Hasib Hussain wasnt on the bus. I saw a European white caucasian, in mid-twenties, with brown hair, light showerproof grey top and a dark grey two-tone rucksack
7/7 survivor author of The 4th Bomb Daniel Obachike - 27 Mar 2008
With Daniel Obachike - Tavistock Square Bus Survivor & Eye Witness Many whove heard or read my story ask me to explain more about The Peter Power/Visor Consultants Terror Drill I witnessed that day. Many see the terror drills so called coincidence and particularly the occult location of Tavistock square as proof of the NWO/secret governments hand. The events aim is to create a clearer understanding of it and hopefully halt some of the stranger theories that have arisen using diagrams, maps, photo/video footage and by answering any questions.
see also http://www.londonbombs.org.uk/ (public) http://www.londonbombings.org.uk/ (police) http://www.julyseventh.co.uk/j7-book-...
Daniel Obachikes book and related blogs/websites here: http://www.the4thbomb.com/ http://daniel77witness.blogspot.com/ http://www.DANOBA.net/
VIDEO: Daniel Obachike - The Peter Power Terror Drill Inquest - 60 min - Nov 10, 2008 http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6453336143085991879 Many see the terror drills so called 'coincidence' and particularly the occult location of Tavistock square as proof of the NWO/secret government's hand. My event's aim is to create a clearer understanding of it and hopefully halt some of the stranger theories that have arisen, using diagrams, maps, photo/video footage and by answering any questions.
Info on "occult status" of Tavistock Square 14.11.2008 11:54 I'm not someone who believes in this bullshit, but in case anyone is interested: 7 July 2005 relates to 777 (presumably they add up the 2 and 5 from 2005, not sure why base 10 is significant) which has numerological significance: http://www.cuttingedge.org/NEWS/n2054.cfm We knew that any "triplication" of an occult sacred number was the highest symbolic intensification of that number, since it symbolizes the Pagan Trinity - Satan, Antichrist, and the False Prophet. Thus, a triplication of "7" would be '777'. Since the number '7' is the number of Perfection in the occult, a triplication of '7' would represent the numeric perfection of the Pagan Trinity and of the coming Masonic Divine Christ, the Biblical Antichrist, who is the highest expression of the New World Order Plan. ... also, regarding Tavistock Square: ... Since Mind Control is a key part of the manner in which the Kabbala and the number '777' is used, isn't it most interesting that "Tavistock Square" was one of the locations near one of the bombs? The Tavistock Institute has long been known as the precursor to the infamous CIA MK-ULTRA mind control program. In fact, Bill Schnoebelen of "With One Accord Ministries" related by phone to me that, when he was in Freemasonry, he was told that the Nazi doctor, Mengele, was secretly trained at Tavistock Institute before World War II began. Dr. Dennis Cuddy notes that the current National Mental Health program was developed by the Tavistock Institute, beginning in the period between World Wars I and II ("Psychotheraputic State", American Conservative Union, 10 November 2004). The objective is to eventually control entire populations between the usage of drugs and sophisticated mind control techniques. In this regard, we have to be very wary of President Bush's "Mental Health Initiative", due to begin in Public Schools this September, for it is directed by the principles laid out a very long time ago by the Tavistock Institute. Now, you can understand how appropriate it is that an attack with a signature of '777' should have one of its blasts close to the Tavistock Square. Interested of Ilford
Tavistock Square and Occultism 15.11.2008 01:50 Thanks Interested from Ilford. I was hoping that Gosling would answer since he originally made the claim but there you go. I can add a little to your response. 777 signifies the lightning flash in the Cabbalistic 'Tree of Life'. 777 is also the title of a book published by Aleister Crowley. the book is concerned ith gematria and includes Crowley 'Sepher Sephiroth' which is a table of correspondences. I was hoping for something more recent than the Tavistock Institute. The British medical Association, the BMA have a serpent on their caduceus icon.