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Program Information
CKLN 88.1 FM's Rude Awakening
Hosted by BK aka Vijay
Regular Show
Sophie Harkat
 Anonymous  Contact Contributor
March 17, 2011, 6:38 a.m.
This episode: where does special guest Sophie Harkat get the strength to fight "war on terror" persecution by Canadian law enforcement agencies for 8 years with and for her husband Mohamed Harkat? What happens when law enforcement breaks the law? What are security certificates? Why are they unconstitutional? Why are they still used? With thousands of signatures being added to a petition being presented to Immigration Canada: Will Mohamed Harkat be allowed to remain in Canada? Get justice? Peace?
CKLN Radios Rude Awakening Morning Show is hosted by Black Krishna, aka BK, aka Vijay Sarma, aka Vij, on Mondays and Thursdays from 6 - 7 am EST on CKLN 88.1 FM, Rogers Cable 947 and online. Public domain mp3s to use, share or re-post are available after 8 am at, and Please visit - - or contact - - or - - or - 647-855-4744 -- Thanks!

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The December 9, 2010 ruling by Federal Court judge Noel that the Security Certificate against Mohamed Harkat is "reasonable" was, as many have stated, a punch in the gut. But we are still standing, and stronger and more determined than ever to fight this injustice.

Read more about how you can help.

What is this Website all about?

At the request of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), the government of Canada can declare any permanent resident or refugee inadmissible to this country based on undisclosed grounds. CSIS can then arrest and hold the person indefinitely, for years, without charge. This is done under the power of a security certificate.

A security certificate detainee is given only a summary of allegations against him, and is denied access to anything CSIS wants kept secret. The CSIS-approved judge is shown some of the evidence behind closed doors, without a defence lawyer present. ...

Who is Mohamed Harkat?

Mohamed Harkat arrived in Canada in 1995. In 1997, he was granted status as a Convention refugee after successfully claiming government persecution if he were to return to Algeria.

On December 10, 2002, Mohamed Harkat was arrested by undercover police outside his home in Ottawa. Mohamed spent one year of his 3 ½ year detention in solitary confinement. He was released on bail on June 21, 2006, with the strictest bail conditions in Canadian history.

All five men detained under security certificates faced brutal release conditions. One even voluntarily returned to jail rather than put his family through the torment. Courts relaxed all of the conditions of detention significantly in 2009. ...

Here is the contact information for Sophie Harkat.

Email Sophie:

Home phone: 613-521-5048


VIDEO: Mohamed Harkat - Stop Secret Trials in Canada

If you haven't done so already please sign our Statement Against Security Certificates in Canada. And please invite your contacts, friends, family and co workers to sign on as well. We need to hear your voice loud and clear. Take a stand against secret trials and deportation to torture based on flimsy allegations and secret, untested information from CSIS. Visit


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Statement Against Security Certificates

Online Signatures: 2869

Offline Signatures: 409

We, the undersigned, have grave concerns regarding the continued use of sections 9, 76-87 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, which allow for the imprisonment in Canada of refugees and permanent residents under the authority of a “Security Certificate”.

The new version of this measure - which included only cosmetic changes in the form of a very limited appeal provision and of the introduction of "special advocates", whose ability to act on behalf of the detained is extremely limited - still maintains a veil of secrecy over any information that may be used against the detained.

Therefore, we are concerned that those detained under security certificates are:

• Imprisoned indefinitely on secret evidence, though no charges have been laid against them;
• Tried in unfair judicial proceedings where information is not disclosed to the detainee or their lawyer;
• Denied the full right to appeal when the certificate is upheld in a process that uses the lowest standard of proof of any court in Canada;
• Under threat of deportation even when they face unfair imprisonment, torture or death.

We believe that the existing Security Certificate process is undemocratic; violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; and violates fundamental human rights, to which the government of Canada has committed itself through the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Convention on Refugees, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the UN Convention on Torture.

Accordingly, we demand that the Security Certificate process be abolished.

For those currently detained under security certificates, we demand:

• That their certificates be removed, and, if any case against them actually exists, that they be allowed to defend themselves in open, fair and independent trials with full disclosure of the case against them.
• That they not be deported.


Radiation to Hit U.S. Friday

William J. Broad | The New York Times | March 17, 2011

A United Nations forecast of the possible movement of the radioactive plume coming from crippled Japanese reactors shows it churning across the Pacific, and touching the Aleutian Islands on Thursday before hitting Southern California late Friday.

World food supply threatened by Japan nuclear radiation

Ethan A. Huff | NaturalNews | March 17, 2011

Fallout from the current meltdown occurring at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, which was hit by the 9.0+ mega earthquake and tsunami last Friday, could contaminate the world’s food supply with toxic radiation, say experts. If the plant’s radioactive particles get caught in the jet stream and travel the world over, they will end up contaminating crops and grazing fields.

What you need to know about iodine

Robert Kress RPh CCN | Natural News | March 17, 2011 by:

(NaturalNews) The devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan has led to fears of nuclear destruction and an increasing talk about iodine. It is important to understand that not all forms of iodine are the same, and different types of iodine will concentrate in different tissues and glands within the body.

Japan's radiation no threat here: PM -- or -- Canada: BC Government Tells Residents Not to buy Potassium Iodide

... Gully strongly discouraged Canadians from buying potassium iodide tablets from domestic pharmacies, which are often given to people at risk of contamination or who have been exposed to radiation. The compound prevents or reduces absorption of radioactive iodine through the thyroid. (CBC 15/Mar/11)

CANADA: Fedelection Soon + ONTARIO: Provelection in October = To MP or To MPP? That's the question. (Or both really.)

... Everyone should think of running while Canadians are interested in "politics" so they have an excuse to discuss real issues. Truthers will have un-precedented, rare and legal access to condo's and apartments to reach Canadians with anti-NWO info as long as they're campaigning for a candidate. People who know what's really going on should try to use their knowledge to affect change whenever they get the opportunity. (BKB 16/Mar/11)



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