This week’s show features nomination number three for the official Thunderbolt Most Evil Persons in History Award. The competition is stiff. Tune in for this battle of evil…
This is a production of Dancing Angel Media. You are free to rebroadcast as long as you are a non-profit — just please let us know if you do so.
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This program is best listened to through high-quality headphones at a very high volume
*The News & Commentary section of this week’s show originally aired on June 1st, 2018
Part 1:
Disclaimer / Station ID Music: Mike Oldfield 00:00—01:36
Most Evil Person Award #3 — Part 1 Music: Disney Studios — Mike Oldfield — Russ Garcia — Disney Studios — Tony MacAlpine — Mike Oldfield — Ego Plum — Steve Vai 01:36—26:58
Part 2:
Disclaimer 26:58—27:23
Most Evil Person Award #3 — Part 2 Music: Mike Oldfield — Polysics — Mike Oldfield 27:21—41:11