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Program Information
CKLN 88.1 FM's Rude Awakening
Hosted by BK aka Vijay
John F. Kennedy, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Max Keiser, Alex Jones, Bob Marley, RT America, Mark Weisbrodt, Michael Coffman, Webster Griffin Tarpley, Tupac Shakur, Jamie Coren, William Francis Pepper, Adam Carolla, Seth MacFarlane, Myron Fagan
 Anonymous  Contact Contributor
Feb. 3, 2011, 7:07 a.m.
This episode: since prominent people have warned us about new world order since the 60's and millions since, why is it hard to deal with today? Can people try positive thinking instead of positive ignoring? Will we be trapped in debt in internet gulags? Why do charities, activists and NGO's avoid looking deeper into problems they try to solve? Why are people so focused on the fight for freedom in Egypt instead of false flag fear where they live? What's happening to our e-kids? Will adults notice?
CKLN Radios Rude Awakening Morning Show is hosted by Black Krishna, aka BK, aka Vijay Sarma, aka Vij, on Mondays and Thursdays from 6 - 7 am EST on CKLN 88.1 FM, Rogers Cable 947 and online. Public domain mp3s to use, share or re-post are available after 8 am at, and Please visit - - or contact - - or - - or - 647-855-4744 -- Thanks! :)

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Note: Sorry, the headphones weren't working so the voice levels are off, this show is a recommended listen in a quiet place.


The President and the Press: Address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association, April 27, 1961

"... For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations."

Farewell Address, Dwight D. Eisenhower, January 17, 1961

"... In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes."

The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations, Myron Fagan, 1960's

Several members of the Alaska Legislature found Myron Fagan's expose in the 1960's on the Illuminati and Council on Foreign Relations to be of great importance and had their staff members make a transcript.

Cleon Skousen - Wikipedia

Skousen spoke of billionaire banker David Rockefeller as being one of the most powerful men in the world. Skousen criticized Rockefeller for praising Mao Zedong in a 1973 New York Times article, in which he stated that the communist leader was one of the greatest leaders of the 20th century.[30]

Big Sis Cites Staged Portland Terror Plot To Expand Domestic Spy Program

Paul Joseph Watson | | February 3, 2011

Homeland Security is gearing up to accelerate the roll out of its domestic spying program by teaming up with the Department of Justice to expand the Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative, and in doing so cites the justification of the alleged plot to bomb a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, a case of entrapment where the would-be bomber was groomed, set-up and even provided with a fake bomb by the FBI.

Harper, Obama expected to authorize sweeping overhaul of Canada-U.S. security

Les Whittington | Toronto Star | February 2, 2011

OTTAWA—After months of secret negotiations, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and U.S. President Barack Obama are expected Friday to authorize the most sweeping overhaul of Canada-U.S. border and security cooperation in decades.

The agreement to be signed at a White House meeting will open the way to a bilateral pact with the potential to give Washington a much bigger say in Canada’s border security, immigration controls and information-sharing with American law agencies.

Tories and Liberals get grim rating in year-end poll

Jane Taber | Globe and Mail | December 17, 2010

Women are restless, young Canadian voters are searching for an alternative to the Tories and there is no majority government on the horizon, according to a new EKOS poll that puts Stephen Harper’s Conservatives 5.5 points ahead of Michael Ignatieff’s Liberals.

“Canadian federal politics is clearly in a rut,” pollster Frank Graves says.

Beloit Film Festival, "United We Fall", February 17, 2011

A film by Bryan Law and Dan Dicks “United We Fall” is a documentary about the North American Union that is being developed right now between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. For years this topic has been debated in the news and in political circles as being a possible future for North America. See for more.

World Crisis Radio with Webster Tarpley: Ad-Free Podcast

EGYPT: Violence Against Western Journalists On TV: Is It Real Or False Flag "Operation Ajax" Style Demonization?

Just a head's up, I saw these stories on Yahoo Canada's main page and they seem too good to be true for the plans of people who want to start World War Three. Stuff is definitely happening, but what they're making a big deal out can help us figure out possible propaganda.

Anderson Cooper's CIA Secret

Radar Online | October 27, 2008

[Note: This Radar Online article used to be longer with names quoted - Ed.]

Anderson Cooper has long traded on his biography, carving a niche for himself as the most human of news anchors. But there's one aspect of his past that the silver-haired CNN star has never made public: the months he spent training for a career with the Central Intelligence Agency.

They Know What Boys Want

“I wouldn’t mind if they said ‘Send me a picture of you.’ But it’s like the way they ask for it. Naked?” An after-school conversation with girls about sex and the Internet.

Alex Morris | New York Magazine | January 30, 2011

Her lips are full. She’s a pretty thing, and from the number of provocative images and Cristal’s pout in each of them, it appears that she knows it. In any case, whatever lingering self-doubts she may have had on the matter are surely dispelled by the comments: “VERY SEXY…..I LIKEY”; “god Damm Cristal! That’s some Booty you got there!”; “im smashing lol”; “OMG OMG OMG OMG CAN WE PLEASE GET MARRIED!!!”; “INBOX ME UR #”; “looking hella good ma”; “IM NOT GONNA LIE…………U R SEXY AS HELL.”.

Feminists Surprised their Daughters are Sluts

Dr. Henry Makow | December 27, 2010

In a recent article "Outraged Moms, Trashy Daughters" by Anne Kingston, (Macleans, Aug 16, 2010) mothers lament that their daughters now see "empowerment" in terms of pleasuring males.

While the feminist mothers saw power as financial independence and rejected female "objectification," their daughters accept the pornographic message of pop music and advertising. In the words of one mom, they "believe their purpose in life is to be sexual beings who please men."

"A blow job is like shaking hands," said another mom. "Their attitude is: 'We're emancipated, we're liberated, we're in control. They see [it] as power; I see it as giving their power away."

New currency for global casino-gulag announced

Max Keiser | January 19, 2011

While attention is focused on SDR’s as the new global currency replacing the US dollar, virtual dollars have steadily moved into position to transform the global economy as we know it. As bad as fractional reserve banking and fiat currencies are – Zynga’s virtual currencies are worse. There is no denominator to this currency at all. No fraction. Just demand.

Dr William F. Pepper on MLK Jr and the 9/11 Truth Movement

Perhaps the most valuable information transmitted by Pepper in this keynote address is the story of infiltration of the National Conference for New Politics in 1967, a movement designed to challenge the political status quo with an anti-war, anti-poverty agenda. Pepper describes how agents provacateurs positioned themselves within the nascent party and pushed through highly questionable unacceptable resolutions designed to divide the participants.

Bob Marley - Revolution (Lyrics)

"It takes a revolution (revolution), to make a solution; (doo-doo-doo-doo)
Too much confusion (aaa-aaah), so much frustration, eh!"

Toronto cop faces second G20 assault charge

The Metro Toronto | February 3, 2011

TORONTO - A Toronto police officer is facing a second assault charge related to G20 protests.

Toronto police say Const. Babak Andalib-Goortani, 30, was charged Tuesday with assault with a weapon.

It follows a complaint that a woman was hit with a baton near the Ontario legislature last June 26.

The legislature was designated as a protest area during the summit of world leaders in downtown Toronto.

SONG: F--k A Protest + MP3 and Lyrics

G20 Related: Why I Say, F--k A Protest, F--k You Gon' Do Before This?

V for Victory Campaign: You Are The Resistance

What You Want To Believe In - Posters and Flyers

The Corbett Report - Episode 165 - How to Talk to Others

How To Tell The Truth in the 21st Century

FYI, these interviews can help us understand the world.


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