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Program Information
State Of The City reports
NATO missiles hit Russia's Black Sea Fleet headquarters in Crimea
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
Sept. 22, 2023, midnight
– Was case that made ‘legend’ for Keir Starmer as a human rights champion (who then jailed Julian Assange & freed Jimmy Savile) an MI5 operation? Creating a ‘legend’ for Labour leader Kier Starmer as a human rights lawyer
– Was McLibel case that made ‘legend’ for Keir Starmer as a human rights champion (who then jailed Julian Assange and freed Jimmy Savile) an MI5 operation?
– McDonald’s famously sued green campaigners over the roughly typed leaflet, in a landmark three-year high court case, that was widely believed to have been a public relations disaster for the corporation
– This is rather like, according to former MI5 officer Annie Machon, Tony Blair was also ‘groomed’ by MI5 to infiltrate the Labour party by appearing to be a radical, joining CND and other leftie and pacifist groups
– BBC and security services – Christmas Tree stamp. Chinese spies in the Tory Party. Bulgarians in UK spies for Russia – says MI5. Al Jazeera report – Rupert Murdoch retires
– Bucha massacre – spin in media. What happened in Bucha and who is going to be punished for it? Moscow strongly denies accusations of mass civilian killings in the Ukrainian town of Bucha near Kiev
– End of internet free speech as King Charles III readies ‘Online Safety Bill’ for law. Facial recognition software rollout not popular – Government defends it. Off Guardian
– Russell Brand rape accusation. Trial by television?
– Russell Brand interviewed and taking opportunity to give facts on Covid. Russel Brand sexual assault claims – a set up? Simon Killane, former Councillor, on various spurious claims made against him to destroy him
– Public gathering LONDON, Camden, Sat, 30 Sep 2023 1:30pm: Matt Campbell, who lost his brother Geoff on 9/11 in Twin Towers, high court reply by Monday to his judicial review on getting inquest reopened
– Anglo-Zionist empire’s misuse of the term ‘Terrorism’ since9/11 attacks: How national armies of elected governments and key human rights groups such as in Palestine are now being designated terrorist’ organisations
– While MI5 vet Anglo-Zionist fascist cartel-critical MPs and journalists, Bulgarian and Chinese so-called spies they ignore Israeli spies in the Labour party HQ. Labour Party hires former Israeli intelligence officer
– All Protestant and Catholic institutions have been compromised by secret society intelligence witchcraft because only the official Orthodox Church still enforces the ‘Oath Crime’
– “Ukrainian politics is full of what can euphemistically be called “colourful characters,” and Kolomoisky is one of them. The 1+1 channel was the same that originally aired Volodymyr Zelensky’s comedy show
– Ramzi bin al-Shibh, former Guantanamo Bay prisoner, can’t continue trial against US for torture, as psychotic – 9/11 defendant unfit to stand trial, US judge rules
– Rapper Chris Kaba, shot dead by London’s Metropolitan Police – report – but Policeman not named. Chris Kaba: Officers ‘anxious’ after marksman murder charge
– NATO missiles hit Russia’s Black Sea Fleet headquarters in Crimea
– Attack on Russian Black Sea fleet in Sevastopol – Military Expert: NATO Helped Ukraine Strike Black Sea Fleet HQ in Sevastopol The headquarters of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet in the Crimean port city of Sevastopol
– Crimea vote – 97% wanted to join Russia. 2014: Official results: 97 percent of Crimea voters back joining Russia SIMFEROPOL, Ukraine
– Donbass Voices 2 – Dr. Iry Bell on how her family has coped with Ukraine war. Dr Irina Bell was born in the Donbass but fled with her young child to London.
– UN Charter means equitable international law principles, or it means nothing [applause]. Serbian PM, Aleksandar Vucic, speech at UN comparing Angli-Zionist empire’s support for Kosovo secession from Serbia
– Anti-Brexit King Charles – state visit to see the former Rothschild banker now running France – speech: the British and French won WWII without Soviet help – and climate change is a greater threat than war
– The GREAT Morgan Marshall on TikTok – Delores Cannon on ‘vibrations’ higher and lower – pointing us either to heaven or to hell.
– NOT The BCfm Politics Show presented by Tony Gosling
Part One – News Review and Investigative Reports

Was case that made ‘legend’ for Keir Starmer as a human rights champion (who then jailed Julian Assange & freed Jimmy Savile) an MI5 operation? Creating a ‘legend’ for Labour leader Kier Starmer as a human rights lawyer in the 1990s McLibel court case Labour Party. Mc Libel case of 1990s – Kier Starmer was the lawyer. Kier Starmer as a human rights lawyer until mid 2000s. Election fixing and security services interference. As Martin points out the London Greenpeace leaflet which was at the centre of McDonald’s case against Dave Morris and Helen Steele was penned by an undercover policeman – so was the whole court case engineered and orchestrated by the secret services to propel young barrister Kier Starmer to fame and fortune as a ‘selfless radical leftie. McLibel leaflet was co-written by undercover police officer Bob Lambert Exclusive: McDonald’s sued green activists in long-running David v Goliath legal battle, but police role only now exposed An undercover police officer posing for years as an environmental activist co-wrote a libellous leaflet that was highly critical of McDonald’s, and which led to the longest civil trial in English history, costing the fast-food chain millions of pounds in fees. The true identity of one of the authors of the “McLibel leaflet” is Bob Lambert, a police officer who used the alias Bob Robinson in his five years infiltrating the London Greenpeace group, is revealed in a new book about undercover policing of protest, published next week.

McDonald’s famously sued green campaigners over the roughly typed leaflet, in a landmark three-year high court case, that was widely believed to have been a public relations disaster for the corporation. Ultimately the company won a libel battle in which it spent millions on lawyers. Lambert was deployed by the special demonstration squad (SDS) – a top-secret Metropolitan police unit that targeted political activists between 1968 until 2008, when it was disbanded. He co-wrote the defamatory six-page leaflet in 1986 – and his role in its production has been the subject of an internal Scotland Yard investigation for several months. At no stage during the civil legal proceedings brought by McDonald’s in the 1990s was it disclosed that a police infiltrator helped author the leaflet….

This is rather like, according to former MI5 officer Annie Machon, Tony Blair was also ‘groomed’ by MI5 to infiltrate the Labour party by appearing to be a radical, joining CND and other leftie and pacifist groups before making it to party leader (after the possible assassination of John Smith) and starting a massive illegal war in the Middle East by invading Iraq. Annie told Martin and Tony the story that when she blew the whistle to Mail on Sunday editor Jonathan Holborow in August 1997 the Mail on Sunday editor was summoned to Downing Street the following Monday and, to avoid bugs, was taken into the garden by PM Tony Blair who asked him ‘What does Shayler know?’ [about Blair’s relationship with MI5]. Fury as ‘war criminal’ Blair knighted and given Britain’s top honour TONY Blair’s fiercest critics have reacted with fury to him becoming a knight and joining the country’s highest order of chivalry. News of the former Labour prime minister’s elevation to the Order of the Garter as a Knight Companion dismayed opponents of the invasion of Iraq who consider him a “war criminal”. Former Labour and Respect MP George Galloway said: “Arise Sir Tony Blair, the mass-murdering War Criminal, liar and mountebank. It literally takes the biscuit.” Journalist John Pilger said: “The contempt in which Britain’s elite holds the public has never been more eloquently expressed than in the decision to award Tony Blair the highest order of knighthood. The honour for Mr Blair comes 14 years after the new Labour architect left Downing St. Decisions about who joins the ceremonial order, which dates back to 1348, are made without advice from the Prime Minister. The reaction to the announcement shows that longstanding critics of Mr Blair have not cooled in their anger….

BBC and security services – Christmas Tree stamp. Chinese spies in the Tory Party. Bulgarians in UK spies for Russia – says MI5. Al Jazeera report – Rupert Murdoch retires and passes media empire on to his son Lochlan. MI5 and the BBC: Stamping the ‘Christmas Tree’ Files ….All BBC employees had a personnel file which included their basic personal details and work record. But there was also a second file. This included ‘security information’ collected by Special Branch and MI5, who have always kept political surveillance on ‘subversives in the media’. If a staff member was shortlisted for a job this second file was handed to the department head, who had to sign for it. The file was a buff folder with a round red sticker, stamped with the legend SECRET and a symbol which looked like a Christmas tree. On the basis of information in this file, the Personnel Office recommended whether the person in question should be given the job or not. A former senior BBC executive recalls seeing one journalist’s security file, stamped with a Christmas tree symbol: ‘For about twelve years it had recorded notes such as “has subscription to Daily Worker” or “our friends say he associates with communists and CND activists.” It is fair to say that there were contemporary memos from personnel officials adding they thought this was ridiculous. But it was still on file.‘ The names of outside job applicants were submitted directly to C Branch of MI5. They were then passed on to the F Branch ‘domestic subversion’, whose F7 section looks at political ‘extremists’, MP’s, lawyers, teachers and journalists. After consulting the registry of files, the names were fed into MI5’s computer, which contains the identities of about a million ‘subversives’. Once MI5 had vetted an applicant their decision was given in writing to the BBC’s Personnel Office. MI5 never gave reasons for their recommendations. But, quite often, if they said a person was a ‘security risk’, that was enough to blacklist him or her permanently. Members of board interviews were advised not to ask questions. And it was only when an executive or editor put pressure on the Personnel Department that MI5’s decision was overruled. For many years a BBC staff member was used as the Security Liaison Officer. But in 1982 Brigadier Ronald L. Stonham, a retired army officer, moved into Room 105 as ‘Special Assistant’ to the Director of Personnel, Christopher Martin, himself a former Royal Marine. Stonham began his working life in the Post Office Engineering Department during the Second World War. In 1948 he was commissioned into the Royal Signals Regiment, and by 1963 he had worked his way through the ranks to Major. He also had a spell in the intelligence section of the Chief of General Staff in 1971. Six years later he was promoted to Brigadier of the Signals Regiment. Stonham saw security vetting as part of his responsibility to co-ordinate BBC’s contingency plans for a wartime and emergency broadcasting service. This was the official line taken after the Observer revealed the corporation’s blacklisting policies in 1985. The BBC stated: ‘Only relatively few members of staff go through this [vetting] procedure. They are necessarily involved in sensitive areas or require access to classified information.’ This was untrue. The evidence shows that vetting was used in a much wider context – and for political, not security, reasons….

Bucha massacre – spin in media. What happened in Bucha and who is going to be punished for it? Moscow strongly denies accusations of mass civilian killings in the Ukrainian town of Bucha near Kiev and offers to discuss the topic at the highest possible level, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, TASS reports. “We strongly reject any of those allegations. Moreover, we believe that this topic should be discussed at the highest level possible,” he said. In this regard, Peskov noted, Moscow took the initiative to “consider this topic at the Security Council.” Russian diplomats will continue active efforts to promote this issue onto the agenda of the UN Security Council. The video materials that Ukraine earlier distributed should not be trusted. Specialists of the Russian Ministry of Defense have already identified signs of video forgery and fakes in those materials, Peskov said. Earlier, Kiev and many foreign media outlets disseminated information about the massacre of civilians in Bucha by the Russian military. The Russian Defense Ministry called those reports a provocation. The department also reported that on March 31, the mayor of Bucha, Anatoly Fedoruk, confirmed that there were no Russian military in the town, but he did not mention anything about the killings of local residents on the streets. On April 3, Russia requested a meeting of the UN Security Council because of the “outrageous provocation committed by Ukrainian radicals” in the town of Bucha. The UK, which currently presides the UN Security Council, did not give consent to the meeting. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on April 4 that Moscow would again ask to convene a meeting of the UN Security Council. The Kremlin is demanding international leaders slow down with their sweeping accusations and request data from various sources. The Kremlin has not commented on how this situation may affect the negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. International response to Bucha massacre Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said that every person guilty of the killings of civilians in Bucha would be put in the special “book of executioners” to be subsequently found and punished. The mothers of the Russian military men should see “what bastards they have raised,” Zelensky said. France will discuss the imposition of new sanctions against Russia with EU partners. Paris admits restrictions on the supplies of Russian oil and coal, French President Emmanuel Macron said. German Chancellor Scholz also announced new sanctions against Russia in the coming days. The authorities of Ireland also called for new sanctions. The UK and the USA also discuss tougher restrictions. In a joint statement, the European Union accused Russia of the killings and said that the perpetrators of war crimes, as well as those involved in government and military command, would be held accountable. Japanese Prime Minister Kishida condemned “actions to harm civilians” and did not rule out new sanctions. Czech President Zeman called those responsible for the killings of civilians on the territory of Ukraine to an international tribunal. Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki called for a need to hold a EU summit to discuss Russia’s actions. UN Secretary General Guterres called for an independent investigation into the crimes against civilians in Bucha. Russia’s reaction to Bucha massacre The Russian Defense Ministry claimed that the photos and videos from Bucha were part of the provocation conducted by the Ukrainian authorities. Alexander Bastrykin, the chief of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, instructed to analyze and give a procedural assessment to the provocation about the murder of civilians in Bucha. In order to discredit the Russian military personnel, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense distributed video recordings filmed in the town of Bucha near Kiev as evidence of the massacre of civilians. According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, all the materials published by the Kiev regime about the crimes of the Russian military personnel in the indicated settlement are untrue and are provocative nature. The day before, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that the Russian military left Bucha completely on March 30. “The so-called evidence of crimes in Bucha appeared only on the fourth day (April 3rd), when Ukrainian SBU officers and representatives of Ukrainian television arrived in the city,” representatives for the Russian Defense Ministry said. It turned out that the wildly publicised video from the street in Bucha was posted on Twitter at least at 23:07 on April 1, Moscow time. Editing posts on Twitter is impossible, which excludes a possibility to post a new video to an old tweet (Twitter shows different post times depending on your time zone.). Earlier, it was believed that the first footage from Bucha appeared on April 2. On March 31, Anatoly Fedoruk, the Mayor of Bucha, confirmed in his video address that there were no Russian military men left in the town. However, the mayor did not even mention any local residents who had been shot in the streets with their hands tied behind their backs. All the “evidence of crimes” in Bucha appeared only when Ukraine’s SBU officers and Ukrainian television reporters arrived on the scene. All the bodies of the victims, whose images were published by the Kiev regime, did not stiffen as four days passed. The bodies do not have characteristic cadaveric spots, whereas unclotting blood can be seen in their wounds, representatives of the Russian Defence Ministry said. The photos and videos from Bucha appeared as another provocation staged by the Ukrainian authorities, similarly to the one with the alleged shelling of the maternity hospital in Mariupol, officials added. The Ukrainian troops were shelling the southern outskirts of Bucha around the clock, including residential areas. However, during the time when Bucha was under the control of the Russian military, not a single local resident suffered from any violent actions, the ministry also said.

End of internet free speech as King Charles III readies ‘Online Safety Bill’ for law. Facial recognition software rollout not popular – Government defends it. Off Guardian – Bill about personal information? UK quietly passes “Online Safety Bill” into law by Kit Knightly OffGuardian Buried behind the Brand-related headlines yesterday, the British House of Lords voted to pass the controversial “Online Safety Bill” into law. All that’s needed now is Royal assent, which Charles will obviously provide. The bill’s (very catchy) long-form title is… A Bill to make provision for and in connection with the regulation by OFCOM of certain internet services; for and in connection with communications offences; and for connected purposes. …and that’s essentially it, it hands the duty of “regulating” certain online content to the UK’s Office of Communications (OfCom). Ofcom Chief Executive Dame Melanie Dawes could barely contain her excitement in a statement to the press: “Today is a major milestone in the mission to create a safer life online for children and adults in the UK. Everyone at Ofcom feels privileged to be entrusted with this important role, and we’re ready to start implementing these new laws.” As always with these things, the bill’s text is a challenging and rather dull read, deliberately obscure in its language and difficult to navigate. Of some note is the “information offenses” clause, which empowers OfCom to demand “information” from users, companies and employees, and makes it a crime to withhold it. The nature of this “information” is never specified, nor does it appear to be qualified. Meaning it could be anything, and will most likely be used to get private account information about users from social media platforms. In one of the more worrying clauses, the Bill outlines what they call “communications offenses”. Section 10 details crimes of transmitting “Harmful, false and threatening communications”. It should be noted that sending threats is already illegal in the UK, so the only new ground covered here is “harmful” and/or “false” information, and the fact they feel the need to differentiate between those two things should worry you. After all, the truth can definitely be “harmful”…Especially to a power-hungry elite barely controlling an angry populace through dishonest propaganda. Rather amusingly, the bill makes it a crime to “send a message” containing false information in clause 156…then immediately grants immunity to every newspaper, television channel and streaming service in clause 157. Apparently it’s OK for the mainstream media to be harmful and dishonest. But the primary purpose of the new law is a transfer of responsibility to enable and incentivize censorship. Search engines (“regulated search services”, to quote the bill) and social media companies (“regulated user-to-user services”) will now be held accountable for how people use their platform. For example: If I were to google “Is it safe to drink bleach?”, find some website that says yes, and then drink bleach, OfCom would not hold me responsible. They would hold Google responsible for letting me read that website. Likewise, if someone tweets @ me telling me to drink bleach, and I do so, Twitter would be held responsible for permitting that communication to take place. This could result in hefty fines, or even potentially criminal charges, to companies and/or executives of those companies. It could even open them up to massively expensive civil suits (don’t be surprised if such a legal drama hits the headlines soon). Unsurprisingly the mainstream coverage of the new laws barely mentions any of these concerns, instead opting to put child pornography front and centre. Because the Mrs Lovejoy argument always works. That’s all window dressing, of course, what this is really about is “misinformation” and “hate speech”. Which is to say, fact-checking mainstream lies and calling out mainstream liars. Section 7(135) is entirely dedicated to the creation of a new “Advisory committee on disinformation and misinformation”, which will be expected to submit regular reports to OfCom and the Secretary of State on how best to “counter misinformation on regulated services“. This is clearly a response to Covid, or rather the failure of Covid. Essentially, the pandemic narrative broke because the current mechanisms of censorship didn’t work well enough. In response, the government has just legalised and out-sourced their silencing of dissent.

Russell Brand interviewed and taking opportunity to give facts on Covid. Russel Brand sexual assault claims – a set up? Simon Killane, former Councillor, on various spurious claims made against him to destroy him. MTV fired Russell Brand after he turned up dressed as Bin Laden. On a final note I just want to point out that Dame Caroline Dinenage’s husband is Major General John Mark Lancaster, Baron Lancaster of Kimbolton, former deputy commander of the British Army’s 77th Brigade, responsible for “non-lethal warfare and behavioural influence”. British MPs are trying to “cancel” Russell Brand…but why? Undermining the presumption of innocence and feeding cancel culture are run of the mill these days, but the timing is very strange. Kit Knightly – This Russell Brand story gets stranger and stranger by the day. Last night it was revealed the a senior MP had written letters to multiple social media companies requesting information on Russell Brand’s income and covertly pressuring them into either demonetizing or removing his accounts. [NOTE: Before we continue you may want to read our recent pieces on the Russell Brand case and the UK’s new Online Safety Bill.] The news broke when video-hosting platform Rumble posted a screenshot of their letter, along with their official response, on Twitter. In the letter, Dame Caroline Dinenage MP – chair of the Culture, Media and Sport Committee – requests to know “whether Mr Brand is able monetize his content”, “whether Rumble intends to join YouTube [in suspending monetization]” and what steps they are taking to “ensure that creators are not able to use the platform to undermine the welfare of victims”. It was later revealed that near-identical letters had been sent to the offices of X(Twitter) and TikTok. This is, obviously, wrong. At the very least it’s massive government overreach and potential ministerial misconduct. It is certainly a breach of privacy, and a flagrant display of disregard for the rule of law. Forget Russell Brand, whether or not you like him and what he did or didn’t do, this is a point of principle. Right now Brand is nothing but the subject of media-based mudslinging – there has been no trial, no arrest, and no charge. He is entirely innocent in the eyes of the law and remains that way until convicted, this is a vital right enshrined in British law since Magna Carta [emphasis added]: No free man is to be arrested, or imprisoned, or disseised, or outlawed, or exiled, or in any other way ruined, nor will we go against him or send against him, except by the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land. What would prompt the government to overstep like this?

Public gathering LONDON, Camden, Sat, 30 Sep 2023 1:30pm: Matt Campbell, who lost his brother Geoff on 9/11 in Twin Towers, high court reply by Monday to his judicial review on getting inquest reopened in to his brothers death. “The Official Story VS The Truth” The battle for truth, justice and peace in a world of state-sponsored propaganda. Join us for this special afternoon event in Camden Town London on Saturday, September 30 doors 1:30 for a 2:00pm start. This event is especially for discerning, peace and freedom-loving truth-seekers. Topics will include: • 9/11 attacks and NATO’s brutal wars • The rise of the “censorship industrial complex” • COVID and the emerging Biosecurity State Hosted by Cognitive Resonance, we invite you to: Watch – An exclusive London screening of the brand-new documentary “Peace, War and 9/11” directed by Ted Walter and Rich Heap. In this captivating documentary filmed six months before his passing, eminent scholar and lifelong peace activist Dr Graeme MacQueen shares his final words on 9/11, the 2001 anthrax attacks, and the goal of abolishing war. The screening will be followed by Q&A/discussion. Hear – from renown author, researcher and propaganda expert Dr Piers Robinson, in his talk “JFK, COVID and 9/11: Structural Deep Events” Learn – the latest breaking updates directly from Matt Campbell on the family’s ongoing legal battle with the UK Government. This British family is still fighting to find the truth of their loved one Geoff Campbell’s murder in the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 Share – your own thoughts, ideas and questions in our discussions, which include “How we discern truth, “wake up” others and win the information war.” Meet – like-minded folk in our ‘meet and greet’, discussions and post-event drinks

Nazi-style surveillance of Palestinians and Anglo-Zionist empire’s misuse of the term ‘Terrorism’ since9/11 attacks: How national armies of elected governments and key human rights groups such as in Palestine are now being designated terrorist’ organisations by the corrupt governments of the Anglo-Zionist empire – George Szamuely, Press TV, on how US has not paid an international relations price for 9/11. Al Jazeera documentary ‘ Inside Israel’s Surveillance Machine’ on the latest techniques used for mass surveillance of all Palestinians. Israel designates 6 Palestinian human right groups as terrorist organizations – RAMALLAH, West Bank — Activists said Saturday they hope an international backlash will help reverse Israel’s designation of six Palestinian human right groups as terrorist organizations, a label that effectively outlaws them. Two of the six groups said they would not be forced underground despite the uncertainty of their new status, which would allow Israel to raid the groups’ offices, seize assets, arrest employees and criminalize funding and expressions of support. Activists said they seek to challenge the decision by Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz. Israel’s terror label for the six groups, including some that receive European funding, appears to have caught the United States and Europe off-guard. It could force them to pick a side, at a time when efforts efforts to negotiate the terms of a Palestinian state alongside Israel are hopelessly bogged down. For years, the U.S. and the EU have largely focused on conflict management, including strengthening Palestinian civil society, while not exerting overt pressure on Israel to halt its ongoing settlement enterprise on occupied lands the Palestinians seek for their state.

While MI5 vet Anglo-Zionist fascist cartel-critical MPs and journalists, Bulgarian and Chinese so-called spies they ignore Israeli spies in the Labour party HQ. Labour Party hires former Israeli intelligence officer. Network of intelligence groups – Unit 8200 – What is former Israeli spy Assaf Kaplan doing in the British Labour Party’s head office? Last week when I broke the story of Assaf Kaplan, a recent Labour Party hire, the main feedback – often objection – I received on social media went along this sort of line: “There’s no such thing as a ‘former’ spy.” A failing elections campaign operative for the Israeli Labor Party, Kaplan had nonetheless been hired by Keir Starmer’s UK Labour Party. But the most stunning part of the story was not simply that Starmer had hired someone from outside of the UK, or even that he was an Israeli (given Israel and the Israeli Labor Party’s open hostility towards UK Labour’s last leader Jeremy Corbyn). My story’s big reveal was the fact that Kaplan had once been an Israeli intelligence officer. For almost five years, he had worked for Military Intelligence’s cyberwarfare outfit, Unit 8200. Unit 8200 is a large and sprawling asset in Israel’s armoury of aggressively offensive spy agencies. Most of its thousands of recruits are young, often radicalised, and straight out of high school. It spends millions on churning out high-tech intelligence agents to convey into Israel’s increasingly privatised mercenary spy firms. A loose global network of “intelligence” firms with names like Black Cube and NSO Group have their profits effectively subsidised by the Israeli taxpayer in the form of what amounts to free government training for their recruits. Unit 8200 veterans flood the world of high-tech start-ups in Israel. Unit 8200 itself is notorious as a particularly brutal and insidious spying outfit.

All Protestant and Catholic institutions have been compromised by secret society intelligence witchcraft because only the official Orthodox Church still enforces the ‘Oath Crime’. This is law is taken from Jesus’ ‘Sermon on the Mount’ as follows: ‘Never swear an oath. Simply let your ‘yes’ be ‘yes’ and your ‘no’ be ‘no’. Anything else comes from the devil.’ Matthew 5:37. So as you can see the CIA and MI6 are truly Masonic, Satanic, witchcraft institutions. They have slowly gained immense secret control of wealth and power in Europe, Israel and the United States, and in their empire beyond, through controlling appointments in official roles and in corporations, also infiltrating ancient orders of ‘chivalry’, such as the Teutonic Knights and Order of the Garter, control the Anglo-Zionist empire’s finance, politics and the military.

“Ukrainian politics is full of what can euphemistically be called “colourful characters,” and Kolomoisky is one of them. The 1+1 channel was the same that originally aired Volodymyr Zelensky’s comedy show Servant of the People, in which he played a Ukrainian President. Kolomoisky was Zelensky’s chief backer during his presidential campaign, when the latter ran as the anti-war and anti-corruption candidate. In 2010, the European Jewish Congress accused Kolomoisky of hostile takeover when the mobster crowned himself its president. To their enormous credit, the organization found a way to push him out in 2011. Three years later, following the Euromaidan overthrow of President Victor Yanukovich, Kolomoisky sided with Ukrainian nationalists against Russia. I can see it from his point of view: In Russia, the oligarchs are subordinate to Putin, but Ukrainian politics are more chaotic and regionalized. There he can be in charge. Calling himself jidobandera (‘jid’is a pejorative for Jew, and Bandera is the name of the World War II-era Ukrainian fascist whose followers slaughtered Jews and Poles, sometimes colluding with the Wehrmacht and sometimes on their own), the oligarch, appointed the governor of the Dnipropetrovsk Region, organized a nationalist militia into the Dnipro Battalion. Amnesty International accused the group of blocking humanitarian aid at one point, and the U.N. implicated them in numerous war crimes. Kolomoisky also assisted in the creation of several other armed factions, including the notorious neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, which has been incorporated into the Ukrainian National Guard.

Ramzi bin al-Shibh, former Guantanamo Bay prisoner, can’t continue trial against US for torture, as psychotic – 9/11 defendant unfit to stand trial, US judge rules Ramzi bin al-Shibh was first transferred to Guantanamo Bay in 2006 A military judge at Guantanamo Bay has ruled one of the five defendants charged over the 9/11 attacks is not fit to stand trial in a death-penalty case. The defendant Ramzi bin al-Shibh has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, associated psychotic features and a delusional disorder. His lawyer has long claimed his client was “tortured by the CIA”. Al-Shibh was scheduled to face pretrial proceedings on Friday. Colonel Matthew McCall in the US base on the eastern tip of Cuba accepted the findings of the doctors which said in August that al-Shibh was too psychologically damaged to defend himself. The medical board of doctors concluded al-Shibh had become delusional and psychotic, The New York Times reported. That made him incompetent to either face trial or plead guilty, according to a report filed with his trial judge on 25 August. According to the report, the military psychiatrists said his condition left him “unable to understand the nature of the proceedings against him or cooperate intelligently”.

Rapper Chris Kaba, shot dead by London’s Metropolitan Police – report – but Policeman not named. Chris Kaba: Officers ‘anxious’ after marksman murder charge The Met Police Commissioner has said firearms officers are “understandably anxious” after a force marksman was charged with the murder of Chris Kaba. Mr Kaba, 24, was shot and killed in Streatham Hill, south London, in September last year. The officer accused of his murder, named only as NX121, appeared in court on Thursday. Sir Mark Rowley said many officers are “reflecting on the potential price of such weighty responsibilities”. The commissioner said that after the murder charge, he met with 70 firearms officers who operate across London. Mr Kaba died from a single gunshot wound to the head after the car he was driving was hemmed in by a police vehicle and an officer opened fire on 5 September 2022. He was being followed by an unmarked police car with no lights or sirens and turned into a residential street where he was blocked by a marked police car. A firearms officer fired one shot through the windscreen and hit Mr Kaba. It later emerged that the Audi that Mr Kaba was driving, which did not belong to him, had been linked by police to a gun incident the day before.
Bitchute video of complete show – Essentials: Michael Hudson | Blackrock/Vanguard | Tony on Brexit & The Traitors of Arnhem | Evolution | War between God & Lucifer | Plan for three World Wars | Armageddonists I have known: Nick Land (1975-8) | George Monbiot (1995-8) | Manna for the Revelation Generation: CONSPIRACY CLASSICS, longer interviews/lectures

Part Two – Ukraine/Covid/Climate Accelerationism Round-Up, With End Times Prophecy Reports

Attack on Russian Black Sea fleet in Sevastopol – Military Expert: NATO Helped Ukraine Strike Black Sea Fleet HQ in Sevastopol The headquarters of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet in the Crimean port city of Sevastopol came under a Ukrainian missile strike on Friday, as per the Russian Ministry of Defence. The Ukrainian military attacked a historic building of the Black Sea headquarters in Sevastopol this September 22, with one Russian military serviceman going missing, according to the Russian Ministry of Defence (Mod). The MoD specified that during the Kiev regime’s attack on Sevastopol, five enemy missiles had been shot down by Russia’s air defences. “[The Ukrainians] mostly attack with Storm Shadows, they are British-made, it is quite likely that they are also French, they are basically identical and almost identical among the French SCALPs,” Vasily Dandykin, a captain 1st rank reserve and military expert, told Sputnik. “The Americans have not yet delivered their ballistic missiles with a firing range of 300 kilometres. These missiles [Storm Shadow – Sputnik] are quite insidious, they hit the Chongarsky Bridge with them twice; they hit our plant in Sevastopol. Seven were shot down, three penetrated.” “All this is orchestrated with the help of curators and patrons [from the West]. Even though they criticize Ukrainians for such behaviour and that it’s not what they are taught. They provide [Kiev] with intelligence data – US strategic surface drones are constantly hovering there – they provide data from strategic aviation, which is in the neutral waters of the Black Sea, they also provide, accordingly, space reconnaissance, especially from satellites that hang in low orbits.” A missile warning sound was heard in the Crimean city of Sevastopol, home to the Russian Black Sea Fleet, in the morning of September 22. According to Governor Mikhail Razvozhaev, the fleet’s headquarters were subjected to a rocket strike by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Heavy smoke was seen emerging from the city centre…

Crimea vote – 97% wanted to join Russia. 2014: Official results: 97 percent of Crimea voters back joining Russia SIMFEROPOL, Ukraine — Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula declared itself independent Monday after its residents voted overwhelmingly to secede and join Russia, while the United States and the European Union slapped sanctions against some of those who promoted the divisive referendum. Ukraine’s political turmoil has become Europe’s most severe security crisis in years and tensions have been high since Russian troops seized control of Crimea two weeks ago. Large numbers of Russian troops are also massed near the border with Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine, which has sharp political differences with the country’s new government in Kiev. The U.S., EU and Ukraine’s new government do not recognize the referendum held Sunday in Crimea, saying it violates both Ukrainian and international norms. Moscow, however, considers the vote legitimate and Russian President Putin was to address both houses of parliament Tuesday on the Crimean situation. The Crimean referendum could also encourage rising pro-Russian sentiment in Ukraine’s east and lead to further divisions in this nation of 46 million. A delegation of Crimean lawmakers was traveling to Moscow on Monday for negotiations on how to proceed. Russian lawmakers have suggested that formally annexing Crimea is almost certain – with one saying it could happen within days. Those living on the strategic Black Sea peninsula applauded the move, since it received over 97 percent backing from voters. “We came back home to Mother Russia. We came back home, Russia is our home,” said Nikolay Drozdenko, a resident in Sevastopol, the key Crimean port where Russia leases a naval base from Ukraine. The Crimean parliament declared that all Ukrainian state property on the peninsula will be nationalized and become the property of the Crimean Republic. Lawmakers also asked the United Nations and other nations to recognize it and began work on setting up a central bank with $30 million in support from Russia. The United States announced sanctions against seven Russian officials, while the EU’s foreign ministers slapped travel bans and asset freezes against 21 officials from Russia and Ukraine following Crimea referendum. The ministers did not immediately release the names and nationalities of those targeted by the sanctions.

Donbass Voices 2 – Dr. Iry Bell on how her family has coped with Ukraine war. Dr Irina Bell was born in the Donbass but fled with her young child to London. She believes the Kiev government bears much of the responsibility for the current war. Dr Iry Bell was born in the Donbass and in the Maidan Square, Kiev for the protest and coup-d’etat in February 2014. She believes the protests were led from outside Ukraine, by the EU and the US and have created a tragedy for her country. As she has a child she felt she had to flee the Donbass war zone despite being a medical doctor whose skills would be needed there. She wants to see an immediate end to the fighting, a genuine peace agreement as soon as possible. Putin recognises independence of Ukraine breakaway regions The Russian president recognised two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine as independent entities. Moscow’s move could torpedo a last-minute bid for a summit with US President Joe Published On 21 Feb 202221 Feb 2022 Russian President Vlamidir Putin has signed the presidential decree recognising the independence of separatist regions in eastern Ukraine – a move that will severely ratchet up tensions with the West amid fears of a Russian invasion. Putin’s announcement comes after a meeting of the presidential Security Council and paves the way for Russia to openly send troops and weapons to the long-running conflict pitting Ukrainian forces against Moscow-backed rebels. A 2015 peace deal ended large-scale fighting, but violence has simmered and has seen a spike in recent weeks amid the wider crisis. In a lengthy televised address, Putin described Ukraine as an integral part of Russia’s history and said eastern Ukraine was ancient Russian lands and that he was confident that the Russian people would support his decision. He said that Ukraine never had a tradition of genuine statehood and complained that post-Soviet Ukraine had wanted everything it could from Moscow without doing anything in return.

UN Charter means equitable international law principles, or it means nothing [applause]. Serbian PM, Aleksandar Vucic, speech at UN comparing Angli-Zionist empire’s support for Kosovo secession from Serbia, but not secession of Donbass from Ukraine. Aleksandar Vučić, President of the Republic of Serbia, addresses the general debate of the 78th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (New York, 19 – 26 September 2023) History of break up of Yugoslavia and observations in Croatia now. Serbian president blasts West’s double standards in int’l relations – UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) — Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday blasted the West’s double standards in handling international relations. Addressing the UN General Assembly, Vucic criticised U.S. President Joe Biden’s double standards in his speech at the General Debate. “Here, in this hall, only two days ago, we could hear from the president of the United States the most important principle in relations between the countries — the respect for their territorial integrity and sovereignty, and only as the third most important factor, he mentioned human rights. And, it seemed to me that everybody in this hall could support that. I, as the president of Serbia, supported that with unhidden jubilance,” he said. “A few hours after his speech I had to see, in these premises, the president of the so-called Kosovo, who is considered by the most powerful part of the West the president of an independent country, originated, by the way, by the secession of the territory of the Republic of Serbia,” he said. For the first time, unprecedented in world history, the most powerful 19 countries of NATO made the decision, without the involvement of the UN Security Council, to brutally attack and punish a sovereign country on European soil, said Vucic, referring to NATO’s bombing of the former Yugoslavia in 1999. NATO said that the issue of Kosovo is a democratic issue and that it would be resolved in accordance with the UN Charter and other international law documents. But in 2008, the illegal decision on the secession of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia was made without a referendum or any other democratic forms, he said. “Worse than anything is that all those who committed aggression against the Republic of Serbia lecture today about territorial integrity of Ukraine, as if we did not support the integrity of Ukraine,” Vucic said. “But when we ask them (the West) about the territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia … the answer is the one that all of you, representatives of smaller countries in the world, heard on countless occasions: do not go back in the past, look toward the future,” he said. Principles do not change from one circumstance to another. Principles apply to all, he said. “Or we will end up in the deepest divisions in our history.” ¦

Anti-Brexit King Charles – state visit to see the former Rothschild banker now running France – speech: the British and French won WWII without Soviet help – and climate change is a greater threat than war – utter fawning rubbish.

The GREAT Morgan Marshall on TikTok – Delores Cannon on ‘vibrations’ higher and lower – pointing us either to heaven or to hell.
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#2 – Donbass Voices 2 – Dr Iry Bell ‘I was in Maidan Square’ medical doctor refugee in London – 00:10:00
#3 – France state visit King Charles III addresses French senate – 00:18:00
#4 – Kier Starmer builds his MI5 legend McLibel free barrister 1995-2005 ‘There Can Be No Justice Without Legal Aid’ – 00:07:00
#5 – Simon Killane The Orchestrated PR Chartacter Assassination of Russell Brand – 00:25:00
#6 – Matt Campbell Brother Geoff inquest Judicial Review ic911 dot org – 00:28:00
#7 – George Szamuely 9-11 at 22 US Stronger or Weaker 22 years PressTV Spotlight – 00:08:00
#8 – ZioNazi2 Inside Israel’s surveillance machine Al Jazeera The Listening Post – 00:25:00
#9 – Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic Addresses UN General Debate 78th Session 2023 – 00:28:00
#1 - Complete 3hr 10min show - [right click to download]
Full interviews with...
#2 - Donbass Voices 2 - Dr Iry Bell 'I was in Maidan Square' medical doctor refugee in London - 00:10:00
#3 - France state visit King Charles III addresses French senate - 00:18:00
#4 - Kier Starmer builds his MI5 legend McLibel free barrister 1995-2005 'There Can Be No Justice Without Legal Aid' - 00:07:00
#5 - Simon Killane The Orchestrated PR Chartacter Assassination of Russell Brand - 00:25:00
#6 - Matt Campbell Brother Geoff inquest Judicial Review ic911 dot org - 00:28:00
#7 - George Szamuely 9-11 at 22 US Stronger or Weaker 22 years PressTV Spotlight - 00:08:00
#8 - ZioNazi2 Inside Israel's surveillance machine Al Jazeera The Listening Post - 00:25:00
#9 - Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic Addresses UN General Debate 78th Session 2023 - 00:28:00

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