. Bickering and mistrust lands WECA on government watchlist. Bickering and mistrust among the Bristol region’s political leaders has landed the West of England Combined Authority on a government “watchlist”. The Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DLUHC) is “keeping a close eye” on how the organisation responds to a damning report by external auditors who effectively ordered them to stop fighting, play nicely and heal their “strained relationships”. Labour metro mayor Dan Norris, the elected head of WECA, and the leaders of the three councils that make up the regional body – Bristol, South Gloucestershire and Bath & North East Somerset – unanimously approved an action plan in December to fix the issues. It committed the politicians and senior officers to cooperate better, along with a “peer review challenge” where outside experts come in to root out the problems and sort them, which is being carried out by the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives, also known as Solace. But it has now emerged that the DLUHC has placed WECA on alert and is closely monitoring “whether any further action is necessary” after the work is completed, raising the prospect that it could send in government “best value” inspectors. It follows a series of high-profile bust-ups, name-calling, dysfunctional public meetings with hours-long intervals and even one boycotted by the three council leaders, since Norris became West of England mayor in May 2021. Cross-party councillors on WECA’s audit committee were told on Thursday that work on the action plan was underway, including talks in February between the metro mayor, fellow Labour mayor of Bristol Marvin Rees, South Gloucestershire Council leader Toby Savage (Conservative) and B&NES council leader Kevin Guy (Lib Dem) on regional priorities and funding. External auditors Grant Thornton’s report in November found five “significant weaknesses” in the organisation’s value-for-money arrangements and made three statutory recommendations, which are the most serious that can be applied to a public body and must be addressed urgently.

ANOTHER LABOUR LIAR POLITICIAN:‘No analysis done’ on bringing buses under public control despite West of England Metro Mayor’s claims – No formal analysis has been done on bringing buses in the greater Bristol region under public control despite the Metro Mayor’s claims to the contrary. Dan Norris, the West of England Metro Mayor, previously said that bus franchising was “under review”. Bus franchising would see the West of England Combined Authority have much greater powers and oversight over the region’s bus network. The model has been used in London for decades and is being introduced in Greater Manchester. Responding to growing local calls for franchising, Mr Norris previously claimed the model was “on the table”. But a new freedom of information request appears to contradict that statement, revealing that the West of England has not actually analysed the benefits franchising would bring. The freedom of information request was sent by Matthew Topham, a facilitator at the Reclaim Our Buses campaign coalition, who said passengers would be “furious” to find out that the Metro Mayor’s claims were “not even true”. Mr Topham said: “Passengers have had enough. For the last fortnight, they’ve been sending videos to the Metro Mayor asking him to start a formal investigation into bus franchising at the next mayoral meeting on March 17. “These videos have included heartbreaking stories of children pulled out of school because the linking bus has been cut, and workers left to pay several hours’ wages on taxis as they can’t rely on buses to get them home safely. Given the bravery of these passengers to share their stories, the mayor’s dismissive response, saying that franchising was already on the table and ‘remained under ongoing review’ was upsetting. “To know now that this wasn’t even true has left passengers furious. That’s why we’re renewing our calls for the region’s leaders to deliver on the Mayor’s claim and start the franchising process at their meeting on March 17.” The freedom of information request asked for documents assessing and comparing the benefits and costs of bus franchising, and enhanced partnership schemes. An enhanced partnership scheme is already in place in the West of England, which sees the combined authority working with operators like First Bus, but with much less regulation than franchising. The response to the freedom of information request from the West of England said: “The authority has not carried out any formal analysis on the benefits and costs of bus franchising and enhanced partnership schemes.” Despite not actually carrying out any formal analysis of bus franchising, Mr Norris said that the model “was and remains on the table”.

BRISTOL TUBE, OR MAYORS PIPE DREAM? Bristol Mayor Marvin Rees says there will be an Underground system in Bristol but WECA Metro Mayor Dan Norris says Bristol will never get an underground. , costing around £7bn, as part of Rapid Transit Bristol rapid transit could be only £7 billion but has to go partly underground, Mayor Marvin Rees says – Leaked letter from Bristol Mayor to Metro Mayor aims to take the project forward again Marvin Rees wants a mass rapid transit system for Bristol, that would include some underground tunnels Having a mass rapid transit system for Bristol would have to include some kind of underground network but would only cost around £7 billion – and not the £18 billion a report leaked last month suggested. And the West of England Metro Mayor is wrong to rule it out, because not doing anything to solve Bristol’s transport problems is not an option. That’s the view of the Mayor of Bristol, Marvin Rees, who has written to Metro Mayor Dan Norris calling on him not to scrap the work towards a mass transport system for Bristol. A letter from the Bristol Mayor to Mr Norris, which has been seen by Bristol Live, questioned the costs outlined in a third report into the feasibility of creating a mass rapid transit system for Bristol, but warned that there would be no cheap solutions to the problem, and that not doing anything would ‘fail the residents of Bristol and the city region’. The letter from Marvin Rees comes after the Metro Mayor answered a simple ‘no’ to a question on BBC Points West late last month when asked if Bristol would ever get an underground system.

KIDS AGAINST THE DARK ENLIGHTENMENT ‘Better than Greta’ Jasmin on ‘the greedy people’ power elite. Jasmin’s Dad, Ian Spence, on his worries about Digital IDs combined with Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) and mRNA ‘vaccines’. Will they be used to control the population so that only certain people will be allowed to buy food or even have any of the new digital money? What happens when your CBCD no longer allows you to buy food? Statement on Central Bank Digital Currency next steps HM Treasury (HMT) and the Bank of England (the Bank) have today announced the next steps on the exploration of a UK Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). CBDC would be a new form of digital money issued by the Bank of England and for use by households and businesses for their everyday payments needs. It would exist alongside cash and bank deposits, rather than replacing them. In 2022, HMT and the Bank will launch a consultation which will set out their assessment of the case for a UK CBDC, including the merits of further work to develop an operational and technology model for a UK CBDC. It will evaluate the main issues at hand, consider the high level design features, possible benefits and implications for users and businesses, and considerations for further work. This consultation will form part of a ‘research and exploration’ phase and helps to inform policy development over the next few years. No decision has been made on whether to introduce a CBDC in the UK, which would be a major national infrastructure project. In April 2021, the Bank and HMT initiated the joint CBDC Taskforce to coordinate the exploration of a potential UK CBDC. The Bank also set up the Engagement and Technology forums, where relevant stakeholders from industry, civil society and academia provide strategic and technical input to the work on CBDC.

CHARLES MUST CHOOSE BETWEEN WINDSOR AND THE WEF! Many musicians: Elton John, the Spice Girls, Harry Styles, Ed Sheeran, Adele & Robbie Williams all snub invites to play at King Charles’ Coronation concert. Dismal headliners may be Kylie Minogue & Lionel Richie! Justin Walker on his open letter to King Charles III, asking him to renounce The Great Reset, WEF, plan, which he sees as the elite’s plan to enslave the people, and nothing to do with a genuine concern for the environment common law constitution website Unless the people of England and Wales wish to experience government overreach that could lay the foundations of outright tyranny, common sense dictates that Parliament must never be allowed to write itself into constitutional authority. To understand the full ramifications of having a fully-fledged Common Law Constitution, we will take this opportunity to remind Your Grace of two of the essential responsibilities a Monarch has: 1. His Majesty must ensure that all trials involve a randomly selected Jury of the defendant’s peers that judges all aspects of the case, independently of legislation and the judiciary meaning that Annulment can result. It is in this way, that people define their own liberties and govern themselves at all times. 2. His Majesty must use his constitutional right to withhold Royal Assent where proposed legislation would be violating the liberties of the people or be infringing constitutional laws and customs. These two fundamental duties of His Majesty the King should provide a double-lock safeguard against any future encroachment of tyranny. However, it is now becoming clearer by the day that both of these safeguards have been completely overlooked by previous Monarchs, including, it has to be said, the late Queen Elizabeth II.

Rishi Sunak and Macron’s meeting in France – both technocrats and ex bankers. Goldman Sachs employee, Goldman Sachs’ Roger Ng, imprisoned for 1MDB scandal – Prosecutors said Ng and his co-conspirators helped the Malaysian fund, known as 1MDB, raise $6.5 billion through bond sales ­ only to siphon more than two-thirds of it for bribes and to enrich themselves.... Nothing could have stopped the Sunak-Macron (Goldman Sachs-NM Rothschild & Sons) love-in. It went on for hours – Nothing could possibly have hidden the Anglo-French love-in. It went on for hours. Politicians are never shy to place their hands on one another. Rewatch the old footage from G8 summits, as they were then known, and you could be forgiven for imagining that you were watching a documentary about the surgical separation planned for conjoined twins called George W Bush and Vladimir Putin. The problem is that the French and British leaders have both been to Touching School. The young Macron was an investment banker at Rothschild, Sunak at Goldman Sachs. Both of these places actively school their young recruits in such things as always being the last person to enter a room, always being the last person to speak, and, wherever possible, softening the hearts of potential clients through the laying on of hands. Their joint press conference lasted 45 minutes. If it had happened during the pandemic, when social distancing rules still applied, one doubts it would have lasted half that time. On three separate occasions, the two men embraced each other in a style not seen on television since hitherto unknown family members were introduced to one another by Cilla Black.

Migrant boat crisis. Zeke Bond’s daughter, Indigo, is put in prison for aggression towards police at Kill the Bill protest in Bristol. Van life in Bristol. Matt Hancock says ‘deploy’ new virus variant to scare public Woman jailed for violent disorder after Bristol Kill the Bill riot Indigo Bond admits violent disorder A Fishponds woman is the latest to be jailed after violence which flared after Bristol’s Kill the Bill protest in March, 2021. The initially-peaceful protest was against the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts bill, proposing to give extended power to police to shut down demonstrations. But as the day wore on there were clashes between police and protesters outside Bridewell Police Station. People were injured in the melee, including 44 police officers, and at least £212,000 worth of damage was caused to police property, including by fire. Today (February 24, 2023) Indigo Bond, 21, of Victoria Park, was sentenced after pleading guilty to violent disorder. Judge James Patrick jailed her for 20 months. The judge told her: “You were in an active role for a significant period of time. You were under the influence of drink and drugs.” The court heard Bond was verbally abusive to police, threw pieces of wood at them and punched and kicked out at them. Her involvement in the disorder spanned some six hours, during which time she was pepper sprayed and changed clothes. Russell Fraser, defending, opened his case by reading a reference from Bond’s gran. That stated: “She is one of the most thoughtful and kind people I’ve ever known.”

DEPLOY A NEW VARIANT TO SCARE THE PANTS OFF THE PUBLIC: Matt Hancock ‘drunk on power. Dr. David Halpin, who exposed the 2003 ‘dodgy dossier’ murder of Dr David Kelly, on Matt Hancock WhatsApp revelations and Covid fiasco. Jake Berry MP has described Matt Hancock as “drunk on power” during the pandemic as he said the former health secretary should be questioned in the House of Commons over his leaked WhatsApps. It comes after The Telegraph revealed the former health secretary discussed a plan to block funding for a disabled children’s centre as a way of pressuring a rebel MP to vote for new lockdown restrictions. The ex-Conservative Party chairman called for Mr Hancock to be grilled over his proposed tactics after the latest Lockdown Files revelations. Mr Berry, the MP for Rossendale and Darwen, wrote on Twitter: “This is an absolute disgrace. Hancock should be dragged to the bar of the House of Commons first thing tomorrow morning to be questioned on this.” Speaking on Times Radio on Tuesday, he said the tactics “crossed line” and called for an apology, adding: “What he has effectively said is that he wants to weaponise provision of care for disabled children to force MPs to vote in a certain way. “This clearly shows someone who is prepared to do anything to get their own way or someone who is drunk on the power of ordering people round and telling people what to do.” Mr Berry, who has a son with additional needs, said that while he understands there is “arm-twisting and leverage and cajoling” in politics, the plan was “completely unacceptable” and he would have made it public if it was put to him at the time. The Telegraph’s Lockdown Files team published a series of WhatsApp messages showing Allan Nixon, Mr Hancock’s aide, suggested “dangling our top asks” over the 2019 intake of MPs who he said were “going off the boil”. The messages were sent ahead of a December 2020 vote on a toughened new local tiers system, which only scraped through after Labour abstained – the biggest rebellion of Boris Johnson’s administration: Mr Daly – whose constituency is the most marginal in the UK mainland with a majority of just 105 – told The Telegraph he was “appalled” and “disgusted” that the disability hub, for which he had been campaigning, had been discussed as a way of coercing him into voting with the Government.

Margaret Heffernan, author of ‘Wilful Blindness’, on how it took 25 years to stop x-raying pregnant women, as their children were getting cancer. Chris Morris, comedian, getting public to agree with his mad statements. Poem by Patrizia Opulenza. Why after every major accident and blunder do we look back and ask how we could have been so blind? Why do some people see what others don’t? How can we change? Drawing on studies by psychologists and neuroscientists, and from interviews with business leaders, whistle-blowers, and white collar criminals, distinguished businesswoman and writer Margaret Heffernan examines the phenomenon of willful blindness. She explores the reasons that individuals and groups are blind to impending personal tragedies, corporate collapses, engineering failures, even crimes against humanity. We turn a blind eye in order to feel safe, to avoid conflict, to reduce anxiety, and to protect prestige. Greater understanding leads to solutions, and Heffernan shows how–by challenging our biases, encouraging debate, discouraging conformity, and not backing away from difficult or complicated problems–we can be more mindful of what’s going on around us and be proactive instead of reactive.

Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson; Blackrock; Tony on Brexit : Evolution :

Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports

KAGAN DEATH CULT: Don Debar interviews Mark Sleboda about Ukraine. Robert Kagan – Victoria Nuland’s husband? Neocons bent on starting another disaster in Ukraine US foreign policy is evidently held hostage by a venal, avaricious and, above all, reckless claque of elites If anything, Washington’s neoconservatives have an unerring instinct for survival. Having brought about multiple disasters in the two decades since the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, from the Iraq war to the twin debacles in Libya and Syria, the neocons seem to have perfected the art of failing up. Harvard University’s Stephen Walt once quipped that “Being a Neocon Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry.” And in this regard, the story of the Kagan family is instructive. Robert Kagan, a contributing columnist for The Washington Post, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, and author of pseudo-histories such as The Jungle Grows Back, has for years been a leading advocate of American militarism. His brother Frederick is a resident scholar at the neoconservative American Enterprise Institute. Writing in The Hill on December 7, Frederick Kagan claimed that Russian control of Ukraine “would create an existential threat to Poland and even to Romania – one that could be met only by major deployments of US and European ground and air forces to what could become a new Iron Curtain.” He and his wife Kimberly, who heads the Institute for the Study of War – another pro-war Washington think-tank – were close advisers to the disgraced general and former Central Intelligence Agency director David Petraeus. Indeed, both Frederick and his wife are frequently cited as the brains behind the surge strategy pursued by George W Bush’s administration in 2007-2008. But the most powerful member of the Kagan clan is Victoria Nuland, who is the wife of Robert and is the US undersecretary of state for political affairs. Under Barack Obama, Nuland served as the State Department spokeswoman, a position for which she was manifestly overqualified (and that becomes especially clear if one takes the qualifications of the current spokesman into consideration), before assuming the role of assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs. It was in this role that Nuland helped orchestrate the overthrow of a democratically elected president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, in February 2014 that led to a civil war in which more than 13,000 people have died, according to the United Nations…

Natalia Vitrenko, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, Feb 2022, on West’s meddling in Ukraine. Natalia Vitrenko: ‘History Acquits Us and Will Be Proud of Us. The Banning Of Our Party Is Unjust And Unlawful.’ Message to members of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (PSPU), members of the Central Committee of the PSPU, and friends all over the world: On 27 September 2022 in Kyiv, the Administrative Appeals Court of the Supreme Court of Ukraine partially satisfied the PSPU’s Appellate Complaint, by deleting from the ruling of the 8th Administrative Appeals Court in Lviv, dated 23 June 2022, a part of the abhorrent charges, while allowing the decision on banning our party to stand. I believe that this not only is a politically motivated punishment of our party, but it tramples on all the foundations of European democracy. The principle of the supremacy of law, enshrined in the Constitution and in conventions, has been trampled­a principle that consists of lawfulness; legal certainty; the prohibition of arbitrary actions; guaranteed access to due process, provided by independent and fair courts; respect for human rights; the prohibition of discrimination; and guaranteed equality before the law. The PSPU’s Appellate Complaint smashed to pieces the ruling by the court of the first instance, showing that it was unlawful and baseless. Our opponents, represented by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine (MinJust) and the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) failed in its suit, its written answers to the PSPU’s Appellate Complaint, and its oral arguments before the Supreme Court, to refute a single legal substantiation of the invalidity of their accusations against our party….

Kerr Rawdon – Kerrbear Adventures Wild Camping on Dartmoor…. Kerr Rawdon of Kerrbear Adventures has done a full investigation into corruption allegations regarding the wild camping ban in Dartmoor national park, involving Alex Darwall and Anthony Mangnall MP for Totnes. In depth look at the recent wild camping ban in Dartmoor, discussing key players like Alex Darwall, Anthony Mangnall and Dartmoor national park. How wild camping was made illegal by Alex Darwall, the mass protests that ensued on the Dartmoor Commons how a donation to Anthony Mangnall seems to have bought his silence and brought about accusations of corruption. Protests and public outrage ensued. Full situation with current updates on the Dartmoor National Park wild camping ban brought on by wealthy hedge fund manager and land owner Alex Darwall.

Organic farmer Mark Purdey on how organophosphates used on cattle and sheep, caused Mad Cow’s Disease and CJD in humans. This week 4 of 8 – what are the effects of organophosphate poisoning, developed by the Nazism, on the human mind and body? Mark Purdey and Organophosphate (Film/Video, i-Contact, April 2000) Organic livestock farmer Mark Purdey was ordered in the 1980’s, along with all cattle and dairy farmers in the UK, to treat his cows with an organophosphate pesticide ‘Phosmet’ manufactured by I.C.I.. Organophosphates are derived from military nerve gas and a systemic treatment (the chemical enters the entire internal system of the cow) would undermine his organic principles so Mark refused to treat. “If Phosmet is proven to have caused BSE, the worldwide use of organophosphates (OPs) could be put into jeopardy, costing the chemical industry billions. The government know more than they’re letting on. They’ve stuck to the scrapie theory to placate people and give the impression they’ve got it under control.” Mark Purdey, Organic Dairy Farmer, Exmoor. “If the government are found liable for BSE – by enforcing organophosphate treatment – the payout could break the economy.” Tom King (Purdey’s MP) Whoever the monkeys have been at the top of the tree, the Party line has stayed the same. Mad Cow Disease came about by feeding scrapie infected meat and bone meal to cows. But one West Country farmer has a different theory. One that the authorities and the pesticide producers have gone to great to lengths to silence. Between the late 70’s and 1982 British farmers were forced by law to treat their cows for warble fly with a pour on organophosphate called phosmet – organophosphates are derived from nerve gas formulated by nazi chemists during World War II. Big business soon realised its profit potential and, post war, it was exclusively marketed as an agricultural pesticide by ICI, and later their cunningly renamed subdivision Zeneca. Seeing how his own organically reared cows never developed BSE, but phosmet-treated cattle brought onto the farm did, Somerset dairy farmer Mark Purdey refused to treat his herd. In 1984 MAFF took him to the High Court, but lost.

David Livingstone on Nick Land and Accelerationism …. Nick Land has been described as the “father” of accelerationism, a set of ideas which propose that capitalism and technological change should be drastically accelerated to create further radical social change. Land argued that the triumph of capitalism and the rise of technoculture were inextricably intertwined. Drawing on the work the postmodernists Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari and Jean-Francois Lyotard, Land argued that capitalist technological progress was transforming not just our societies, but the individual, who is becoming less important than the techno-capitalist system itself.[69] Accelerationism reflected a similar approach adopted by Satanists, particularly the Process Church and Charles Manson. Although the Process Church’s “processean” theology is considered unrelated to the process theology of Alfred North Whitehead­who influenced Deleuze­after its leader DeGrimston was removed by the Council of Masters as Teacher, many former members of the cult joined Deleuze in his leadership of the Anti-Oedipal movement of 1968.[70] Hinting at the connection, Land explained in an email to Vox, “Modernity has Capitalism (the self-escalating techno-commercial complex) as its motor. Our question was what ‘the process’ wants (i.e. spontaneously promotes) and what resistances it provokes.”[71] Land was a lecturer in Continental Philosophy at the University of Warwick from 1987 until his resignation in 1998. At Warwick, he and Sadie Plant co-founded the Cybernetic Culture Research Unit. Plant is a British philosopher whose original research was related to the Situationist International before turning to cyber-technology. She published The Most Radical Gesture: The Situationist International in a Postmodern Age in 1992. Her writing in the 1990s would prove profound in the development of cyberfeminism. Land is the author of The Thirst for Annihilation: Georges Bataille and Virulent Nihilism, published in 1992. The CCRU’s writings drew inspiration from H.P. Blavatsky, Carl Jung, William S. Burroughs, J.G. Ballard and William Gibson.[72] After the CCRU split from Warwick in 1998, according to Andy Beckett, a journalist who chronicled the CCRU’s in The Guardian, Land and his remaining followers moved into a home in Leamington, where they were drawn to numerology, HP Lovecraft, and Aleister Crowley, part of an obsession with the occult that had flourished in the accelerationist ranks. “The CCRU became quasi-cultish, quasi-religious,” explained former member Robin Mackay. “I left before it descended into sheer madness.”[73] Land has also “highly-recommended” the works of David Myatt’s fascist Satanist Order of Nine Angles (O9A), whose international distributor is adept Kerry Bolton, founder of the Black Order and associate of Alexander Dugin.[74] On his blog and on Twitter, Land describes Dugin as his “best enemy,” and also accepts Dugin’s appellation of “Atlanticist,” par of Dugin’s Land and Sea dichotomy that pits the West and NATO against his own ambition for his own anti-liberal Eurasian empire. “We agree exactly about what the war is,” expands Land, “We’re just on opposite sides of it.”

Accelerationism is the name of a contemporary political heresy: the insistence that the only radical political response to capitalism is not to protest, disrupt, critique, or détourne it, but to accelerate and exacerbate its uprooting, alienating, decoding, abstractive tendencies. Accelerate presents a genealogy of accelerationism, tracking the impulse through 90s UK darkside cyberculture and the theory-fictions of Nick Land, Sadie Plant, Iain Grant, and CCRU, across the cultural underground of the 80s (rave, acid house, SF cinema) and back to its sources in delirious post-68 ferment, in texts whose searing nihilistic jouissance would later be disavowed by their authors and the marxist and academic establishment alike.
#1 Full 3hr 20m show NTBCFMPS 10Mar23 03:20:00
#2 Justin Walker King Charles coronation constitutional WEF protest letter 00:26:00
#3 David Halpin Matt Hancock deploy new variant to scare the pants off the public 00:32:00
#4 Ian Spence Jasmins dad Better than Greta 00:17:00
#5 Zeke Bond on daughter Indigo sentenced at Kill the Bill 00:34:00
#6 Ken Rawdon Kerrbear Adventures Investigates Dartmoor National Park Corruption 00:15:00
#7 Margaret Heffernan Wilful Blindness dare to disagree 00:12:00
#8 David Livingstone Alexander Dugin Ukrainian Nazis Nick Land Process Church O9A Pinay Cercle 01:25:00

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