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BCfm documentary specials
Bilderberg 2012's financial criminals gather in Chantilly, Virginia
Weekly Program
 Bristol Broadband Co-operative  Contact Contributor
June 6, 2012, 2:10 p.m.
Good discussion of the context and history of the Bilderberg group and now proven links to Martin Bormann's Nazi flight capital network post world war two. Links to NATO war machine and private military companies as well as Henry Kissinger's continuing role in destabilising countries and David Rockefeller's role in financing it all. Making profit from war and misery and why it must be stopped at all costs if humanity is not to be enslaved by these sociopaths and psychopaths. Possible armageddon scenario of Biblical proportions as humanity clashes with these power-crazed cults. Mass death that will almost inevitably result.
Many historians have likened Kissinger to a "war criminal." As Nelson Rockefellers protg, Kissinger began his early service to the "old money global elite" by recruiting Nazi scientists and "SS" officials to America through a secret Counter-Intelligence Corps (CIC) project that evolved into the Central Intelligence Agencys (CIA) infamous "Project Paperclip." Throughout World War II, the Rockefellers partnered with German industrialists as arranged by their lawyers and business managers-John Foster and Allen Dulles. These men clearly directed American intelligence agencies to serve the financial interests of the Rockefellers Standard Oil Company that partnered with Germanys leading industrial organization-I.G. Farben. At the close of WWII, the I.G. Farben building in Frankfort, protected from allied bombings from the highest levels of military command, became CIA headquarters. Rockefeller then dispatched another lawyer and banking official, John J. McCloy, to disperse their German assets to form the modern day petrochemical/pharmaceutical combine known as the Bayer corporation (maker of CIPRO for anthrax), the Hoechst company (owner of Aventis and the smallpox vaccine) and BASF, the global chemical giant. The Merck pharmaceutical company also received a major share of Hitlers "flight capital," according to historians such as CBS News war correspondent Paul Manning.
In Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile (Lyle Stuart, Inc, 1981), Manning also traced Hitlers money trail to German steel industrialist Fritz Thyssen. Thyssen, according to official U.S. war crimes investigator and attorney John Loftus, principally laundered his fortunes through American banks under the direction of Prescott Bush, the current presidents grandfather. The Union Bank and Harriman/Brown Bank, the two principle money laundering institutions, were largely directed by the elder Bush.

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